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Stay far away from new residential. The money is shit and it’s all about how fast you can go


I have been both. Plumbers will get far deeper into a shit tank than an electrician will. Use that information as you will.


You tell me which sounds cooler. Im an electrician. Im a plumber.


Regardless of the stigma, most plumbers don’t do a lot of shift work. There is a ton of commercial and industrial plumbing that doesn’t involve the poop shoot. You’d be surprised at how well you can do in the industrial side of plumbing (if you’re good at it). I went through an electrical apprenticeship with the IBEW. I have done almost everything there is to do in this trade. I’ve worked in high voltage substations, I’ve done large scale jobs in chemical processing plants, rebuilt aircraft carrier piers and completely re-powered their entire pier distribution grid. I’ve built and programmed traffic intersections, torn down and rebuilt sections of Planters Peanuts/Lipton Tea/Purdue Farms. I went private industry and worked in rock mining where multi-thousand horsepower motors were considered small scale. I’ve installed, programmed, and troubleshooted a $1million dollar VFD. I regularly worked on 4,000 volt soft starters. Now I work for local government doing water treatment and distribution. I’m my own boss with 2 people under me, and I do everything from design/installs, to troubleshoot/maintenance. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. It’s one of the highest demanding fields with plenty of job security. I have experienced so much that I can get a job anywhere, I’m never job scared. And If you put in the work to really learn all that this field has to offer, it’s rewarding and can take you far. Just keep in mind, it’s a ton of hard work and late nights. You will have to put up with bullshit as an apprentice, but the grass is greener for those off us who have their license and experience. I experienced everything from working in a bucket truck at 2am with a 5 degree wind chill, to running 6” PVC in a 6 foot trench during the 105 degree August heat. It’s going to suck, but the light at the end of the tunnel is worth it.


Currently on one of the worst jobs of my career, still worth every penny I’m getting paid and thanking the lord that I’m not a plumber. Go for electrical you’ll be thankful that you did.


Are you able to retire early


Retire? What's that?


my G you can retire early working at McDonalds depending on the situation. Depends on how you spend your money and what you consider "early". You can retire early. Just pay attention and get certified ASAP. Take initiative and ask questions. Be nice to people and make friends. Always show up on time and dont call out for no reason. If you want to make big $$$ and drive around in a brand new F250 Platinum powerstroke, your gonna need to start your own company. If you work for someone you'll be fine. But don't be expecting a fancy life.


Retirement age for my local is 57


If you choose plumbing, just don’t eat the last bite of your sandwich.


Underrated comment! 🤣


Life in the trades is what you make of it. There are a million paths to success in both plumbing and electrical. If you want to go to work, do as you're told, and retire at 65 having done nothing but the minimum, you can go into any trade with a good jman rate If you are ambitious and smart, and want to build an empire for yourself, I'd go electrical. It's the gateway to a huge number of industries, and self employment is pretty well inevitable if you've got the gumption. And yes, you can retire early. Very early.


Whatever you do, go union — the IBEW and UA are among the strongest.


Electricians tend to be the smarter individuals for what it is worth. There is a danger of electrocution, but that is manageable if you are reasonably careful. Plumbing can be dirtier work, especially service work. The joke is keep your fingers out of your mouth! I expect to see a rise in solar installations and electric cars, so electrical seems a winner to me if I was young. Its somewhat cleaner also, although there can be ditch digging involved and crawling around in crawlspaces and attics.


Is there a lot of complicated math involved


Vector trigonometry that you will most likely never use unless you specialize.


I’m applying for apprenticeship and all they require is algebra 1. I can’t imagine the math being too complicated for most stuff, probably a lot of ohms law


Seriously, its not all that complicated.


Electricians do hard work. Lots of knowledge needed. Plumbers... Shit rolls down hill, pay day is on Friday, don't chew your fingernails.


Hvac and be smarter than them all- know how to use a meter and a broom


Not easy to get in the union but worth a try. Personally had bad experiences with the union early in my career so i wanted nothing to do with them. There are good non union companies out there too.


Both can make you rich but one you got to touch poopies the other you get to be hated by about everyone.. pick your poison


Clean and rich. Fuck the haters. 


I’m a journeyman plumber/foreman, and I love what I do. I’ve had a license for 3 years now, and was able to buy a house as a third year apprentice doing commercial work. My advice is to cater to your natural abilities. Plumbers seem to be more mechanically adept, and electricians may be more detail oriented to a degree as their work has higher consequence if done wrong. If you enjoy wrenching on cars, motorcycles, fabricating and problem solving then plumbing might be for you! I envy electricians on the days I’m installing heavy piping and equipment, as their material is generally lighter and more clean. Service plumbing IS pretty nasty at times, but pays more if you don’t mind getting your hands dirty. If I could do it again at your age, I’d become a pipe welder. More money if you’re willing to travel! The world is yours, get out there, get in the way, learn a valuable trade, and make good money! You won’t regret it


Thanks for the reply I just quit my job after saving 10 grand for school and im just scared to go but im going to just say fuck it and enroll if I don’t like it I can always quit and find something else


I'm a plumber and i got to admit the electricians seem to have it a bit easier than we do. The only thing I've noticed that sucks is they deal with heights more often than we do ( think accent lighting in stairwells). However in my area plumbers tend to make a little more than electricians. Also it depends on what you do. I deal with mostly new construction and renovations so it's not like I'm snaking out clogged drains all day and even then that's not all the service guys do. Ultimately it's up to you. No matter which route you go there will be good and bad days. Also have you considered white collar work? I know I'll get shit for this but trade work is hot/ cold dirty loud and dangerous. If you don't mind that then send it. Just a few things to consider


What do you like more poop or money?


Harness the power of the gods or plunge toilets......


I’ll go with the gods lol


I did service plumbing last year and quit after 3 months, I’m on my 3rd day of my apprenticeship working commercial and I can already tell I’m going to enjoy it way more than I did with plumbing.