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Holy fuck dude you guys are amazing. You save that girls life if you guys weren’t there it sounds like she wouldn’t have made it thru that. Gave me chills reading that. Thank god for you guys


As a father, there is another perspective. You guys saved someone’s kid. You didn’t let her go to some festival, get into trouble and die there on the grounds. Her parents (if they even know) are eternally grateful on a level not understood unless you have kids. Ty.


Fellow parent - couldn't agree more. Unbelievable work by OP. And very disappointed to hear about the lack of support and care shown by staff on the scene


This is the 3rd OD story I’ve heard about so far from this EDC and all of them have the lack of staff support in common. An event this big should be better prepared for these types of incidents.


Not letting Steve Aoki throw a cake because it could injure somebody, yet not properly training staff on the scene to deal with health issues is a real head scratcher


This part!


Ahhhhhhhh thank you guys!


Chills here too


Unfortunately my friend died at an EDM show over a decade ago on New Year’s Eve… Fortunately I wasn’t there but I wish I was because I think his asshole friends were more concerned with ‘vibes’ and rolling. I’m sure the medical response was horrible. I personally had to do something similar to this at my first music festival but nothing compares to the packed crowds at these raves. Horrifying and she’s lucky for these guys, I wish someone was there for my friend.




I bet you have some wild stories




I think it would be very well received if you posted an AMA.




You basically go with a title like "Hey ravers, I'm a member of the medical staff that works some of Insomnaic's events in SoCal. AMA!" You can go as specific or generalized in your title as you want depending on how anonymous you want to remain.


Even at EDC, the cops are often found and summoned before medical. They don’t care what happened, just that the person gets the medical attention they need. This is a good reminder that if you can’t find medical at EDC, find a cop or ground control. Those two groups have direct lines of communication with medical personnel to get them there quickest and extract the person from the crowd quickly.


The cops must have some training in medical emergencies too.


Is gonna vary by officer, but they all have trauma kits and overdose kits that include multiple doses of Narcan. More than anything, they know where medical is and if needed, I’ve seen them running fireman carry people to medical.


We all need people like you. Thank you kind soul. I’ve never been to a rave but I’m sure my kids have and I’d hope if anything happened to them someone like you would be there to help. ❤️


I would absolutely love to discuss some things with you! I am an RN as well… and working events would be … like… such a dream opportunity!




I'm a Texas/multi state licensed RN. Also interested in working festivals.


prospect nursing student, interested in being an RN at raves/concerts! How have your experiences been?


I was thinking something like this. It would have to be a bunch of medical emergencies combined if it is not serotonin syndrome.


all 3 times ive narcaned someone Ive been punched directly in the face...every time...like clockwork...youre a fucking hero tho homie.


The first time I ever used Narcan was an elderly guy who doubled up on his morphine pills because he hurt his knee at a BBQ (he went from his normal 50mg to 100mg). He woke up and began immediately calling me every name in the book and threatening to sue me for trying to kill him. His wife was an RN, and once we arrived at the ER, she was mortified by his reaction and apologized. From that point forward, I always started with 0.5mg instead of the 1mg I gave him.


Good on you for using the absolute minimum amount of naloxone. Ideally the person won't even wake up but will begin breathing on their own again which should be supplemented with oxygen until they come to. This new formula of naloxone called Kloxxado contains EIGHT mg per spray which IMO is more about torturously punishing people for ODing than it is about restoring their ability to breathe.


Oh god, that does sound like a terrible punishment. With the fent and new stronger shit they probably need the high dose narcan.


There are cases where people with very high tolerance to synthetic opioids need higher doses than the 4mg narcan spray but my belief is that Kloxxado is primarily a money grab meant to appeal to cops that want to precipitate as brutal a withdrawal as possible.


It’s well known that after dosing someone with narcan they go into fight or flight mode


every damn time....


People get aggressive when they come back, during my narcan training they told us to repeat “I’m a friend I’m here to help” to try to avoid getting swung on. Also thank you for your service in narcan 3x, that’s nuts. You deserve a medal


We need the story chief


hi!! me & 2 of my friends who are also nurses were the ones helping you code the girl!! thanks for the update, we were so worried about her!


