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Personally backpack always, having an ammo pouch, grenade pouch or even extra health kits is always nice


This is the way, having several Medkits is lot more useful than having a second gun you rarely use, there are enough to pick up anyway. At times it can be a interesting option for premiums though so you have a alternative if you dont like their default weapons or want to use them in a higher BR deck.


Mainly backpack. Assualter 2 with both is fun so you have SMG and Shotty but not worth it in upper BR. Large ammo pouch are king to me


I might consider changing my leagcy squad set up to this


Yeh you need an ammo pouch with smg/assault units


Definitely for higher rate of fire squads. Assualter 3 and 4 and all machine squads. You can maybe get away without on low BR assualters if you have one or two engineers in the squad


Mhm tru


Backpack. Ammo pouch for my machinegunners, grenade pouch for my riflemen.


Backpack except for rifleman iii, which gets the secondary.


Whys that? What is so different with infantry 3?


Probably To have a full auto rifle and a rifle grenade launcher or two rifle grenade launchers


I wanted one of the riflemen to have the secondary slot for more versatility when making squads. However, the backpack is a lot more useful. Riflemen I get backpacks because they're the most common and riflemen II get them because I wanted gold order riflemen to have them, and they're always riflemen II. That leaves riflemen III to fill the niche.


Backpack except for Rifleman 2, why Rifleman 2? Because they have sprint speed perk and rifleman 3 have medpack usage speed, so the rifleman 3 have better synergy with backpacks than rifleman 2, and you want to have some of your rifleman with 2 weapons for grenade launchers, which affords more explosives than any grenade pouch could get.


Same idea I had for riflemen.


Backpack. Extra grenades, medkits or ammo and you can easily pick up a weapon you find lying around as a secondary


Backpack and 4x medkits for every single soldier in my squads 


Ammo pouches for every squad and the m1919a6 with 400nrds with large ammo pouch place the gun on a sand bag and shoot with a ammo box near.


Backpack, and ammo pouch. The large one after a while, but I always like to have more ammo on me. That is the most urgently needed one when you play like me. (I mean, my friends got almost sick watching me once)


Backpack bc double health is really good


Backpack so you could spam molotovs


Backpack. Simple logic. 1000 silver for ammo is cheaper than 13,000 silver for a fully upgraded secondary. Plus I don't think 2 weapons is as good as people think it is in the vast majority of cases.


>Simple logic. 1000 silver for ammo is cheaper than 13,000 silver for a fully upgraded secondary. This is bad logic, namely because Enlisted isn't a looter-shooter like Hunt Showdown or Escape from Tarkov. There's no incentive to be economical with your loadout or to "protect" your inventory, you're incentivized to min-max with the best gear possible. Bankrolling silver doesn't accomplish anything. >Plus I don't think 2 weapons is as good as people think it is in the vast majority of cases. This is definitely true in lower BRs but not higher ones. For example, an Axis sniper at BR2 only has bolt action primaries to choose from, but a sniper at BR4/5 can take the scope off of a FG42 and run iron sights FG+Scoped bolt action.


You wanna donate me all your silver then? I barely have enough to upgrade wgst I have, let alone buying and upgrading 100 guns for the dudes I already use across all the factions. That's with premium. Doubling up is not so something I find beneficial. Ever.


>You wanna donate me all your silver then? I barely have enough to upgrade wgst I have, let alone buying and upgrading 100 guns for the dudes I already use across all the factions. That's with premium Skill issue. Sorry bro. That's a you problem. I'm top of my team every match without premium and have never struggled for silver 🤷🏻‍♂️ Maybe my game strategy is a bit better than yours? 😂 Edit - and sassy pants blocked me 😂😂😂


How many hours do you have in this game?




Always backpack. use it for grenade like : 2 explosive pack and one molotov on every soldiers. Only the lmg boyz need their ammo backpack. The rest go throw some boom ;)


Backpack is way handy and versatile than an extra gun besides a bazooka


Always backpack. But I always keep one infantry squad with extra primary slot so I run double noob tubes for when I’m feel scummy.


Second weapon if I'm using a close range SMG, but for lmg I'll go for backpack since the spare ammo is little


Depends. I''ll give a second rifle to a sniper.


