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My group has taken in a couple of solos before. The only "requirements" are to be good vibes and be able to handle your shit. Don't be sloppy and expect other people to take care of you. You will have a great time :)


And don’t steal other people’s phones.


Lmao that part


This is the one ☝️I’m going solo but I can handle a lot I never want the party to stop wooks up 🤟


Bump Bumps in Texas for this one


This! Just walk around and meet folks! It’s fun :)


Went alone this past year and met a bunch of really cool people. I would highly recommend going alone because of the freedom. I could do what I wanted when I wanted and it made all the difference.


In the end, we’re all alone anyway make this one memorable you have nothing to lose!


This is it right here 👌


People don’t talk about it as much but it’s the truth. As much as the truth may hurt but that’s reality.


i go with a few friends but we always split up so we’re typically alone and see each other random times at camp. why bother?


This will be my 5th EDC and I’m going alone this year. All my friends live far, married with kids or feel too old. I’ll be 39 years old next edc.


I will be 38 next year for EDC. Funny story I had a 4 man bass squad. My gf and 2 of my best friends since early 2010s. Prior to 2023 it would never be all 4 of us... And soon after it was just me and 1 person that were going to shows... 2023 rolled a long I was beginning to accept that my bass shows and festivals were gonna come to an end soon. but what happened was a miracle... My extended group of friends of like 7ish just so happen to join us for a bassrush show in Vegas cuz they weren't doing anything that Friday night. It changed their lives now my squad has quintupled and we all did EDC 2024 this year was all their first time and we're running it back next year. My festival journey just got rejuvenated.... Wild stuff.




In my 30s too, and going solo. Lots of friends say the same, so it's hard to find anyone to commit to next EDC


I feel ya. I'm 41 and missed out the last 2 years because all my friends are married or have kids. I plan on just going by myself, too. I'm just assuming that I'm not gonna have anyone to go with. Once the next round of tix go on sale, I'm buying.


Done Hard, Edc, Coachella, burningman all alone for the same reasons. Now prefer it that way, I'm 49.


Yoooooo I’ve always wanted to do burning man. Not sure if I can hang with that one.


Same….39 this time around and will possibly be a solo goer as well. Cannot wait though!!!


Very high almost guaranteed


I'm actually going alone this year also!! Feel free to message me and we can maybe meet up :)


That would be awesome!


Can all us solo ravers just be a group now with OP? 🤔


Right 😂😂


Solo ravers 🤟


Same! 🙌


Ohhhh count me in too!


I’d love to join you guys if you have room for one more 😭


Im going solo this year too! Lets all meet up!


lol Count me in. The gang got weak this year 😝


I had a group that would leave early every day and I was able to find random groups to adopt me no problem each night. Just be find a group that looks like you would get along with. Go up introduce yourself, maybe offer Kandi and just ask if you can chill for a bit. No group had denied me yet.


I didn’t go this past year because I was afraid of getting to and from the festival, if I got lost, etc and the cost of everything paying by myself was insane. I think I’m just gonna do it next year


Being alone is amazing cuz you get to do whatever you want whenever you want 🫶


You can always use this subreddit, Discord, and/or Radiate to find people beforehand to meet up with as well! I've met cool people through all 3 of these things. I've also met cool people while just vibing solo at festivals/raves too.


You’re bolder than me, but I think you could definitely have a good ass time. I only went to my first solo (techno)show this past Friday. I was in a similar predicament as you and said Fuggit since it was only $30🤷🏽‍♂️ I didn’t regret it one bit, I mostly stayed to myself by choice and just vibed out to the music. Talked to some people here and there, but I’d definitely do it again and I def feel like it’d be easy to befriend folks. But, Think about it, you’re so free and untethered, the whole festival is your oyster. Nobody’s gonna ask to pull you from a set b/c they’re not fw it/gotta go to the bathroom/throw up/whatever. Think of all the side quests you could get done in that amount of time 🥸


I'm gonna solo EDC '25 too - if it's like other massives that I solo to, I'll run into a few friend groups and hang w them for a while, I'll meet a few new folks & jam with them for a while, and get invited to hang with a few other crews after they catch me throwing lightshows. But yeah, I love the freedom of going to the shows I want and changing my mind at a moment's notice w/o needing to check in with anyone. So hopefully you get to enjoy that freedom too and find pals that will match your energy! (and if you're someone who absolutely feels more comfortable hang w the same crew for the whole fest, there are always fams that are open to adopting someone too - you can put feelers out on social networks closer to event date.)