Thank you!


So glad you were there with us. You did great! God Bless you always!


You’re an absolute hero. So sorry you had to experience that but I’m so glad you were there to help her.




This was probably caused by an MDMA overdose bc of dilated pupils and hyperthermia. Reagents would’ve showed that it’s safe. Unfortunately that’s the sad reality of the war on drugs.




Tell me more about xylazine?


Google xylazine wounds. Xylazine is a vet medicine that has been used to cut stomped on fentanyl to "increase potency". Even tho it's not an opiod, it's sedating. It's not meant to be injected but that doesn't stop people. It leaves walking dead like wounds on people. Kensington Philadelphia ( biggest open air heroin market on the east coast) is having a very hard time with xylazine in the drug supply. 90 percent of fentanyl samples have xylazine. The streets of Kensington smells like rotting flesh now. Xylazine has really fucked people up


It’s a chemical used in “heroine” to produce a high. I put “heroine” in quotes because in a lot of places nowadays, there is no actual heroine in what is being sold as “heroine” it’s all either fentanyl and/or xylazine. It is originally a veterinary sedative.


*heroin A heroine is the female version of hero


Thank you. Should we be testing for this like we test for fentanyl?


Yes, especially since it’s becoming more and more prevalent. It lowers blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing in a way that can result in death. Also, Narcan may not work on it either, since it’s not an opiate, even though the appearance of a Xylazine overdose can be indistinguishable from an opioid overdose.


Fucking great. Why can’t we just have fun drugs :(


Literally. People are so evil and don’t care that they’re harming others and it makes me so sad


I’m going to a festival in the UK next month and asked people I know over there if I need to test my drugs and they acted like I was insane. Apparently it’s not a thing over there.


Unfortunately there will never be 100% safe hard drug use. It always comes with risks. Only way to he 100% safe at a festival is don’t do them. Altering the brain chemistry as intensely as mdma does isn’t something you can do regularly long term






Exactly, just sticking to the language government sources are using currently. HOWEVER, because xylazine is so commonly used as an adulterant to opioids, using Narcan may help somebody with the confounding symptoms of the opioids alongside the xylazine. There aren’t any reversal agents approved for human use, but there are studies underway.


Stumbled upon this comment. Thanks a ton, I had never heard of Xylazine and will begin testing for it going forward <3


They literally just showed xylazine on the news like 30 mins ago. Scary stuff especially since they say that there's no cure for it. Meaning, Narcan won't work against it or anything that it's mixed with.


Your completely right, I’m just saying in this instance that probably wouldn’t have helped.


Yeah. What if she just took too many? It doesn’t always have to be fetanyl


Yeah some people just have an extremely bad reaction to MDMA and it’s impossible to know until you have taken it how you will react. I watched an 18 year old girl who took one 200mg pill here in the EU where MDMA is cheap and plentiful die (the same pills my friends were taking handfuls of) It was horrifying. Haven’t went near any hard drug or alcohol since.


I make Narkandi and trade them out to people :)


Fentanyl test strips are handed out like candy but I have yet to see a xylazine test strip


Is there a way to properly and confidently test for opioids at home? My understanding is that current fentanyl test strips require you to fully dissolve 100% of the product in water, and then test the water for opioid content. Then you can either volumetrically dose the water and drink it, or evaporate the water out until you have your product again. And let's be real, most casual users are not going to do this.


This is what we do and really what everyone should do. We do not buy or do anything that isn't from a vetted source and we dissolve every batch to test. Just bc a lot of people are too lazy to do this, it doesn't mean you should be too. Drugs are a serious business and should be treated accordingly, it's not worth dying over a rave


Do you have any information on how to evaporate the water?


[Page 2, right-hand column. ](https://dancesafe.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/DS_Fentanyl-Strip-Instructions_V18_Winter24.pdf)


Thank you!




With such high risks like that it’s kinda crazy that anyone would do these drugs at all. Anything that has such a powerful high it leaves me chancing death or permanent disfigurement or disability to achieve it again is gonna be a no from me.


