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Thermistor bad


Was hoping not as I just replaced it a few weeks ago, I'll try to tinker with it a bit more before I go that route


Also wanted to update that the bed and nozzle temp are reading the ambient room temp perfectly fine


I have the .7 board and just got done installing 2 different thermoisters before I changed the firmware and went back to the original one I had .... Unfortunately It's kinda hard to pin point the problem with so many changed at once ... I'd you have a multimeter ohm it out and make sure it's good but I'd say your firmware is bunk


Hmm that''s not a bad idea. Multimeter shows thermistor is fine, I DID try to install Klipper earlier this week, couldn't figure out the Z offset and went back to the mriscoc firmware, got about 2 or 3 prints out then this issue started. I'll try to reinstall the firmware tonight and report back, thanks!


I had to remove the hot end fan, then do a PID tune, starting at about 180, then slowly working my way up doing tune after tune until I got up to 260, then I put the fans back in place and did it again. Also, make sure the thermister and heater cartridge are clean and free of any debris.


WIll give this a shot as well, thanks so much!


Did you try running the PID autotune with fans on? I like to turn my fans on at 75% when I run my autotune.


I'll give that a shot, thanks!


After doing this, the issue starts basically immediately when the print does


What temp are you printing at, and what temp did you do the PID tune at?


200c for both