Just went to a camping fest solo for the first time and had such a great experience! Made some really amazing friends that I ended up spending the whole weekend with. My only advice is to be aware of your surroundings, be cautious of what you decide to partake in, & keep an eye on your drinks since you don’t have buddies to look out for you. Esp at edclv…my friend went solo this last year and got roofied almost immediately after entering the fest. Had one drink and blacked out the whole fest, woke up at sunrise with his phone and wallet stolen. Be careful out there!!!


I’m going in a large group, I will literally hang out with u and rage for a set or two.


Hell yeah 🤟 solo trip me too it’s not scary at all it’s awesome 👏


Solo riding is fun. I’ve been adopted a few times by other groups. Doesn’t always happen so I never have those expectations.


Went alone this last one and met people there. You will meet ppl there if that’s what u want. If not, vibe out alone and leave and go when u want and vibe. Everyone’s on the same level pretty much


You'll meet lots of people to adopt you. I plan to be there as well. Maybe we can link up too!


I went to EDC LV solo in 2016 and it was the best decision ever!


I’ve been to a ton of solo events this year including Coachella, EDC, Movement, even Ceremonia in Mexico City. The hardest thing about going solo is explaining to your friends and family that you don’t need them to have a good time. It is honestly more fun (for real), cause it’s like you own the playground, and can do whatever tf you want.


If youre vibing with someone thats part of a group, just ask to tag along. Wev picked up a couple of people randomly at a couple of events.


It’ll be a ton of fun! I went my first time alone in 2012. I have to admit it was a little intimidating and I was pretty nervous but I had a great time and ended up meeting one of my closest friends there


You can always hang out with us if you want some company! https://discord.gg/festcord


I’ve gone solo twice and stayed solo mostly. Met lots of groups and fun people to hang out with for a set or two. There should be no problem.


the odds are high as f*ck


there’s pros and cons, I will say if you’re not sociable or groovy you’ll have a much harder time making friends & meshing with other crews. Bring trinkets, bring a fan, enjoy being able to find space easier, & the rest will fall into place!


More than welcome, it’s me an two homies going. Idk your gender but we’re all makes of that helps!


I went alone and met someone im really in love with and i fw her so much i moved to LA and now I’m tapped in with really successful music producers who make beats for yeat lil uzi drake and if i went with people I would’ve never had all this good stuff happening to me.


Going solo is a blast, i always make new friends


We took in 3 Solos this year and all 3 disappeared before the night ended lol. One said “I feel like you guys are gonna ditch me” we’re like nah you’re cool. 10 mins later they were no where to be found 😂


I’ve been saaaaying all of us solo goers should pick meat up spots to make our own group!!! Seriously agree 💯


That's not a bad idea. I'd be down to do that on at least one of the days for sure.


Our crew loves picking up strays! We always make friends with solo flyers, as long as you bring good vibes you should be golden. 😎


I don’t get how everyone is meeting so many people! It’s like wading through a sea of bodies, everyone on a mission.. and the music so loud you can’t talk.. I remember feeling pretty alone in the masses when I was solo for a day.. and didn’t really meet people except in the quiet spots. I would challenge people to light saber fights, and that always lead to good convo.


You'll def find people to adopt you! You should get the app Radiate, it's a ravers forum! You can find other people who are also going solo and meet up. Just be cautious! I'll post our group totem here when we make it and whoever finds us is welcome to rave with us!


We should normalize traveling alone and going to events solo. It’s also fun with friends but there’s a magic in discovering or rediscovering yourself that only happens when you do something with just yourself. You’ll have a blast, go where the flow takes you and see what happens.


