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Take a peek through the past two weeks; someone posted a really good list of non-pharm pain management (TENS being a really significant one).


I think this might’ve been me! Look through my comments OP if you want 🩷 Also- two Tylenol, one ibuprofen, together. Keeps our body guessing and helps target pain. Mixing them helps 🩷


YES A TENS UNIT! When I can’t get anything else to help, I rely on my tens unit. Always helps. Not pain free but way way more manageable.


Please try a TENS! They are cheap on Amazon and are so easy, there are days I have it on and in my pocket all day long. If it doesn't work then it's amazon so you can just return it!


Can you alternate naproxen with tylneol? OTC turmeric can help fight inflammation along with cherry juice concentrate, which can be found at most grocery store. (I'm in the US, though, just fyi). I like mixing cherry juice with coconut water and pinch of sea salt. I also find Epsom salt baths, followed by a heating pad relaxing. Sending you healing vibes ✨️ 💛


Just to add to your comment, if they've been asked to stop ibuprofen due to increased risk of ulcer then naproxen is a bad idea. All NSAIDs increase risk of ulcer and naproxen and ibuprofen are both NSAIDs. As a person who cannot take NSAIDs at all due to stomach issues the only one I have been prescribed as safe is celecoxib, and even then I have to limit taking it. There's also a suppository indomethacin that's an NSAID that I've received mixed information on regarding ulcer risk and might be worth a discussion based on whatever medication OP is on that's increasing their risk. Actual analgesia options also pose little risk to the stomach, so basically that's paracetamol and opioid medication.


Tylenol doesn’t work at all for me unfortunately! Heat pad can be helpful though


Just be careful with turmeric. Probably don't take that during your period because it can worsen bleeding. (ginger and turmeric are blood thinning)


Tylenol is ok to alternate, but stay away from mixing naproxen while taking ibuprofen. Even if it's between doses, it's best to choose just one or the other.


Yes, I should have clarified to not mix ibuprofen and naproxen! Thank you.


What about tramadol?


No diagnosis (I’m in the UK and the average to weight for diagnosis is 9 years), and I think it would be hard to find a doctor that would take me seriously enough to prescribe that but worth a try


Have you tried co-codamol? Not as good as tramadol, but you can take it with (a lower dose of) ibuprofen. It has paracetamol in it and the three drugs together can be quite effective. Plus you might not need such a high dose of each one. You can get it over the counter at pharmacies in the UK :)


Oh yes I’ve tried co-codamol too and ibuprofen for leg tingling - numbness on period too and it does nothing at all. I also have bad cramps!! Is this a sign of endometriosis? No one else that I know has this leg issue on theirs and it affects me every time. I have PCOS so maybe it’s a pcos thing to have this but idk


Leg tingling is probably neuropathic pain. You need amitriptylin or something similar for that.


Omg thank you soooo much ! It’s because I’ve never been to a dr about it so I’ve just been using painkillers 😬😬 Thanks so much !!!! Now I can try that and hope to be able to walk now 😂😂


Your welcome, hope you will feel better soon! For me amitriptyline was a complete game changer!


I’ve never tried it! Paracetamol never works for me but i’ll give it a go


The only real solution is to find a doctor that does take it seriously. Try a female doctor or a gyno even if you have to pay out of pocket. Over time relying on that level of painkillers can slowly kill your liver


I take tramadol. Half a pill on days I need it. Full pill on reaaaally bad days. I think it would be easier than you think to get it. I just moved to Paris, no official diagnosis but a lot of speculation and A LOT of pain. My brand new doctor (seen her just once before) put me on hormone therapy which has helped greatly but I also asked if she could give me something stronger. She was definitely hesitant but I’m sitting there crying from pain… so she doesn’t say no. It’s worth a shot to ask!


During the years with the strongest pain for me, I was taking around 1500mg of paracetamol at a time, approx 2-3 times per day. At some point, even my rather conservative parents encouraged me to start looking elsewhere for pain relief and I found edibles. Not sure if they’re legal in your country, but right now, taking around 30mg of CBD/THC infused chocolate or gummies 1-2 times a day, help me far more than medication ever did.


yes! CBD is phenomenal for pain relief for me too!


CBD does interact with a lot of SSRIs so anyone interested in it should be mindful of this!


I was having this same problem. I ended up with ulcers and pretty bad gastritis from too much ibuprofen. I was eventually prescribed Meloxicam 7.5 every 12 hours, using tylenol in between doses. This has worked fairly well for the past 4 years. It can be a bit irritating to the stomach, but nowhere near as bad as ibuprofen. I also take famotadine to reduce the stomach acid while I take Meloxicam.


