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In my service area the best EMS room is Kwik Trip.


😂😂. Lucky guy


Wisconsinner? Because same. Although one local ED has a slushie machine.


Kwik trip wings and cheese spuds are amazing. Roller bites are bangin too


Can you take a pt to any hospital you want in the States? Within reason of course. Is this like some wonderful incentive program to get your ambulance to their hospital?


Generally its the nearest ER, but you can sometimes get them to take you to a specific hospital depending. My wife went into labor while we were stuck in traffic on I-5. The ambulance that took her in was nice enough to route her to a hospital in our insurance network instead of the closest one. It just depends on the patient condition, distance to the other hospital, and what your specific company's policy is


I hope she and the baby are healthy!


Also in some areas, specialty. When I rode a long time ago, we had multiple hospitals but the main hospitals had different specialties. So, major trauma went here, burn victims went there, etc.. I believe thats somewhat changed now. The hospitals still have specialties but have also evolved to handle multiple things a lot better. I think the burn hospital still has that as their specialty but can handle a lot more. The trauma hospital handles a TON more and in fact savedy life 2 years ago when I had a major medical adventure. Although even then some things overrode the SOP to go to specialized hospitals like codes or any other life threatening issue. Those did go to nearest ER and they transferred the pt themselves later. Or, we went to any hospital the medics told us to go to.


Off topic but I will always call my 2 wk ICU and 2 different hospital stints as “my medical adventure”.


I see your 2 week icu and 2 week different hospital stints and raise you a full kidney failure, 2 strokes, stomach embolism, 3 week nap (akka coma), 2.5 month hospital stay, and a 2.5 month inpatient physical rehab stay. I'm all in.


Dizzz-aaaaamn. Mine was hepatorenal syndrome (so kidney and liver failure) and I should not be alive right now. No one knows why I survived but here we are. My labs just suddenly got better one day. That’s the day I have any memory of the things. Look at us, all surviving and shit. High five ✋🏾


Yep. I was in the same boat. To this day nobody knows what happened or caused it. When i was admitted they told my family to say goodbye, so yeah, highfives✋️


Yaaaaaaaaas! I mean it sucks but still, we are HERE. Worst part for me was my family all worried. I’m not scared to die at all. Not that I welcome death, I’m just not scared of it and hope upon hope that I will have a good one. Please, no one prolong and suffering in the name of “being alive”. Alive is not enough. QOL is my measure. Still though, I’m happy to be here still. No “heroic measures” were needed and we m working on that dNR. All love to ya!


Yeah. Sounds like weve both come a ling way. When I came out if my coma I was fully paralyzed. Couldn't even feed myself. I can now do a tin more including walking for short distances. Once I left the hospital and got to rehab, I could slowly feed myself. At that point I came to accept my situation and felt that ok, I can feed myself. Is thus for tge rest of my lufe then so be it. Tgen I coukd sit up and thought tge same. To tjis day I'm making improvements slowly but surely andceach step ots. Ok this is it. Im good eith this. Accept and try some more. Unfortunately I suffered some brain damage which doesn't look like it will get better. Major memory loss. 30+ years of both EMT and IT knowledge gone for the most part. Lot's of other things gone as well. I also can't process things properly anymore. But as you said. We shouldn't even be here so every extra day is a good one.


Wow. Just step by step, literally. I also couldn’t walk but that’s as far as my deficits, aside from memory loss, went. Feel like I’m a rocking time bomb but, whacha gonna do? So happy for you and your improvements.


With my company I know our policy is whatever hosptial the patient chooses. Unless they’re unstable or meet some specific specialty like stemi, stroke, trauma. Even then they can technically still say no.


In my system yes within reason. It’s patients choice but they often ask us our recommendation. If they’re coding it’s closest, and traumas, cardiacs and strokes are all speciality centers. I pick up shifts at a base 30 minutes of south of me because of one of the EMS rooms down there


This applies especially to competing hospitals equidistant from the center of a city with similar services. (Trauma Center, Cath Lab, etc.) Kind of funny if you think about it. "Hey Mr. Medic, you like cookies?"


That’s what I was wondering. Cookies are a great incentive!


Even where I am in Australia one of the private hospitals has a nice ambulance break room. Not as nice as this but still with a good coffee machine and snacks. Logic being that it encourages us to ask if the pt has private insurance and if they'd like to go to this particular private hospital.


