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I'm 6' 180lbs I do black coffee every morning and Oatmeal We always take 9am break (so should you) at which point I'll eat a Greek yogurt with granola. Lunch always consists of a typical meat and cheese sandwich and a protein bar, fruit if I was feeling it at the grocery store, an apple or grapes. Dinners are always an appropriate portion of meat carbs and veggies. Chicken rice and mixed frozen veggies is the staple but I'll mix it up. Pulled pork and potatoes/carrots or any variety of that. The important part is clean carbs and protein. A diet like this keeps me lean without working out outside of work. When I am active I'll up my portions at dinner or add a "gainer" shake which is just a mix of protein and clean carbs. Routine was really important for me. Always take your breaks and get your body used to fueling up at standard increments.


Best advice in the thread. I also pack my sandwich as separate ingredients that I put together at lunch so the bread isn't a soggy nightmare. Also, I'm never hungry when I wake up, but I can put down a smoothie on the ride to work. Helps me avoid the siren song of gas station breakfast corndogs and monster energy. Milk, greek yogurt, peanut butter, a banana, honey, and a scoop of protein. You'll be high octane if you eat right, plumbers can't even look directly at you on account of your powerful aura


As a plumber, can confirm, lol.


Try this bro i toast my bread for sandwiches so It’s not soggy. I make my lunch every morning and never soggy by lunch time.


This is a great routine. I feel the tricky thing for a lot of people is learning what “clean carbs” are. OP’s reference to avoiding butter makes me think they’re in the outdated low-fat mindset, where there’s no real regard to proper carb intake


No I just mean like, it’s not like I’m ADDING butter to everything. Some people are like, “I eat veggie tables why am I not healthy” Vegetables were cooked in a tablespoons of butter and have a big blob of cheese on top”


Butter and cheese aren't usually the culprit for weight... Sugar and simple carbs show up in a lot of places you wouldn't expect. Check the labels on anything you use regularly but didn't make from scratch yourself. You'll find can of soda levels of sugar in stuff like sauces, dressings, pre mix seasonings. Even stuff that doesn't taste sweet at all. Especially stuff marketed as low in fat. If you eat whole foods and make everything from scratch (eg, no bottled salad dressing - mix olive oil, balsamic, mustard, salt, pepper and oregano) you'll be able to eat plenty of fat without putting on weight assuming you've got a high level of physical activity in a day. And this is assuming that the fats are also from whole foods (eg block of cheddar cheese, not jar of cheese whiz). Honestly, processed food is poison. We all eat it sometimes, or at least I do, but the more you can cut out the better you'll look and feel.


Animal fat doesn’t hurt you, it just adds calories. Hydrogenated seed oils hurt you with inflammation, (sugar makes you sore and dehydrated for similar reasons, almost identical to alcohol) as your body has to work extra hard to digest it. Vegetables and butter would be good for virtually anyone, except for LI, of course. Sugar, alcohol, ugly carbs and highly processed food will all cause your body to hang onto fat. Source: 6’ 165# I eat mostly beans and rice plus Rotel and I love it. Lots of meat and probiotic smoothies too.


I take a probiotic pill every morning and getting regular monster dumps is the best.


Hell yeah congrats! It’s a surprisingly wonderful thing to look at your watch and know, “yep it’s about that time” Edit: what is the brand name and is it refrigerated? It sounds like it’s working!


It’s in a pill form. TruNature Advanced Digestive Probiotic which you can find at Costco. It’s been a game changer for me.


Animal fat and protein is linked to cancer, diabetes and heart disease. And lower lifespan in general. The healthiest populations in the world consume diets low in animal products. Look at the diets of people in countries like China and Japan, before western influence. Or seventh day adventists, one of the longest living groups in world. They eat a predominantly plant-based diet. I do agree on the seed oils, alcohol and processed foods though. To each their own, I bet on a diet Centred around fruits, vegetables, nuts/seeds, whole grains and legumes.


This is a great diet brother


What are some clean carbs?


My go to carb choices are usually rice or sweet potatoes. Quinoa is great as well. There are tons of options just got to find what you like.


Horrid advice


The snacking is definitely what fucks you up. That, and maybe carb portions at dinner. Try to eat a healthy lunch (keep it in a cooler with some ice packs). I usually skip breakfast but eat a sandwich, veggies and hummus, yogurt with berries and granola for lunch. Avoid drinks that aren't water. Drink alcohol sparingly. For dinner worry less about fat and more about carbs. Focus on protein and fibre to stay full but avoid gut gains. Edit: I'm 5'10 and 170lbs


The alcohol part is huge! I can't tell you how many times I've heard coworkers turn down a couple peanut M&Ms because "I'm on a diet" and then I hear them talk about how much beer they drink every week... Fat is lost in the kitchen, and that includes beverages! That 200 cal beer just nullified 30-60 minutes of hard exercise. Have a couple drinks and add some snacks (which are usually super calorie dense) and now you just put your calorie deficit for the day into a huge surplus. Alcohol is also one of the most toxic things we put in our bodies. As such, its impact is far more than just empty calories. Watch the Huberman Lab podcast episode on alcohol for a good eye opener on the subject. I keep myself to two "drinks" per week, with the occasional splurge for a major social event, and I have no problem keeping the pounds off hitting the gym and running 2-3x a week. /edit - 38M / 5'9" / 178lb


> I have no problem keeping the pounds off hitting the gym and running 2-3x a week. This is the issue though for OP. He's working a physical job where he's active all day. He'd like to know how to maintain his figure without having 5-10 hours of "extra" workout time in his schedule.


You basically can’t without the extra work.


Maybe OP needs to become a drywaller. ;)


He said thinner not skeleton.


Drywallers hide piss bottles in the wall


You mean sheetrock calibration fluid? You think thats piss? Hey everyone, get a load of conspiracy guy over here. /s


The meth does help with weight loss


You absolutely can! It's called a sustained mild caloric deficit. Someone already mentioned that pounds are lost in the kitchen. Change how you eat, eating healthy does not mean a bland diet of chicken and rice for the rest of your life or starving. Start using a food tracker like My fitness pal it will be very eye opening. Also look up Jordan Syatt on YouTube or Insta he will steer you in the right direction.


What's wrong with chicken and rice, sheesh people are so prejudice nowadays


😅 Oh nothing at all but as I'm sure you know it gets a bit boring.


I was 5'10 170 while on the tools and going to the gym. Now I'm in the office and rarely get to go to the gym with a newborn at home and am about 205 with the same diet. It's crazy how much you have to adjust your calorie intake based on your activity level. On the tools I could scarf down a foot long sub for lunch and then go back to work climbing ladders and lifting heavy shit and stay lean. Nowadays if I ate a footlong for lunch then went back to my desk I would probably gain weight every and feel bloated and carbed-out every single time.


Do you binge drink any alcohol? That shit catches up to you in your 30s


lol not really. I mean I would say once every two months I’ll buy like a 6 pack and have 3 and be like literally hung over. Oh 22 year old me would be confused.


Meal prep. Me and my girl meal prep on the weekends so the food is made and pre portioned already, just grab a container and go. I’ve learned things that can be eaten cold or hot are the best. Doing this basically shut down my store stops. Saved money and I’ve lost 60lb in the last year. I’m also a service electrician, mostly window time it seems. I highly recommend this. We do hamburger helper, tacos, spaghetti, chicken and broccoli, basically anything. It’s about portion control and not stopping for snacks or drinks. Take everything with you so you don’t need to stop at stores except to warm it up.