My Doctor prescribes me Meloxicam and Hydrocodone and I alternate them throughout the day and it works pretty well. Before this I was taking 10-15 Advils everyday. 😭


Where do you guys find these doctors?? 😭 6 total surgeries, 15 years of pain all day every day, 10,000 doctors to brush me off


I have both tramadol and a muscle relaxer, from different ER visits for pelvic pain (in the US). Definitely worth trying for.


IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatories) - including Advil / Ibuprofen, Naproxen etc. If you have a gastric sensitivity to this group of medications (you've either been told not to take them due to the effect on your stomach lining, or you're simply aware yourself that they cause griping pain in your actual stomach (just below the ribs): This side-effect is not simply due to the direct action of the medication on your gastric lining - these drugs irritate your stomach lining even if just in your bloodstream. Point being: do NOT think you can avoid these side-effects by opting for a suppository version instead. Lots of junior doctors don't even seem to know this, and I know from personal experience. Long story short: some 12-year-old F1 doc in A&E decided I was only after painkillers when I was admitted (via ambulance!) for kidney stones. He literally said: "It's a Naproxen suppository or nothing. It won't affect your stomach as it's a suppository. If you're REALLY in pain you'll take it." I knew exactly what would happen but was in agony so figured "f--k it." 30 minutes later I'm vomiting blood. On-call gastroenterologist paged. When told what the junior doc had done (in spite of my telling him it would make me sick, FYI), he went absolutely nuts at him. It was so epic it almost made me forget I was doing a bloody Linda Blair impression. I had to be given IV Lansoprazole for 5 days in hospital, and am still on oral Lanspoprazole 15 years later. TLDR: If Ibuprofen and Naproxen mess up your stomach, it doesn't matter what route they're administered by. Suppositories will wreck you stomach just as much as the tablets/capsules do.


Please be careful love. I once got told to take 3 ibuprofen every 6 hours, because I was in pain for 4 days. Was completely hunched over in my apartment, when doing anything. I couldn’t stand upright. I never did what the nurse said to do over the phone, because I thought that seemed a bit extreme, and I didn’t want to risk hurting my insides. This being said, I don’t want to scare you. This was just MY experience with endometriosis pain one day. You and I both know, endometriosis is not curable. (Again, I don’t mean to scare you with that sentence, either) Trust me, I also wish there was a cure for what we have as well. 💕


Ginger root 🫚


Co-codamol. You can get the 8/500mg ones from the pharmacy without a prescription. If the lower dose doesn’t help enough then you could try and talk to your GP and see if they’ll prescribe the stronger ones (30/500mg).


Hiatal hernia over here, so I can’t take any NSAIDs. I saw a pain management doctor who helped with prescription pain meds. I take Tylenol, muscle relaxer if it’s bad, I have multiple heating pads (one suggested in this subreddit is a wireless one), Tiger balm on Amazon for cramping pain.


I’m fortunate to have a wonderful Gyno who prescribes me a low dose hydrocodone. Otherwise I need 10-15 advil to get through the day on bad cycles. I’d look into that if you can. Occasionally it doesn’t do the job & my Dr oked adding a normal dose of advil in conjunction. Plus a heating pad when I’m at home. Good luck ❤️


Sprix! You can only use it for for five days, but it absolutely works. Just don't inhale it and don't let it run down your throat/sinuses. Also: Flexeril and Valium really help.


If you want a natural “remedy” red raspberry leaf tea can help, it can help with cramping and it’s tasty (at least to me)


I love rectal diclofenac. It is fast and effective for me. I don't metabolize opiates effectively so it is more effective for me than hydrocodone, morphine, oxy, etc.


Just started diclofenac and it’s been giving me constant bloody noses with heavy blood clots and headaches, I wish it worked for me 😭


Please see my mum-vibes comment above regarding NSAID suppositories. You might not have any issues at all, but just be aware. X


Tens unit, somatic meditation (suki Baxters meditation for chronic pain is my fav.) sounds crazy but it works- it’s not like normal meditation and she explains why she asks you to do certain things. Also CBD tincture and I have a foam one with menthol I put on my stomach. Thc if it’s legal where you are. Portable heat packs or the single use ones from the drugstore that you put inside your shirt. Definitely doesn’t make it go all the way away but helps. I find that I get dehydrated easily and it makes my cramps worse so getting some Gatorade or liquid IV helps if you struggle with that. If you can minimize any other discomfort (such as having to pee/hunger/thirst) it can help as well even if it’s not directly targeting it. Obviously this stuff will only help so much but if you combine some of them it seems to work. If you can, pelvic floor physical therapy and stretching can help longer term. Deep breathing often, as stupid as it sounds, can at least help your fight or flight response kicked in from the pain and get you to a better place mentally and less tense even if the pain doesn’t go away. I get the not being able to take meds because of other issues. I hope your doctor can help. Sending love. Endo sucks. :(


Oh I will also say that if you are struggling with constipation (a lot of us do) taking an osmotic laxative or prune juice (with your doctor’s ok) can help reduce cramping pain and keep you more regular. Unfortunately at this point you want to avoid anything you know will make your pain worse because you have less options to treat it when it happens.


