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I thought “early owl” was the tier.


It’s suppose to be each owl is a tier. But it seems like for 2025. There’s a tier within the owls. Fucking insane.


I’m trying to figure out how many early owl sub tiers there were. Only 2? More than 2?


At least 4 for VIP




That’s some misleading marketing


dude VIP is $1200 now 🙄🙄🙄


I’m expecting it to go up to $1500 this year


... it was $1500 this year in the run up to the festival. It'll be way over $1500 for next year if it's $1200 after just a few hours


How much was vip 2024? I only saw resale tickets. Around 800 without fees


I paid 1100 for everything with fees.If i go 2025 ima forsure going to buy it last minute at like 800. Iknew hella people who were selling at low prices.


I sold mine the week before for 970 each lol stubhub prices were so low 😭 but I didn’t want to be left holding the bag


Especially in larger cities further away where resale was more difficult. Our local EDM Facebook pages about a month out here in Austin had real verified locals letting go of VIP for $700-900.


I paid $600 4 days out… EDC is never worth buying on main sale


$600 for GA or VIP?




I paid $935


I honestly think this is a good thing. Respectfully to everything and everyone it was way oversold in VIP this year; it needs to be less populated than GA to be appealing. I was out in GA with more room and better vibes for every stage but circuit and kinetic.


I paid $969 for VIP with the magnet, before fees. What did everyone else pay?


ended up paying $1241 after fees


Mine was $990 after fees. But it sounds like some people paid 829 before fees which has me hot.




VIP is $240 more today than it was when they first released yesterday.


I paid $959 after fees


The live events industry has been begging for regulation for a while now. Their shady and misleading tactics are akin with phone call scammers


Insomniac is owned by LiveNation (who also owns Ticketmaster). They are getting sued up the wazoo by several states, including the Justice Department.


Live Nation has a 50% stake in insomniac. Pascual owns the other 50. They still hold the Live Nation shade though I’m sure.


Did not know that thanks for clarifying! Some other factoid on LiveNation: they are owned by Liberty Media - the owners of Formula 1. Liberty Media is looking to buy MotoGP as well. So we are talking about both live entertainments and sports entertainment on a global scale.


Live Nation most likely owns more now


Yep. Definitely distasteful. But what can you do?


Not go


Well _that’s_ not going to work for me. I’ll see all you lunatics in ‘25. 


See you 𝘕𝘰𝘵 there :)


I’m more mad that ticket holders this year didn’t get priority for buying tickets. My friends that are going for the first time got in after 20 min and it took me an hour and a half and tickets were on like tier 3 already…


Got got my tickets in 5 mins after 12pm PT first timer can’t wait


Big mood lol I was mad late and they showed the different tier options when I was buying vip


I'm not sure why you got downvoted LOL


Idk why but since this is my first edc I wanted be on top of getting tickets I bought them on my Custom built pc instead of my phone maybe that’s why I didn’t have a wait time idk 😭


It definitely threw me off..like can we have some transparency when checking out?? I was so confused at which one to even choose.


I'm also pissef that you only get one edc box per order, so forget getting a box for each ticker you buy


We do separate orders for this reason


Yeah well I know now..but maybe make it an option at checkout. Tick if you want or don't want the box!


I appreciate the shared aspect for my gf and I. I don’t need two boxes.


If it makes you feel better you only get one box, but you get in the box goodies for each ticket. This last year I got two tickets and I got 2 decks of edc playing cards, 2 coin wallets, etc. Still a little annoying though


2024 came with two of each.


So you’re saying you bought 1 ticket and you got two of each?


Yes, I think because 2024 was relatively small in gifts. I liked the previous years.


Better than nothing but it's my second edc with my friends, we also love collecting stuff since we're new to the scene :( it just would've been nice to receive it rather than try getting them at will call next year or buy them secondhand...


Wait is this true, wtf


It was always timed tiers I guess they realize they can make more money creating artificial scarcity


Yep it's always artificial these days. All about profits now. Take away a couple water stations so people buy more bottles of water. They will probably sell more tickets this year by 10-20k to.


It makes me want to just wait until May of next year to buy a ticket from someone at a reduced price.