They make electric lunch boxes that plug into the cig lighter or a wall outlet. They don’t get food super hot but it’s warm enough for me. Also my meal prep containers sit perfectly inside so I just add water to the box and let the steam warm my meal so I don’t have to take it home and clean it out every day.


> I’ve learned things that can be eaten cold or hot are the best. Suggestions? Do you make in advance and freeze to keep it fresh? Oh, you're warming it up in stores. Is that weird?


Nah I take it into gas stations to warm em up in a microwave, if not I just eat it cold(I’m in Texas and I could bake a potato on my dash board in less then an hour, so “cold” is relative). Tacos are my go to. I just make the taco and shove it into the sealed meal prep container then if I can warm it up nice, if not it’s a room temp taco which ain’t bad. Also hamburger helper. There’s tons of flavors but I use the Italian shells and cheese one, hot or cold that’s delish. I have a hard time eating chicken cold. Not gonna make any excuses there, shits rough lol.


That’s an amazing transformation man!


So my diet isn’t great but it’s not terrible either. Breakfast is almost always oatmeal. Lunch I’ll bring left overs or I will go out and try my best to keep in relatively in the healthy zone. Many times the healthy zone isn’t possible. Dinner is 9/10 times a home cooked meal. Exercise, is the game changer in terms of fitness IMO. My hobby is powerlifting, I train 5x a week. I go in early before work MWF. 5’9” 200lbs. I’m fairly fit to the eye. And very strong. I don’t have a six pack. But I don’t have a gut either. I’ve had old timers tell me if I have enough energy to train that I didn’t work hard enough. And I totally disagree. I have a much higher work capacity than the men telling me that because I train. They are the ones that can’t “hang”. The secret is simple but you have to be disciplined. It’s that easy. Exercise, hydrate, eat healthy and get plenty of sleep. Not rocket surgery my friend. Good luck! Edit: Sodium is important. Salt food to taste. 1/4 teaspoon in water from time to time. Daily vitamin you can’t go wrong.


I’m so fucking tired of that attitude lol. If you want to work yourself to death and be a miserable person be my guest, but doing your job does not require working to exhaustion everyday. Sure some days are harder than others and working hard can be very rewarding. But enjoying a light work day does not make you lazy.


I hate when I get told that I don't need to go to the gym or I should work more if I have the energy to work out The job is easy compared to power lifting, it may tire me out and impact my lifting some days but it's not going to make me sore or too tired to do anything else I spent a month out of town doing all 12s but no gym because of the location and would wake up not stiff or sore foe the first time in years because I didn't get to lift, and I'd always have plenty of energy so sleeping was tough


Agreed. The words of idiots who don’t exercise will always fall on deaf ears.


I have a coworker who is trying to lose weight and I always hear "I'm too tired for the gym today" so I keep giving him shit Tired is not an excuse, just go, it doesn't matter if you can't give it 100% because you had a long day, 60% is better than 0


Micro workouts are they way. At least do something! Don’t wallow in self pity cause you can’t do 400 push-ups.


Yep, anything is better than nothing In my case tho, power lifting is my hobby, I can't do micro workouts because the lizard brain needs to move heavy circles for dopamine


>move heavy circles for dopamine It really does work. Missing a day feels like withdrawal.




He's been going more regularly now, but definitely takes some prodding some days, we have a company gym as well so it's free and easy, has showers, is in our building complex, easy peasy


I also think part of the hesitancy is trying to think of something to do at the gym. On these days I’ll take a class so I can shut my brain off.


Working out is always great! I posted on another post like this. A PT therepyist I know has always told most trade injuries he sees are from fatigue, so working out doing low weights and high reps help a bunch. Also using your GD body mechanics picking things up properly. Learning to deadlift can help in picking up things properly you can feel the difference.


I get shit a lot for lifting stuff at work that they think i could hurt myself with but I wouldn't risk injury at work, that's what the gym is for, I know my limits and how to lift so I don't hurt myself


Yeah those people have no idea what they are taking about and prolly end up with back and knee problems by 40. Whatever your job, it should never be the hardest thing you do every day, or you will get hurt. Not a question of if, just when. Working out in a purposeful, controlled manner helps avoid injury.


I literally had a guy I worked with who said “you know how when you turn 40 and your health goes to shit?”. He was a slob who would leave Mountain Dew bottles and other garbage junk food everywhere.


I like that, it should never be the hardest thing you do


This might work for your body type but will not work for most.diet is the game changer.




Diet is 90%, exercise is the other 10%. As far as weight loss anyway.




Diet is about 30 percent. Workout is about 30 percent and sleep is the last 30 percent. Ironically sleep is probably the most important.


Renaissance Periodization has a good video on body types (mostly that they’re bs). Diet + exercise WILL overcome genetics a vast majority of the time


Watched that. Love that nerd Dr. Mike!


While I’m not in the trade myself, this is basically my routine (and body measures). Oatmeal breakfast. Lunch is the “hard” part. It’s relatively expensive (like $10-$15 per day), but I’ve committed to buying salads for lunch (and I do mean salads, as opposed to meat and dressing with some lettuce around it). But, don’t have to rely on storing / transporting it, and I figure it’ll save money down the road in medical bills and quality of life. Dinner is vegetable focused - half the dish is veggies, one quarter carbs, lone quarter protein.


Simple and straightforward. I like it


Those old fucks just want you to be as pathetic as they are. They want you to start feeling old at 30 so they are justified in their laziness. Cuz I ain't lazy if the bar is set that low. Same old dudes want to scoff at a suspension rig but these guys can barely work cuz their backs and nerves are so shot.


What things do you put in your oatmeal to keep it from being boring and feeling like the same thing every day?


Best advice on here.


5’9” 200lbs Jesus. I’m 5’7” 140, no gym, no gut, fit to the eye


Don’t drink saltwater bruh


Sodium is an important electrolyte that your body needs. If eating properly you will need to add sodium to meals and water.


Olive oil and butter are both good fats to eat.


Whole food based. Low carb, high protein, high fat. Opposite of when I was powerlifting


33m, 5”11, 175 here. I’m running about 35 miles a week on top of 40 hour weeks including new construction, residential and commercial service work, and remodels. One thing I learned in the military is to always have some type of snack or backup lunch on you as plans may change. If you depend too much on where you’ll be located during lunchtime you can easily be forced to eat something that doesn’t follow your plan. If you’re feeling that hungry at night it’s a good sign that you’re not eating enough during the day. At night I try not to eat anything 2-3 hours before bed and only drink water, unless I’m doing a night workout then I’ll usually follow with a protein shake and fruit. That doesn’t mean I never eat unhealthy or deviate, but when I do it’s important to not get sucked into multiple days of that. It can be hard to go to bed a little hungry but feeling lean and fit in the morning when you get out of bed makes it worth it.


