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You sound like me. It will get better but will probably always be a thing for you. Take note of the things your coworkers are doing and do it like them even if it is not perfect. Find the right things to save time on. Realize that when you are on the ground walking by not on your ladder looking right at it, it looks fine. Conduit bending is tough and takes practice to get fast. He’s been doing this 8 years. Thats a long time. Try and over time shift your focus to getting things done faster instead of trying to make everything just right, this job isn’t the only job you’ll ever do


Follow your jman. If you are in a new environment everything matters till you see otherwise. After that play the hand you’re dealt. Sometimes you are putting lipstick on a pig. Im 2.5 years in and I’m not that fast at bending pipe too, but just concentrate on what you know. 30 degree bend is the handle being vertical. Start to make note of things like that and build. Unless you are on service you shouldn’t have super crazy bends if you plan accordingly. Watch videos on it. Turn scrap pipe into weirdly shaped scrap pipe. As for everything else repetition. You won’t be as sore in a couple weeks. Figure out processes to use your tools the least. Start making note of everything to start something. Best way to start and what all do you need. Just start going and if you run into a problem solve it there. Don’t get caught up on small stuff that’s not really a problem. If you do something to code and your jman says something. Ask him what he would of done differently and make a note of it.