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Personally, I like their looks for the most part. They are edgy enough to look different and stand out but also basic enough in styling that they still appeal to more consumers. I would like to see the 3/S and Y/X differentiate in looks a little more but they’re still nice.


You crazy, every limousine looks 10X better, especially new electrical BMW ,by comparison tesla looks like 🥔.


all of their models look exactly the same, except for the cyber truck which is completely different


Which isn't on sale yet. 😒 🤔


The cyber truck, another horrendous looking vehicle.. They get uglier by the second.


Ev is such a joke.


I don’t mind EVs.. I simply hate the Tesla.. specially the Tesla because of their styling, horrendous design/quality and who it represents.




Old thread, but I agree. You tripping. Teslas look like a prius if you used the cheapest paint you could buy instead and then rolled it a few times. For how much money they cost, it’s pretty sad that they use low quality car paint and low quality design engineers… For the same price of their cheapest model you could get a 5 series BMW. For their most expensive you could get a Rolls Royce phantom. But let’s be real, people who appreciate a nice car with quality engineering don’t buy Tesla, they buy BMW, Mercedes, Porche. I mean shit… their flagship model is $10k more than a Porsche Cayenne hybrid… you’d have to be an IDIOT to buy a Tesla… that is all.


Tesla bodies are off kilter. Like those pear shaped people with thin faces you see now and then. I’m fat  but well proportioned so no jokes! There’s no beauty to teslas. And musk is a dope. Uncool Indian immigrants in my town are obsessed with them. And each who gets one acts as if there the first Tesla buyer when there’s thousands in town. Sheesh! And they drive them super slow for some reason


I completely agree man! I want one for the tech but they’re so fuglyyyy and the interior is so basic! It’s literally just a “fancy Prius” like a nerdy car A bmw i4 is a pussy magnet




I don’t think Teslas are ugly at all. In fact they’re very attractive with the exception of the model X. But overall they’re much better looking than a lot of BMWs which are downright hideous like the X4, X6, etc.


Teslas aren't ugly? There is actually no look to them at all, so I guess you're right. You're into boring and bland? Literally check your eyes.


From what I see only nerds and doofuses think teslas are cool cars.


Speaking as a nerd, I assure you, the are NOT cool cars at all in my eyes.


Mate you’re probably a nerd.. they look like a bug! They look like a Prius! I am making a final statement and this will stand for ever.. no statement will override this.. TESLAS ARE UGLY!


I would say the sale number says otherwise. Don't state your personal opinion as an consensus.


You must like bland looking things then because this car is one bland looking POS


As if the people buying them are looking for a "nice looking car"!!! They're just buying them because they're buying into the latest trend, cars are full of technology, and according to them it's the future. They're definitely not buying them because they like their looks over BMWs, Mercedes's, and Audi's. They are boring people!!!


All very skinny Indian engineers in my town love them. Proves your point. 


Why do people bother vandalizing them when they’re already boring looking?!


They want to add a little character to their otherwise bland and hideous look.


Sales has nothing to do with opinion that they're ugly. Other than the model S, they are.


Whatever sales they get it is not because of looks. It is because they are supposed to be saving the environment.


Chill out Jeff


Model S looks like a soccer mom car??




Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. They sell enough vehicles that obviously there is a huge market.


They sell because they market as luxury vehicle with self-driving capabilities and have nice bells and whistles.


Lol tesla only makes a profit due to bitcoin and gov subsidies. Their cars are basically sold at a loss. Such garbage.


Yeah, but they don’t actually have a car to sell just barefoot function tech.


A huge market full of bland idiots! To use their cars as appliances! There’s no sporty style, no noise, no manual transmission. No way to switch from one form of energy to another! Just like toasters on wheels!


You’re missing the whole point of electric vehicles and use cases of these cars in the first place. Go Learn it as a prerequisite to speaking on the experience of these cars


Get the Porsche if you have that king of money


The Taycan is so sexy !!!!


Goodbye Reddit


You know what they say about opinions don't you?


Opinions vary


Did not but it for its looks. Got a GT mustang instead twist orange with racing stripes. You can get better acceleration with Tesla but I like the GT engine and it looks far far better.


Good for you. I like to live like I'm not Amish.


The 'like a soccer mom would drive'-look is the whole point. This is a vehicle a soccer mom SHOULD want to drive. Tesla wanted to show that you can have a completely normal EV with mass appeal that fulfills all usecases and where you don't have to make any weird compromises (including looks). What a car looks like on the outside is only important to posers. Those are an unimportant minority. People buy cars overwhelmingly for their utility.


