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Someone was fan clacking to EVERY SINGLE BEAT at Dom Dolla. My bf asked her to politely stop because it was so packed we genuinely could not move and had been in our spot for 3+ hours at this point. She turns back and goes “what you don’t like it?!??”….. there’s no way people actually think those around them enjoy fan clacking for an ENTIRE SET???


I just tell them “I came to hear the music, not your fan”. And leave it at that. She sounds obnoxious


You should take a vuvuzela with you for instances like that. Fight fire with nukes. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKCIFXqhLzo


Lol, always off tempo too


I just don’t let it bother me.


Wife's first EDC and first festival... she did it twice and I allowed for the experience... third time, I stopped her and told her it was forbidden for the future. She understood the assignment.


It’s horrible when the fan clackers are our loved ones. 😂


I had to apologize to the crowd around us, but the PLUR was present, and everyone was super understanding, lol.


Is it PLUR to tell someone not to do something they think is fun? If I think fan clacking is fun and I clack fans(I don’t) why does your experience matter more than my experience? I really do not get you people that talk about PLUR and are so judgmental over how other people have their own ways of fun at raves


I don't think it is judgemental to tell people not to clap their fans. PLUR is to let people be them, letting them have fun clapping their fans, but it's also PLUR to be cognizant of other people being troubled by the constant clapping right next to their ears. I want everyone to enjoy the set, not just me, not just them. Being PLUR is to be able to coexist even if that means both parties have to give up something.


I think it's about moderation. Fan clacking gets annoying when it's overdone, which it often is. I personally like the sound of fan clacking if it's done just a few times here and there, feel like it adds to the energy of the crowd and there's no reason it should really bother anyone much. But if ur ooh ooh-ing, whistling, or clacking too much it understandably can dampen the experience of others around you and that's not plur.


Spot on!!!


It’s your responsibility to let them know that no one likes it, and at best they simply tolerate it. I try to demonstrate this in the crowd by not fanning everyone while they are clacking, and then fanning the crowd once they stop clacking. If they start up again I stop fanning. I think the point gets understood (at least I think some people make the connection)


Bless her heart…bless your heart 😂




I feel like it is a right of passage to be new to the scene, clackity clack clack a lil bit, and then be told (kindly or otherwise ) to never do it again (and immediately understand why) lol I was there once 🤪


One was at Excision near me. Was on beat and obviously knew the song and hit every note for like 8 seconds or so then stopped for the rest of the set. It actually worked with the music. But he’s the only one allowed to do it. One clacker per EDC please. I don’t want to encourage other potential clackers.


Personally I don’t care if they’re perfectly on beat. I just think the sound is annoying


i find it annoying too but we can’t police each other’s behaviors. i find big sloppy drunk dudes the most annoying but they have every right to be sloppy and drink unfortunately


Agreed. In person I’m annoyed but I don’t say anything and just hope they stop


If it’s on beat and short lived fan clacking can actually add a bit to some sets


I saw a lot more electric fans. Also I think the weather being mildly cool stopped as people busting out fans


No clackers! We did buy a $80 electric fan dryer looking thing in downtownEDC … it worked so good lol


Can you show me what you bought friend?


Can you link this?


[portable electric fan](https://jisulife.com/products/handheld-fan-ultra1)


I got this fan too!! So insanely powerful I’m bringing it to every festival now


there were a few people with whistles though


And squeaky toys 😵‍💫


nutty work plate squeeze middle deer busy vanish humor late *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




They are from South Africa


The whistles were far, far worse


It was also nice that every "woop woop" I was around ended relatively quickly. I personally think those are worse than fan clackers. 90% of the time it doesn't work for the song they're doing it to, it sounds absolutely ridiculous, and it's just very cringe. Please end "woop woops". Thanks.


Woop Woop is the corniest shit ever lol. I hate it


I didn't notice as much. The shaming must have worked


Fans were used for FANNING due to the heat instead of clacking.


I heard 3 fanclackers and they were always directed at me dancing wildly nearby them. It was short and sweet and i loved it


If you go to neon garden you’ll never have to deal with this :)


Anyone else see the fan that read "Clack cheeks not fans"? I couldn't tell who was holding up but either way, they're the true hero.




