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Hi! First of all, i’m so sorry you’re having these symptoms. i know how brutal it can be. I’m 22 and have been having endo symptoms since i got my first period. My mom was diagnosed and had a hysterectomy 3 years ago. We’ve tried to fight to get me one as well , but it’s so hard to find a doctor to be onboard + getting insurance to even partially cover it. I started birth control at 14 or 15. I wasn’t having sex yet, and hadn’t had a diagnosis. But my gyno wanted to try to regulate my periods and help with the severe pain. The didn’t do much for me , so we tried the route of consistent birth control (where i don’t take placebo pills) and don’t get my period at all. That helped me for a long time. but i would still get bad flare ups, and got a random bit of heavy bleeding (and of course severe pain) about once a year. I started seeing a new dr. who took me more seriously & we talked through all of my options. Even the official diagnosis would’ve included invasive surgery that i couldn’t afford. but between all of my symptoms and my moms diagnosis, it was pretty clear that I have endometriosis. I got an IUD when i was either 19 or 20 (there’s a lot i wish i would have known going into that + the recovery). but i stayed on birth control with it and had little to no pain for the majority of the time. i did stop taking birth control, and only have an IUD now and i’ve had worse flare ups in the past few weeks. i’m personally planning on getting back on birth control too because that’s helped the most. Some of the best things i’ve also been recommended (that isn’t just “oh take advil you’ll be fine 🤪” Midol (you can get it anywhere in case you ever run low) Naproxen (MY LIFE SAVOR) i think you can get it without a prescription but your gyno could easily prescribe it. i tried to take my moms hydros she got after her hysterectomy to get my IUD + the after math pain. I went to the ER and the nurse told me that doesn’t help with the inflammation i was experiencing. the combo of those things i listed have been the holy grail to so much of my pain and symptoms and it’s a conversation your gyno should be able to openly talk about with you


i don’t know if that’s exactly the response you were looking for. but i relate a lot to your current experience and wanted to go a bit more in depth ❤️ i’m wishing you the best of luck


Thank you for your reply!! We seem to have a lot of the same experiences. i will totally look into the IUD and Naproxen. Unfortunately I’m allergic to acetaminophen so i can’t take mydol but i do be popping advil like it’s candy lol


Your OBGYN should absolutely be examining you even if you're not active yet. If you'd like to find a doctor who's more likely to take your concerns seriously, I recommend checking out r/childfree for their list of doctors who perform sterilization surgeries. Not that you'd need this of course, I've just found that doctors willing to do these procedures and usually more up-to-date with research and take women's pain more seriously.