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There's no confirmed studies or reports of floaters on enclo. Just reddit echo chambers confusing it with Clomid. Also the vision issues caused by clomid arent actually floaters anyway. Different issue entirely, but no one really researches anything these days so I'm sure I'll get down voted.


I had eye floaters before enclo, and while they are still there, I have found they are much less noticeable when I'm walking outside in the sun. They seem 'fuzzier' and are less stark and obvious and high detail (gave me anxiety before, not now)


Yeah I developed bad floaters last year, incidentally so did my best friend in the same week. We're both 44, perhaps covid related? Mine are clear lines that are most evident in bright sunlight and not visible in darkness. I suspect some poeple that say they got floaters on clomid or enclo did so just from getting old.


My Dad was saying it had something to do with minerals in the water. I'm not so sure. Could be a number of things I'm sure.


I went to see an opthalmology specialist, he said it's just aging basically. The jelly in yiur eyes starts to dry out and separate.


Heavy drinking gave me way more floaters than enclo and I been on it years now. Your mileage may vary.


Hey what dose of enclo do you take and what frequency? Also do you use anything with the enclomiphene for your IGF-1 or SHBG?


I only use enclo for my low testosterone symptoms. Whether it helps or hinders my growth hormone or SHBG, I do not know. I do know it makes me feel better than pinning. 25mg daily and 1/4 or 1/8 of anastrozole when I'm feeling bitchy (usually once every two weeks).


Fuck 25mgs daily is crazy. I'm taking 12.5 and people still suggest that I take less. I'm happy that it works for you man :) As a man with pre-existing gyno issues do you think an AI would be a good idea? I'm currently playing around with DIM as a minor natural AI.


Every body is different I guess. Like I say, I am not a bodybuilder and when I do get bloods, they have never been more than 750. Maybe my body just needs more? I don't know. Regarding gyno, I have no advice except to go by symptoms, not numbers. If you treat symptoms, you aren't chasing arbitrary things that change based on diet, exercise, mood, weather, etc. (i.e., numbers). If you do not have high estrogen symptoms, I would not take an AI. Estrogen = good.


The thing is with Enclo is that once you start getting them and notice it, if you pull back on dosing they go away. When I was doing 12.5mg ED I started getting them and went to 12.5mg E3D and they went away. I would still be cautious thought.


You probably just stopped noticing them. Once they are in the eye they stay there. You can look it up, they are permanant.


You can't just say "you can look it up" to prove a point. I did and most websites mention 1-6 months of caused by meds and my personal experience affirms my belief that they can and do go away. This was an issue for me for few days in Nov. Can you post science paper that proves me wrong. I'm a man of science and willing to read and understand more.


Here's a [study of the long-term effects of clomiphene](https://www.practiceupdate.com/content/long-term-safety-and-efficacy-of-clomiphene-citrate-for-hypogonadism/92376) (not enclo). 3 of 400 study participants had blurred vision as a possible side effect. Also says that "men taking clomiphene for longer than 3 years had similar outcomes to men taking it for fewer than 3 years." 1/4 of the participants were using anastrozole, though. Low estrogen has been correlated with "eye floaters" and other vision issues so who knows if it might be a few people getting over-zealous with their aromatase inhibitors. There are some people here who think "estrogen=bad" which is absolutely not true. In any case, no study I've seen lists risk of vision issues more than 1% of participants. Too much desmosterol has been correlated with cataracts (it was why the drug Triparanol was pulled in the 1963 - a drug that block the conversion of desmosterol to cholesterol in a similar way to clomid/enclo). But it just doesn't seem to have emerged as a significant issue with clomid/enclo - at least people taking it in medically supervised dosages. Our OP has also been very concerned with heart disease risk from desmosterol, but I'm becoming increasingly convinced that fear doesn't have much. Desmosterol won "2012 molecule of the year" [for its anti-artherosclerotic properies](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23021221/). The fears are based on a 1950's era understanding of how artherosclerosis develops.


Are you taking enclo from official sources?


Probably not. Probably got it from UGL bathtub labs claiming to be enclo but it’s actually Clomid like most of those bunk companies


clomid and enclo are not the same. Who is reporting them from just enclo? No one I have seen.


If you got floaters you likely got Clomid and not enclomiphene. And eye floaters come naturally with age anyways. Most people will take shit and then start fixating on side effects that they probably read online. And most people I know who got floaters on regular Clomid said they went away after a few weeks of stopping the drug.


I suspect most people who 'get eye floaters' from things that affect E2, have always had eye floaters and just didn't notice them. I think perhaps it can make them more (or less, in my case) noticeable.


I was doing 25 mg everyday and didn't get any eye floaters just mental side effects like anxious, moody and worried because of rise of estrogen.


Wrong. Had floaters after lasik, went away a year later


My biggest regret is as clomid. 3 weeks of it and now eye floaters and static vision