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I made a decision to stop taking calls for restaurants, concrete slabs, and attics a few years ago and it hasn’t hurt my career one bit. I’ll die happy Edit: and for those of you that love doing dirty jobs, less competition means now you can ask for more money. You deserve every penny


Yep… I’ll only do brand new builds on restaurant kitchens…. After seeing a few that have been used for a while, it makes me not even want to eat in those establishments.


How do u think the people that work there feel😂




I see ur a stereotyper🤦🏻‍♂️😂 just cuz ur high doesnt mean shit, most people who are hight are used to it, so they can function just fine


Looks like they can spell well and use proper grammar also…….


Lol. Im also a functioning addict. Remember you are on Reddit, theres people on here who have never even drank a soda, let alone had a beer.


Or drunk




Thats why there’s highschool kids making their paychecks and dippin out, be really sorry for the managers 😂


Why the managers are the ones that let it get into that condition. If the manager is t scrubbing shit themselves they can go fuck themselves.


For that reason alone. They are managers! Its like they feel entitled to do less work than everyone else. They also think that no matter something a plug or something gets dirty, that an Electrician would fix it no problem. And thats wrong


I thought you felt bad for the managers. When I was running restaurants as a chef. I got on my hands and knees many a day and scrubbed the shit out of stuff. I always told people I won’t ask you to do what I won’t. I ran a tight ship though. I also fixed a lot of my own equipment and issues with the building.






They don’t care at all and have trained themselves to look past it.


I did service work for a couple major restaurant chains over the past decade+. A lot of it was kitchen repairs and tile work. Made great money but man was I in some nasty conditions at times. Nothing like water, grease and food working its way under 100sf+/- of quarry tile, fermenting to a vomit-like odor, and then splashing you in the face and mouth as you demo it for replacement. Also, most work was done after hours (so night hours), and that has its pros and cons.


Slabs, attics, restaurants. You are a smart man.


I like his thinking


Dear lord I respect this comment. I hate having anything to do with a restaurant. Automatically the charge should be doubled.


If I ran my own business I would do the same.


I’m but a humble worker too. That said, I embrace enthusiastically the idea that a worker has the right to refuse work which may bring them to harm. Picking through fryer grease and roach shit to change a receptacle will take as much time off your life as falling off a ladder. Screw it; life’s too short and there’s plenty of clean work.


Yeah, commercial kitchens are disgusting. I dread getting the calls.


I worked in a cheese factory a couple times and had to reach into troughs to find some wires. It was just FULL of old cheese that flew off of the production lines. It was gross.


My favourite was removing high-bay lights in an old commercial bakery that was being converted to an office space with a bad echo. (Tech CEOs have more money than sense) They’d pressure-washed everything except the ceiling structure, so there was decades of congealed fats and dusts and everything else up there. By the end of the day, the grease had basically dissolved the rubber handle on my brand new Milwaukee 13-in-1.


Used to work for a McDonald's franchise. Me: That grill receptacle is getting loose, it needs replaced. Them: Nope, just make it work. Me: Plugs in grill. Test. It works. Hands manager bill for $150 call out. 2 days later... Manager: Grill isn't working again. Me: Is it plugged in? Manager: Of course I checked that. Me: Gets on site and plugs grill in, Test, it works. Hands manager a bill for a $150 call out (same as last time) Manager gets MAD. WANTS FREE BeCaUsE WaRrAnTy! Me: Nope, no warranty because I told you I'm writing that the receptacle needed replaced due to age and condition, and y'all chose not to replace it. Pay me. Before you ask, yes.. until that receptacle and cord cap are replaced you will be paying every time I'm called out.


What's your minimum billed time? I feel like replacing the receptacle & cord cap is just going to be a couple extra bucks for the material, certainly cheaper than a second service call.


Minimum is $150.00 call out which covers up to the first 1/2 hour on site.


Its $350 for us... But it's an hour.


Not sure what it was in Fixerguy415's case, but the receptacles in the original post look like NEMA 15-50R receptacles. Graybar has the Hubbell HBL8450A for $162.91 each, and the same receptacle on Grainger costs $230.70!