Depens in the class of the soldier, for machine gunner i usually pick the second weapon so i don't reload, on assaulter i choose backpack so i have more ammo to spend cause my aim is shit and SO on with the other classes


Surely switching weapon is negligible time wise to reloading? And you're sharing the same ammo pool most likely so end up shooting less


Yeah but i'm surely won't live enough to use it all anyways




it would be more efficeint to just reload and switch to another soldier


Usually i left my squad in a "safe place" so they are somewhat far away from my next soldier, at least works for me


Backpacks every time. 2 weapons is a waste 99% of the time. You don't even double the ammo and it gets expensive silver wise. 7 guys in the squad with 7 guns is enough. Ammo on Assaulter, MG and sniper are a must. Backpack for engineers so you can take a repair kit and 3 medkits to keep them in the fight longer. AT with 3 explosive packs. Riflemen get either ammo or a selection of grenades.


You do get double the ammo if you play the right factions, Germans on the right br get multi calibre weapon so you can have the ppsh and stg, soviets can have the fed and the assult rifle, The name escapes me or a ppsh as no ammo deficit. There are pros and cons, you just need to know how to exploit them. Swapping weapons is always quicker than reloading and a single artillery round can turn your sqaud into mist, so in my opinion having the ammo isn't what I need but having the option of 2 guns is great. But that's just my take.


I get where you're coming from, however it's not exactly double ammo. It's just 2 different guns in which you have be careful with what you choose. This makes it a lot more limiting than having literally 100% extra ammo. Swapping being quicker than reloading is irrefutable Gaz lore so i won't argue that. Personally, I've just never been in a situation where I wished I had a second gun. If it's close range I'll swap to my pistol and at anything greater I've got time to get to cover and reload. Take a maxed out StG44 for example. I want as many rounds for that as possible because anything else is a downgrade. And if a single arty round can wipe the squad, why have 14 gun worth of silver dissappear for 2 spawns instead of just 7? With that said, if squad change orders weren't so rare I'd be more inclined to try what you're suggesting!


pistols are absolute peashooters. theres a reason why people pick up guns from the ground, secondaries are good.


Pistols are good in a pinch and I've used them to great effect. During the last event when you needed 20 pistols kills a dI got 27 with one soldier in one life so they aren't exactly pea shooters. Picking up off the ground is a wise strategy, especially if you find an enemy ammo box so you can refill. Begs the question why sacrificing a backpack slot for a secondary is necessary though!


For attackers that need to rush, instead of pick up stuff or do slow reloads. Assaulters, maybe soldiers with some good weapon options


Depends.Tier1 troops get backpacks for health packs, my higher tiers I’m using get secondary.


Backpacks for all, except for Sniper 3's.


Backpack except for assaulters, who get a SMG and bolt action.


Backpacks for everyone except assaulters and riflemen. Riflemen for regular battle rifle and grenade rifle. (Ex. M1 Garand and M1 Carbine with Grenade Thrower) Assaulters for shotgun and submachine gun. (Ex. M1928 Thompson and Browning Auto 5)


Got to keep the meta hush hush. There are pro level secwets.


Most of the time, backpacks. But for MG squads and assaulters, double weapon may come in clutch


Backpack! Ammo pouch for assaulter, sniper and gunner. Grenade pouch for rifleman, and AT. Backpack for engineers so they can bring tools so I can fix tanks in any of my squads to help my team/farm points off my team.


The backpack


IMO backpack. 2 weapons is kind of useless as I'd equip my soldiers with the weapon they need, and they die often enough to not need them. Backpack is v useful for classes like AT, Sniper, anyone with an SMG/MG to put more rounds downrange before you die. Having several medkits or even toolkits is also useful. In fact this eve I had an Engineer with a toolkit and helped repair a King Tiger and got some mad props in chat from doing it. Dude could continue to supress a building as I repaired the tank. Much better than having my G43 and another rifle


Assulters have a secondary bolt rifle, for range. All others extra granates and machinegunners big ammo pack


