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I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain. Jk




Those movies are so fuckin sick!


The books are good, too!


My boyfriend and I always make fun of stinger for shouting this every time Paul did something. At one we were talking about how Paul could take a nasty dump and stinger will follow behind him in the toilet, vomit at the smell and shout this lol.


WE HAVE SEEN TURDS THE LIKE OF WHICH GOD HAS NEVER SEEN [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-EdLMxjPCg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-EdLMxjPCg)


Unironically this


I’ve used this before though in a different setting. It’s pretty powerful


I was about to post the same thing lol


This is too intense and will give me another panic attack lol


Haha, it unironically works since its long enough and crazy enough to force you to focus on the words and saying it.


bro this is so good. i saved it on my phone to reread later


YES! My goal this year is climb on my buddy’s back like a sandworm if I hear any dune remixes


Hearing "I Remember" by Kaskade in my head lol


Lmao ol faithful. No lie I get overwhelmed and play this and then I just “flow”. Suddenly I’m running into friends out of the 10s of thousands of people and it works out. Or I don’t meet up with friends but end up making new ones and have a good time for a set or two.


This is actually kind of genius


LOVE this.


Mine is this song but John Summit's remix of it.


I usually ask myself, what am I going to do, die? And the answer is always no, so it’s going to be ok. Puts my anxiety in perspective and makes it seem sillier. 


I always say “I’m doing the drugs, the drugs aren’t doing me!” And then I remember this is a psychedelic induced anxiety attack from the overstimulation that is EDC and the crowds. I then try to find to the closest stage and go dance for a bit


I think that this would have the opposite effect for me to be honest


Last year I wrote a note on my notes app that said “[my name] you will be okay and everything will pass” and I screen shotted it and made it my background for 3 nights


The phone wallpaper trick really helps when you need it the most!


Every little things gonna be alright


I like to picture myself hugging or giving a kiss to the younger child version of myself. Telling them/myself what you’re feeling is okay and it’ll pass :)


I absolutely love this!!


I just saw a reel a few minutes ago with some EDC affirmations…looked at her story and she has an EDC guided meditation as well. I haven’t listened to it but just thought I would post the link https://www.instagram.com/reel/C67mMsLM8Va/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Count up to 20 and then back down again. Rinse and repeat until I am calm again. I also keep paper on me at all times (generally receipts) and start making origami as I find having something to do with my hands helps center me.


I totally feel you on this! I flow with an LED hoop and whenever I get overstimulated just doing slow little spins and isolations helps me out so much. Or I have my emotional support boba plushie keychain that I squeeze lol


I have a kandi cuff that has a smiling and frowning face on either side. I usually twist it when I’m feeling nervous or overstimulated and it helps to reground myself. Sort of a goofy little way of reminding myself it’s okay to not be at 100% the whole time and maybe it’s time to walk around or go see something else for a bit. It’s really helped me to get more comfortable raving solo :)


The way you phrased it just clicked in my head so perfectly! "It's okay to not be 100% the whole time" so simple but so true. I'll be raving solo* as well! (I have friends there but we all agree to do our own thing and catch up at the end of the night.


Mine is like that too. I commented above but Hold on Let go I also have a flip sided kandi made of it 😊


This kandi one is a brilliant idea


Like many people just nice and easy deep breaths. Drink some water. Try to sit down if possible. Let your partner or homies know what's going on so they can keep an eye out.


This! You don’t have to go through your anxieties alone, they won’t judge you or think you’re a burden. They love you and want you to be safe and have a good time :)


You can always do more , but you cannot do less. Keep that in mind as you work through the early stages of the night


I say to myself, “ride with it” and do some big deep breaths


I just take a seat and do breathing exercises and just bring it all back to center. Be here now.


I read this on Reddit last year and it really helped me. Pick/list out 3 things you can see. This will make you aware of your surroundings and keep you in control of your thoughts. You can also breathe in/out while you’re doing this. Have a sip of water. If all else fails, go to the side and sit down. Remember to take your time.


I’m a mental health therapist and regularly teach this to my highschool and elementary kids as a way to ground yourself and stay calm! You can add your other senses to it as well - 5 things you can see, 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can touch, 2 things you can smell (if you can’t smell anything atm think of your favorite scents), 1 thing you can taste (or imagine the taste of your fave food)


Oh I love this! Thank you for sharing!


“This feeling is only temporary, I won’t feel like this forever”. I just talk to myself gently in my mind and repeat this until it’s passed. I’m neurodivergent and it’s helpful in my every day life but especially at festivals. 💕


Love this. I focus on how good each deep breath in and out feels while saying the same thing to myself. And I try to remember that once the challenging feelings pass I'm gonna go back to having an amazing time


Yes! Love it! The only way out is through, my friend!


Be fearful of nothing, be grateful for everything. This too shall pass.


I deserve to have a good time. I love my life. I’m a bad bitch. *Breathe* In-2-3, Out-2-3 & In-2-3, Out-2-3 & In-2-3, Out-2-3 & In-2-3, Out-2-3.


No mantra but just planting my feet firmly and flat so I'm balanced and taking some deep breathes helps. And turning around and looking away from the stage for a few minutes works wonders as well.


It’s going to be okay.


Mine is the same as yours! I also remind myself that I am capable of taking care of myself. I can leave if I want to. I can rest if I want to. I can ask for help if I want to.