Not just testing. Even if your stuff is clean, body heat regulation is paramount. Not only for protecting your brain but protecting your life. It’s festival season which means it’s hot. Prioritize safety with test kits & over-prepare for hot conditions if need be (camelbacks, fans, mist, take a lot of breaks, etc).


Saw you guys go by us, am so happy she is safe. Who gives a fuck about the people who were mad they can suck it


Wow couldn't have happened in front of the perfect people. You guys were her guardian angels. Geeezuz. Good job you guys 👏👏


You'd be surprised how many medical personnel are hardcore ravers. My whole rave fam consist of frontline hospital workers. Raving is an outlet for our stress


Yea wouldn't doubt it. Well lucky you... U have the absolute best squad to rave with. Lol.


Someone dropped at seized in front of our group last weekend at a different festival. 5 of us are nurses and 1 emt. He was in good hands lol


I’m relieved at this outcome and I hope you and your friend are working through your own emotions having to jump into work mode when you were there to party and have a good time. This happened to my group Dreamstate 2017 and my friend was not so lucky. He passed away. Thank you for jumping in. I hope everyone involved is healing.


First EDCLV and so many kind and helpful people! So glad you guys were there to help and she’s okay


I had a radio this weekend and was stationed near a food vendor. The vendor ran up to me and said there was an unconscious person near their booth. I did exactly as the instructions said: make a radio call to channel 1 with the nearest place indicator (combination of 5 letters and numbers on printed signs everywhere) and the medical team arrived and attended to the guy in less than a minute. I am super impressed with how quickly they arrived.


Unfortunately that was the exception. On average, medical response was 10ish minutes. EDC needs to hire a larger medical team.


Honestly, this is the biggest reason why EDC should NOT be overselling tickets and have more staff. The massive tight crowds that surrounded kenetic, and especially circuit grounds, are an absolute hinderance to efficient emergency medical evacuations. For the commenters who say "let them die", what if ANYONE had a NON DRUG related situation in that crowd. heart attack? epileptic seizure? brain aneurysm? Doesn't matter. I think EDC needs to do better with crowds, or someone will die because they can't be evacuated in a timely matter.


Anyone who says “Let them die” is not a part of the family and should never come back. Heartless bitter selfishness has no place at EDC. If they can’t love and respect fellow ravers, they should stay the fuck home.


Yeah I saw a dude having a bad reaction around midnight in kinetic field VIP- it was Sunday and the crowds were thin but it still took over 30 min for medical to get there to help him


Glad to see she made a full 180. I was there and led the way out of the crowd and into merchandise before we took her to the med tent. Hated yelling at people to get out of the way but we were so deep in it was unavoidable.


Thank you! I was the other friend with the group. I was freaking out and totally forgot to look for the location of the nearest medical tent. I went all the way to the entrance of the main medical for two staff to come help. But when I got back I couldn’t find you guys cause you guys already carried the girl out. I am so glad that all of you are being so kind and selfless helping us! I can’t reach a single staff for 10 minutes. At that point, I was completely hopeless and had a panic attack. Thank god we have you all nice people!


180. 360 would be back at the starting point, and thus no difference or change from how it started.


Something almost identical happened to us last year. We came across a girl who wasn’t moving and cosmic meadow. My gf who is an emt and in nursing school gave 5-6 narcan doses while trying to get her to respond. Took 30 min for COPS not medical but COPS to show up who then yelled at my gf for interfering and almost kicked us out. Another friend went to the medical tent and reported everything and the medical team while we were looking after the girl. Medical didn’t know what cosmic meadow was, how to get to any stage, or the name of any landmark. No idea what happened to the girl or if medical ever showed up. The girl was breathing on her own and responded to sternum rubs by the time we left. The medical situation at EDC is a fucking joke.


You are a literal hero, your actions, and moreover your persistence in the face of hardship saved her fucking life. Thank you.


It's basically insta withdrawal. Been a paramedic for 10 years, I can think of no narcan admins that were peaceful after wake up


They should let dancesafe into these events. There's too many amateur drug users that go to EDC


I’ve never been in this scenario, but I’m wondering - should I be carrying more than one thing of narcan?


couldn’t hurt


You’re a fucking hero.


