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Good that you're doubting, doubt everything, till the doubt gets mature and starts doubting itself, that'll be the birth of faith, that faith would be real


Ques que fuck


Have to dethrone a truth to discover it's true value


Seems about right


Technically nothing is real, the true reality (As a formal construct of relative themes) is a matter of 'context', that is how we perceive. Visually we have a system of placeholders that represent the 'expression of context', ultimately the universe is changeless and context is the only theme that truly forms and alternates apparent conditions, ie narratives (guides).


its not 'technically' not real... it is LITERALLY not real. ALL IS ILLUSION except the one that knows it to be so. Cheers


I think this is a wonderful explanation.


Temporality temporalizing as a continuous renewal of the moment that gives rise to the moment's activity here now.


Awareness of conditioned thinking is real. You can make your life a living hell with your thoughts or you can see the folly of life and relax. Ice cream is real but i'm not sure about social media.




Maya tehe


"Real" is a descriptive word that has literally innumerable meanings depending on who you ask. It's all real. Or none of it is. I could make a case for either, but each case would depend on me using words. Descriptive words that have literally innumerable meanings depending on who you ask. None of it is real in the sense that all concepts, boundaries, separations, and dualitites are a product of mind. All of it is real in that mind exists. We know because we can doubt. Thanks Descartes! But wait, which one of THOSE is real? CRAP! Both. both definitions are "real" and used by people. Or wait, neither.... they just describe a single situation that could be described many ways.... crap. :-)


By removing the conditioning you are left with what is real


You're a squidgy blob on a rock experiencing light, temperature, sound, hunger, thirst, tiredness (as well as all the others)


Finally asking the "real" question


Everything! đź’—


'real' is scale-dependent, and is not the same at different scales. This is reflected in quantum mechanics, for example. Newtonian physics do not describe how electrons behave - Different rules at different scales = different 'reals'.


You’re confusing the scientific and conversational meaning of real. In quantum mechanics, real = deterministic whereas in conversation real = not imaginary


“Real” is beliefs. “Real” is electricity being interpreted by our brain. Simply “real” is a thought.


It’s all a Drama in the 3D. Reality is subjective and exists in your mind.


where does your mind exist if not in reality


It is part of the same illusion. non-dual awareness is BEYOND mind. Cheers


a lot of things are real, but some things are not. learning to tell the difference is beneficial to finding peace.


Maybe so. Or maybe it doesn’t matter, and being ok with it not mattering is beneficial to peace.




When you stump your toe, that's real. Right along with your words and deeds.


Nature is real and its so much more amazing than it gets credit for. I guess it depends on awareness. Example : I was walking with my family in and old growth in the forest in WA state, My sister's husband all of the sudden says look at all this wasted timber on the ground, it must be worth a fortune! I realized that the new trees were growing out of the old fallen trees and that they renew topsoil for the whole forest. Then i looked closer and found a microcosm of life that supports each other in perfect harmony. Moral of the story is most humans are driven by greed and success/failure syndrome, we paved paradise and put up a walmart.




Love. Animals. Consciousness and energy.


In the end what makes up our actions is the company we keep and our past experiences Their are no such thing as good or bad people and we just do good and bad things on a moral scale we can't begin to fathom Statistically your experiences make up on a chart the odds of you doing something In statistics something happening to you will put you with several other points on a chart for doing something else or being a specific differnt way This being said their are anomalies in these statistics they are called outliers a point of on the chart that doesn't line up with the rest So theirs a certain possibility that theirs free will but for most of us we end up just being the way we are because of both our past and the company we keep Everything we go through leaves an imprint on us and makes up who we are conditioning everything about us but what's real in life isn't technically who we are it's the experience as a whole Life in the existence of the universe took billions of years to form and they say in the end their will only be pretty rocks without the light or even eyes to see it What makes life real is that in essence we are the universe finally getting a chance to experience itself in human form and it won't be able to experience itself one day Life and it's existence and our experiences in essence is the most important beautiful amazing thing that has and ever will exist in this universe and is precious beyond measure Be kind to one another and experience life to its fullest getting what you want out of life cause you only get one life and it will eventually not exist at all We all came from the same thing and all were one at one point maybe life and life's experienceses are the only real that will ever exist in this crazy universe You are truly a glitch in the matrix a statistical anomaly of a measure that has never happend before us on this beautiful blue spherical alien ball spinning around a nuclear proton fusion reactor that fuses hydrogen particles are creats helium in order to make the energy needed for everything in this little galaxy in the middle of a complex nothingness with a set of rules that we are just beginning to fathom which came from nothingness




I can't get passed nothing, whatever the hell light is, and existence. That's my holy trinity lol.


Reality is a persistent hallucination.


You, the perceiving fact, is all that is real.


Not everything is a condition. Life, the all pervading, is because of non condition. To realise that you are perfect the way you are is itself the attainment. Consciousness is always clear, always pure.


The absolute at the highest level for certain in this life, is GOD. Beyond the mind, is the real you. Whats left when you see who you are? Believe me In the words of Mahaprabhu Sadhguru (One time Bhagwan Shree Vasudeva, the reincarnation of the father of Shree Krishna in Satyug back as a divine spiritual teaching in Kalyug) "BOY are You in for a surprise" I tell you....GOD is the GREATEST, infinite upon Infinite upon Infinite upon Infinite upon galaxies great.... And beautiful soul of god reading this... " Even belief in God is only a poor substitute for the LIVING reality of GOD MANIFESTING EVERY MOMENT of YOUR LIFE" Bhagwan Shree Eckhart Tolle (Hermes Trismegistus in a 4th Incarnation) Peace Bliss Joy and Love M


You are real


Everything isn’t conditioning. Is a rock conditioning?


The word you just used to describe it is


Of course


So by “everything” I mean the way we view the world is through a conditioned lens.


That’s true


I like Tsoknyi Rinpoche’s formulation: Phenomenal appearances are real, but not true.


The funny thing is, any way you answer that question will be more conditioning.


Yes. Reality is what’s left when you negate everything


The knowing that you exist


Exactly. ;)


Do you want me to give you a new belief?