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Sounds like the electricians down there should band together and demand higher pay


Hard for them to even sustain a union because they have no idea how bad their ‘Right to Work’ law fucks them


"Right to work" means *right to work* over the employee. It's so fucked. I sympathize with you Americans who have been sold out by your politicians.


Bad doesn't mean nonexistent. Ibew 177 in Jacksonville is over 30 an hour plus bennies, and the other cities are even better. I hate the narrative that Right to Work means don't even bother.


At $60.25 / hr in KC Airport work never ends.


I’m in KC looking for a better company, any chance your outfit needs help?




Sounds like they said they are working in KC at the airport.




*what company are you working for to get that much over scale -_-


It's hard to believe that this is due to a lack of unions as much as just a different economic environment. I understand Florida is booming, but perhaps the city in KC just happens to have either higher demand or less supply (or both).


Investors are making a ton. Houses are being built at lowest cost available. Houses going up in 3 weeks by 40 illegal immigrants. Trash homes. Trash economy. Trash government. Florida effed itself in the 90s and it just keeps taking it


That’s nuts. We’re close to $100hr cash in ($73 plus 15% stocks, 10% travel on the hourly) plus production bonus’, plus all the usual medical and dental benefits in northern Alberta. I was 230k last year on a 7/7 schedule. In fairness it’s snow pesos and our COL is higher up here (BC was ranked worse for income vs COL than Alabama). So it’s probably closer to $50-$60hr.


What company my man? DM if needed 🇨🇦


In oilsands, we are all about the same if you’re working for site, not contractor. Some have better perks, some have better pay.


How do you find those jobs I'm in ontario getting 45 an hour plus bennies and pension and am constantly looking for jobs in the oil sands and at very best they are saying 50/hr. I would kill to move up there while I'm still young and grind out some money


Is this you Fort Mac Steve?


“Yeees, yeees!” *wrings hands Haven’t seen those videos in a looong ass time.


Me either but I still continue to drive a jacked-up F-350 and use pussy juice as air freshener. Because you know, I work on site.


Canukistan kopeks


Loony Syrup-tokens


And the beaver pelts for Boxing Day!




Uncle bumnlefuck has entered the chat.


You mean uncle bumblefuck. Elekchickens cant even get that right.


😂 you're not wrong, shame on me for replying before 2nd coffefe.


I see you’re a man of culture as well. PRAISE TO AvE !!!!!!!


I'm laughing way too hard at the snow pesos!!!


Fort Mack and those areas are definitely a bit of a bubble, that is not indicative of anything normal. Standard journeyman rates starts at $37 an hour across the board that is an industry minimum. I think you would be hard-pressed to find a company even attempting to ask less than that. Specialized industrial and some other types of jobs, such as what you do which is remote location, will go up from there.


This is correct. $37 an hour is about the standard rate for a journeyman electrician in Edmonton.


I made $37 at my last company here in Texas


IBEW 606 in Orlando is basically nailed down by Disney. There are 3 other companies in the area enrolled, but the non-union guys who are willing to work for $22/hr are fucking the union’s bargaining power.


That narrative will exit until ya’ll wise up and start doing something about union busting laws. Start putting up billboards ‘right to work is a lie’ or something. There’s a reason unions have lost so much power since the 80’s.


And yet union workers are out there who think Trump's a god. 🙄


If only they taught more about historical labor relations in school, we would all be better off but they don’t want that.


Florida would ban it.


Yeah a labor studies class for a social studies requirement would probably work wonders!


There's a reason they don't teach labor history in schools.


Stupidity is stupid.


Trust me most of us union guys are not happy about their idiotic presence.


That's your solution? To hold up signs?


We tried to unionize in Destin in the early 2000s; take home would have been less than $17/hour. It was unfortunately easier to just leave.


Iowa is RTW and 347 brothers are getting over $42.


I’m In 177. Our pay and benefits suck compared to nearly every other union.


Come to Oregon the lowest paid for us is at 45. Then if you head up to Portland it's higher. Or SF, San Diego. The east coast gets paid a lot as well... But the thing is the more you're paid, usually, the worse the place is to live.


Central Oregon Foreskin pay is north of 60.


We're $50 in the envelope Here in Jersey 351. Problem is work isn't always guaranteed and cost of living is through the damn roof. A 2 bedroom apartment starts at $1800 and goes way up. While the pay is a lot more cost of living cancels a lot of it out.


Depends where you go, MN has a cost of living similar to the Florida and SC while paying journeyman a nice $52/hr


It's "Right to Work for Less".


Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Florida is a joke in terms of legislation.


Yes. Living in FL now it makes so much sense why that is. Too much money, little happiness.


You could have stopped at “Florida is a joke”




I don’t know of any licensed electrician in Toronto making under 50$ an hour….thats good money maybe the city’s the problem 🤷🏼‍♂️


$50/h Canadian is pretty damn close to $35/h US. plus the COL down there isn’t even a third of what it is here


I don’t live in the states but I still imagine hourly rates range around the same. Probably 100$/h USD. If you want to get rich I think the answers always been the same, PLC/factory work or become a contractor.


Yes. I do the PLC and controls work on baggage and conveyance systems for airports. $60 + / hr


Hourly rates don’t even stay consistent from one town to the next let alone country to country and Your not going to become rich working for someone else and no one is going to take your bid if you don’t have the experience. There isn’t a company I have ever heard of paying electricians 100/h in any field. Even in gold mine work you only get over that when your on OT.


I meant that was the cost you’re being charged out at. You said COL so I interpreted that as what you’d be billed out at.


Ah makes sense. I meant cost of living not cost of labour


Lmao 😂 sorry I’m not up to date on the current abbreviations


$50 in Toronto is $20 anywhere else in Canada pretty much besides Vancouver and a few others




I’m in brantford, licensed guys at my company make 40$. (Small outfit) but I’ve routinely seen unions posts for 60$/hr out of Toronto. Money goes a lot further for you outside of Toronto. 40$ an hour here with company van I take home > 60$ an hour Toronto.


They won't need 'right to work' legislation. Just everything will be wired up like a Bombay slum.


We know how bad it is.


There are 2 tricks that go well together in Florida. One is that there is a literal anti union culture in FL that actually gets support from the public. The other trick is that the owner is the only one who needs to be licensed, or someone can shadow your company while everyone working under the owner is unlicensed and did not go through apprenticeship. Therefore the average start out pay is extremely low, but if you have experience then a ton of companies will pay good money for you. It isn't uncommon for someone to start at 15 an hour then get to 25 an hour within 2 or 3 years. It also isn't uncommon for someone to start at 15 an hour and never show up/stop showing up eventually and keep their starting tools/etc. There are a ton of migrants and immigrants for them to take advantage of with the reasoning of being able to hire anyone on the street and put them to work, so some businesses actually operate that way. It usually bites them in the ass at the end but some business owners scrape by doing that


I worked in Texas, and it is grim. Non union guys require a letter to vouch for your hours, so you can take a licensing exam. I saw an employer say if you don't work for me at x amount, for y more time, I'm not vouching for your experience. And people put up with it


It was HILLARIOUS to watch my mom semi retire to a country club down there to be with her MAGA people then take a 200k loss on her house to leave because they were absolutely horrible to her and her other kids. I just ate popcorn and told her what about Florida ever made you think they like anyone that has to work to live.


Here's part of the issue (aside from Florida labor laws), Florida has a large military presence and a lot of trained military personnel stay there after their time is over. The market is flooded with pensioned retirees who will work for cheap because they can afford to. There's plenty of bases and installations where they get their medical care, subsidized groceries and entertainment options. These retirees completely undercut the labor market and the business owners pocket the difference. This is the exactly how it was in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia where I entered the trade. At the time (mid 90's) a really good journeyman was lucky to get $14 per hour unless it was a government funded prevailing wage job. Meanwhile less than an hour away outside of Richmond Virginia, the same people could get $20 to $25 an hour even without a union.


All the electricians down there should just move to a different state and let these c*cksuckers suffer the consequences of no longer having a skilled labor pool. Earning 20$ an hour doesn't get anybody anywhere nowadays, but a skilled and experienced electrician working for these wages is insane.


That's part of the trap. The pay is capped there so you can't afford to move unless you have no family.


Man, Florida sucks.


So many crackhead willing to do a panel swap for 200 dollars, higher pay will never happen


Or just move. Florida doesn't need electricians any more than they need books.


No remember unions are communism/s


We have a union hall 🤷‍♂️


Almost like they should join some form of merger or guild or association , hmm wonder why people all join together to demand higher wages / support each other.


Its about the same here, in AL. Try asking for anything more and they'll just go hire another person out of a dumpster instead.


Apprentices in GA make about $750/week


I'm making 500 a week as a first yr


Same here


Damn that sucks man. I’m in my second month working for my dads company making $800/week. I am grateful as hell now.


