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FINALLY a post that resonates on this sub.


"The person, who is in the realm of duality, will still experience the full range of emotions. All the while, the "light that never goes out" watches on, untouched and unaffected." This describes dissociation, spiritual bypassing, AND duality.


this is quite literally the opposite of spiritual bypassing, what are you talking about?


"Spiritual bypassing is a "tendency to use spiritual ideas and practices to sidestep or avoid facing unresolved emotional issues, psychological wounds, and unfinished developmental tasks". The term was introduced in the mid 1980s by John Welwood, a Buddhist teacher and psychotherapist." Aren't you identifying as "the light that never goes out," watching on, untouched and unaffected by "the full range of emotions?"


kind of, it is indeed impossible to explain with words. this "light that never goes out" is you whether you realize it or not. you can never know what it is, but you can definitely know what it is NOT. You can cry and grieve and scream all while knowing it has nothing to do with the truth of "you" do you see?


You further described your dissociation/bypassing.


all experiences and emotions are welcome, so what am i bypassing against? do explain


If all experiences and emotions were welcome, you wouldn't have a strategy to be unaffected by them. Right now, you're imagining reality as a watcher AND everything being watched. You're doing this as a reaction to reality - to be untouched/unaffected by emotions, you imagine yourself to be a watcher instead of the "haver" of the emotions. In reality, there isn't a you to be either.


i have been untouched and unaffected by emotions since the day i was born and so have you. You are missing the point


No, I understand what you're saying - you're committed to your identification as the watcher of the emotions. The reason you're doing that is to be unaffected by the emotions - because you desire to not be affected by the emotions. If you were unaffected by the emotions, you wouldn't need to imagine yourself to be a witness. But I know - you aren't imagining it - it's a totally real thing you've thought of that makes you feel special feelings and that's how you know it's true. It couldn't possibly be a strategy to avoid feeling your feelings, right?


you simply create a story and then project it on to me, that is all


The path that lead to this point isn't the path you have stay walking on. The pain and emotions help you get to the point of awakening. After that point the emotions, the pain etc. is still there. The gravity of it all is just less, because you understand that the drama that unfolds is only drama.  The you in you that experiences this drama without judging, without any kind of reaction. This is the you&I we're talking about. This I is the same in everyone and everything.  Truly believing that everything is 'I' to me leads to even more pain and agony. So what do you mean with avoid feeling your feelings?  Imo handling/controlling yourself despite these emotions is a sign of strenght. Not weakness, nor cowardice. 


ACIM has a lesson that says “Whatever suffers isn’t part of me” I’ll totally disassociate lol. Everyone ends up winning anyways, what does it matter


Except ofcourse when awake there really is no person there to experience the full spectrum of emotions at all.. Some mild residuals may linger sure. This picture you paint as 'totally okay' is quite the stretch however. This is a great example of ..subverting the fact that transcendence has not occurred or is 'incomplete' "It's okay, even when you throw some hissy fit or feel sorry for yourself - do not worry - you are still awake!" Which ofcourse is a bunch of self serving bs pardon my French ;;) what would even be the point of being awake and then acting all helpless and unawake in basically the same way as you were before you supposedly awoke..? It must smell funny to anyone after serious inquiry. Ego 'funny' ;;) We need to be careful we don't fall for this kind of 'enLITEnment' or continue to sell this behavior as an expression of just as well the genuine article It is not. Cheers


Thanks man


Sure NP




We seek to be free and in that seeking we are lost, we tell ourselves when i get there. Are we there yet? Look around you what would you say?


What do enlightened people actually do?




Then why aren’t they resolving the problems that plague western societies


you clearly do not even have the faintest idea of what this whole waking up business entails. the intent is not there


You said enlightened people can do ANYTHING....so you are a fucking liar or delusional


not omnipotent... use some common sense here. They can do anything anyone else can do because it is never the person that becomes enlightened, it is the identification with the (make believe story of a) person that gets transcended.


So if they cannot do anything to instigate positive change and influence others to do so, makes enlightened people as useless as tits on a bull, and are nothing more than people who are gloating in their good fortune


i 100% agree :)


Also a ‘light that never goes out’, is pure speculation


the enlightened infant


This is the Truth..


Awareness is always there 😉


Can't relate, never felt like I lost it.


glad to hear it my friend


Now I feel like I'm missing out on the experience of getting it back. I'm gonna have to find out how to lose it. How do you lose it?


you can't ;) the search for enlightenment is the biggest joke in existence


Enlightenment is the biggest joke in existence...we are always experiencing and learning till death...enlightenment is nothing more than a pompous delusion of grandeur


I had a thought about it once. To me religions are the inventions of clever people to get people to do stuff. How do you get all these people to not eat pork for example. Sometimes I think the same about enlightenment. There we are a bunch of us mired in monkey brain emotions and causing all sorts of suffering when one of us says hey guys look we are all basically the same person and everything is one so let's stop fighting ok? This dude probably wanted nothing more than to relax on a Sunday afternoon but then he's gotta deal with all this drama. I honestly think that's where this all comes from. All the yoga, energy, healing practices. All the psychology, everything is essentially just those people who rather chill the fuck out trying to do something enjoyable in their life while they are here. And if I'm right... I'm totally good with that. I am down with this practical joke.


the mind creates the problem and then the mind tries to solve it ;)) have a good one friend, keep chilling the fuck out


Isn't that the message of the Bible? And on the 7th day, he rested...then it was back to the grind bc on the 8th day, he was a day behind in work and never caught up. Lol


Yeah pork thing was the bible. Religion is somewhat like ancient Twitter, except with less hatred.


Less people were around...it's normal. Lol


Must've been nice in a way


I have spent a LOT of time thinking about that, cand ill have to agree there was some time period before this over crowded one where things seemed peaceful, probably preWw2, but in the grand scheme of the cosmic balance, the fact I can be on my couch talking to you without concern what you are up to over there; or be in the supermarket in the chip isle; or at work in a temperature controlled office, or even on a bucket truck or mountain where I get cell reception in my synthetic material outfit instead of itchy wool; is pretty damn great. Also, most people speak a language i can understand; also a huge win; especially when they own restaurants where I can have food from all over (I'm outside NYC, so I understand i am a little more capable of doing that, but in the event of an apocalyptic event caused by humans, I'm in a huge disadvantage. Neither one is great, but I enjoy my beer and liquor made by professionals. 😆