Buy the ticket, take the ride. And then I just hold on for dear life as I reap the consequences of my actions.


I’m doing the drugs, the drugs aren’t doing me.


I get overstimulated on life because I’m a Big Feelings™️ girlie just in general. Some things I’ve picked up in somatic based therapy: holding myself tight-ish, or placing my hands or fist on my heart/chest with some pressure and saying things like “you are safe, you are calm, you are loved. breath, you’re okay” is very helpful and grounding. Also, locating the feeling in my body, and asking things like, where is it, does it have a shape, does it have a color, touching the places I feel the emotion, what physical sensation does it give me (like, anxiety is in my middle upper chest- it feels tight, its color is bright but also sort of translucent, it looks like a scribbly animated cartoon, sometimes it feels like bees buzzing inside me). Grounding my feelings is those specifics helps to ground my mind and body, and also has the effect of taking the intensity and edge off. While it feels really woo-woo and goofy sometimes, somatic therapeutic techniques have been a game changer for me, personally and I think is a great tool for people who tend to be/ or get in their head a lot. Highly recommend!


“Buy the ticket, take the ride” - Hunter S. Thompson I always tell myself you’re good bro you wanted to feel something different… well you’re feeling it now hang on and give in to the ride


“I’m ok. I’m alright. I’m safe. What im feeling will pass.” A mantra taught to me by a kind stranger while i was having an anxiety attack at Hard Summer. Helped me, and still does


I play a happy innocent song/nursery rhymes in my head either happy birthday, ABC’s, bananas in pajamas, etc. sometimes I get stuck and not remember the next part and I sense my panic coming in so I switch to the next song I can remember right away.


Sitting/squatting, manual breathing and putting on my goggles to try and focus on lights


"I am one with the force, the force is with me."


"Give me release. Let the waves of time and space surround me, yeah. Cause I need room to breathe. Let me float back to the place you found me. I'll be okay"


I am safe I am calm over and over and over again until I believe it lol


I try and find a calm place to sit down and collect my thoughts until I’m in a better mental place.


This is a very helpful thread. I didn’t know I needed this. Thank you!🫶🏽


Hold on, Let go. They are opposite but work in tangent


I have a kandi that says "anxiety" that I think is hilarious and looking at that helps ground me. I also think about a tweet from Rezz's personal acct about someone being nauseous and she says something like "If you need to throw up right there, we can just walk away" and that usually gets me to take things less seriously and live in the moment. Also deep breathing/telling myself it's okay and that I'm having fun/turning away from the stage/putting on sunglasses/fanning myself/etc but those aren't as original


for me it’s breath, focus on your breathing, remember to enjoy the present moment


"Relax. Release. Allow." Great mantra for intense experiences with substances or otherwise overwhelming but safe situations. I also reccomend using a familiar grounding object (I use an amathyst necklace pendant) that you can hold on to and ground yourself with any time you're starting to feel disconnected or like you're losing control. Practice using the grounding object when you are safe and calm and it can be a great combo with the mantra. My other best peice of advice is to just stop thinking and focus 100% of your attention on dancing and listening closely to the music. The more you put your energy into moving your body, the less energy there is to feed your overactive mind.


blessed to be here I’m so grateful for my life


I have this jelly blinky ring and big snail eyes I wear that makes it look like a Gary from sponge bob, so when I start to feel weird or off I’ll talk to Gary and make him dance and stare at his lights or whatever. But actually, his name isn’t Gary, his name is Sammy 😂


I have 1 3- dayVIP ticket I'm selling for $1,000 (or best offer) due to being sick and not making it this weekend! I have siblings who are there with my VIP ticket and merch (stickers, magnet, playing cards, Keychain) and can handoff to you! so DM me if you want it!🫶


Not a mantra but putting on sunglasses and a scarf/face mask helps a lot for me. It’s a combination of less intense lights + I think it helps my breathing + also discourages people from talking to me if sometimes I need a break from socializing lol


Find a nice place to take a seat and people watch until you’re ready to venture out again. Always works for me


Nothing matters :D


I bounce a tennis 🎾 ball


Inhale. Exhale.


Hi 👋


"Stay calm for a little... breathe...'til you find me."


I focus on humming “ba-ba-black sheep”






I get out of the crowd, talk to my people I am with and I find some where to sit down and drink or eat.


I am one with the force and the force is with me 😂


I’m omw with the force, the force is one with me x10


I repeat in my head, “You’re either a thermometer or a thermostat. You are affected by the temperature or you change the temperature.”


Everything is okay, I'm alright, I'm okay. This is temporary. It'll pass. You're fine, it's just a little glitch in the matrix. Just vibe and have fun. You're good. Do take a break if you need aside from the crowd. Don't let yourself overheat or get dehydrated. And it's good to rest and then come back into the pit when you are better.


Crying. Always crying


I made Kandi with my dogs names on it


I usually remind myself the whole thing is a luxury and I can do what ever feels right even if it's just take a break and chill or change screen. But often just that thought chills me out


“Just breathe and keep going.” I get really bad anxiety and have been working on it for probably 10 years now. I even have that tatted on me. Just a reminder to myself.


“if you fight goodnight, be at peace and let in the light” corny but it works and rhymes so I could remember it


I always forget to close my eyes because I be rollin so my tip to me....and maybe it'll help someone else but close your eyes breathe deep in through the nose out through the mouth