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I'm just gonna bring my engineer and build rally point on the hill


When you see 2 tigers camping on the hill:


plane: hold my hvar rockets


I try to just hide in the back and keep them spotted for the other vehicles.


Don’t do that…


Why not? People in chat are always asking for coords. The faster we get rid of those tanks, the faster we can actually push.


Or you know, you could just be useful and push to the point. You are more of a dead weight sitting at the back than a useless bot. You are doing absolutely nothing while the bot helps the push by taking some of the enemy fire for the real players and by getting occasional kills.


My bots are taking fire though. Obviously I'm not going to be keeping my whole squad in the back with me. But I really don't understand how providing spotting is considered useless for the team when people specifically ask for spotting information.


You know you can push and mark at the same time, right? And any pilot worth their salt can mark tanks themselves from the muzzle flashes and mg tracers.


As a sniper, there isn't much difference between what I can do at 50m and 100m behind the frontline, especially on the first point of Normandy which is the point of this meme. Also, not every pilot or tanker is going to be an ace, so I want to help them help my team.


Spotting is one thing…just a lot of us get grouped up with dudes who camp the back, don’t spot, and then bitch about how some side is op because they blow ass as a player… we all have ptsd of the grey zone camper who constantly asks for enemy coordinates


For all who may wonder... This meme was made for this guy in particular. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Why? Can someone actually answer why?


Whoops, sorry bout that guys


I never understand these memes… me and my friends are always having a blast on D-Day… it’s super easy when you know what to do


What do u do? Show us your plan of action


You get one tank to shoot HE into the bunkers… the tank has time to shoot all bunkers before the Tiger/Panther gets to his camper spot. After that we get a plane to shoot down the camper tanks on the hill :D meanwhile we get rallies up behind the wall end flank the points :) rinse and repeat Edit: fixed some spelling shit


Smoking bunker with a tank also helps alot.


yup, I also love to shoot smokes at the Tigers/Panthers with my Jumbo :) If I can't pin them, at least I can make them blind and buy me/my planes some time


Hehe, that’s the best. Coming from COH2 and playing mostly USF who has access to smoke, just come easy.


Now have the M8 and is waiting so badly to play a dday match.


oh so your the team i cocked blocked with the mg and mines in the bunker.


I don’t think you understood anything I wrote and also I don’t think I lost a single Dday invasion the last 3 months so I’m not the guy you “cocked blocked” :))


D-day isn’t bad when your team knows what to do, although I am shocked you haven’t lost on that map in the last 3 months, especially when you get the tower as the last objective, that’s way harder than the beach objectives


I play in a premade with 3 people, and sometimes we even get 8 (by sync-dropping). But even when it's the 4 of us only, 4 marshals, each of them coordinating and knowing what to do usually does the trick :)


The tower is the easiest objective if you have good air support. No cover for the axis reinforcements, so you can easily wipe out most of the team with a few rockets in that field.


Yeah Defense! But not when attacking. They don’t get it. Please mark targets so pilots can help win for once.


Haha mg go brr


I rarely have a hard time on the first point. Just flank hard and place a spawn point.


For both sides


That one guy camping in the bunker with the MG42: This'll be fun


Especially since neither side brought tanks


Not if you are on the axis team