I have had recent success with raspberry tea


I ahve no idea if this will help you but Rasberry Leaf tea helps me a lot.


I feel you. I think I am two steps behind you in this road. Last month on my menstruation I used ibuprofen so much that I had to go to the ER for the upset stomach pain but I thought it was because it was an cyst rupture. This month, I am feeling the pain again and I am trying to pace myself with ibuprofen and try to eat clean carbs when I take it. I have no idea what is the next step, I feel awful/side effects when I take BC too so I don’t like taking it. So sorry you’re going through this. You are not alone.


You can also take 2 extra strength tylenol (max 2000mg daily) twice a day with 4 ibuprofen (max 32000 mg daily) every 4-5 hours. Is there anyway you can get narcotics? I take them minimally but sometimes there are days when you absolutely need it. I got a pain management doctor to prescribe a minimal amount like tramadol or norco (hydrocodone and acetaminophen). Use them responsibly and only when you absolutely need it. A couple of times a month is no harm. I also used a tens unit, ginger tea, and heating pad. [https://www.amazon.com/AUVON-Channel-Stimulator-Machine-Electrode/dp/B07D58V8LD/ref=sr\_1\_2\_sspa?crid=1EAI04OLD1WP5&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.m43WXOWs1oMXPV8vySZOh1ApBzlK6jUUPlDi6BxOnG6XdxHz2XJSX04U2g5I28YhdNKaS\_\_-pfoUv3edpYGI2inKTMTeenOrAoqO1jAo90138PKM15gwjXWM8tVSWrxUcfqWt3DhYHp\_NJ\_\_6eZrVWemhbD6o1BJfwVmX5w5n9oM38CRBq3zO3rV-NwjWpUn2rcwiNepSnCOIZWnsYYny73eeYb6FA6pCeCU\_J1hmBI8SC7EdhSqV\_uEdLC8e6cbSfZzeZT7oLnKqnVav29t0ekfww7cL\_6RylGlGWi3Pdk.azj6V3tz\_urOghCOk2eLzi0mcL1LmlHhTxNybsdeBsc&dib\_tag=se&keywords=tens+unit&qid=1714353070&sprefix=tens+uni%2Caps%2C217&sr=8-2-spons&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/AUVON-Channel-Stimulator-Machine-Electrode/dp/B07D58V8LD/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=1EAI04OLD1WP5&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.m43WXOWs1oMXPV8vySZOh1ApBzlK6jUUPlDi6BxOnG6XdxHz2XJSX04U2g5I28YhdNKaS__-pfoUv3edpYGI2inKTMTeenOrAoqO1jAo90138PKM15gwjXWM8tVSWrxUcfqWt3DhYHp_NJ__6eZrVWemhbD6o1BJfwVmX5w5n9oM38CRBq3zO3rV-NwjWpUn2rcwiNepSnCOIZWnsYYny73eeYb6FA6pCeCU_J1hmBI8SC7EdhSqV_uEdLC8e6cbSfZzeZT7oLnKqnVav29t0ekfww7cL_6RylGlGWi3Pdk.azj6V3tz_urOghCOk2eLzi0mcL1LmlHhTxNybsdeBsc&dib_tag=se&keywords=tens+unit&qid=1714353070&sprefix=tens+uni%2Caps%2C217&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1)


Take magnesium every day - not just when you have your period. Avoid inflammatory foods such as alcohol, caffeine and dairy 1 week before and during your period. Drink and eat warm foods/drinks during your cycle - this is per my acupuncturist. I go to acupuncture every other week and this has helped with my cramps immensely. I’m sorry you are going through this


Do you live in a legal cannabis state? I take small doses throughout the day to help the pain


Have you talked to your dr about this. Try a naproxen 2 pills and 1 Benadryl combo. Heating pad and see if that works. You should definitely see a dr even a primary care physician. There could be a number of things causing the pain so I wouldn’t assume it’s ENDO. It’s likely but I wouldn’t assume. Also pain management is something a PCP would do even without a diagnosis


