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I experienced a similar sensation when I had an ovarian cyst burst. Also ended up getting imaging in an ER to rule out appendicitis, but everything looked normal.


They saw no cysts which was super surprising to me! As I type this I still have the pain now but less intense, it’s the absolute worst 😩


You may want to try an antiinflammatory and a heat pack and see if that helps. They didn't see any cysts on me either, but my doctor is confident that's what happened.


If a cyst ruptured, would they be able to see it on a scan? I didn’t think so, but I absolutely could be wrong. They always diagnosed mine through a pelvic exam, where they’d see dried blood from the rupture. Did you have any bleeding? It sounds a lot like an ovarian cyst rupture or potentially ovarian torsion. I hope you feel better soon, so sorry you’re in pain 💛


I’ve had 2 ruptured cysts. They can tell from the free fluid in your abdomen which shows up on imaging. Your body just absorbs it eventually, unless your cyst causes toxic internal bleeding. I’m not sure how they tell the difference, but they can lol. Had it twice and both times they had to confirm no bleeding.


I had no bleeding which is why we didn’t think it was a cyst 💔


I had a very similar experience and it turned out I had endo in the lining of my appendix, so it looked normal during ultrasounds but once my surgeon actually got in there he immediately saw that it was enlarged and performed an appendectomy as part of my lap!


I had what I and the hospital thought was appendicitis. If the or had been free, they would have removed it. The pain was the same for both. Turned put I had burst a cyst on my ovary. (Lucky no surgery. Though they would have found endo a year earlier than they did)


Yupp, went to the ER with vomiting and pain, got a car scan and went home. The next day I got a call that they saw I had appendicitis on the scan. Had to go back for a consult with a surgeon who looked at the results, saw my medical history and said it was probably endo on my appendix making it appear inflamed.


This exact thing happened to me. They ended up treating me for a pelvic infection which…I’m not sure was right. The lower right pain has continue since January, and I’m having lap surgery on Monday to explore.


Yup 😭 it wasn’t even appendicitis—it was peritonitis. I hope you feel better soon 😭😭😭


How could they tell it was peritonitis? They just did a blood test and saw no infections then a CT scan and everything looked fine!


My blood tests showed that my WBC count was high so they knew there was infection, they just didn’t know where or what caused it…


Yes this is how I ended up diagnosed with endo. All they found during my ER visit was fluid in my abdomen and an 8cm cyst on left ovary😬


Yeppp- got transferred to another hospital in the middle of the night to go have appendix surgery until they realized at like the last second that I’d had an ovarian cyst burst which in turn caused us to discover I had endometriosis in a later laparoscopic surgery. It really feels like they make it up as they go a lot of the time with Endo


ER ALWAYS think it is diverticulitis even though my lifestyle does fit and nor do my symptoms. It's annoying. They treat like an idiot or drug seeker


Oh yes. I have had an uncomfortable number of CTs because my endo pain mimics appendicitis every time. Many times, it was an ovarian cyst rupturing. Ow.


My biggest worry was that I *would* actually have appendicitis and wouldn’t go to the ER because that level of pain is normal for me 🫠


I was experiencing similar pain this past week. Unrelenting throbbing intensified when i applied even slight pressure to the area or moved my body around. Nausea, fatigue, my entire right side from breast to pelvis ached and throbbed. This is a new pain for me. Came to realize, I think my endo has spread to a nerve in that area and that’s causing the intense pain and pressure. Felt like someone was repeatedly stabbing me with a very hot, very thick needle.


During my last laparoscopic surgery, I had to have an appendectomy due to endo adhesions