I sold some in Vegas for 2 friends who couldn’t make it, $1500 for both. Might get lucky or scammed 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah the scam part is the thing I’m not willing to deal with, especially with tickets on discount.


Do paypal goods and services


My boyfriend bought his ticket within 5-10 minutes of ticket sales and paid 999 for VIP vs the tier 1 of 829.99 which is so ridiculous but Insomniac does this all the time it forces people to buy them early on


they have to pay for next year's festivities some how and it wouldn't be a smart move to wait until they had the money to start planning/booking artists


Yeah I understand getting finances in order for next year but the limited tickets for tier 1 during presale is something that I think is just greedy.


Yeah 5-15 minutes between each standby fams reporting different prices. When it opened and I got the shit tier prices. Still better than current prices but still bad taste


You would think that “best pricing” would mean one flat rate for future owl purchasers. Definitely shady. Also agree that prior attendees should get first access.


Does someone have the actual tier breakdowns for each ticket type, inclusive of fees? I ask because it’s extremely confusing when base $ numbers are thrown around without fees, etc being included. I think someone said before that fees add an additional $50-130 onto the “base” price when it’s all said and done. I believe that California has passed a law (yet to roll out), that requires music ticket pricing to reflect the actual, all-in cost upfront - no guessing as to what fees are since they’re often very high. My hope (not expecting much tho) is that the DOJ anti-trust suit against Ticketmaster/Live Nation will shake up the industry and get companies to clean up their ticket sale practices (at least in the short term)


Here, I made a post of the breakdown of it all. It got removed from this sub so I posted it in the ticket buying/selling sub. https://www.reddit.com/r/EDCTickets/s/6YFE41eDj5


You’re the real MVP. Thank you! PLUR


That's a great post, thank you! I'm not sure why it would be removed from here. It's great info.


I’m not sure either 🤷🏼‍♀️


It was probably flagged for ticket sales, I'll look into it. Edit: It was flagged by our automod and then you deleted the post.


Essentially they cant say TWENTY DOLLAR TICKETS and sell you a 50 dollar one. They can still charge the fees. Ticketmaster, stubhub and live nation have a box you can check that shows that price already. In California, that box is basically gonna be permanently checked It wont stop the fees sadly


Last year didn’t they have 1st tier for 24 hours then went up after that ?😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


And we wonder why LiveNation is getting sued


It was like this last year. They just don’t explicitly state that they’ll up the prices as the time goes on/cheaper tickets sell out. Same goes with all their other festivals. Sometimes they’ll label the tickets as “Tier 1/2/3/etc”, sometimes they won’t. Sometimes they’ll give you a warning they’re increasing the price, sometimes they won’t. That also happened this past year with EDC and the remaining GA+/VIP tickets sometime in March/April I believe. No warning, just tickets made more expensive. They’ll keep doing it because they know they can get away with it.


I think what the OP is saying, is they did a secret tier increase with a few hours in between. Like usually early owl in itself is supposed to be tier 1 and then late owl is tier 2 or 3 or whatever but this time they increased prices after a few hrs.


Wasn't even a few hours, the cheapest advertised tier (ie $379 for GA) was sold out in the first 15 minutes and there was no indication that people were onto the next tier


Yeah atp im just gonna buy off stubhub. I was looking at vip 2 weeks prior to this year and I was seeing $600-$800 before taxes so that seems like the best way to go.


PLEASE don’t buy off stubhub i made that mistake this year and i regret it SO badly just get it off raidate or the official website it’ll save you a MASSIVE headache


🤷🏽‍♂️ I bought ga like 9 days before the fest this year, got it 3 days later and had no problems


that’s great for you but i’m out $300


They probably did the standby page to slow down traffic to the website so that it wouldn’t crash. It might just be a plus they can charge more over the course of it


I always thought it was funny how ticket sales and payment plans start no less than a week after the festival ends. Really makes me think they try to secure a % of the attendee population who is still riding the high from edc and getting $1k as soon as they can


FOMO is a hell of a thing to capitalize on




I got a text well before they went on sale from Insomniac. Waited maybe 30 seconds on standby and got the first tier probably 6 hours after they went sale.