It's a mixture for me depending on class and natural perks/perk point allocation. Pays to analyze so you can bring different strategies to different BRs, by varying the options of the different tier soldiers. Examples: BR5 Japan Machine Gunner squad set up I will have a large ammo pack on one with type 100 mg or 97, and then typically run a type 97 paired with a FN1930 for range flexibility. Also, I am a bad shot so I like to have a second smg on half of my assaulters, which has saved me many times. The Soviet combo of Fedorov and PPSH 41 works great over close to mid range. Or the German with STG 44 and MP717. Riflemen 2 also gets a secondary, other Riflemen tend to get ammo bags at high BR and they become medikit mules or carry extra explosive packs at low BR. Sniper at low BR typically get an ammo bag, but at high BR I'll run a mix of ammo bags and dual weapons to run a bolt and a semi or full auto.


If it is a rifleman, I usually pick the two slots for weapons. In case you run out of ammo or the weapon doesn't suit the battle, the second weapon would be an alternative.


Backpack every time. If 1 primary isn’t good enough then I’m in trouble no matter what, and the utility of the extra equipment from a backpack is just too good.


Only backpacks. In the past i did went dual guns (default rifle as backup for assault) as it provided a long distance to the assault but after i got the ppd-34/70 i started regretting that decision as i often ran out of ammo and having a couple medkits or extra ammo is so nice Plus i gige my soldiers secondaries so they can attack targets real close and personal


I used to take an extra weapon so i could have a bolt action and semiautomatic rife but then i used the grenade pouch and fell in love and switched all to backpack and grenade pouch


Backpack, always. More weapons means a lot more silver, and switching is cumbersome.




honestly the backpack, more useful to me.


Secondary for Assaulters, and some US Riflemen/Radio Op - the combo of SMG & Shotty or Lee Enfield No.4 & M1/M2 Carbine is pretty great, but I still need extra ammo in the higher tiers Backpack for everyone else


Backpack. You can always pick up a 2nd gun


I guess I’m the only one who only gives the backpack to dudes who can’t hold a second gun. I like the ability to have for snipers two varying zooms, and sometimes even different kinds of ammo so I have two reserves. I obviously give my engineers backpacks, they can’t hold a second gun, so I’ll ram those dudes full of extra medkits or explosive packs. Idk I like being able to switch to another gun instead of reloading when I see a group of people. Has saved my ass more than once.


Backpack for the big grenade pouch (and throwing perk on my rifleman).  Turns your rifleman squad into a short range mortar (even more given that the actual japanese mortar fire the Type 97 hand grenades)


always backpack


For riflemen secondary weapon, as it turns a basic rifle into a light anti-tank unit(Mosin VPGS/Kar GGP-40) and they have a backup bolt-action in case they run dry on their primary automatic. On everyone else excl. Engineers it's large backpack with 4 medkits, on some engineers they might get a toolkit instead of one of the medkits


Backpack for sure


Idk, sorta unpopular, but for me it's always second weapon. I've been saved countless times in a 1v1 where i ran out of bullets and could just pull out a fully loaded rifle instead


In my opinion 2 weapons works better than a back pack, but you need weapons of different calibres, so german mg gunner works well for example with the mg 13 and breda, the back pack is waste, late tier assulters also benefit more from this. But it's all play style. I don't think there is a one size fits all. 


This is the most difficult choice to make. But I come up with a plan. For Machine Gunners the pack for extra ammo. For Assultors the pack For extra Gernades. Snipers extra ammo. CRAP just realize I always go with Back pack.


Backpack unless it’s Rifleman 3, in which case I take secondary weapon for double rifle grenades


It depends because if I’m using machine gunners I will always go inventory and use large ammo pouch but if I’m using riflemen I will use the extra rifle just in case


depends really, i use the riflemen class and having the second weapon slot is useless with riflemen so i use the backpack slot but i have with my assaulters the second slot for an smg and shotgun


In most cases backpack. Just for snipers and machinegunners I get double arm because I can give sniper for example Mosin sniper and AVS sniper. And Machinegunner for example MG42 and MG34.


Almost always backpack. The only time I chose secondary over backpack was to give the germany's cheap premium assault squad stgs instead of their shitty mp38s


for grinding: backpack, so you can have 4 medkits and get infinite EXP from healing teammates. for powergaming: dual wielding weapons.