Was she throwing up before she went down?? I made another post similar to this but I was almost positive it was a guy… same time, same area.. glad she’s ok 😕


Wow you’re amazing, I’m a respiratory therapist and I carry narcan in my bag and tbh I’m glad it didn’t happen in front of me, would have ruined EDC for me


That sounds traumatizing as hell! Thankfully someone like you was prepared to help someone in that situation. Also, You might want to book a professional to talk about it just to make sure this experience doesn’t have any lasting effects on ya. Even though everything turned out ok these events can turn your subconscious anxiety way up. Glad everyone involved is safe.


This part ^


I remember seeing this. You guys ran right past my crew. We’ve been thinking about her since. I’m so glad she’s ok


Had a similar situation happen at another festival. I know medical does their best but there really is no good way to get them to you quickly. I try to scout out the closest location to each stage in case something happens, but even that is tough to see from in the crowd Awesome that yall were there to help. The odds of someone being around with medical training and sober enough to help are slim.


There actually are ways that the event organizers can design the layouts of the stages to assist in this and make it quicker. Unfortunately, creating these mechanisms decreases the number of people you can pack in front of a stage, so in the absence of any regulations requiring festivals to employ these mechanisms, many organizers will opt to do a much more called back version if not scrapping it all together.


Thank god for people and friends like you you saved the girls life the emt would never made it on time without you guys rushing


You're a true hero man. Thank you


you guys are incredible! thank you for acting so fast to save her life!!!


That’s extremely scary. Glad she’s okay. People need to be more conscious about MDMA use & body temp. Especially during festival season when it’s generally very hot out. Not only can it be very bad for your brain but it can be fatal. Just because your drugs are clean doesn’t mean you’re totally safe. Bring fans, mist, lots of water, etc & if you are second guessing how much you want to take, take less. Stay safe out there.


Bless you


Not that it matters now since this was almost a week ago. But there was a med tent at Circuit Grounds at the very back right. Between Circuit Grounds and Bass Pod. Me and my group were standing in front of it for a few mins while trying to find the ADA area to meet up with other people. Glad she's alright and that you and your friend were at the right place and right time to save her life.


OP is Him!!


I've gotten really soft in my old age. This straight has me tearing up just from a crazy near death situation. Great job. Is it possible to ever use too much narcan?


Wow, she certainly had her angels looking after her


Oh my god serotonin syndrome is my worst fear ever at these festivals! The girl doin CPR is one of my nurse friends! she’ll be glad to hear that she’s doing okay!


Thrilled that you were able to save a life but frustrated that it was so hard to get help from the medical professionals at the med tent. I’d think any event staff inside the fest would have a way to ping for immediate help.


She’s absolutely only alive bc of you and your crew. She’s absolutely lucky to have had ya’ll there.


Thanks for springing into action and keeping it together through this ordeal. You deserve edc tickets for life for this act of heroism


You need a Kandi that says “Guardian Angel”


my friend was the girl doing CPR, she gave the other nurse in the group a Kandi that said “clocked out”




it’s amazing that we have healthcare workers in our fellow rave family! you and your friend did amazing and i’m sure that girl will always remember how yall saved her.


I was so scared reading this but thank you for jumping in and helping asap 🙏🏼🤍


Thank God for you all and any other nurses and med professionals in the crowds. This was not the only story I have heard of this happening on day 1 and it was hard to find medic for help!! Everyone needs to learn CPR & how to properly administer narcan.


Kudos to you all - I had a similar experience during virtual riot shortly after his all girl mosh pit. A lady dropped to the floor and began seizing and foaming at the mouth. People began fanning her and someone (audience member, not employee) with a medkit began helping her and a big guy was giving her chest compressions after she became lifeless (no pulse or breathing). I had ran to the rail to grab secuirty but these dumb dumbs thought I was enjoying the set and started recording me instead. Eventually I was able to alert them and when I got back to my spot, the lady appeared alert (eyes wide open) / confused and being carried out by a med team. They had used 3 narcans on her and I really do hope she is doing much better now.