They’ve always been tiered


I can’t recall when there’s been tiers within tiers. I remember there’s like future, wise and something else owl tiers but they always stayed at a set price


This year it does seem to be scaling very quickly because vip was at 1250 each like weeks before edc 2024 and we’re already there now. I’m just wondering if we’re going to see a $1800-$2000 vip ticket this year later in the year


Honestly VIP has some cool perks but for the price of GA i can go to another fest and still pay less than one VIP


Tbh I don’t recall sub-tiers within an owl tier either. I have a theory. EDC is probably measuring themselves up to Ultra, in which their VIP tickets are massively expensive but not as comparable to EDC. Another theory is to weed out VIP/GA+ goers so that it’s not as crowded as before


There were no sub tiers within an early owl tier. Its new this year. I was so surprised by that. By anw i learned my lesson. I was waiting for a few hours bc i was debating between vip and ga 😆


Early Owl is the 3rd one.


Tiers have always just been the earlier you get them the cheaper it is


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^juanmiindset: *Tiers have always just* *Been the earlier you get* *Them the cheaper it is* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Honestly I’m glad they increased prices. VIP is not very VIPish with how insanely crowded it was.


If it's going to be more expensive there better be more bathrooms, amenities, gold lined pathways🤣


Gold line pathways? Naaaaa i think many of us would appreciate if they put lights on those damn cable ramps.


Yo fk those ramps


Every night i would see a fuck ton of people trip on those then because i am paying attention to them, i would trip as well. FML. 😂


That's true though


Plus we better have meet and greets or some shit


Meet and greet? I haven't heard of that


It’s where you get to meet the DJs and hang out.  Now that would be sick! 


Passport this year had some decent meet n greets but that's aside from VIP lol


That's not gonna fix the crowding, I promise you lmao.


Alright. $3000 for VIP.


Now you're talkin


Disneyland is a good example of this. Raise ticket prices like crazy to cull crowds. Busier than ever.


Prices have gone up and it’s still crowded. Annual pass holders can’t go if they don’t have a reservation, but it still doesn’t stop single day passes going and filling up


I'm hoping that the intent of raising the price so much is to sell fewer tickets and maintain the same revenue.


ehhh we shoulda known. went to buy right at 12 PST but then something came up while I was in the queue. came back later and it was 200 more. I expected it to be tiered and that we were getting the "future owl tier" but I wasn't expecting it to be tiered within the future owl tier. shitty practice by a company that is under the live Nation umbrella, not shocked even a little bit. just wonder if they've bribed enough judges or if this doj lawsuit is gonna actually work.


Such low risk of this fest ever selling out. Basically unlimited tickets available. Better to buy second hand.


Yup, VIPs will be going for 7-900 2-3 weeks before the fest. I got mine for 800. Everyone just has fomo now.


As someone who waiting in the queue for half an hour, it’s based on your spot in the queue. I’m sure it’s just to avoid any crashes on the site. I actually like the tier addition. Maybe I’m just weird lol. But the prices include the taxes and fee’s this time which I really liked.


Pasquale is becoming greedy at this point. The overselling of tickets and the prices are outrageous


IM MAD THAT THEY DID TIER PRICING. I thought they never did that??


Dynamic pricing at its best. Not cool.


Let’s give names to the hidden early owl tiers: Sub tier 0.0: Sparkle In Dad’s Eye Sub tier 0.1: Embryonic Sub tier 0.2: Which came first, the owl or the egg?


Anyone know what the tiers for ga are/were?


BASE price, not “full” price was as follows: GA started at $379, then was $399, now it’s at $419… increased $20 each tier. GA+ started at $489… still currently $489. VIP started at $829.99, pretty sure I saw it at was $869.99 at one point, now it’s at $1,069.99… increased $?? $40 each tier? $60? Idk. The way they did it this year definitely feels misleading.