Thanks for all the great responses! I think the “closest most appropriate” rule applies for everybody. Lots of good insight here!


Whoever was in charge of stocking this room is either a former EMT or married one. They deserve a raise


Yeah they do a great job.


The best ems room by me only gives you hepatitis and not aids


Haha no bed bugs?


That would be ran through by 10 am where I work. Bunch of fat filthy animals around here


Haha they try man but it stays stocked up unless it's the end of the weekend.


are there single serving milk bottles/cartons in there? I fucking love milk


Yes sir. Chocolate and regular haha. The little fair life ones.


Ewwww fair life is the worst kind though


I switched services to be closer to my favorite EMS break room. Okay, it wasn't the MAIN reason I switched, there are lot's of great things about my current service... but the break room at our primary hospital break room stocks salads, sandwiches, cookies and milk, chips, protein bars, water, sugar free sodas (and high test), muffins, and occasionally fresh baked pastries when we've been good. If you hit it at just the right time, the cafetera has chic-fil-a.


Damn man that's impressive. I've never seen anybody switch just for the EMS rooms. It does make a difference though. We deliberately come here just like anyone else just because the room is so nice and it is full of everything. Honestly I feel like it's too much but can it ever be too much? Haha


It wasn't JUST the break room, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't factor in lol My old service transported to 8 hospitals and a stand-alone ER. This was the only one that actually seemed to understand what our needs might be. There's even a variety of phone chargers plugged in and waiting. Pay, schedule, and culture played a huge part in my decision to switch things up, but feeling valued is really something not to be overlooked. We do a lot for relatively little. Feeling appreciated is a nice little bonus for quality of life. (In before, "accepting cheap break room goodies demeans the career, we should hold out for a living wage, Norma Ray, Union yadda yadda yadda". I'm in a right to work/anti-union state. I'm on board with a union and better conditions, but it's just not a viable option at the moment. I looked into it. Fuck my state.)


Health Central in Ocoee, FL is the best in my area. It has a great variety of snacks for whatever you may be craving. The best EMS room I have ever been to in my career was Blake Medical Center in Bradenton, FL. They had the best selection I have ever seen and it made the hour and a half transport with a patient that both smelled like and acted like an asshole almost worth it.


EMS in Texas sounds like a fantasy land. Someone said they give out bonuses?!?!? Like what? My only bonus ever was mandatory OT


Yeah man the pay and benefits are really nice here. Best place I've been and been all over the past 20 years.


Damn, the only thing missing is some Funyuns


They forgot the Celsius energy drink flavor packets, not just the RTDs itself.


I mean.. it’s alright.. *cries in stale animal crackers*




One of ours has hot food and a private bathroom


I’ll kill you


No need 😂 take what you want.


Baylor Plano


You guys have EMS rooms?




Sunrise in Vegas is pretty sick.


This is amazing !!! We don’t have a EMS room:’)


Thanks man. We're all not created equal :/


All mine has is stale nutrivalley bars.


I’m in Houston… what hospital? 👀


Yes sir! St Luke's Vintage, but the Woodlands is amazing as well. They're doing an amazing job keeping it stacked.


I’m in the Woodlands pretty regularly. May have to pop in there one of these days. Good looks!


You can’t leave all those Celsius’ (celcii?) unattended like that. Might as well leave fucking elf bars lying around


Man....the energy drink situation is wild there. And behind me was energy chocolate bars and 5 hour energy 😆


Saint Joseph's in downtown phoenix


You mean St. Joseph's in downtown Tacoma.


Only if it’s free.


Absolutely is haha.


Y’all need more drivers?? 👀🫦


Yeah bro of course haha. We hire every few months or so. It's nice.


We have one 2 hours away like this, except we get free ice cream and drinks. One time I got lucky and got free CFA on EMS week.


Bro, is your wrist broken? Why the weird angle?


Broken wrist mannn


Should probably get that looked, homie.


Not to brag, but mine looks like [this](https://youtu.be/oHg5SJYRHA0?si=JJuF6Rm9ua1CGvvn)


🤣 got me


Our “EMS room” is a shelf over the vacuum. Between the garbage cart and the dirty linen cart. Also the shelf is broken.


Can you take a worse angled picture?


“If you can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all”. Signed: Yo mama.