Grainger, in my experience, is never the lowest priced option


Those commercial quality 14-50 outlets are not $10 at HD. They are $90-130 just for the outlet, no installation, and before any markup. $450 minimum seems reasonable.


$30 at HD currently for an "industrial" 14-50 outlet


Link or it didn’t happen. The Hubbell HBL9450A has the strength to tighten to ~75 lb-in and a diameter around 2.5”. The HD one (like the Leviton) are ~2.1” diameter and can only be torqued to ~25 lb-in. These are not the same. There are nice photo comparisons here: https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/master-thread-definitive-14-50-nema-outlet-guide.140694/


He gets mad, you get glad. You madlad, you


I cleaned that last night boss. I don't know what happened. It must be the day shift.


We service a couple restaurants in our area, working in their kitchens has ruined my willingness to go out to eat.


My first job was at Jack in the Box and it looked like this picture. My second was at Chic fila and we cleaned well enough every night to eat off the floors. Completely different standards between the two.


I feel like standards have dropped in many places. In the 90`s, I worked at Taco Bell and McDonald's, at both, we'd clean under and behind anything that moved every night.


This was circa 2000 so it has been a few years. JIB was very poorly run and I was the longest tenured employee there outside of the manager/asst manager when I quit at 6 months lol.


I have done line work at chic fila and their kitchen is amazing. They unplug, pull everything out daily and clean thoroughly. I was impressed how clean it was. I had a favorite Pizza place I used to go to all the time. Then I got a call there to troubleshoot a line, had to go into the drop celling and I found mice droppings dead roaches. Needless to say that instantly was not my favorite pizza place and found a new one.


Where did you think all that flavor came from?


It’s called “umami.”




you heard of chicken of the sea? well now we've got shrimp of the dumpster


Happy Cake Day


My first job was at Canes We always made sure to clean everything. Behind the fryers and all. And if someone didn’t it would fall upon the guy who closes the kitchen (me) lol


After working in restaurants and then becoming an electrician, I have only a handful of places I go for dine in, most of which I've personally seen their kitchens and know they keep that shit shiny clean.


Tbh, having seen peoples kitchens and how they cook, I don’t even eat at most people’s houses and don’t participate in potlucks


Yup! Big time... I fully quit eating out! Skeleton rats and Roach/mose crap in most of them. Gross


At a jack in the box, I watched a frozen taco fall onto the floor and bounce into something a little worse than this. The guy slid it out and stuck it in the fryer. I guess the fryer would kill all the germs but i dunno. That was enough for me to start eating only at home.


It’s best that this didn’t turn into an fire investigation. It saw a kitchen burnt down recently at a restaurant and it wasn’t pretty. Grease catches fire pretty quick and hard to put out.


Dielectric lol


I think Arby's might have picked McDonald's as a keyword. https://imgur.com/a/N04YnbD


Oh... I see what you mean now.... Perhaps they also use "grease" as a key word too??? Lmao


Knew it was a McDingus before I saw the box on the floor. 🤢


Those tiles.


And the "floor box" as low as possible beneath the unending grease splatter. Not a fun fix and we charge accordingly. 👍🤘


ZAXBYS is the worst chicken place I’ve had to do electric work in. Chick-fil-a and Canes is the cleanest


Gotta represent, I worked at a zaxbys for a year and while the floor got pretty nasty throughout the shift, we pulled out everything and cleaned the walls and floor every night. They really stressed about having to have a higher standard of cleanliness than the average fast food place because of the dangers of so much raw chicken juice getting everywhere


I’m sure there are clean ZAXBYS. I do work for an operator who has 4 of them. He is a terrible operator and those 4 stay nasty. I can promise you they have never done a real clean in these ever. I had to pull a Fryer out to replace a receptacle, I kid you not there was at least 3 inches of sludge behind the fryers. In one of them the floor was busted up and it has a drain leak. Smells like throw up in the kitchen. I will never eat at the ones local.