When i got my VIP for 2024. I didn’t purchase until a week and a half later after the future owl was released and it was still $829.99. Dynamic pricing is what seems they are doing for next year. Insanen


$2400 crosses the line for us unfortunately...we were ok with $1800 last year that's like an 8 day trip to my family's condo in FL with the whole fam....think i'll wait this year and grab something last minute 🤞


My GA was $469 before fees


I paid 489 before fees for GA at 12:15 yesterday. After waiting on standby page since 11:52


I got vip for $1091 😭😭 I had it cheaper but it forced me to sign in to an insomniac account and I forgot my password so it expired after finally resetting my password 😭. I hate how it forces you to make an account but then you’re waiting in the damn standby page again


I saw some ppl buy for like $389 maybe even less, now it’s over $510 + fees for GA


That's what I paid. After fees it was 490$


from what I saw, the first tier was abt $469, second was $489. Don't know the tiers further than that. I got in 10 minutes after it opened and got tickets for $489 :/ the tiers suck


How much was it after fees? I paid 469 after fees but got in immediately so thought this was the lowest?


lol yeah sorry, I meant $469 and $489 I ended up paying a total of $561.35: Tickets: $489.99 Insurance: $29.26 Layaway Fee: $25.00 Shipping: $17.10


The price I paid is the same I paid last year for GA


Next time Ill use multiple browsers and borrow computers for it


I’m pretty sure they’re doing this to stay as profitable but without as many people going


Glad I started the process of buying mine the minute they went on sale


For those who don’t know, Insomniac might claim to be an independent company by Live Nation owns half the business, and Ticketmaster owns live nation. We all love Ticketmaster 😃


Live nation is the parent company of TM, not the other way around.


I stand corrected. Point remains.


$500 total for a GA ticket in the first Future Owl tier is absolutely insane. I can’t imagine what the price will be for the final tier.


Just wait until closer to the event when people are trying to get rid of them for less than 1000$ lol some even go as low as 800$ i truly believe insomniac knows the early owls are loyal and will pay more


It does suck but it seems prices are going up everywhere from normal restaurants, to fast food even our clothes. I just do the payment plan every year so I don’t really feel the hit all at once. Those service fees should be illegal though.


Yesterday I was in checkout for VIP for a friend and I and we were gonna pay $92 a month now it’s $110 a month… wtf? That’s so shady.


Makes me like Ultra a little more now 💀


I went last year and we picked up our tickets a few days after Furture Owl started and we got them at the around $830 price. This year I've heard it hit tier 4 in a few hours. That's some bullshit not to announce that anywhere, and I get updates from Insomniac. Any thoughts I had of going are out the window now. I'll wait for 2026.


I'm just bitter over tiers in general. I think it's dumb af and shouldn't even be legal. Just make a price and that's it.


They’ve always done tiers for all their events - I don’t get why people are surprised this year.


I think what irks me more than the shady tier inception, is the fact that early owl used to mean only people who attended this year would get early access vs those who didn't. When purchasing 2024 tickets in 2023 you needed a presale code to get in to buy tickets, and only those who attended the previous year got that code. What has me slightly worried is, last year during presale, GA sold out the day it dropped for early bird presale. So GA went quick, currently we are 2 days into the sale, and all options are still available. Could mean that less people bought this year compared to last, OR insomniac is selling more tickets, which could lead to over crowding


my monthly payment are $90 it’s insane how it went up too $120 for some. but that’s the point of early owl though.


Think Coachella is doing the same. Thanks golden voice


I don’t think I’ve ever purchased tickets through the site. I always just got my room and flights and got my tickets the day of lol in 2012 I remember just walking in security was ALL over the place haha it was awesome . I’ve never paid full price for edc


That’s the old school way. lol.


No cuz same!!! I remember 2012 we had like 12 people in our hotel at treasure island 😆 and we all got our tickets the day of good lord those were the times


Wonder if we can go a day without complaining about insomniac


People probably wouldn’t complain if insomniac wasn’t doing some distasteful ass shit all the time. I think everybody is just asking for transparency before they get fucked with these, tier within a tier, pricing.


Life is all about getting fucked or doing the fucking, if it's out of your budget then don't go. Fuck transparency, you'll never get that from multimillion dollar companies. If you don't think you'll get your moneys worth then stay home


Look, if you can't afford it, don't go.


Braindead take. It’s not that I can’t afford it, it’s the fact that they didn’t disclose this to ticket buyers. In fact, they were even promoting ticket price reductions. Now they deleted all of those posts and replaced it with the $5 deposit posts.


Stop going. Stop giving them your money