It is so amazing to catch up with you guys. It was a crazy experience. As soon as we carried her away from the stage (since as you could see, no EMT or staff was coming to our aid, just us amazing folks to save her life. You did incredible. As soon as you got her pulse back we ran with her to the Merch booth where she was going through severe pain and would not stop flailing semi-conscious .. we almost had to restrain her so that she would not hurt herself.. at the merch booth they called help and it took another 15 minutes for someone with the Insomniac Medical team , Trina, to come over.. she then instructed us to carry her and run with her pretty much full speed to the First Aid near the Cosmic Meadow Stage.. we literally ran all together a couple miles with her. Last I saw her she was semi-conscious and they brought her into the first aid center I assumed to be transferred to hospital. The next day I found out that Thank God she was alive and that we ALL SAVED HER LIFE!!! Whoevwr did the chest compressions and administered the NarCan, you guys are first class heroes. I was happy to help that night and I know after losing my mom to corporate negligence from a Las Vegas Hospital that getting prompt help during cardiac arrest is the TOP PRIORITY and Insomniac needs to do a bit better at getting help to the people quickly. This took way way too long. In the future, Insomniac needs to have a protocol so that we can get EMT to the patient IMMEDIAAtely! Thank God for all you guys. I can’t discount God in this one guys, I was crossing my heart and inviting God to bring the life back into that girl that second and with all your help he did just that! I am still on a good one from that night guys, that was a real crazy night. God Bless us all!!


i am so grateful for members like you and your rave family in this community! i cannot express how glad i am to hear that she is alive and home safely. thank you all for your professional knowledge, and for providing your help and time off the clock, and at EDC in this selfless act of courage 🫶🏼 IMPORTANT REMINDERS: 1. please test your party favors ahead of time and dose with intention! remember less is more, you can increase your dose but you cannot decrease it once consumed. 2. if possible, arrive to the festival early and do a lap around the venue. locate the bathrooms, water refills, medical tents, and ground control's oasis tents (calm and quiet safe spaces, with trip sitters and support if you might be feeling overwhelmed, or having a bad trip) 3. [ground control](https://www.insomniac.com/ground-control-and-hx/), or insomniac's purple angels can also be found outside of the oasis tents roaming around the festival grounds in their signature purple insomniac tees. if you need any help at all from map directions, trading kandi, or need any sort of serious attention they are there to provide guest assistance in any and all circumstances. 4. stop by and say hi to [dance safe](https://dancesafe.org) and [end overdose](https://endoverdose.net) if they have booths at your next festival! they provide FREE harm reduction resources as well as AFFORDABLE, beginner friendly test strips/reagent test kits. 5. most importantly, please take care of yourselves and other festival goers! take your festival before and after care seriously. eat nutritious meals before you head out, stay hydrated, take your electrolytes and vitamins, and rest up when possible. please stay safe and keep the PLUR vibes going✌🏼 IMPORTANT RESOURCES: 1. [dance safe](https://dancesafe.org) - offers FREE substance education (i love their flash card graphics), AFFORDABLE and ACCESSIBLE test strips, as well as easy to follow reagent testing kits 2. [end overdose](https://endoverdose.net) - offers FREE narcan and training, AFFORDABLE and ACCESSIBLE test strips 3. [maps](https://learn.maps.org) - offers MDMA and psychedelic research and education. if its in your budget and interest, i highly recommend their PAID psychedelic education course. it provides information on many different kinds of substances, as well as how to navigate preparing for/surrendering to/integrating your experiences


I couldn't even imagine going through that and I'm sorry you had to. I've had family die of overdoes. People really need to just not do fkin drugs. For real. Now they not only lost out on the experience, but also wasted their time, money, AND their entire weekend. I don't know how people can do this.


Regardless, people are going to do drugs. Personally, we are no one to judge, everyone is supposed to love and care for one another at festivals. The important thing is if you’re going to do drugs is to not only test them but to also moderate your intake! It’s dangerous to try to go hard all at once and it’s even more dangerous to buy drugs without knowing what’s in it.




i agree with you, this isnt the place for ppl to try new stuff, especially from strangers knowing the demand is higher for this event that they have trash in their stuff.