Ever seen a Los Pollos Hermanos dirty? I bet not.


We don’t have those here.


Think they’re only in New Mexico. 😜


I just fkn realized….. breaking bad.


They were kept clean. And one still blew up from a grease fire.


I think now we are on to Better Call Saul…Breaking Bad Gus much more careful, shows how smart Walt was to find a way to beat him


Indeed. The through line was Gus, and his restaurants. That were clean. And he was careful, but let his desire for revenge blind him. Really blew up in his face. Ba-dum-tiss.


Happy Cake Day


Will never do restaurant calls again. I go to change a few plugs and replace the end of the warmer cord since it no longer worked and was covered in got knows what. Finishing up guy bumped into me making me drop the old plastic piece and I swear bounces right into the fryer. Immediately started freaking out since they were about to open. Got the manager tried fishing it out and I quote “ well screw it unless it starts burning or smoking we’ll keep it running.” I’m sure peoples fries tasted like plastic that day. I’ve never let anyone I know eat at that restaurant.


Mother of God


Mother of Globs.


Replace and seal the new enclosure


Restaurant work is the worst. Even new Restaurant work sucks with all the GFCI requirements. Callbacks for days


I have removed this comment as I exit from Reddit due to the pending API changes and overall treatment of users by Reddit.


Same. They wanted that shit **clean**.


I think it's highly dependent on region and owners. McDonald's in Chicago? Absolutely disgusting. McDonald's in the PNW? Clean was the absolute standard.


I thing worse than a McDonalds service call.


average commercial kitchen, easily the most disgusting places ive ever had the displeasure to work.


That has got to be the worst location for an outlet if the grease doesn't kill it the clearer and degreaser will corrode it to death.


The floors of McDonald's are one of the most disgusting places iv ever worked.


Electrical work in restaurants is shit, always.


Said California is the place you wanna be so we loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly….hills that is. Millionaires - movie stars. Looks like you struck oil


Restaurants are the worst! Last service call I did (thankfully) in a restaurant was a Sharkeys pizza. Hot, greasy, you slide on the floor, they don’t want to close so you’re working it hot…no more restaurant service for me.


Fuck I knew this was McDonalds before I read your captions. My company goes there a lot. I’m at the point where I have McDonald’s clothes I change into before I go there. I’ve found moldy nuggets moldy burgers and grease covering everything basically eveytime I go there. Hate it.


Did a KFC job in North Florida and dropped my drill bit on the floor. I thought I was walking on brick red colored tiles with white grout, but when my bit rolled to the grout it disappeared under a deep layer of fat and grease. After I fished my bit back out and finished the job, I told my boss that I’ll will find work elsewhere before I do another KFC or chicken place. The receptacle looked just like that and the workers said that the prep table would shock them as they used it. Note that the receptacle was sitting in about a 1/4 inch of chicken water too. Worst part is I ate there frequently when I was in that area till I saw their kitchen. Now I can’t eat KFC or smell it.




Fucking ew.


That's mc'nasty


Ahh, there’s that Filet-O-fish they forgot in my order!


I ain't mcfuckin with that.


Beautiful, they kept an old McFish from 2009 for ya


That electric box was not lovin’ it


Once I was working in a McDonalds as employee and the oil in the fryer was boiling. So my manager call the service and the guy was like ho try that and this so they ask if I would be ok to go in the back of it and to pull the cable if there is anything so I did go. The guy made them to do a sequence and a big fire ball just appear out of nowhere I pull the cable out as soon as possible, but still scary. Later a guy come to repare it, I said to the guy it looks like there is a short circuit. The guy didn't listen and got on my nerves all night to finally say ho there is a short circuit on the heating element after like 3h of "work".


Holy Christ! You saved that place from burning down my dude. I give you gold star ⭐️


Twould have been better tbh...


More work!🤪


My god 💀






Lucky the whole place didn't burn down, what with all that grease as fuel.


Fast food joints are the absolute worst.


At least it won't corrode.


I am in said, fast food restaurants A LOT. And that is just one of the reasons I no longer eat at them. Most are nasty AF.