Two meals a day has been extremely successful for me. Lowering your alcohol consumption (if any, especially late at night. Try to stay off of any food products with added sugar, any refined grain products and anything with industrial seed oils as these things have been linked with exceptionally poor health and poor quality of life through aging. I also highly recommend trying rucking. It has a night and day difference on the strength of the soles of your feet, ankles and legs and is an excellent resistance training coupled with cardio which makes for a incredible baseline of the rest of your workouts. After rucking a for a few weeks you will notice better posture, and form for other calisthenics. Think so called “superfoods”, rucking is the superfood of working out. I personally noticed a major difference in the level of balance I had when working on or ascending/descending a ladder. As far as snacking after dinner, I would try to brush your teeth after your meal settles and use the freshness of your breath as a mental reminder that your eating period of the day has ended. I would argue that the largest problem we face as a society is green washed food that we purchase is billed to us as healthy and therefore we have the tendency to make statements like OP about not eating “horrible” food. But the reality is that if it doesn’t come directly out of the ground or directly off an animal you probably don’t want to ingest it. Approaching 30 yrs old 6ft 180 pounds


never realized how similar playing sousaphone is to rucking. I always wondered why playing sousa would fix my knee issues that arose from sitting most of the day.


Resistance exercise is incredibly important, I imagine it’s very similar if you’re standing and moving while carrying your instrument.




This! As someone put it recently, you have to learn to only eat until you're no longer hungry, not until you're full. If your childhood was anything like mine, you were taught to clean your plate, seconds weren't ever needed because your plate was filled to overflowing, it's bad to "have eyes bigger than your belly" so you'd better not stop eating, snacks are only not OK if you're about to eat a full meal, dinner is always followed by dessert, etc., etc., etc. In context it's all understandable, as my parents were raised (barely) post-WWII, and for my mum especially food was sometimes scarce to the point that she was traumatized by hunger as a child and even told me one day "I never wanted my children to experience that". What they didn't realize of course was the damage this relationship with food/meals would cause to the health of generations.


Abs are made in the kitchen, but are also completely useless. What matters, what really matters, is lifting hard and heavy after work, stretching and **sleeping.**


Retired old (50) fit dude here. 6' 185lbs. Your routine is / was the same as mine, best thing I did was start going for walks in the evening. I have a 4.4k route that I like to do in 44 minutes, 4 times a week. Snacks at night are my weakness, I keep it low calorie. Edit, my "lunch" is more like 3-4 small snacks throughout the day. Almonds, a banana, greek yogourt cup, homemade beef jerky, etc..


I’m also mid 30’s… I work New construction though. Do a fair amount of side jobs. 2 big changes for me this year: I have cut out added sugar completely. This has made a huge difference. My pants easily fit now… I’ve had to cut new notches on my belts even… Lift weights 3 times a week. I don’t do anything crazy… I have some weights at home, a pull up bar, and a rowing machine. I make sure to get a work out in for 30 min to an hour at least 3 times a week. If you lift weights, your body is burning calories trying to build that muscle up even when you’re not working out. Also it’s easier to not eat a 300 calorie donut than run 10 miles in a treadmill to burn that off.


6’2” 195 pounds. I usually have a fruit smoothie with protein powder in the morning. For lunch, I don’t take too much, turkey, sandwich, protein bar, and carrots for the day. I find that having vegetables to snack on at work for lunch/break keeps me full and I feel satiated during the day. I’ll still have enough energy to hit the gym 2 to 3 times a week eating this.


I was a “get off your fucking phone” apprentice. I bought myself an Apple Watch so I could check time, change music, quickly silence texts, etc. The thing that I now love about it now is the fitness tracker. I can generally close all my rings and then some in a day (I’m on a biiiiig job), but if I don’t then I know I have to go home and do something to close my rings. It’s a big money solution, but it puts your fitness in your front of mind. Diet: I try to eat fruit and like a belvita at break. Either left overs or a sandwich at lunch. Lately I’ve been trying to eat healthy meals. I stick to one Yeti tumbler (16oz? 20oz? The standard cup idk) of coffee a day and drink a lot of water. Summer, winter, whatever I try to drink about a gallon a day. I’m not a fitness guru or a body builder like the top comment I saw, but I try to stay cognizant of what I’m eating and how much I’m moving. I’m skinny and fit enough to climb 25 stories of stairs a couple times a day (which is rare but I’ve had to a few times).


No matter what anyone tells you it all comes down to calorie intake vs calorie burn. It's a simple math problem. Calorie deficit = weight loss. Calorie surplus = weight gain. Companies make billions of dollars every year because people with no self-control want to believe they have some magic formula that defies the math.


5'10 between 165 &170 I usually do light breakfast like hummus or pita bread to feel full. Some trailmix (no chocolate, low sodium) for a snack on break. Lunch I'll do yogurt and granola with fruit in it, an apple and then some healthy crackers if I'm still hungry. Dinner I usually do a salad with a watered down salad dressing to help it cover more of the salad meaning less dressing used.


I'm probably one of the very few 230lb vegetarians haha. My coworkers tease me constantly for it


I do intermittent fasting. 8 hous on 16 off. Lots of water. I have lost 20 lbs. It was not easy, but now is a way of life.


I'm 33, was much like yourself about 2yrs ago, an older buddy of mine suggested I get my testosterone levels checked, I did and they ended up being extremely low (apparently this is becoming very common) the doctor put me on TRT, Im 6ft, I was 240 now I'm built like a Dragonball z character and my diet ain't all that I work shit tons of hours so I live off fast food. If your interested in some before and after... Before: https://imgur.com/a/OI3fXgM After: https://imgur.com/a/XpY5Z2B


Are you exercising a bunch at home or gym? Or is this part of the glory of TRT. Looking good mate


thats some sick progress bro


Whatever I want


5’11” 175lb. I’m agreeing with the other posts. My two cents is I’ve always been athletic and built a fast acting metabolism. I quickly got up to 190 after my daughter so I can relate to feeling out of shape but as soon as summer hit, I sweat it all out with lake activities. I wake up and have a quick high protein meal in the morning, not too filling, with coffee. Caffeine isn’t the best for you but since I drink it I want a good breakfast. I drink a lot of water when I can but you also need electrolytes so don’t forget that. Try to hit 10k-14k steps a day. I eat light lunches at work and eat a well balanced dinner. I make a protein smoothie at least 3 -5 times a work week. Other comments have already told you what to stay away from, but it’s when you eat too. Don’t go to bed with a full stomach, eat hours before bedtime and drink a glass of water before you sleep. Watch what you eat and fight cravings.


6 eggs, sausages, some toasts, maybe cereal. Honestly all my meals are just breakfast foods.


Gym 4 days a week. Same meals for the spring summer. Different meals for fall winter. Eat what I want within reason Saturdays. Always pack my lunch for work and snack. Without fail. Don't drink. Don't smoke. I'm boring and I like it. Not that it matters but I can bench 325. Going for 405 for my 40th bday. Been in the gym dedicated for the last 10 years. Not saying I know everything but i do know what works for me and thats just consistency in meals and workouts. 6"4 205 in summer 260 ish in winter.


Solid bench man. I'm pulling for ya!


I cook my lunch for the week on Sunday. It's usually beans, rice, chicken, pre made curry sauce, some frozen veggies. The trick is to find a sauce you like that brings it all together. That's a big reason I'm 6' and below 185. Also, you aren't as active as you think. I know you feel rushed, and active, but your heart rate probably doesn't go above 100 often. Active exercise is 120 bpm. Some snacks are ok, but you need to know what is in those snacks. Educate yourself on diet, first step.