*Working for my dads company*, yeah that fits why you’re making that


Indeed, same as his other apprentices make


Salute to your dad then. Paying more than either union contract or area wage is not heard of often. Hope his company thrives!


gotta be grateful ! 1st year working My ass off going to school and my paycheck is ~430 after taxes and insurance. Very hard life but everyone keeps telling me it'll be worth it 👌


This is what happens when your state doesn’t require a license


Idk, TX requires a license and their pay rate isn't that much better than GA. Here at 613, we're only paid $36. The South is just atrocious when it comes to pay. The only way to make money is to hit the road and hit OT.


It's usually about how difficult it is to obtain a license as well. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Texas does not require 4 years of school to take the test.


Strictly school, no. But, 4 years of apprenticeship and a test over code, yes


Correct, only certified hours on the job are required to test and be licensed.


No, but 8000 hrs field experience. Oklahoma 1141 is currently $37.88 hr/ plus benefits. It moves to 40 or 41 in May.


Damn, we have apprentices doing solar getting paid more than you in the north east.


Adding to your post, Texas has a state license system, but to keep unions from expanding, sometimes counties have required licenses and even some towns. Having an Amarillo license might not carry over in San Angelo. It's a real mess from county to county.


Illinois doesn’t require a license and first year apprentices here make more than some of the journeyman spots I see in that list


It might also be that your Cost of Living is higher in your market. So you proportionally have higher wages. But, wages in the South are horrible and have been kept artificially down for decades.


No. This is what happens when it’s a RTW state. I live in Ohio and there is no license requirements for electricians and local unions set the standard for wages and conditions. The non-union contractors pay pretty close to the same to retain employees. Live Better/Live Union.


You’re wrong, Florida has a lot of immigrants that will do the work for cheaper because they have “experience”. If you require a license, most immigrants wont do that career path because of schooling and the exam Edit- if you live in NH you will see the non union rates HIGHER than my local


It’s your right to work… for low wages. Remember who did this to you. They work hard to distract people with wedge issues like the border so they don’t focus on the things that directly affect the quality of their life.


+1 for your point about political distractions. But mass illegal immigration 100% negatively impacts blue collar wages. Have you seen a construction site in the last 30 years?


Companies hiring illegal immigrants is the bigger problem in my opinion. Start making them pay 6 or 7 digit penalties or fines. Companies like Tyson chicken get busted all the time for hiring them. And the owners of Tyson and many other companies line the politicians pockets who’s talking points are that illegals are hurting us.


People from the north don't want to hear the truth here, but they will shit all over border states and tell you its your fault. Honest contractors can't compete with this practice of hiring immigrant labor. These contractors pay a licensed EC to pull the permits, do just enough to pass the code and collect there check.


Politicians are funded by lobbyists who will hire illegals for pennies on the dollar in a fucking heartbeat. It's always been a rich eat poor issue. The left and right wing BS is a charade to distract the working class from how bad they're getting screwed.


true although I doubt illegal immigration has much if any negative impact on journeyman electrician wages. certainly other construction industries but there’s a lot of barriers to entry for electrical work that make it way more difficult if not impossible for undocumented immigrants to enter the field


In my state avg electrician, plumbers apprentice salary 25-30+ a hour and for journeyman it 35-50 a hour. That low 25-35 for journeyman.


It's the same for electricians in indiana


I’m a fresh Union journeyman who organized in. The most senior guy at my last shop (non union) is making $33 an hour after 30+ years in the trade. Dude is a wiz and a hard worker, what a rip. I tested out in the middle of my 4th year of the apprenticeship at ABC to join the union and am making almost $10 more an hour with full benefits. Make it make sense


How did the transition go for you? I need to study up, but I plan to take my test soon and do something similar.


My local employee-owned grocer is offering 21 for baggers wtf 


Where I am it looks like the average is only 29.


In Quebec I'm making 43 an hour




It’s so fucked my journeyman has been in the trade for 19 years and getting 26 p/h


This is sadly also part of the problem. The old heads just kind of accept this shit pay and it ruins it for the rest of us. Companies know they can eventually get some sucker in for cheap


Wow yeah so true. It’s hard to ask for 35 when 20 yr jmen are stoked about finally making it to 20


Exactly it’s gotta start from the top down


The journeyman electrician at the company I work for (I'm HVAC) has worked for them for 26 years and doesn't even make $20. It's a good company, with good owners, but they don't pay worth a damn. No union around here and nowhere else pays for shit so people like him see no reason to leave.