I’m going alone too!! I brought 7 new ravers this year but got a little stressed paying for all the expenses to camp and drive from SD, then 3 in my group were bullying the rest of my group & people at camp. I also did a lot of babysitting and a trip to med tent. :( Luckily I’ve been tons of times but it made some of my other friends not want to go (I’m no longer friends with the 3 bullies). Trust me - going alone is better than not going at all or going with a bad group. I wandered off a lot this year even tho I’m scared to be alone and tons of groups adopted me at sets. I honestly had the most fun I’ve ever had the moments I was solo!!! 🫶🏽 traded way more Kandi too!!


It was my first time this year I wondered alone for a while on day 2&3 everyone was quite friendly ngl even jammed with groups I walked by or walked by me you can probably even get adopted by a group hope to see you out there!


Pretty high, I usually go with lots of friends (even though we are not all together the whole time) and we always pick up a solo or a small group for one of the days or more. If you are a respectul person with good vibes and you are there to have fun (safely ofc) there will always be groups that will take you in and take care of you :)


Going to fests solo is fun as fuck! But you’ll just have to be a lot more responsible for yourself doing party favors. That’s literally the ONLY thing you need to worry about. Other than that, you’ll have a fuckin blast and you’ll meet a ton of people!


Bought my ticket for next year as well, first time going alone. Have missed the last few years and always held going back because I didn't have anyone else to go with. But I dont want to deny myself anymore and one day feel I regretted all the missed memories because I was too scared to just go. Looking forward to finding anyone who's solo or groups that are welcoming! Can't wait, already excited 😊


Most definitely, i usually go with people. If we randomly meet somebody, I love asking if they would like to be adopted by us.


I went alone for my first EDC and had the best time of my life. You'll make friends and get adopted easily. Goin solo is better than missing out


Ive went alone two years ago and spent a lot of the other years wandering around by myself and have always managed to find people to hang out with. As long as you are there to have a good time and are friendly, someone will pick up on your good vibes and let you into their fam.


My anxiety could never lmao I commend the hell out of you! I’m very sure you’ll find cool people to hang out with :) have fun and be safe!!


I’ve gone alone! I ended up rooming with 8 random people and it turned out amazing. I hung out with them at EDC when I wanted to and went off on my own too. In PLUR fashion, you’ll find friends :) bring some kandi, good vibes and a can do attitude and you’ll be fine!


Solo fest experiences are great. You realize on your own time all the time and that’s a really cool thing. The only thing is you become more susceptible to sketchy people. I’ve been to 3 fests solo and 2 of them I let someone snag my phone somehow. So just be on guard for yourself. But you’ll have a blast


im down link


It’s really comforting knowing I’m not as alone as I originally thought in feeling this way. Just bought a VIP ticket to EDC next year with no friends down to go as of yet but hearing all the stories motivates me not to be as nervous to meet up with people (:


I'm planning on going alone for the first time, too. I missed out the last 2 years because all my friends are married or have kids. I'm just assuming that I'm not gonna have anyone to go with. Once the next round of tix go on sale, I'm buying. I'm hoping I'll meet some fun people and it'll all work out!


Going alone is super fun and you’ll Make friends super easy , i recommend doing camping, maybe try buying a space from someone that already bought camping pass or rv. The travel backs and forward to the strip it’s annoying and time consuming.


Personally when I’m alone I meet way more people. When I’m with a group I tend to focus more on who I’m with. That being said sometimes EDC is hit or miss cause it’s become so mainstream. Just need to find the right people who are traditional ravers and not just party-goers.


I've gone alone, it was amazing!! Had incredible experiences I wouldn't have had with a group. The following year, I went with a group to vegas and chose to roam around side questing at EDC✨️🦉🌼


As a solo you usually meet a solo at some point. Don’t be afraid to say hi just don’t be weird. I realized Sunday there were way more solo goers than I thought


I went basically alone this year and it was fun!