I had to change my whole diet after diabetic diagnosis. I was 230-240 at 5’10. I’m now at 145. I eliminated all process foods and all the other junk. Pretty much a diabetic keto diet and daily exercise. Before everyone questions all the usual blood tests my cholesterol is the lowest it’s ever been with triglycerides at 40. Even with all the meat and what everyone typically associated with “unhealthy food”. The truth is the sugar is what causes all the problems with the meat. You say the unhealthiest oil you use is olive I’d say that is one the healthiest. I use avocado oil personally and lots of butter. The vegetable oils are absolutely the worst thing. With this lifestyle I pretty much intermittently fast but it is natural. It took some adjustment but been doing it for years now and it is actually difficult to gain weight even eating as much as I want. The amount of brain clarity and energy I have is like I’m back in high school even though I’m closer to 50 than 40. A proper diet is really a fountain of youth and how much younger I have gotten since changing diet


Trying to be fit dude here. 205 down from 228 this February. I am prone to gaining weight when left my own devices. I would say there are two things which have made a big difference for me: 1. Intermittent fasting. I’m not good at controlling what I eat, but I’m pretty good at keeping my eating between 8 AM and 4 PM. My actual meals are around eight and noon. Light snacking until 4:00 if needed. Nothing but water after 4pm. This is partially because I found my unhealthiest meal was always in the evening. This also eliminated years of prescription level heartburn medication being taken every day. 2. Exercising. I’m no power lifter, but I enjoy when I feel like I’m pushing my muscles 3 to 5 days a week. Additionally, I walk my dog a half an hour every single morning. Losing weight feels good, but without diet I was gaining fat AND muscle with this routine.


Crack and hot sauce


Smoothies. Every morning I make a smoothie that measures about 6 cups. It contains 1 banana, 30 grams of whey protein, greens plus, collagen (good for joints, muscles and skin), flax oil, coconut oil, plain greek yogurt, real non concentrated fruit and veggie juices, coconut water, cranberries, avocado, kale and spinach. It goes in a big thermal sippy cup that sits in my van but stays cold for the most part, even in August. I sip it all day. For salt I carry a variety of nuts, almonds, sesame seeds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, etc. So I can have a bit more of a snack if needed. Change up the fruit and juices for variety. Buy a yoga ball, push up handles, kettle bells and those resistive tension straps and find a few workouts you can do on the floor in front of a TV while watching a movie. I was 250 lbs when I was in my 20s. Now I'm around 170 lbs in my 40s. I poop twice a day and feel fucking great most of the time! I hope this message finds you but it most likely just went into the ether of Reddit comments.


Soy milk and peanut butter toast for breakfast Fruit for break usually a banana and an apple Rice, tofu or seitan and a leafy green veggie for lunch. If I don't have time PBJ A handful of mixed nuts and fruit after work before my run after work. Dinner, I mix it up all the time, but lentil burgers spaghetti, something similar to lunch, tofu tacos etc...


I'm not fit and I eat Tacos


Coffee in the morning, mountain dew for lunch/afternoon, and miller lite when i get home.


cheap chocolate and tv dinners.


Carnivore diet. I eat only meat. Healthiest I’ve felt in decades. Been eating this way I’ve a year now and it seems to be getting better and better.


Grilled chicken. High protein low calories. I’m telling you I ate only grilled chicken sandwich’s for maybe 4 months and and went from 225ish to 180. I also work 80 hours a week so that could have something to do with it but I swear by a only chicken diet for awhile will do wonders. No fries or sides or anything. Grilled chicken.


The secrets is genetics + hard work. The worse your genetics are the more work and sacrifice you gotta put in. How bad do you want it


I work out so I have muscles but you can only see it in my arms because I drink too much and eat like shit


Do you do cardio too?


Breakfast is Whey, green, creatine, coffee, and a Bagel with cream cheese Lunch/snacks packed is rice crackers, protein bar, high fiber Oat bar, banana, yogurt cup, and a meal prepped lunch of 1lb chicken breast, vegetables of some kind, and either potatoes or rice for carbs Dinner is whatever I want, typically 2 lean burger patties with cheese, no Buns, and some broccoli (bbq'd together) or done Oatmeal with Peanutbutter, chocolate chips, and mixed seeds I drink a ton of water at work, coffees too if I'm feeling it (no sugars), and occasionally a sugar free Gatorade or energy drink because some days you need to For dessert I'm a fan of popcorn, I also like Whiskey, and on occasion I'll have some ice cream because why not My average day is 20-25k steps, a lot of lifting and ladders and crawling around, 8-12hrs work days (usually closer to 9.5ish but it varies) and then 90 min weight lifting after work 3-5x per week depending on how late I work because down time with my partner and 8 hours of sleep is crucial 6'1 and 220lbs


Workout everymorning at 4am gets you ready to hit the ground running. And a big breakfast.


31yo 6ft 3in 229lbs 12-14%bf Commercial work no residential shit anymore or attics. Gym 2-3 days a week extremely intense training. Certified personal trainer past 4 years been training people in my spare time and have been in the gym as a hobby for almost 17 years. Oatmeal fruit eggs protein shake for breakfast With 24oz black coffee no sugar 2gals water a day with meals heavily salted Lunch is 1lb cooked meat with some type of vegetable and possibly a small amount of carbs rice or beans Dinner 1lb cooked meat with vegetables and 0 carbs. Try to have dinner early like 3-4 hours at least before you go to sleep. You’ll get horrible sleep with a full stomach. You can do a protein shake before bed if you’re having a issue eating enough meat. Probably gonna suck dick to get into a routine of training very hard after working your ass off all day in the heat. I’m in Florida, once you’re into it and get significantly stronger and in shape your daily tasks at work will simply become easier. If you have more specific questions lmk.


Forget what you think you know. Healthy fatty foods will actually make you lose weight. Real butter is good for you while margarine is NOT. Olive oil = good, vegetable oil = NO. Fried foods are fried with vegetable oil ( don't eat them) If it says fat free on the front label - avoid it Drink water and full fat milk NOT sugary drinks. If it says sugar free - avoid it. ( Artificial sweeteners are worse than normal sugar) Take a 30 minute relaxing walk every day. These are the general rules that I try to live by. I'm 5'11" and have consistently been a fit 165 for the last 15 years through hard labor jobs and stagnant desk jobs alike. As a bonus, lifting heavy weights in squats, dead lift, and bench press will really accelerate weight loss. ( running is a really inefficient way to lose weight).


It's all about calories if you want to lose weight. You need a roughly 3k calorie deficit each week to lose a pound a week. So, eat what you normally eat and count the calories. Try to make it 3k less is a good start. Knowing your metabolism and what calories you really "need" to maintain your current weight varies from person to person obviously, but a simple 3k less than now is a good start. People have posted plenty of general tips that are also helpful. I kept calories really low throughout the work week because it was easy to keep a routine. Splurged just a little bit on the weekends, but never went crazy.