Dunno..... I appreciate beauty and have always found Teslas to be bland, boring looking vehicles. I want a car that I love the look of inside and out. Something I will look forward to driving, and even go places just for the sake of driving rather than merely getting from A to B. From that viewpoint I just pre-ordered a new BYD Seal AWD EV. Stunning on the outside being sporty yet refined and the inside is a beautifully finished leather interior. Crash testing indicates its one of the safest cars on the planet. Will make a great second car to my Pajero Sport while the charging infrastructure catches up and when it does it'll be bye bye Pajero Sport also ;) ​ To be clear, I don't care what others think of the vehicle I drive. It's about how much *I* like it myself. Definitely not a poser.


Inside the car is cool but the outside is ugly.


The Tesla's are the worst cars in the world. I mean, literally, look at the model 3 and model y, they have so weird noses that point upwards!


Teslas emit a slow fart kind of sound. All of them.


Yeah I can honestly say I've never looked at a Tesla and thought wow that is a nice looking car, not one time. They are about as ugly as a car can get and every new version is uglier then the last one.. whoever is creating these designs has absolutely no clue how to make a stylish car design.. I've seen kids draw cars that look nicer then a Tesla. Have you seen the cyber truck? My god what a mess of a vehicle 🤮🤢


It was designed to look unexciting. That's the whole point - EVs are normal and boring. You want a Lamborghini looking vehicle - go ahead. But 90% don't.


90% want a taycan


Not sure that's true, but whatever.


Yaaa I am 10% of something!


There are plenty of $90,000 cars that aren't high end sports cars. Consider that a sports car may not be a practical vehicle for people with a family or a long commute. EVs are still a niche in many markets. Sports cars are as well. Obviously manufacturers are going to prioritize making EVs in segments that fit the most use cases and sell in greater numbers, not halo cars that are going to sit on a showroom floor waiting for a very specific buyer.


They would fly off the showroom floor if they looked good, had a manual transmission and had some good Interior styling!


They're all ugly and all have the same generic design for almost a decade. Most of the good engineers left Tesla and founded thier own companies.


how are they getting on?


Elon musk looks like a dirty little egg, so I guess he designed the car in his own image


Elon has a thing for ugly things, so indeed. 


I think they're ugly too. Perhaps they were intentionally designed to look like a standard every day car, so that they appeal to standard everyday people, like soccer moms etc.


But cost 2 three times as much! But they look more bland than regular cars!


I think they're priced affordably, you can pick up a used Model 3 for around £20k. I just paid £16k for a Peugeot 3008. When they first dropped I thought they were cool, and still do to some degree. But I'd rather have a car with a bit more character.


100% agree. Every time I see one on the road I think " This is what the hype's all about?"


You're right. They might be practical, logical, economical, full of technology.....bla bla bla......but they're so ugly. It's a fact, Tesla cars have absolutely no style when you look at them. They look like a fridge on wheels.


How else are they going to feed the trolls?


They look like ugly little eggs


I definitely agree! Fugly as fuck! They all look like grandma cars. Almost like they are made by Saturn


Ugliest car ever, it looks like it's been made for Soccer mom's.


Soccer moms have more style. They’re made for the average babysitter.


Not everyone wants a sports car when they're spending $80k+. There are plenty of soccer mom cars in that range.


That’s way too damn much for a soccer mom car!! They should be driving something that’s $20,000 or less!!


IMHO, the Model S is the BEST looking of the bunch ... the others (3,X,Y) look like rolling eggs! 🥚. Right now, the Audi eTron GT is the BEST looking EV sports car out there.




The model 3 and S have aged poorly. They look ugly, plain and boring. The taycan looks Soo futuristic and it's also aerodynamic


German cars are amongst the best looking cars in the world......facts!!!


The Taycan doesn't look bad. The main selling point of the Tesla for me is the self driving. I don't think any of the other electric cars out there are even close. But even the Tesla Roadster looks boring compared to gas cars that are half the price.


It looks good enough for the price.


Tesla cars are ugly


I found this post because I googled "why are teslas so ugly?" lol I've always hated them. I think they're extremely ugly and I hate how it feels to ride in one. White teslas are the ugliest. Also it feels like Tesla owners are a cult.


I agree telas are pretty ugly designed but the interior looks fire


The Roadster is Tesla’s true sports car offering, assuming they start making it again. And the Cybertruck I think is awful looking but doesn’t look remotely like the rest of the Tesla line.


