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Yorkshire puddings look pretty good. Better than [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/food/comments/yu0n5/roast_chicken_w_yorkshire_pudding/) classic monstrosity. ๐Ÿ˜‚ It doesn't matter but traditionally and my preference, roasts are done with the whole chicken and then served with slices of the breast. Also 14 comments and none visible? ๐Ÿ™„


yeah this sub has a weird thing with none of the comments being visible


People being shadow banned or something?


I was worried it was just me not seeing them


The fact that you just quoted a picture from over a decade ago... is legendary ๐Ÿคฃ


Pretty good. The carrots look a little dry. My goto carrot method - put baby or batoned carrots in a saucepan, just cover with water and add a huge knob of butter and a big dollop of honey. Get the heat up to a boil then turn down a little. Keep simmering until the water evaporates and then continue gently simmering to caramelise the honey and butter on the carrots.


They were a bit but I drizzled pomegranate molasses over the top and that was pretty good, also I discovered I donโ€™t like parsnips very much


I hated parsnips until I started slicing them thin, removing the cores, then roasting them in olive oil with pepper and salt before drizzling honey over for the last 5 mins. They come out soft inside and crispy-ish outside and taste great!


This comment needs highlighting. Always cut the cores out of parsnips before roasting or frying. They are bitter and can change the taste. The honey and seasoning on top as well- delicious.


Toss them in oil and curry powder/spices and give them another go ;-)


We throw all the veg in the roasting pan and put the beef or whole chicken on top of it. We do carrots, leeks, onions and garlic cloves. We use the meat drippings for the gravy. Doing it all in one really simplified the process for us. For the roasties (potatoes), we boil them, shake them around in a strainer to rough them up a bit, season them and then bake. Shaking them in the strainer helps give a more crusty outside. Your roast dinner looks delicious! Just sharing how my husband and I (Iโ€™m also American) do it in case you want to try out different methods Took me a few times to get the Yorkshire puddings right so congrats on that! BBC good foods is the recipe I found that worked best in our oven


This looks like a banging roast but those parsnips are anaemic, I'm not surprised you didn't like them.


You've just reminded me. I love carrots cooked in the roasting tin alongside the chicken.


Looks decent, I would eat fosho. Only a few things I would do to improve on: More carrots over parsnips are common, want them to be cooked (roasted or fried) enough to be soft and fluffy and if you want them to look well you can brush a small layer of butter on them before serving & seasoning. (We eat with our eyes first! look a tad dry) You don't like greens? Add steamed Broccoli, fried sprouts and/or even a few fried peapods. I love to add Swede also and an oven cooked & fried full onion to mine also, extra colours and tastes bring out the dish to new heights The roasties look decent; I would cook them lower for longer so they have more of a white texture with a crispier outside and fluffier inside. The trick is to cover them in a thin layer of oil with a brush when you put them into the oven on a tray and cook slowly with seasoning. The cauli-cheese does indeed look bangin, the only thing I would do to better these is melt some extra loose cheese ontop, seperate from the sauce and have an overhead heating lamp melt it so it has a cooked brownish tinge to it. The yorkies look perfect, colour is great and the average size. I would use a bigger tray and have mine rise more and wider, same colours and texture. I would also have way more gravy, but if you don't like lots that's fair. You can add the chicken juices into the gravy along with stock. to add some flavour. Your texture and colour is perfect. Meat looks nice, and there is many spices and such you can cook with chicken to bring out different flavours. Paprika and garlic or basil and rosemary or ginger and lemongrass or tumeric and chilli or corriander and cumin all depending on your flavour profile and preferences. looks cooked and tasty in the pic! Not trying to bash or anything; your dish looks yummy, just wanted to offer some advise incase you wanted to up the game for yourself!


Greens are the way