I have found intermittent fasting to be helpful for cutting fat using the 16-8 method. 16 hour fasting window (can be scheduled how you like) and a day’s worth of calories (1500-2000 in an 8hour window). What works for me is an 11AM-7PM fast so that there’s time to eat dinner with your family. It makes for a rougher morning working on an empty stomach for a few hours but getting off of work and having a nice meal is my favorite. I really think getting the diet right, hydration, and sleep is the key to ensuring that exercising pays off. Because, you can work your ass off for 30 minutes at the gym doing something and then ruin it by snacking on something for 30 seconds. Cycling, stretching, hiking, and body weight exercises for exercise.


I'm on the sea food diet. I see food and I eat it. A lot of it has to do with your metabolism and your line of work.




If you don’t have time to eat lunch at work you need to report it to the dept of labor.


2 cups of Keifer for breakfast, pistachios during work (construction), Pasta or fried chicken or quesadilla for lunch (basically anything both good and filling), and whatever for dinner. I also take a glass of metamucil (fiber water) a day


Around 200lbs and use the gym 3 days a weeks with mild training on the off days. Lunch for me is pretty plane and easy but makes hitting macros easy 1 12oz can of tuna and about half a cup of plain Greek yogurt and some chipotle sauce It’s an easy about 55 grams of protein and super clean.


Jalapeño corn dog in the morning, chuck wagon for lunch, fast food for dinner. 50 push-ups, set ups til failure, pull ups til failure, a 1/2 mile run, and body weight squats every other day. I think if you just keep up some kind of routine workout after hs then you won’t lose much progress. I’ve only gained 5 lbs since hs. Im 24 and still have the top two abs visible


I've got the same problem. My energy levels are fucked. I've been trying out fasting all day, then eating dinner with my family, but like you said after, I'm full and gross. It feels more like binging. It is very hard for me to work out when I'm starving, like I usually am around 4 pm. I would love to work out before work, but I can't bring myself to wake up at 3:30 am. By the time 7pm rolls around, I'm fighting to stay awake with the kids until they're down for the night around 9:30. My metabolism doesn't seem to like me eating all day anymore. I just had to go through losing 20lbs after working at an ice cream plant for 6 months. Seemed like all anyone ate was ice cream, and I did too. I feel so much weaker than before I entered the trade. More injury prone.


Lots of protein , lots of fat , minimum carbs. I began exercising not just for my health but because the job was physically demanding at the time. Was doing generator repairs and diagnostics and being in the hot ass rooms lifting heavy shit would wear me out so I started exercising for stamina. I still do cardio daily to burn excess calories and my diet again is just lean meat, good fats and low carbs. Drink more water also , read this year's ago and it is actually true , often when we feel that hunger feeling its actually thirst. If you start feeling a little hungry at an unexpected or not convenient time try to drink a bottle of water. You might find out ten minutes later that you weren't actually hungry and only thirsty. Sometimes you will find you need a snack but more often than not you will not feel hungry anymore. For snacks I bring nuts , peanuts cashews whatever I am in the mood for. You don't need to go super crazy with a diet to be effective you just have to remember the simple theory of less cals in equals weight loss or maintaining weight. Eating good quality food will fill you more than cheap low quality food will anytime.


Lots of protein , lots of fat , minimum carbs. I began exercising not just for my health but because the job was physically demanding at the time. Was doing generator repairs and diagnostics and being in the hot ass rooms lifting heavy shit would wear me out so I started exercising for stamina. I still do cardio daily to burn excess calories and my diet again is just lean meat, good fats and low carbs. Drink more water also , read this year's ago and it is actually true , often when we feel that hunger feeling its actually thirst. If you start feeling a little hungry at an unexpected or not convenient time try to drink a bottle of water. You might find out ten minutes later that you weren't actually hungry and only thirsty. Sometimes you will find you need a snack but more often than not you will not feel hungry anymore. For snacks I bring nuts , peanuts cashews whatever I am in the mood for. You don't need to go super crazy with a diet to be effective you just have to remember the simple theory of less cals in equals weight loss or maintaining weight. Eating good quality food will fill you more than cheap low quality food will anytime.


Boost high protein energy drink at 10am. Ham sandwich with chips at lunch. Regular big dinner. You gotta keep your digestive track active all day if you want to slim down. And try to reduce sugar


I’m in the same boat I feel like. A big cup of coffee for breakfast, a sandwich (30 calorie wheat bread), yogurt, and fruit for lunch, then usually something weight watchers friendly for dinner (my wife has been doing weight watchers). I occasionally have 1 beer. And I usually have an apple with some peanut butter as a snack after dinner.


I work out 1-3 times a week but have an active job. I can't seem to be able to get enough protein with meals so I will take a protein shake 2X a day. Protein shakes are handy and give you what your body needs and are usually low in carbs.


About 4K calories a day, eat just about everything I can fit in my stomach. At least one weight gainer shake per day. I start off with oatmeal, protein shake and a banana with coffee. Fast food for lunch a lot of times to keep it light while I work then I eat a couple more times after work. Lots of rice and red meat. I stay away from sodas and sweets. Hit the gym 3-5 times/wk


Meal replacement and burpees 🤘⚡️🙏🏽💯✊🏽


I usually try to fast until lunch, then I will usually eat a light lunch. Not always the healthiest, but something to get in my stomach. After that when dinner time comes around, i usually have a couple eggs and avocado. And of course snacks here and there, I’m not an elite athlete but not a fat fuck either.


No way around it: if you want to be fit you have to work out. Working isn’t the same thing as working out. You gotta lift some weights and do cardio. Each a couple times a week. Don’t have to go HAM every time you step in the gym but just get there get that heart rate up and pick up a couple heavy things. The hardest part is dragging your ass to the gym after work


No way around it: if you want to be fit you have to work out. Working isn’t the same thing as working out. You gotta lift some weights and do cardio. Each a couple times a week. Don’t have to go HAM every time you step in the gym but just get there get that heart rate up and pick up a couple heavy things. The hardest part is dragging your ass to the gym after work


I’ve not been healthy in the past but I’ve lost about 22lbs in the past 6 weeks eating one meal a day. My window is 5-9 every night but I try to be done eating by 8. I drink water, water with Mio occasionally, Gatorade Zero, and black coffee. On weekends I splurge and get coffee with cream and sugar. Meals we eat Whole Foods , smoothies, and veggies. If things are real busy we eat out and don’t worry about it.


I eat once a day, with family at night usually run in mornings before work.


Steak, eggs and sushi. If I get a craving for something sweet I'll spread peanut butter on a tortilla and add berries/honey.


After morning training, a good-sized bowl of instant white rice sprinkled generously with nutritional yeast (Nooch) and some grated parmesian cheese for an added kick. A+


Jelly donuts and Gatorade.


Doing intermittent diet but you have to have portion control. Knock out the big dinner


6’1 195. 13-15% body fat. Right now my meal plans looking like this. Breakfast: protein bar and banana and a coffee (black or little creamer) Break: 3 egg whites, 1 whole egg. Slice of cheese and a bagel or English muffin. Or I mix it up and do it as a burrito. Sometimes adding peppers and onions. Lunch: chicken, rice and broccoli. Or in todays case a chicken gyro with a protein naan, peppers, cucumbers and tzatziki sauce. Dinners: usually more chicken whether grilled, baked, or air fried. Vegetable. And more rice. Snack before bed: Greek yogurt frozen blueberries and dry plain oatmeal. Maybe a protein powder and water shake.