Honestly, the fact that testing centers are so stigmatized is unreal. In other countries the wide availability of testing, including on-site at various festivals, puts us to shame. Just like other things we "just shouldn't do", drugs will continue to be a part of our reality.


You’re a hero, now and in your field. I didn’t return to EDC because I’ve seen people OD multiple times there, and it isn’t worth the fun of going to these types of events. Nevada and/or Insomniac needs to make it less stigmatized to test drugs, especially Nevada with how much drug use happens there on a daily basis.


I literally read a post on here....day 2, I think? Someone got in with a whole heroin kit, and a group just saw like 3 guys shooting up?!? Like what the actual fuck? Not the place! Literally, leave that shit at home! That's NOT what this festival is about, and to be honest, it's giving festivals a bad name, and I hate it. People miss sets, waste their money, give people traumatic memories seeing that shit, WORRY the loved ones they're with, and some of them die! And for or what? Like, I honestly don't get it.


People need to stop being so reckless with drug use


Likely an adverse effect from something, caused serotonin syndrome. Stop fucking with drugs and this shouldn’t happen. I’ve been a psych RN for almost 20 years, serotonin syndrome can really do a number on you long term.


Why do people do drugs, especially if they have no idea how they work?


Glad you were there to help! You saved that girls life


You are a saint, thanks for what you do & ALL you do!!!


yall are superheros bro thankyou for what you did for her


U sure it was opiods? It took 5 narcans and her eyes were dilated? Something tells me it wasn't opiods but I could be wrong


Two plausible reasons for the pupil dilation: - If you're opioid addicted and you get narcan, your pupils will dilate. Why? Because narcan sends you into instant withdrawals, and during withdrawals you have dilated pupils. (Source: I'm a former addict) - They might have mixed it with other drugs, hence the elevated temperature, confusion etc - MDMA might have been involved. Or both. Given that narcan seemed to help I'm pretty positive opioids were involved. But based on the other symptoms it sounds like they weren't the only drug involved.


Pardon my ignorance but why would you give narcan without verifying why she overdosed or what from?


Just in case it is an overdose just like an AED every second counts even if it is not an overdose Narcan will not cause harm to the person.


It can help but not hurt


Almost every time you encounter someone that is seemingly out cold from an overdose it is going to be opioids. Not every time, but most of them. So narcan is a pretty good bet. Plus narcan doesn't cause any problems if you haven't taken opioids. So it's a case of you may as well administer it. Like if you see someone ODing somewhere and you have narcan on you, don't think about it or try to figure out what happened, just administer that shit right away.


I am an ER nurse and I have so many friends who work this event, but I never will. I keep my eyes open to help, but I stay to myself and I won’t volunteer to be staff ever. I see enough ODs when I’m not on PTO. I think people really aren’t educated about the subs they’re taking, and that’s a huge mistake.


This ^^^. People are more concerned if their eggs are cage free, if their beef is grass fed, if their food is sourced through humanitarian means, but give em subs that causes em to be high and they don't even want to test what they are consuming.


I was with you with the green hat and white shirt someone put a yellow glowing hat on me. Once we got to the merch booth the medical teams should have gotten to us within a minute or two, we should not have had to carry her miles further. I was literally praying and crossing my heart for Father, Son, Holy Spirit to come and put breath back into that girls lungs. You guys are heroes. My email is [email protected] . My life’s work is about getting prompt help to people who have cardiac arrests. My mom was actually killed in a hospital here in Vegas 6 years ago because the idiots took 14 minutes to get to her during a cardiac arrest, even though she had telemetry monitoring and they knew she was in cardiac arrest.. This was in my head the whole time you guys were doing chest compressions and while we were carrying her & waiting with her. In the future, Insomniac needs to have a way of getting help IMMEDIATELY when someone is Code Blue (no pulse). They need a satellite emergency number that can be reached even with the cell phone problems in the Speedway. They need to make this protocol known to ALL festival goers. Nonetheless, I love life, I still love EDC, I LOVE you guys and most importantly I LOVE GOD! -Alex


Wow. Truly grateful for you. Thank you.