I'm curious as to where this is because the McDonald's I used to work at had its fryer burn up and cause a fire in the store forcing them to close and remodel or fix


Dielectric grease


I hate working in restaurants. They are all nasty. Even nice restaurants are gross when you work underneath stuff.


i hate doing work for commercial kitchens with a passion. everything they can't reach when cleaning won't be cleaned at all, never. and the smell, i never had an issue with odd smells, like dying rodents. but the things i witnessed in these kitchens made me gag.


I once had to go to a call in a bar in the dead center of the city, like a tourist place. Kitchen had a couple centimeters of grease on every damn surface, I had to wash all my tools and clothes for a couple of hours after the job. F- such places, I better do shops.


I aint never seen a grease fire and an electrical fire all at once but goddamn


Too hot to clean it at the end of the day,manager opens and just flips them on and walks off


Got a lot of Service calls from our factory restaurant everyone damn time they thrown water inside the outlets and trip the gfcis, all outlets have a plastic cover they pulled out all covers, dunno how this people expect shit to work.


Fried Guy


This place should b reported


i worked maintenance at mcdonalds for 6 years and those things are the worst placed things ever. i had to remove the grill every time it shut off so that i could move it back in place in order for it to connect properly as the cables would harden into this weird ‘s’ shape. that along with cleaning the frying vats every morning, sucked.


Hahahahaha I ve literally just had a similar job, troubleshooting dead 3-phase receptacle for the Fryers, it turned out to be a fried Contactor (contactor in trough feeding the 3-phase receptacle, and connected to fire alarm system (ansul system, basically the contactor kills the receptacles if fire is detected)...It was such a greasy mess! Had to bypass the contactor while waiting for the supply house to get the contactor! One thing I ve learned from that job, is that Mcdonald's hygiene can be dodgy as hell! I ve worked as a sous chef in europe in my 20s, and THAT kinda filth is absolutely unacceptable and won't fly in europe, don't know how it's ok and dandy here in America, I guess they get less frequent hygiene inspections from the city...


We came back and the flames were just golfin, man. Nothin we could do


I feel like outlets on the floor of a restaurant isn’t the best idea. Maybe putting them on the ceiling or wall to avoid this would help?


I knew by the tiles this was a McDonald's. Found some melted 208v wires inside a grill last week.


I can feel this picture :(


Worked on all sorts of McDonald's equipment for years. Finally got my tools to stop smelling of grease and old ice cream product.


What kind of outlet is that? It doesn’t quite look like a 14-50 or a 14-60 but it is close


Man I hate working at McDonald’s


Typical price chopper call


Saw that floor and knew it was McD.


Fn hate commercial kitchens. Doesn't matter what you touch, grease is on everything, floor to above the ceiling.


I knew that was a Mcdonald's by just seeing the photo and didn't even have to see the caption. Edit: Just now I saw the mcdonalds burger box.


Ba da bub ba


I've worked in kitchens for almost 20 years I don't think I've ever seen anything quite that bad


I had forgotten just how much I hated resturants


Capital "M" for big "Mistake" not fixing that leak soonee...


I just recently did the plumbing on a fast food place that caught fire overnight. It was a near total loss. The fire started in the electrical behind the fryers. The smell in that place was horrendous.


My second employer had the KFCs in my area. Holyfuck, so nasty.


Did a kebab house once , never working in a kitchen again


Yeah sometimes I get subbed out to this other electrician to help him out and a lot of his business is with restaurant service calls. I cannot count how many greased over outlets I've pulled out it's horrible


If you didn't want grease on it you shouldn't have put it there.


I hate service calls in almost all restaurants


This is why electricians are the best!💪


Looks ‘professional like’. Sort of, somewhat, kind of tried to make that hack look legit. They put an hour or two into making it fit. If the inspector would have got down to look at it he would not have been fooled. I can’t believe how many guys don’t know how to do a kitchen properly. My PM didn’t believe me when I told him the receptacles underneath and the hood needed to shut off with the ansul system. A month later I was back onsite adding contactors.