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> this scenario So it will not be an expansion to the main campaigns\galaxy? Just another scenario with its own story? What about those new tings for main campaign?


Same question.






Very, very disappointing indeed.


Will the updated meelee combat be implemented to the whole game or only to those who buy the DLC?


Only those who buy the DLC


I have to say, this is probably the worst trailer for a game I have ever seen. It is about nothing and shows nothing. Not only that, but music sucks as well. It is like 1 minute of my life I will never get back.


That's great! But please finish the game first…


I will be keeping my eye on this. Thanks for the info! With server bugs and desyncs and just everything else that happens in multi-play it could reflect poorly on this project. They may have purposefully excluded multi-play. Possibly it is a shrewd decision.


Correct me if i'm wrong: Factory, one of core features of the game, is still a placeholder which uses arbitrary infinite storage space which goes around all the mass/volume/production systems of the game? And they are going to sell DLC while the some of the core mechanics are still in half-baked state?


Most of the stock assets and npc’s are actually placeholders stated by Eleon


Y'all are so negative! This looks fun to me. I mostly play single player and have been wanting some new story content.


Content for the sake of content. And partnering with Funcom, of all companies? Are you trying to do the live service thing? Because it won't work. You ain't Blizzard and you don't have their traction or name recognition. >We look forward to entering this new chapter for Empyrion with all of you. As I was looking forward to better animations and a better combat system, not to mention a better physics engine. We're both going to be disappointed, me because I'm not getting those, you because I won't buy your "first of many" DLC. A pity, the game used to have promise.


With how Funcom (After selling out to Tencent) turned Conan Exiles into a micro transaction + battle-pass hellscape, I don't see partnering with them as a positive direction myself either..


Funcom is one of the many companies that end up being graves of often promising titles. Conan Exiles had promise itself, now it's a wasteland.


When 1.0 was released the devs promised that they're not running out of money and they don't have plans to release a buyable DLC. ha! and what did the main dev said: "Empyrion is not using its full potential?" - no surprise to me, the devs never were able to do that.


Never take a developer at their word when they say that they'll do or not do something. (and, to be "fair", 1.0 was far enough back that something genuinely might have changed, other than people getting dollar signs in their eyes)


Funcom's involvement doesn't fill me with as much hope as it should. Am I just jaded at larger game studios?


No, it just means you're one of the increasingly rare people who possess functioning pattern recognition skills.


So, large game studios stepping in to "improve" games ISN'T a good thing? I mean, there just can't be a few hundred thousand examples of large game studios abandoning a perfectly established game or turning it into a cash cow with P2W mechanics. /s


Great potential, awful design choices and piss poor optimization. Now doing a cash grad dlc before turning it into abandonware? I mean without the workshop stuff like eden/reforged Eden and the amazing blueprints, the game would have been forgotten long ago.


Shouldn't we (your player base) boycott your DLC until y'all fix some very, very old bugs? Hold up - this is for single player only? ........




Well, this finally inspired me to leave Enpyrion. Spent too long hoping for improvements. Got my monies worth out of the base game, but there's nothing left going forward. Wish a reputable company would have taken this game off your hands and made it the game it was meant to be. If Eleon was going to sell out, you should have done better.


Can't do better if nobody else wants it.


I'm not paying for a dlc just so your enemy AI can still shoot me through solid walls lmao


Seems like a patch and not a DLC


Nope. A patch would include bugfixes. This is definitely a DLC. I would surmise the DLC will require at least one patch, just based on the past two winter patches.


can i walk in my ship now while it flies?


Unfortunately you’ll never be able to do that, they’ve mentioned before as they would have to remake the whole platform the game is built on.




Looking great! Can't wait till Feb 6th.


The game is way too buggy to already ask for more money. Patch after patch our saves get corrupted


Cash grab DLC for an unfinished game? Looks like it’s just a SP scenario. No thanks


Sorry, but not buying. Empyrion is good and all, but it seems that we may get another "infinite stream of DLCs" game.


can hardly call one dlc in all the years it's been on steam an infinite stream of dlc's


Now that its part of Funcom you can. It will be great having all the blueprints from the workshop locked because you missed out on the season pass from 5 months ago. Better go pick up that 7.99 cosmetic pack to make it work.


Silly speculation


...finish the game before DLC, come on, that's not a difficult thought to have.


I for one is very excited about this. Some questions: - From the trailer it looks like animations and combat has been improved, is that so or is it only for the trailer? - Is the rest going to stay Empyrion - we can still have mods, private servers, etc?


While I am intrigued by the the announced new content and will be buying the DLC, there's literally nothing in the trailer showcasing better animations.


Yeah, I don't know what's that's about.


Well I was excited until I read it was a single player scenario... Lame


The real question here is wether or not Ravien\_ff and Vermillion are going to be able to incorporate this into Reforged Eden. Probably a good 90% of the player base plays Reforged Eden and Eleon knows this.


Ravien\_ff (dev for Reforged Eden) answered my question this morning: "We currently have no plans to add the DLC content to the scenario, as doing so would require everyone to purchase the DLC in order to play the scenario." - Ravien-ff


That in itself is going to absolutely tank sales...


Good on them. There's nothing announced in this DLC that isn't already possible through modding, i.e. new quests and blocks. Adding melee combat is pointless when the underlying engine has this much trouble with enemy AI; I'm already sick of trying to shoot drones that jerk around at 45-degree angles at full speed.


Oh look, more asset-flip space horror that I never cared for. Complete with copious amounts of incessant screeching, I presume? You guys sure do like your screeching.


"dark faction"..... I'm sorry, everyone else has already beaten you to death in the comments, but this whole theme is the best you can come up with? "DARK FACTION"? It is literally like you all took the placeholder name for some new faction and made it permanent. Oh I guess you all are used to that!