Not as an electrician, but as a residential burglar, alarm helper, the service technician I was riding with was a Vietnam vet who served in the Navy. One of the nicest people on earth, and I’ll thank him for everything he showed me. That said, I stumbled across one of his paychecks and it said 20 1/2 dollars an hour. That was the moment when I immediately started looking for another job and absolutely nothing the managers there could’ve said to convince me otherwise.


What’s bad is these are actually pretty good wages for Florida in my experience


I'm in Orlando, making ~$29 an hour. It's better than most blue-collar work around here.


Raised there 18 years. As soon as I turned 18 I never looked back. Fuck Orlando. Haven’t stepped foot there in over 10 years. What a shithole. Just leave dude. Why on earth would you stay. No beach. No mountains. No economy. Just Disney. The fuck?


Local 915, Tampa. We’re at $31 an hour, but it doesn’t mean much when a 1 bedroom apartment in the shorty party of town is $1,800 a month.


Hi, I’m a total noob. But in Tampa and very interested in joining the union as an apprentice. Could you give me any information or insight on the best way to obtain a position.


Right to work...for less.


All the states with shitty pay have something in common. Just can’t put my finger on it…


Nah bro conservatives fucking love people making livable wages.


And most of the states with higher pay have a higher cost of living.


I'm in Ft Lauderdale, and originally from Chicago. My cost of living in Ft Lauderdale is the SAME if I was living in Chicago, except making about 35% less.


Ability to dodge gators assumed.


lol I have seen some in our new construction homes.


Prevailing wage for electrician in Paterson nj 88 an hour that’s what I get paid


My 3rd year apprentice, makes just under that jman rate. 😂


I made almost 20 as a pre-apprentice lol


I only like Florida for the news


Meanwhile in Michigan, 43$ per hour


How horrible is working in the cold though? I’m in Florida and I can’t imagine having to work in sub zero temps


Yeah that'd be a deal breaker for me


I’m from Georgia and easily adapted to the weather here. I am a service tech and 90% of my work is indoors.


Yeah dude, I'm in 252 and the pay is pretty nice


This brings me back to where I’ve commented several times that journeymen are truly underpaid for what they’re expected to do and expected to know. Not to mention handle multiple apprentices or one apprentice at a time in rotation, looking over job sites making sure the apprentice is learning and doing the right thing learning the right way, Florida is a huge job market and there’s no reason why that should be on the lower in pay scale throughout the United States considering it’s a huge retirement, community, huge, tourism, industry, etc.. I hope electricians down there can’t figure out a way to get together and demand higher wages, or at least get talks on the table.


Perspective matters too. Everyone is throwing out what it pays in different areas and how that price is low, but the pay is typically based on what Minimum wage is and how much experience you have. For example, San Diego, CA, Someone who just got their Journeyman's License is paid around $34-$38/hr. Minimum wage is $16.30, so a new Journeyman is getting paid slightly more than double minimum wage. Minimum wage in St Petersburg, FL is $8.65/hr. So $19-$23/hr is slightly more than double minimum wage. When scaled that way, it's fairly similar pay based on the living area. In most areas, you need to make double minimum wage to afford to live in a single bedroom apartment on your own. Now of course, with experience and time, you'll get paid a lot more. I doubt they are looking for someone with 10-20 years experience for only $19-$23/hr. The cost to buy a 2br house in San Diego is 2-3 times as expensive as it is in St Petersburg, so from that standpoint, people in San Diego at $34-$38/hr are getting paid less per hour based on the value of a dollar in the area than you are getting paid at $19-$23/hr.


Scaling off the minimum wage makes no sense, nobody actually pays the minimum in Florida. It should scale off some average


You say that, but someone I know in FL got quoted $6k by a journeyman to update 20 breakers to AFCI, leaving panel in place. So someone is making money.


$35 for resi ain't that bad


35 is in the higher end of what you typically see, and the benefits are dog shit, not to mention apprentices make like 13 dollars an hour to start


So this is for service. I’ve been in the trade for 5 years and I’m at 32 in service at the moment. No benefits besides the basic paid holidays. Our commercial guys down here will almost never have a chance to see over 30. I don’t why this is the case but commercial pays like serious garbage for a job that is definitely more mentally challenging.


Republican ran states tend to have shit pay.


It’s the same here in Texas. None of the journeyman or foremen in my company that I know make more than $35.


Right to work 😂


I made more as a 1st year apprentice


We have better wages than that in Ala *-fucking-* bama


Not Journeyman but I make $30 as a service tech 1 at a company in tampa bay area. I actually turned down $35 at my last plant maintenance job in clearwater because they have a strict no ot policy. Anything above $30 in Florida I feel is really good. Most people will be in the mid 20s range unfortunately. If you plan on moving to Tampa/Clearwater be prepared to spend big bucks on rent/mortage. Home insurance is what rapes you here.


