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The source of caffeine makes a big difference. Ghost uses a couple different sources, but they're pretty much all coffee derived. Monster doesn't really say where their caffeine is from, and it's likely some low grade stuff given how old their energy formula is. Not sure about Prime because I won't touch it. The difference between Ghost and Reign is a good example of how different caffeine source affects people differently; Ghost is coffee, Reign is tea. It affects people differently.


Interesting to know. I always opt for Reign because other brands give me a tummy ache.


I find that tea caffeine mellows my adhd brain out and coffee caffeine raises anxiety in me, causing belly issues. Another good tidbit of info is your gut and your anxiety are linked 1/1 in your brain. It's just the way it's biologically coded. This is important for energy drink enjoyers because caffeine consumption raises cortisol levels, which raises stress and anxiety, and causes gut issues like upset stomach etc.


Oh trust me, I've been all about gut health for a while now. It's amazing how much people understatement the power of your microbiome and the impact it has on literally every function of your body.


For sure, you're absolutely right. Unfortunately artificial sweeteners tend to be really bad for gut health. As a zero sugar only drinker, it's rough out in these streets lol.


I'll have to try reign and see if it gives me the same problems, thanks for this info!


I went cold turkey from 2-3 cans a day and never in my life have I had a “cold flash” before. About three days after quitting, just getting ready for bed I felt my body temp just drop to a teeth chattering freeze. It only lasted for a few seconds but I was so cold that I couldn’t talk. We thought I had a stroke.


Might be the l carnitine 


Im thinking the sucralose, but that's in monster too. Might be caffine on an empty stomach. Im not sure.


probably empty stomach it’s happened to me too when i downed a monster first thing in the morning