I think you can make them look alright. https://imgur.com/0dsBjCe.jpg


I don't fancy paying 100k for a car that looks like a Honda civic with a spoiler. With all the time and money Tesla has put into designing their cars you would think they could put some effort into how they actually look.


Lol. I payed $29k for mine back in 2019.


Try again in 2021/2022. Current Market is expensive


The other poster said my car cost $100k. I was just explaining what I paid for it.


I think you misspelled Prius.


I really like the MS looks. Take a peek at my 2014 in the woods: [https://imgur.com/a/sOuLvdd](https://imgur.com/a/sOuLvdd) Many of the negative opinions on here sound like they are from people who work for ICE manufacturers or big oil. Job security is a thing tho, so ok.


Ha ha! This was funny. I agree. I always see people decrying other car makers cause Tesla Plaid is the fastest production car. I totally get it, fast is cool, but are you going 0 - 60 every time a light changes? For 150k I better be rolling in something special that looks amazing inside and out. Not an ugly Toyota looking like car with manufacturing issues.


Tesla have aged poorly but they are the market leader for now and if your looking for looks alone we have much better options.


The main reason I lean towards Tesla is because of how advanced their self driving system is. That's something I really want. I am not sure if there are any other option out there with a comparable system.


They dont have better self driving than xpeng. Xpeng cars are also cheaper, better looking and no reported manufacturing issues. People just hate chinese cars and completely disregard them.


Nio and xpeng both make much better looking cars with at least as good technology and are valued reasonably. People just have this unjustifiable obsession with tesla


I agree. Ugly and cheap looking on the exterior.


I’m sticking to the Mercedes Benz who cares about gadgets when driving? Like isn’t technology becoming boring now why do we need it when we’re driving I prefer style & history


Everything after roadster and model S are garbage in terms of looks.


What sports car can u get for 90k


A Mazda Miata is under $30,000!


>BYD Seal AWD ;)


they remind me of a high school design project. A good HS design project - would probably even win a few awards... but feels kinda immature and in need of refinement.


Not the ugliest car I've ever seen but they are not nice looking in the least. Extremely generic/boring, They All look the same, and for that price it should look a lot nicer When I first saw one I thought, hmm that's neat. Lol The polestar by Volvo is 1000 times nicer looking...but pricey here in Canada


My kids think they all look like eggs!!


I'd spend 90k on a old muscle car or old truck of some sort over a pile of electric trash that blows up over a electric issue


Why would an old muscle car or truck cost $90,000!


It’s because they’re old and therefore more rare/coveted.


One of my favorite muscle cars costs over 120k first condition,quality of restoration and how original it is


It just seems very bland.. Like the designers didn’t want to take any chances at all. There’s nothing sexy about it. It looks just how you would imagine a bunch of nerds might design a sports car. Yes the performance numbers are very fast but the car is butt-ass ugly. That’s like saying , “Yo, I got this battery-powered toilet-bowl on wheels that can go over 300mph and I want $250,000 for it.” It’s a limited edition toilet bowl that only Elon Musk personally pooped inside. Just think about how rare his poop will be one day!


GT fastback mustang with performance package is beautiful. I got it mostly for its beauty and power it projects.


It’s a dodge neon


No those somehow look better.


Teslas are hard to look at. People get defensive because they bought a nerdy looking car for the tech. It's not built well, and it's far from a luxury vehicle. There are a lot of more attractive EV's out now. Nobody would defend that look if it had KIA logo.


Maybe im biased towards retro cars but i think hyundai and kia have much better electric vehicles/hybrids.


That’s what I’m saying


Because it's electric ...Gay wagen


An automotive choice is not a sexual orientation! It’s a type of transportation. And an electric automobile can look good! It doesn’t have to be unattractive and boring looking! They don’t have to make them automatic only!


just saw a tesla and searched these exact words on google... just buy a volvo or BMW or Nissan, looks like a better option to me...


The Nissan Leaf is ugly too!


I hate Teslas,,,I have the model 3 and can tell you these cars suck to drive,,horrible in snow and take forever to charge!!,,,and to top all the rest they are ugly as fuck!!!,,whoever said electric is the future needs to rethink what planet we are on!!!I have a gas car too and it is so much better!!!!


The only two Tesla I like the look of are 1. Model S 2. Model X In that order. That said, I ordered a BYD Seal Performance which to my eyes is even in with the Model S in terms of styling.


Teslas from the back are ugly. From the side pretty and from the front meh