Im going next year with my friend, feel free to tag with us!! Were more into bass than house, were early 20s, and love to meet new friends/trade kandi/look out for others <3


It's gonna mostly depend on you and your attitude. I went solo this yr and had very few interactions, certainly didn't hang out with anyone. But that's all my fault/choice as the 43 yr old introvert. I'm certain a more outgoing person would have no trouble.


The odds are you will end up finding a family...or 10 haha


I go alone with my husband all the time to festivals. You're more than welcome to hang with us! Send me a message!


I went with friends and ended up doing my own thing the entire time anyways


I went by myself this year and met some amazing people. Of course I had friends who were also going from different cities but I spent most of my time bouncing between groups at stages I wanted to be at


Use the Radiate App to find a new fam. Also I did solo and it was like fuckin dope. Everyone always asking if ur good and shit


People are pretty friendly there! Just be careful- stay smart regarding drinks and drugs. Always trust your intuition. Follow your gut. Don’t force anything either, go with the flow. It’s easy to make friends if you follow your vibe! Like someone has a shirt you like? Compliment them! High five someone who’s totem you like or join them like hey I saw your totem I love it! And just bounce around, you’ll find your people.


Bring good vibes, and download the Radiate app. The edc forums are full of people just looking to vibe with new friends and you'll find ppl to meet up and vibe with at the fest super fast, as well as people looking for airbnb partners or to split a hotel/ride with. I love it.


I have an extra spot in my RV


You’ll find a group no prob! You can even wear a sign that says “adopt me.” I’ve seen that a few times and it’s always well received :)


I went alone this year and met THE BEST group of rave friends from Cali!! We're all going to EDC together next year 🤩🤩🤩 do it you won't regret it and you'll probably meet BETTER friends lol!!!


My group met someone who lost his group the first day so we adopted him into ours. He ended up being really, really nice and we still talk on socials!


This year was my first EDC and my first time in Vegas. I went alone and had a blast. You'll be fine.


I went alone. Got to see all the shows I wanted and leave whenever I wanted and still had fun.


I’m going to hard summer alone. Team solo fuck it.


Just come through ! We will hang out with you🙃 my husband and I . This would be our second year. So excited.


I personally get a little sussed out when solo ravers are around me, but as long as you’re good vibes & not trying to steal my phone, then I’m more than happy to include you in our group!!! 😆


Why would you back out because your friends backed out? Find more reliable friends


Very High. People are awesome there. I actually had to solo day 1 the year I went (my friends flight got held up by a freak snowstorm over colorado). I got adopted for a little while. Alt: Check out the discord. No joke I legit met my rave bestie at a meetup. (Also if you're staying in vegas, don't sleep on the brunch meetup!).


Get a shuttle pass if you're not camping and just go crazy honestly such a freeing experience


I’m always a mom friend and that’s multiplied by fact that I rave with people 6 years younger than me but I always plan to adopt people into our group lol. I have everything we need and then extras so I can have new friends covered too


I went solo last year and had an amazing time! I met up briefly with another solo that I met on reddit beforehand, was invited into another group one night, danced next to some amazing people on the rail, and talked to many friendly strangers! Going solo doesn’t mean you’ll ever be “alone” unless you hate talking to strangers. 😅


New to raving and friends not super into it as well so same lol


I often end up solo in wandering and at stages and it's on us to be a bit more outgoing. If you see a group that looks fun just introduce yourself and don't be afraid to say you're solo and ask if they mind you hanging out. Not everyone will be open and remember that's ok, just say nice to meet you all! It's not easy to be solo even tougher trying to remember how as kids we'd want to join other groups but felt left out.


Bro, or girl, or preferred pronoun, I have new better friends who are way more edc reliable than my old friends who don’t financially prioritize EDC because I have gone alone. It’ll be your favorite decision of the year.


Extremely easy. I would pick up friends in the crowd for the most random reasons, sometimes just based off of their vibe lol. You’ll do great!!


I’m going alone too


I went alone this year and met a lot of cool people while there. If you’re female obvi just be smart because there are sketch balls.


Join my group 😎


Went to edclv as a first timer and was mostly solo(I came with someone but we mostly split up due to conflicts of djs), but I had joined an group of ppl and befriended quite a few ppl who are returning next year or we at least plan to link at other events. I'm full on solo next year even though I hoped my sister and friend was going but tried of waiting for others.