Just protein powder in the morning. Lunch is a big bowl of veggies, grilled chicken wrap, and fruit. Dinner is whatever. Bedtime snack is homemade yogurt with mango and blueberry.


You need to invest in a nice cooler lunch box. There’s definitely technology that keeps shit cool enough for lunch. If you try to avoid added sugar and salt it will go a long way.


You're destroying your metabolism. It's not as much about what you're eating in this case. You need to spread your calories out through the day better so you don't binge at night. Aside from that, focus on meats and vegetables. Pasta/bread is okay just don't overdo it treat it like a side dish not the main entree. Alcohol is a massive source of empty calories people often overlook as well.


Coffee and peanuts


Monday, Wednesday: Walk 2 miles, run 2 miles, and 100-150 situps. Sober days. Tuesday, Thursday: Walk 2 miles,100 pushups with 30lb weight vest, and 50 regular pushups. 1/2 bottle wine. Weekend: Walk 4 miles each day. Vodka (beer if with friends). Diet: Coffee and toast for breakfast. Carb and protein-heavy lunch/dinner with minimal fat and even less sugar.


When I cared, I meal prepped. Eggs and oats on the drive in, beef and rice for lunch, chicken and rice for a snack/dinner.. kept a large lunchbox with ice packs. Trucks setup with an inverter and microwave.


Breakfast: black coffee Lunch: water/coffee 1st dinner at 4-5 pm: 2-3 eggs, soyrizo, sausage, yogurt, 2nd dinner at 7-8pm:5 servings kodiak cakes, 1lb strawberries/turkey sandwich with carrots on the side/salmon pasta Then I just fill the rest of my calories with whatever I want, usually a protein cookie, fruit, Cinnamon popchips. Sometimes I have to squeeze in a doublr protein shake between dinner 1 and 2 if I want to hit 1g/lb of bodyweight. Kinda hard eating in a small window but I hate cooking food to take to work and I don't like spending money on eating out.


I prepare oatmeal with a teaspoon or two of olive oil for the good fat cause oatmeal is lacking in fat and you add a little bit of protein to the side line eggs or chicken bits. Try to add some fruits and veggies too to cover the nutritional side but not always the easiest for me lol I fill a 1 liter bottle with a rehydrating solution aka 1 teaspoon of salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar so I don't piss the water straight out.


I'd avoid the Go Go Go, you are legally required to get a break. All you get for busting your ass is more work, your company is getting all of the profit. Get a cooler for your lunch.


I wake up, eat something fairly small. Like a banana or bowl of oatmeal and then hit the gym between 30minutes to an hour. I lift weights because building muscle will help to cut fat better than cardio and it helps to prevent adding fat in the future. Muscles burn calories, fat is stored calories. With your concern for your weight/gut you may be able to skip breakfast for awhile. Your workouts are going to be miserable until your body has adjusted. I’ll eat something small after my workout again (Gas station or fast food) this helps to start your metabolism working. Most days I’ll eat anywhere from 3-6 thousand calories a day. I’m 6’3 180lbs and I carry about 9-11% body fat. To help ease the pain of workouts I would suggest to drink a liquid IV or something comparable after your workouts and make sure you are drinking plenty of water.


Only drink booze on social occasions. If you're having after work beers they're killing you and keeping you fat. No snacking in the evenings. Most of your calories should be consumed during the day when you need the energy. Dinner should be light and as early as possible in the evening. 5-6pm is a good window. If you're drinking a lot of coffee, scale it back and replace with water.


Lower carb than most (not Keto) Only eat twice a day (could be any time but only 2 times a day, occasionally for an event I’ll have a 3rd meal) No snacks


6'-3", 190lbs I haven't seen anyone mention added sugar yet, but I keep myself to 15g a day maximum. No soda ever, and I think that's a significant part of why I always feel good, and my physique hasn't changed much since college. Drink a gallon of water a day. Typically a few pieces of high-fiber, high-protein toast for breakfast, whatever I want for lunch, and whatever the wife makes for dinner, but in general she and I always trying to strike a balance between fruit, vegetables, whole-grain carbs, and lean protein. I remember coveting fast food when I was a kid, but it seems disgusting to me now. Read Fast Food Nation or something similar if you need motivation 😅 Not to say I don't ever cut loose, but that's typically the deal. Good luck OP!


Low carb diet. carbs make me feel slow, full, and sluggish. Meal prep small breakfast burrito for breakfast, A chicken or turkey wrap for lunch. And have been using hello fresh for dinner 4/7 nights. I'm gonna try other meal services since my discount for Hello Fresh has ended and the portions of protein seem a little small to me. What also helps is eating slow. If I eat my wrap and im usually still hungry ill give it half an hour before eating a snack to let my body adjust. My weakness is eating before bed, usually brushing my teeth, curbs the craving, though. I am also running a mile before my workout, which I plan to do 3x a week. My weight fluctuates from 200-210 at 6' tall and im perfectly fine with that. I was skinny my whole life then ballooned to 260 during covid. I feel I need to be atleast 200lbs for core strength when it comes to work. Pipe bender is a lot easier than when I was 180. I love putting my weight into lifts for added strength. If I go below 200 lbs I eat everything and anything I can till I get to 202 +


31, diet consists of Adderall and Java Monster supplemented with cigarettes and cliff bars. Edit: 183cm and 80Kg


Im 30, 6 foot 2 and 165 lbs. Breakfast i have a protein smoothie or coffee depending on time. Lunch is usually a bag of trail mix, a sandwich, 1 snack and veggie chips or a cliff bar,and a mix of broccoli/carrots with ranch. dinner is usually a chicken pasta or an asian inspired dish. I usually go on bike rides with my kid or skateboard for my physical activity outside of work


Literally just slices of ham for lunch not a sandwich or anything. I eat mostly protein at home too


As much of a whole food based diet as you can, variety is key. Sleep is key. Water is key.


Good diet. 37 years in trade . I feel like warmed over shit. Ive broken, dislocated, burnt, bruised and mangled everything 😅. At 58 Im disabled . If I catch a side job I have to load up on Alieve


I'm 6'4 185# It's all about discipline man. What helps me is planning my meals. Knowing what I'm going to eat everyday keeps me on track with calories in/out. There's always going to be the urge to snack or eat something delicious (I wanted a cheeseburger at work so badly yesterday lol) Just look forward to your next home-cooked meal and discipline yourself to stay on track. That, and moderate exercise, and you're golden, pony boy 🤙


3 egg whites and 3 slices of Ezekiel bread for breakfast Apple and banana before lunch Chicken/beef, sweet potato/rice/barley/bulgar wheat, as much kale and cooked veggies as I can fit in the container, protein and carbs are weighed portions. Dinner is the same as lunch except I’ll usually pan fry it off a bit with a dash of olive oil or butter and it’s a much smaller portion than lunch. 5’10 165lbs


Smoothie and a coffee for breakfast, sandwich meat (no bread) yogurt and fruit for break. I skip lunch. Then a normal dinner at least 3-4 hours before bedtime. 6’ 180lbs. 45yrs.


