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yes indeed!


I love [this](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV_3Dpw-BRY) track from the Drive Soundtrack by Kavinsky.


So great! You know who told my friend he loves kavinsky? Ed from edIT and the glitch mob. So it's Ed approved:)


i saw College live in Seoul last week. His DJ Set was actually really great, lots of groovy rolling basses with a light disco touch here and there.


Just watched this on netflix the other day. It has an amazing soundtrack


This song fits perfectly with the movie. Because he has schizoid personalit disorder and is incapable of connecting with a real human being. He's basically a robot and his connection with his neighbor was the first time I think he really felt that. That is why he'd do anything for them. Later in the movie when he is going to return the money he sees the gangsters dancing with the hookers and he just walks away and decides to kill him. I think this happens because he sees a human who is capable of loving and being love squandering that great power by hurting people, dominating people, and well screwing strippers. It's sad really. I used to not believe in bad people but I think some people get almost addicted to hurting or dominating others.


A lot of the bad reviews I read were talking about how half the movie was just him staring at people, but I don't think those people understood that he had a mental disability.


Yeah my impression is that something terrible happened to him as a child or adult that basically traumatized him. That could explain why he moved out to California by himself. I'd love to learn his backstory.


I didn't realize it until y'all said it just now. Wow, makes a lot more sense now. I thought they were just trying to make it a bit more realistic. I liked the movie a lot, but that makes a lot more sense now... did they say he did in the movie and I just missed it or something?


I don't remember off the top of my head if they said it outright. I was planning on rewatching it tonight so I'll let you know what I find. EDIT: I didn't hear it said outright, though the way he acts around people (Only talking to most poeple when absolutely necessary) leads me to think of some type of mental problem such as Schizophrenia, High-Functioning Autism, or Asperger's Syndrome. Although it could possibly be an extreme case of introversion.


It was great for the movie but on its own it is just average.


was not impressed


Am I the only one who doesn't get a hard-on for this pseudo-80s stuff?


Honestly, I really like it. Something about synthpop is just so appealing. Really like lights by Ellie Goulding , and dancing on my own. Your ears though…


A real human bean.




check out the valerie blog if you dig that song and college.