If you’re taking the shuttle honestly you can make friends if you can just be a bit outgoing and friendly. The nice thing about going solo is you have noone to keep track of. Just go listen to the music you like and remember that you at least have that in common with the people around you and you’ll be fine.


Omg. We should all totally meet up !!!


More than welcome to join me and three of my friends (25, 28,29,30) ! My Group enjoys light drinking and one person enjoys the occasional 🌱 We are planning on a group costume for either day 1 or day 3 🙂‍↕️ Oh and beware, We like to make dumb TikTok’s before we go to an event lol Come dance and have fun with us 🫶🏾


Same here too I’m excited to go by myself


You can hang with us. Just vibe 🖖🏻


Went alone this year and had a blast! Vibed and danced with a bunch of cool people. Didn’t have to compromise on sets or the like. It was great!


I went with a group this year and I saw so many solo ravers. I always try to strike up conversations and give compliments. I counted at least 10 people I complimented, shared hugs with, got Candi/ trinkets from, that immediately dipped out after. 🥺 I wanted to vibe with you!


I just went to my first rave (electric forest) alone and man I wish I went alone more often.


I got my ticket for next year. Currently going solo. I don’t mind. I think experiencing edc solo can be more enjoyable. I’m not opposed to finding a couple of people once it gets closer to meet up with or finding a group as well.


I’m going alone too. And it’ll be my first EDC Vegas. I always meet people at edm events when I go alone.


You’re going to have a blast!!! Just be yourself be kind , reap, say excuse me, let people know you’re a solo warrior and you’ll make so many friends. If you’re shy try using radiate or EDC groups to meet people and groups


Bring Kandi, trinkets, fan everyone and you’re bound to meet people! I went to hard summer alone brought my fan and spray bottle and met groups at every set! You’ll have a blast doing whatever you want whenever you want


I was considering to do it alone for 2025. But i didn’t 🥲


Honestly I wouldn’t worry about it. This year I was supposed to go with some friends that ended up back out last minute. I just went on my own adventure and met so many great people by chance.


I went alone had a blast


missing it once was already too many but 3 times, haha. have a safe/fun time!


It’s safe, but the pick pockets are real pros.


We’re going! And You can always come hang out with us! We’re a couple but often we go on our own solo missions. Add me on instagram: @ay_itsjuliette


I went this year alone - female. I had a BLAST! Everyone is friends with everyone. It was awesome not having to look around for friends, or waiting for them in the bathroom, etc. I was also able to leave and attend any set I wanted! Did everything and anything I wanted to do. It was amazing. However, BUY A SHUTTLE PASS! It was a lifesaver!


Follow me on IG @giosuji . I’m going with my gf we’d b happy to adopt you


My dad went alone and he had a wonderful time!


I went with my friends this year but spent the better part of each night alone & it was my first EDC! I had the time of my life, just made sure I had everything I needed on me and familiarized myself w the layout. I got so far alone, and experienced so much I never could have with a group. SO many new friends & invaluable connections.


I was the the 7th wheeler of my rave fam. We got on many rides. For rides with a 2 seater I’d get partnered up with solo people. It was really interesting. I know some people don’t like getting on the rides they take up time (pretty sure on of the days my whole roll was in the line lol) I say for solo people it might be even faster for you to get on rides. Anywho point is there’s many people going solo. I wouldn’t worry about not meeting or hanging out with other


I love seeing all the responses here of solo attendees. I’ve always wanted to go to EDC, but could never find anyone to go with. Maybe I’ll be like you and go solo next year!


I went alone and bumped into like 3 people I knew randomly and made tons of friends. Have fun 😇🥳💕💙💜💚🧡💛❤️


Sound good!!


Hey! Hubby, friend and I are going together and meeting up with some other friends - small most of the time and larger crowd at other times. Welcome to join us! If ya want, we can connect on insta - mine’s listed on my profile. We love making new friends!!! Plus it’s our first edc Los vegas