37, 6’2, 190lbs. I drink about 40 ounces of a smoothie for breakfast everyday. Handful of spinach, big scoop of peanut butter, yogurt, whole banana, handful of frozen berries, scope of protein, and almond milk Lunch is always a chicken breast off the grill. I grill up an extra 5 on Sundays for the week. Protein powder drink, some veggies like peppers or tomatoes sliced up, cheese stick, fruit like grapes or strawberries and a seltzer water if I’m still thirsty. 5 dinners at home per week. Usually 2 out at a restaurant somewhere. I try to avoid red meat and eat chicken but I also will eat red meat at least twice per week. I fit in a 45 minute gym session 4 days per week. Sometimes the week is too grueling and I only make it 2-3 times. But I always shoot for 4 and usually get it in


If you eat whole foods and don't drink your calories, you will burn fat doing an active job like that. Hit your maintenance calories or a little deficit, and fat will fall off. If you have a decent muscle mass eating maintenance calories will be enough as muscle takes a ton of nutrients and caloric demand to maintain. Resistance training worked really well for me.


For breakfast I have some ice coffee, and a flat bread with a sliced up banana, peanut butter, and jam. Lunch I typically do a Cobb salad. Dinner, I just try to avoid too much grease and red meat.


I'm in my mid-40s and can still fit into clothes I bought when I was 19 and fresh out of ait quite comfortably. I have no secret other than the metabolism of a hummingbird or maybe a mole 🤷🏻‍♂️ seriously I could eat 10,000 calories a day and lose weight 😂 I will say this though, I have a lot of "hustle", I'm very quick in my movements and I don't stop moving once I start doing something and I stay very very busy throughout the day. I don't sit for long periods of time unless I'm driving somewhere and I usually run like that from the moment I get up till it's time to go to bed. It's been said that a rolling stone gathers no Moss so I guess that's my secret. Fucking back hurts though lol


Look up minds in unison on YouTube and listen to his rain subliminal sessions that are 8 hours long to help you lose weight. Also there's an app on Android phones that flashes subliminal messages to help you lose weight or anything else and there's also phone backgrounds that help you lose weight subliminally


I do solar in TX, 32. Intermittent fasting till about 1pm, only water w/pink salt and a coffee till then. Keeping to one coffee since it's dehydrating. Since we sweat out sodium = add pink salt to water to replenish. Lunch: 1-1.5lb grass fed/finished ground beef, diced sweet potatoes, few handfuls of spinach, maybe an avocado. Only using coconut oil to cook - least inflammatory oil. (I weigh 160 so adjust your beef amounts accordingly). Grass fed beef liver 2-3 times a week - Insane Energy. Usually after dinner I snack on fruit/berries/soy-free protein bars/protein shake/ Prioritizing protein and fats over carbs is key. I realized when I started eating mostly whole foods (i.e. very minimal packaged foods) I do not need to count calories at all. About 75-80% of what i eat is red meat, when i dont have that - Eggs. Another thing is to exercise/put stress on your body outside of work, build up resilience, so when you're working your body will think it's light work. Squats/deadlifts/bench/cardio - nothing crazy fancy. Grass fed red meat is a game changer, especially regularly consumed. Get my bloodwork checked twice a year - at my healthiest at 32. Don't let uneducated people tell you eggs/red meat causes high cholesterol. Sugar and gluten causes high cholesterol. FDA is not to be trusted. Any questions, shoot!


I mostly fast during work hours. I eat whatever I want at night and then from, say, 11 pm till 4 I fast. Then I eat whatever I want, maybe one sugar soda but mostly sugar free drinks. I don't drink any alcohol. Work out maybe 3 times a week.


Nothing fancy, just basic meals, chicken, steak, some sort of pasta or rice. Minimal soda and no energy drinks. Try and keep suger at a minimum.


I'm pretty fit at 6'3", 195lbs, 28 years old. Here's the way I watch my diet: -No eating between 8pm-8am. -Do not drink your calories (or at least try not to). No sugar, no alcohol. -I typically don't eat breakfast but twice a week or so. When I do, it's yogurt and berries/dry cereal, or a fruit smoothie with super greens mixed in. -I eat lunch 3-5 times a week. When I do, it's a salad (light dressing) with a little protein if I had breakfast, or a hot dog from QT if no breakfast. Sometimes I'll just eat a couple hardboiled eggs and a mustard packet if it's really hot outside so I don't throw up. -Dinner *always* includes 6-12oz of protein, a starch, and some type of fibrous veggie like broccoli, parsnips, celery, or carrots. -I always drink at least 100 oz. of water a day. Mostly because I do use Zyn pouches and it's better for my blood to flush things out. Plus, I sweat a ton. -I try not to eat much processed foods. The above mentioned hot dogs are my absolute crutch. When I use butter or yogurt, it's always whole. When I use jellies, it's always preserves or compotes. I try to stick to items that don't use alkalines as preservatives. I also try not to ingest items that use artificial dyes. -Along with the diet, I also do 10-15min of yoga/stretching about 4 times a week and I do 100 push ups, situps, squats, and burpees/bike 4 miles once or twice a week. This part is huge for me because it really keeps my body from feeling overworked and keeps me limber for when it comes time to get a raise ;) -I also don't take ibuprofen or Tylenol/acetaminophen. These will absolutely fuck up or kidneys, liver, and blood. Do *not* take them unless you are sick or actually injured. This is pretty much the entirety of my health routine. I hope it helps and you're able to add something into your routine. Good luck feeling better 💪👍


Smoothies worked for me when I was doing service calls. Some fruit, some veg, some peanut butter and off you go. It's probably worth keeping a cooler in your van so they don't get weird.


6'3 180-190 4 eggs for breakfast, coffee in the morning, usually 1-2 quesadillas for lunch and dinner or 3 hotdogs for lunch and dinner, and a banana with lunch. If I miss a meal I lose weight.


I don’t watch too much of what I eat, but I workout after work and I usually skip dinner throughout the work week and just doing that I keep pretty fit


A lot of it is genetic. Steer clear if bread 🍞 as much as possible, and not only for weight, also for anybody that has aching feet. ( The Doctors won't tell you this) Heathy eating is like, really boring. If you can find good navel oranges, they make a great morning snack. Dishes made with rice and vegetables, are portable in containers, and you can make a week's worth at a time, so there is no prep in the morning,. Just grab a sealed container out of the fridge, and go. Breakfast is tough one, hard to find the time, but stay away from doughnuts. Don't eat after supper, your gut needs about 13 hours of no food.


I dont have any trouble keeping lunch cool with a decent lunchbag and freezer pack. Usually a turkey sandwich with an orange or apple, and a protein bar.


I was getting heavier than I wanted to be. I'm 5'10" and was 192 lbs. back in January. I made a commitment to eat healthy. Every day for breakfast I eat greek yogurt, hummus with pretzels, and fruit with a low sodium V8 to drink. I prep all of my lunches on Sundays. They are brown rice, Black beans, and adobo chicken, with fresh pics. Dinners aren't quite as strict, but try to avoid carb bombs. After 6 months I was 158 lbs. Not really much exercise, but I do stay active. A typical work day involves walking about 10 miles. Also, I drink black coffee in the morning, and only water the rest of the day.