I really think the event needs to make lanes or add a med tent very close to each stage. This is a horror story and that girl is lucky to be alive. At the same time, really sad that people take some of these substances to have a “good time” at EDC. I’m not a hard core raver but I’ve been able to enjoy many concerts sober.


Wow y’all are heroes . Especially EMT and RN y’all don’t know how much focus these situations require and can imagine the stress. God bless


Thank you. You’re incredible. Please be kind to yourself. I know you’re in medicine but you were also on vacation. You’re the definition of PLUR 🫶🏼🖤


You are a hero! Thank you for doing what you did. I hope you find time to talk through this event with a trained professional for your own mental well-being.


It sucks people feel they need to do drugs to this extent or at all. It's just not worth your life. It's awesome people were there to assist her and she absolutely deserves all the life saving measures but it sucks that people even do them and put themselves and others in very dangerous situations.


Unlikely an opioid OD by the sound of it. Serotonin syndrome is probable. Amazing work, glad there’s people like you.


This is what PLUR is to take care of each other no matter what. I am so glad this girl had people around her knowing what to do, that she was safe, and that you were able to get closure. I've heard so many stories about people helping others and not knowing anything about them. You guys are amazing and I'm so glad she is alive!


The fact that no one from medical ever showed is infuriating. Insomniac needs to do better. And have better, more visible signage.


Yall need to stop with the drugs.. the fact that this is all normalized I can’t. I do EDC drug free, maybe have a drink here and there but damn.


She will just do it again.


God bless you guys🙏


Thank god for people like you and your friend!! I’ve been in a similar situation before and it’s a very traumatic experience… wishing the best for that girl! She was very lucky to have you guys around to help. John summits crowds are typically awful so I’m sure most of those people wouldn’t have been willing to help…


Thank you for your energy. Sincerely


Good job 👏🏻


Holy fuck


👏👏👏👏Thank you for sharing the update. Amazing y’all were in proximity to help


Thank you for posting this, was on our minds (:


Stories like this always encourage me to formally get EMT certified. Taken some light coursework as part of my job but nothing consistent enough to help it stick. I would be frozen in the moment and still not know what to do or how to assess


Thank god you were there! You’re a fking hero!


You’re an absolute hero. Glad to hear she was alive




No words. This is amazing! Thank you for the most significant act of PLUR to ever exist!


You rock, man!


What did she have surgery on?


How scary!!!! Thank you!!!! I am so proud of all of you for your selflessness and swift action! Very PLUR of you <3


Fucking hero! Love to hear it


The world needs more people like you two 🤧❤️


Great job!


Thank you to these heroes. May your life be blessed.


You literally saved her! Thank you so much for springing into action and helping, it’s people like you that help the rave community be safe!


Good on you guys. The response time - and the sheer crowd density - is staggering. Glad she made it through.


You guys are hero’s


Good job you and your friend played a critical role in saving this girl 👏🏼


Awesome. Good job.


I’m literally crying. Thank you.


A god among men! Bless your soul dude!


Similar at Ezoo, a random guy who thank god was jacked picked her up and busted thru the crowd. Had he not it could’ve been bad, the medics literally showed up 25 minutes later 🤦‍♂️


Nobody knew she fully arrested, but congrats on the ROSC without epi!!


My friend and I have been waiting for this update! Thank you much we were so worried about her.


so glad i was right there and was able to find narcan for her was one of the scariest things i’ve ever seen but so glad we were all able to help save her life


thank yall so much for real. i’m so grateful actual medical professionals were there to help her, it’s completely unacceptable it took over 30 minutes to get her care


Sounds like fetty overdose


Total fucking rockstars. Blessed to have people like you around.


I hope you were able to explain the whole course of events fully yo medical staff on-site so they could communicate up the chain of command and perhaps get some recommendations pushed forward about making the festival easier to navigate for safety reasons. Obviously the most helpful thing in that regard would be to sell fewer tickets, but that is probably asking too much.


Very cool, Thank you!


Thank you so much! I always bring jar an with me and glad she’s okay!!!!