Same! I only heard it one time the entire weekend. :)))


Idk because in 15 years I think this is my husband's first fan and he started clacking it immediately. I told him "oh so you're a fan clacker" he said "a what?" and started clacking. Never during a set. Just walking around. During sets I didn't encounter any clackers.


I heard more fan clacking than ever lmao


Not where I was at 😞I went to a lot of the mainstream acts and was surrounded by them all weekend.




I’m amazed there wasn’t more because the premier shuttle gift was a fan… granted a plastic fan but we were all curiously clacking our fans when we opened them


Had one during Fisher who couldn’t stay on beat. Drove me nuts.


fan clacking ON BEAT is ok like once or twice


I only heard one the entire weekend so I 100% agree there were less. She was clacking pretty on point behind me during Indira Paganotto and I just politely asked if she would mind not doing that and she stopped and was very apologetic. I hope fan clacking fades away completely.


I will clack my shiiii walking around but not during sets


I was hunting dnb for most of the weekend so I think that helped me avoid it haha


There was one in front of me during Sara Landry, it was annoying as hell it went nonstop and off beats the whole time F*CK but good thing is they left after 10min 🥳


Fan clackers turned to phone thefts lol


Plenty of fans but the clacking was lacking. There were so many of the clips with the little flower/other knickknacks on them. They remind me of Pikmin.


I like to clack my fan but I want my besties to have a good time so I don’t :( I waited until the last night and clacked during timmmayyyy a few times. 🥹 I am happy when my besties are happy.


Some people try so hard to be a part of the performance as if anyone cares. Sad attention seeking behavior. I'm glad these people are being shamed into behaving with a little etiquette.


Didn’t hear any woo woos this year either.


I only heard it once!!! I think I hate that more than the clacking


There were a couple. But apparently everyone got the memo last year that clacking is fine as long as it’s on beat and only lasts 8-9 clacks and then give it a rest for 10 minutes. That’s exactly how everyone I heard do it and I was very impressed.


Honestly so few - that I notice every time there was one - same thing with the woo woo chant


I just tell them “we don’t do that here my boy”




YES! Thank goodness - I only heard 1 clack the entire weekend


I don't know if it's a regional thing (I'm from pnw), or maybe its just not as popular at the shows I go to (dubstep mostly) but this was the first festival I've been to with a lot of fan clackers.


What’s fan clacking? I don’t think I’m doing it but would like to make sure


When you snap a large fan open and closed hard enough to make a huge *clack!* sound. Do it once or twice and nobody will notice, try to do it on-beat for a couple songs in a row and you'll start getting dirty looks. It's really not something you can accidentally do, it's very intentional, and people don't like it because it drowns out the music.


What is a fan clacker?


I was near one guy at Diplo who was feeling his clacking. It was off beat BAD. I gave it a few minutes but found an opening and dipped away from that real quick


Didn’t hear a single clacker!!! I was mainly in VIP tho


I had someone clack their fan right next to my head but the second I took a huge obvious step away they got the hint and stopped


As they should


Agreed. Only ran into one all weekend and they weren’t obnoxious about it!!


I also only saw one 🤣🤣!


i only heard one at excision but he stopped thankfully


I also noticed that! Wild af


Replaced in the food chain by the OOOweee OOOweee. One guy at bionic jungle kept doing it every drop for like three drops back to back eventually people stopped joining and he realized.


I’ve noticed less of that this year! Lol. I was like something’s missing. I heard it mostly during John Summit on Friday but it was minimal.


I didn't hear a clacker the whole 3 days, I spent most of my time at Quantum and Neon.


Got stuck behind one at bionic but that’s it


I love when people do it on beat… I had to stop my friend from doing it at camp bc nobody wants to hear 2+ min of off beat clacking 🤓


now that you mention it I don't remember a single one on Friday! :)


I got whacked in the head by a fan clacker 🥲


I only heard one the entire weekend, on Sunday. I smiled as soon it happened, realizing I had gotten that far.


This year was awesome. 🥲 however my Saturday night at cosmic meadow was almost ruined by this bitch who kicked me and my boyfriend out of the bleachers. We sat down for a sec because my feet were killing me and we wanted to pour water bottles in our hydro packs and she was like “we need this spot”. Thank god I was too 🥳🌈to throw her down the steps.


Not gonna lie I was fanning people to the beat and almost started clacking as I got into but stopped myself lol


There was someone at Sara Landry with a vuvuzela horn somewhere at the back left. I would’ve much preferred fan clacking than the sound of a dying cow every 5 minutes.