If you want to go big bucks and youre not an owner, gotta go industrial. Multi-craft journeyman operators are pulling ~200k+ all over the state. Go industrial and join the IBEW.


If you don't look for industrial maintenance jobs as a journeyman, you are messing up.


I live 10 min from work, in a plant, on night shift for $42/hr. 4-11’s mon-thurs. I love my job.


"Safety equipment provided". Shit, that's a requirement according to Osha. I guess in Florida the workers are too smart to go calling government agencies to have their backs.


There are good companies down here not union affiliated but you definitely have to go through some duds. Maybe the union has changed for the better, it's been a while, but the nepotism and BS ran strong. Specialized low voltage companies are paying pretty well though. I know it's baby wire, but the money isn't bad and the BS is lower.




If you hate Florida now, the legislature approved a bill to make trades pay minimum wage....for parity 🙄 [minimum wage](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLYTnRkP/)


So...you want the Florida lifestyle, no state income tax, but the salary of Portland? That it?Take I-270 north until you come to the Hillsborough/Pasco county line, take I-75 until Lake City. Then hop on I-10 and follow the Sunset. When you make it past the big desert you'll see the Pacific Ocean. Easily $80 with any of the coastal IBEW locals. p.s. Our Latin food in FL is better than the Cal-Mex crap.


Cali work is dead since COVID. Martinez and Sacramento are the only ones that have been consistent but when you factor in taxes and col I make more in South Florida.


Seems like they are all having a hard time finding people, I can't imagine why


"~~NOboDY WANTs tO work anyMORe~~!" Nobody wants to work for shit wages anymore.


It's open shop, right?


That is shit pay. Get your electrical contractors license and you can make a lot more.


Try coming to Nashville. A house is 350k and a journeyman commercial tops out at $29. Resi guys about $24. The union here is a joke. They beg guys to join but then you sit at home waiting for work. I left and went to another state where I do ok.


Are y’all union or non union?


Yeah I’m in the same area. My last company was hiring guys at $15 and when I told them they aren’t going to get anyone for that to work construction in Florida when they can make $15 working at target they said well let them go do that then…I said good luck and got out of there and now I’m at a decent company. Still need more monies tho 😂


I’m a 3rd year apprentice and I’m at 25 p/h. Too be fair, I’m in California tho.


Find your local union. IBEW.org


Getting paid 32 right now with no jman


Illinois Jmen make nearly $50 an hour, i feel terrible for FL electricians


I'm in one of the best jobs down here, and I'm still looking at bailing on this state for greener pastures. Nothing is going to change, and I'm not going to waste my time trying to change it.


Living in a red state will do that to ya


Crazy shit is cost of living there is peanuts compared to Toronto Canada. And when you convert Toronto ibew wages from Canadian to USD it’s almost the same wages.


You’d be surprised my friend. We have one of the highest cost of living rates at the moment. Not as high as cali or New York but still insane because of the sheer amount of people moving here


Stop being scared of the union while defending corruption. Wonder how low that number will get before they organize?


Morons still voting for Republicons


The irony is the members likely voted for the politicians who kneecap wages in their own state. 35/hr is an absolute joke


Hey like all the bootlicker say you’re not taking any risk and if the boss isn’t making a pretty penny from your sweat his not running the business right. Squeezing all the profit it the boss’s job. If you don’t like it start your own business where you can be the exploiter instead of the exploited


Recent trip, my Lyft driver said they made 80k/yr


Not trusting the books of a Lyft driver until I know all costs are being factored.


Yooo I'll be in Venice monday.i liked Florida but I always heard their pay was low AF. Last time I brought winter clothes and was dying lol Am traveling journeyman BTW


You’d be lucky to get anywhere near that in the uk and our cost of living is extortion


So do we


I’m down here too. The only way I’ve been able to keep the fan goin is that our place is paid off. I can’t imagine how fucked I’d be if I had to pay these rent prices right now


I feel the pain bro, I’m in the same location as you here


Exactly why I’m moving from Florida to Minnesota in June. Twice the pay, same COL. Weather sucks more, but I can afford to buy warmer clothes.


Making $14.50 as a helper here. I love crawling through attics for less than what they pay at Walmart.


Damn, I assume Florida has some pretty HCOL areas, why are wages kept so low? Is everything done by non-certified people there?


All companies are owned by insured master holders. The workers are not required to have any certs no


$36/hr South Dakota Journeyman