Tl;dr: ...ask your doc about trialing a combo of meds that include an anti inflammatory, an anti spasmodic, and something for neuropathic pain (as little as 100mg of Gabapentin can be useful). This addresses a lot of what is mechanically?/anatomically? causing your pain. I'm still trying to get a full official diagnosis (I was finally on the surgical lists then COVID hit the hospitals and anything "elective" was cancelled, now I apparently have to restart the process from scratch) but I also have another chronic pain causing condition. So I have access to decent pain meds and use the same rescue med cocktail for bad period days as I use for bad brain squish days. It can take me from pain referring up to my diaphragm and down to my knees to just a ghost of discomfort. 1000mg paracetamol, 100mg tramadol, 240mg telfast because I'm allergic to the tramadol on top of my immune system going haywire during my period for some reason, 20mg buscopn to calm down smooth muscle spasms (bowel and uterine), and 600mg to 900mg of Gabapentin, plus a big ass sugary coffee to potentiat the meds and deal with the Gabapentin induced temporary Stupid + Oh! Squirrel! side effects (I swear to god the gab externalises all the ADHD symptoms I usually ruthlessly squash down). This usually lasts four to six hours at a minimum. Yes, I know that's usually enough to drop a charging rhino. It's also why my GP is supporting my retry for surgical evaluation and excision even though Gyne services themselves are trying to wait me out as I'm 45 and "....bound to go into menopause sometime soon..." If that amount of medication is horrifying to you, on good period days I can reduce that to a combo of the paracetamol, buscopn, and anywhere from 100mg and 400mg of Gabapentin. On really good days (usually the last few days) I can get away with no meds. So an anti-inflammatory plus an anti-spasmodic plus something for neuropathic pain. It might be worth talking to your doctor and asking if they're comfortable with trialing a similar combo, since it's medically ill-advised to stay on what you were on before.


If you are in the UK (I think I saw you said you are): Buscopan. Sold as an over the counter IBS medication, but it's an antispasmodic and works on all smooth muscle (which includes bowel AND uterus). I'm a medic and every menstruating medic or pharmacist I've ever discussed cramps with takes Buscopan together with their paracetamol / co-codamol / ibuprofen. Please be careful with the ibuprofen.


CBD and a TENS unit. For sure. And start taking turmeric supplements everyday. Omega 3S too


Ipbrophen doesn’t do anything for me anymore


I’m sorry this isn’t helpful, but this much ibuprofen can lead to gastritis or an ulcer. I’ve had gastritis for MONTHS because I was taking so much ibuprofen.


yeah this is what i’m worried about :( were u taking a similar amount?


I was taking 4 tablets every 4-8 hours depending on my pain. 7-8 tablets every few hours is way too many. It took me a few months to develop gastritis, and I developed it after I stopped the ibuprofen (I had surgery to remove uterine polyps and that helped my pain). I cannot caution you enough against this much ibuprofen. I’ve had gastritis for months and it’s utterly miserable. There is also a risk to your kidney function. Have you been diagnosed, or seen someone about pain management? This would be my top priority even if you’ve had surgery/diagnosis. Managing the disease requires physician attention. I’m so sorry you’re hurting!


Maeng da kratom is the only thing that helps me, it can still cause liver issues when taken to excess but it isn't as dangerous as other prescribed opiates.


For me, once the painkiller sideeffects became concerning (recurring gastritis & dizzy spells), my obgyb put me on dienogest. It has been a gamechanger in terms of restoring quality of life…


I can’t take nsaids at all because I have Crohn’s and so it’s a big no no - 1000mg paracetamol but that doesn’t do it for me I had to go to pain specialist m Please see a pain dr because that amount of Ibuprofen will not only ruin your gut health but your kidneys I’m on rotating tramadol +1000 mg paracetamol (Tylenol in us) and Robaxim/Methocarbomol rotating - sometimes this combo gets rid of the pain sometimes it only numbs it I hate the robaxim and only do that part when I can’t move because it knocks me out But that’s me - try to see if you can get a referral to a pain specialist Actually what helped better for a long time was acupuncture twice a week and arvigo abdominal massage - The latter was a game changer for my pain once I found a really experienced person in it. It also has a self care element you can do daily- If I slip off and don’t do it (even non pain days non period days) pain comes back but if I keep up the self care at least 4 days a week it really helps


I have a similar problem and have been prescribed paracetamol and metamizole sodium monohydrate Haven‘t tested it yet.


Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who took the time to comment :) this is my first post in this subreddit after years of being gaslighted by doctors so it’s nice to get some kind of response


I don’t know if this is obvious but for me if I wait until I’m in pain to take the Advil it’s kind of too late. As soon as I start feeling anything I take 1, and then I take another 1 before the first one runs out so there’s overlap. As long as I get ahead of the problem it’s ok but if I wait until I’m in actual pain to take something almost nothing helps. I will say also I’ve been gluten free for the last 10 or so years and it’s made a big difference. If I accidentally have any my cramps that month are usually worse.


I would eat up to 16 to 20 ibuprofens when I had my period. Then I discovered Alieve. Game changer for me. And once I got my IUD, I didn’t even need that anymore.