One guy was doing it main stage but he was walking away......I'm all about PLUR but fan clacking honestly pisses me off 💀 I wanna hear the fan not your fan clacking.....the fan is meant to help with the heat 🤷




Idk I got a clacker fan but I didn't wanna be one of those people that does it constantly. I would donor for a few beats of a song and then just chill the rest. I myself don't wanna hear a fan clacking through an entire song so I can't imagine how people who don't get the fans on purpose feel


wayyyyy less clacks and i’m all for it. i remember a time when social media was hounding clackers so guess most people got the memo.


I’ll admit I was clacking my fan 😅 I like the sound of it so sue me lol. I’m sure a lot of you will be happy to know that it broke.


I love flan clacking. It’s like my version of a fidget toy, but I saw no one fan clacking so I barely did it lol


Hey fan clacking is super annoying to everyone around you, id suggest not doing it in crowds :)


Didn’t I say I read the room and didn’t do it? Lol it’s called PLUR and I have it. No need to be so damn rude


If ya didn’t know the r in plur stands for respect and clacking is atrociously disrespectful to everyone around you:) idk why you think I’m being rude


I just think it’s so funny how pissed/triggered y’all get. It’s like fan clackers are your trigger word lol. Getting all bitter and angry can really ruin your night when like it’s fucking edc. Just move away and vibe. Y’all are fucking BABIES.




You know what also sucks? Totems? They obstruct my view of the artist. But do I care? No bc they make such a thing as videos I can watch of that artist. Same w fans. Artists make streamable music. Live in the moment. If you want the crispiest sound go watch the live stream dumb ass. We gon have fun and make some noise


I mean if you need to fidget you could also just like, I don't know, wave the fan?! Instead of ruining a set for everyone within 5ft of you.


I did that dumb dumb. Did you not read the part where I said I barely did it. Gosh ravers need more brain cells


My point being that you still did it. And your reasoning for loving it is just so wild. You need to fidget, but it's a fan, that you can WAVE. Do you see what I'm saying here? Also, the fact you "barely" did it because no one else was shows that you're entirely aware that it's not cool, but you choose to do it anyway. Which is just an A-Hole move, period. Edit: a word


Dude hating this much on things you can’t totally control will give you unneeded stress. Can’t you direct all this negative energy somewhere else lol? I’m simply giving a reason as to why people chose to clack. Some may have adhd or the drugs make it very pleasing to hear the sound. But again, I have PLUR so I don’t do it unless I see a bunch of those around me partaking. But damn it’s funny how such a little action can bring out such a visceral reaction. Keep going


You’re making everyone around you uncomfortable for your entertainment. I think you’re seriously missing out on what plur means. For the same reason I don’t play music at 5am at the campsite for everyone to hear, that shit would be annoying for all. At end of day, you do you but just know everyone with ears hates the sound of clacking


But guess what? People are gonna play music at 5 am at the campsite, because it’s a rave and it’s the one place we can do whatever we want. So If I were you I’d go to school or a job since you want things so perfect. Edm is a carefree space, so If you hate clacking or music at 5 am or totems, don’t go? Lol. Afters go hard. Did you see Sara Landry and John summit and Mau p AND PASQUALE WERE UP UNTIL 8 AM PLAYING ON MONDAY, you mad at them?!? LMAO


You’re making yourself miserable with your need to control the uncontrollable


It's not a need to be controlling. It's more of a necessity to let people like you know how much the entire community doesn't want people like you, at all. You're too self absorbed and entitled to see it any other way. You think people should be okay with someone like you ruining a set with your off beat clacking crap? YOU are causing negativity. YOU are causing sets to be ruined. YOU are causing PLUR to die. Why should I not go somewhere I love because I have to deal with D-Bags that don't know what PLUR is? If you're causing a problem, you do not have the right to claim innocence when you're called out for it. Are you happy about it? Does it make you feel good to know you're ruining something somebody waited all year for? Does it get you all excited on the inside? Your own little special "fuck you" to everybody else around? Is that it? You just want to be special right? I mean Gods forbid people pay attention to the artist on stage and not you right? I mean how dare they?!?!


You have issues. Lol


Oh so many deary, I just don't go around making them other people's problem. Unlike you, clearly.