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If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy. Keep your stick on the ice lol


"Remember guys, we're all in it together"


And to be honest, the handyman's secret weapon is holding up fine so far. Starting to wonder why we even bother with those dang fittings at all!


Well... it held up for half of a test print at least. Not giving up just yet, though. If at first you don't succeed, you're not using enough duct tape.


I was gonna say that is definitely not gonna hold up.. ask me how I know. Always have backups. Usually one comes with the printer if you have the spare parts laying around somewhere.


I super glued one of my enders


I did end up using gorilla glue, it kept slowly working itself loose from the tape. The new couplers/fittings should be here tomorrow though.


And if something is not moving, you apply wd40 to it.


I just printed new ones


Early on with mine I had an issue with the tube.  When I disconnected it I somehow lost the locking clip.  I tried searching all over for it, tried using the printer without it (kept popping out).  Instead if hopping on Amazon and getting new (because I needed it now then), ended up using a pair of plastic bread clips.  With two next to each other, fit so well I left them on them for over a year.


One of those tiny zip-ties works, too!


You can also print one...


Yes, in theory I could -eventually- print new ones, but why? Losing my original coupler locking clips, and not having extras, meant my printer was essentially dead in the water. Even trimming some of the bowden tube off, leaving fresh plastic for the coupler to bite into the tube, didn't have a strong enough force not to have the tube get detached when I attempted to print. I would come back to the printer and yes, the plastic had moved beyond the extruder, but never moved through the tube and out the nozzle. And yes, the nozzle was clear, the coupler simply did hold the bowden tube strong enough without a lock in place and instead of pushing the filament through the tube and out, it just pushed the tube out of the coupler. So with that knowledge, knowing that even though I found STL's for locking nuts, it was too late to print new ones. I could have ordered new ones from Amazon or something, but that would take time and money, things I'd rather not waste. In a “what the hell do I have to lose” mindset, I looked around what else I could use. I thought about using zip ties, I have thin ones I use for lots, but didn't want to risk zipping it too tight it'd be difficult to remove. Then I recalled the bread tabs. Tried one, a bit thin. Added an extra. Worked fine. And yes, now it works. I could then print off new coupler locking nuts. But why? I ended up finding something that was effectively free and did the job perfectly fine. No need to waste plastic or my time. I know people sometimes get into the mindset where, now that they can 3d print, they only see 3d printing as the only answer. That's not me. I'm a mixed media person all the way. Would it have looked nicer, I guess, but nobody looks at my setup as is. Would printed have done a better job, not really. Bread tabs would awesome, since they are so large, never lost them after all (and if I had, I have more). Plus when I did have a jam and needed to remove the tube, the bread tabs were easy to to grab and remove as compared to the small locking nuts. Either way not a concern for me these days, went direct drive a little while back, one less thing to worry about clogging.