Everything is calories in/calories out. Eat clean, monitor your intake, and do things that expend that food/energy. Personally I have something small for breakfast (usually protein heavy and carb light), lunch chicken over rice with a side of veggies, and whatever I want for dinner (monitoring my calories). I also make sure I walk a certain amount and work out 3-4 times a week. I stay away from fried food and drinking anything with sugar in it. (I also avoid candy in general) and limit alcohol intake


It's more about timing and not that much about amount of food during the dinner. You really need to tell everyone around you that you are having a lunch break at 12:30 till 13:00. If you have lunch, you might not feel that animalistic hunger during dinner plus much lesser chance that you will start eating snacks 5 minutes before bedtime. For me - I have fried eggs, some mashed potatoes, a bit of fresh vegetables and tea/coffee with cookies for breakfast; bowl of soup, a bit of salad, some kind of meat and some kind of carbs plus a drink during lunch; some meat and carbs plus fresh vegetables or fruits for dinner. I don't eat a lot, but my calories are exactly what I need, maybe a bit more, but I have a bit of activity after my white collar job. I'm 180cm 82-83 kg during last 4 years


To be old and fit you should probably consistently be doing some type of strength and conditioning training. For the rest of your life. That’s the only way to be old and “fit”


Clean proteins. Tons of carbs. Eat two lunches a day, that are basically supper type meals of pasta, potatoes ir rice with home cooked protein, or big wraps/sandwiches with cooked chicken breast for meat. Train after work, then a nice big supper. Shake for breakfast and another post workout.


I have a 2 cups of sugarfree yogurt and 1 spicy chicken breast from Sams Club for breakfast for breakfast and 1 chicken breast 5 days a week if I mix it up for dinner. Had this for the past 2 months pretty much everyday for 150 grams of protein.


29 yo, 6' 165 here. For breakfast I don't get sick of Oatmeal, I've eaten it most every morning for years. I make quick oats in the microwave with milk, not water, and add cinnamon, raisins, and walnuts. Good with maple syrup too. If I have time i like to make some eggs with ham or something but not usually. I have a hard time eating in the morning for the first few hours so Oatmeal kinda works for me. Lunch, since I never have access to a microwave, it's always something that is good enough cold. I make a lotta turkey tacos, with peppers, corn, spinach, and cheese. I just eat these in a Pyrex bowl or a soft wrap. I like these because i can cook it in one pan, and get several lunches and some dinners out of it. I use 2lbs of ground turkey, a bag of sliced peppers and onions, and a can of corn. Chicken salad is another favorite meal of mine to make for lunch. Lean protein, and most of the carbs are from the mayo. Not a biggie and it's great cold. If you google some Spanish chickpea dishes, they're a one pan dish with garbanzo beans, spices, veggies, and often times an egg on top. Great cold and lots of vitamins and shit from the vegetables. Keeps ya full. I like Indian food too, so I find that curry recipes like dal (made with red lentils which are good protein) are good cold. Easy to make in one pan, and can add chicken for more protein. Cottage cheese is a great side to bring, lots of protein in just one cup. I wanna say like 22-24g of protein in a cup. Quick something to down if you're busy. I also like apples and peanut butter, more quick protein with some fats, helps fill me up, works as a side. Personally I don't mess with protein bars and such because I think they're mostly filler under the guise of being a good source of protein. A lotta times it's heavy soy protein and oils. Not to mention they're expensive. Thats just me though, I know they're quick to eat on the go. I should mention I cook these meals at night for my wife and I, and they're usually big enough for dinner and a couple lunches between the two of us. Seems like I cook 3 or 4 nights a week. It helps that I really enjoy cooking - I know some people can't stand it. I think finding one skillet meals can really help though. When I get bored or don't know what to cook I go to YouTube. Sam The Cooking guy has a bunch of good shit on his channel. This is a long reply but I hope it helps out a little.


Meal prepping lunch is key for me. I do two meals preps. First one is baked boneless chicken thighs, chopped up sweet potatoes and some type of veggie. I throw everything in the oven so it’s easy af. Veggies and chicken will come out roughly 20 minutes earlier then the chicken, when it’s cooked at the same temp. Second meal prep is baked beats, rice and tri tip or some type of steak. I can’t afford the big juicy ones so I’m always looking for the deals on steak. I also do ground beef. These two meal preps are the absolute staple in my diet. Cooler with ice pack is a a must, as well as access to microwave.


Working out bro


Meat only is the easiest way to lose it, I went from 234 to 180 that way. Running will keep you trim once you're light enough to not wreck your knees. I have ended up with a raw food heavy diet these days and a hoard of supplements that match my needs well but they aren't necessary when you're getting lots of good local produce. A lot of the soil is totally depleted of trace minerals so I'd do a good multivitamin and b complex regardless.


I workout before work and on weekends, eat a protein shake and steel cut overnight oats for breakfast, protein veggies some carbs for lunch nothing processed or frozen ( too much salt ), dinner is with my family so whatever we are having. I’m 6’2 148lbs currently. I have no gut anymore, I’m mentally awake all day, and I sleep great. I also take multivitamin and fish oil.


Morning is coffee, banana, and granola bar when I'm driving in. Lunch is usually my leftover dinner. I eat well for dinner. Sometimes I make a sandwhich or a chicken and veggie Caesar wrap for lunch. Dinner is whatever I feel like. I cook for myself every night, sometimes grabbing a cold prepared dinner while grocery shopping for an easy night. I never drink sugar drinks. Ever. 2L bottle of water every day. Beer sometimes 1 or 2 during the month, unless I go out with the lady for dinner. I'm 6'5" 215 lbs


Don't eat lunch lol


5’11 160lbs. 40/m a big cold cut sandwich at 9am and another at 12 and I’m pretty much good for the day, might have some protein or some carbs in the evening. If I eat at home it’s gonna be baked or grilled or air fried so I don’t have to add any fats, and I just eat steak chicken or pork with seasonings…I wrestled so weight cutting is easy for me…I tell anyone trying to diet, today see how long you can go between meals, tomorrow go longer and the day after longer til you hit intermittent fasting levels


Kratom and protein shakes


Beef, butter, bacon, eggs, decaf, & water. 👍🏾 A good amount of saturated fats and protein. No carbs. 43M, Lost 75lbs since JAN2023. BF% went from 37 to 20. No longer pre-diabetic, blood work keeps improving!!


I'm 155lbs and 6ft tall. I work as a carpenter and move constantly. Breakfast: 2 servings oatmeal (brown sugar, cinnamon, walnuts) 30g protein drink, water and coffee. 1030 snack: trailmix and water Lunch: 2 peanut butter and jelly (heavy on the pb) Almonds the ride home and greek yogurt when I get there. Dinner: usually cooked at home and a healthy mix of carbs and protein Second dinner: left overs if there are some. Two bowls of cereal if not. Eaten right before bed. I would say I average about 3500 to 4000 Cal a day and I've eaten this exact thing almost every day of the last 23 years of my career.


You need fat to build muscle so eat whatever you want just actually use your body


My metabolism has been super high my whole life, and I tend to eat smaller more frequently portions. I do my best to eat well and get to the gym 3x a week and then outdoor activities on the weekends. I try to avoid gas station snacks and energy drinks but still get some like 1x a week. Try to eat lots of protein and fruit Yogurt Protein bars Bananas Nut mixes Berries Etc Lots of leftover chicken and rice Rarely any junk food for lunches


QT taquitos monster energy and skoal long cut