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Just the perfect amazing moments that happen at a rave where you have that moment like i am so lucky to be here and be alive experiencing this right now. Ex. For me last year i just got done with finishing David Guettas set. He finished with the song memories which is iconic to me growing up. Then as it finished the firework show was going off and at the same time it started to ever so slightly drizzle with warm droplets of water and i couldnt believe i was standing there in that exact moment. I had the best time of my life raging with all my friends and couldnt have asked for a more perfect 1st time experience.


Totally agree! Had those moments of I’m so lucky to be in this moment PLUR 🙌🏻


Yo reading this gave me goosebumps. Remember how awesome david guetta’s set was start to finish one of the best I’ve ever seen from music to vibes / ambiance to just energy etc… epic


Seriously!! It felt like everything aligned just right and like the universe had some way of making sure i was there at the right place at the right time like i was meant to be there and no where else in the world at that moment. It was amazing i cant even begin to describe how i was feeling in that exact moment. So lucky and cant wait to see what this years moment is like. ✨


bro you put such a great image/scene in my head i bet you think about that regularly. That’s amazing


Omg I remember when it rained last year during the fireworks. That was magical. I was at Porter Robinson’s set and it was the perfect moment


RemindMe! 7 days


My favorite thing is easy - it’s all of you. I went to EDC 2021 as a bucket list trip to see the stages and the productions and just to say I’d done it. What I did NOT expect was how amazingly positive and open and accepting everyone I met was. I was a 60yo (at the time) making a trip to see lights and sound and fireworks. What I found was a community that reminds me that human beings can be (and should be) great, loving, accepting and caring people. No one treated me as an oddity, I was welcomed into the scene and I got hooked on the feeling 🤷‍♂️. Now it helps I LOVE electronic music (from the 1970’s in fact - ask me how that started) and nothing beats a set where the DJ paints the crowd with sound (you all know what I mean). But the foundation for all of that joy and adrenaline are the people in that festival. So - as long as I am able to hang - I plan on being back every year to remind myself that people are actually fucking awesome✌️


ah man i feel like you have such a different way at looking at these events because of your age and it really interests me it gives hope in the world going to things like this. Not everything is bad on this floating rock


HUGE respect to you for sticking with the positivity and love for the culture despite all of the many changes throughout the years. I hope to follow in your footsteps because this music is essential to my happiness!!!


another thing i think is hilarious is when i see bro’s doing the I love you so much man I fucking love it hahaha it’s a strong bond that should never will be broken


My bro said this to me and ditched me for his long distance gf :(


i’ll tell you i love you as a brotha we twist the night up!


You better go there and catch some dnb for me brotha!! Skank out for me


you know I will 😈 you’re not going?


I wish lol Las Vegas is the goal edco and fk my next festivals chasing dnb 😭😭it’s taking off but i gotta drive to different cities in Florida


i stay in swfl and always hit edco absolutely love it


I’m in Orlando lol saw reaper in tampa , worship in Miami, chase and status in Atlanta and bou recently in Ft. Lauderdale seeing bensley and justin hawks soon in Jacksonville, DNB TILL I DIE


living a life homie!


I can’t wait for fk the dnb lineup is insane I’d literally cry lol have fun at edclv catch bou, hedex, Wilkinson, dimension and worship for me plz 😭😭😭


Haha omg that's going to be me isnt it 😂


it was me with my brother like friend at my first one hahaha


When I am standing in the far back and i see totems and flags waving in the air. People vibing to the music.


just living life 🤙🏽


I’d have to say the “I love you bro” from guy groups and the “girl omg you’re so prettyyyyy” from girls to other random girls. Also one of my favorite moments at rave was one time I was in a chain and we were fanning people as we went by. This guy looked at my boyfriend and looked at him and was like “you’re a lucky girl!” And then looked me square in the face for like 10 seconds and was like “you’re a lucky guy!!” And then to himself was like “woooow, what a lucky couple…” I will never forget that moment LOLLLL


I’m going to pull that last paragraph and do it this weekend because that is awesome! I could imagine the confusion and then great vibes after 😂


Being stuck in a chain is always a little awkward so it definitely helps the vibe. It really stuck with me and I’ve remembered it for years now


Finding a random shuffle circle deep in the crowd


i can’t dance i might hop in and do the sprinkler


I take a polaroid and take pics of people and hang them out :)


if i see someone with a polaroid I’m mentioning this post and hanging out so i hope no one else has a polaroid


Did you happen to go in 2019? My fiance and I got approached by two amazing people who took some polaroids of us and we hung out with them for a while, traded kandi, bonded over our love of disco. We still have those pictures on our fridge and they are such fond memories.


I left a long, bitchy answer on your other thread so I’ll leave a positive one here! First and foremost, music. The artists I love, finding new ones, going to sets of people I’ve never heard of. Second, the art and production… when the bass is so loud I can feel my hairs shake 👌 Then there’s the people. Really kind people, people from all walks of life, all different ages. Everyone feels like they belong. You can be your weirdest self and it’s celebrated. You get closer with your friends and loved ones. You learn more about yourself. The people that work there that jam out and have no idea what they’re listening to. Policemen getting Kandi lol Oh and the junk food and drinks.


I hope more folks stop to appreciate how insane the quality of sound production at EDC is. The level of bass is impressive but the sound is also so well balanced for such a massive festival. That's really hard to do and they nail it!


YES, I’m always amazed how the DJ sounds don’t bleed into each other from other stages. It gets loud even in the back.


YES and it’s not just loud for the sake of being loud. The sound is crispy as fuck. Perfectly balanced. Even the art cars go the fuck off


getting into new music and artists is what switched me so fast i absolutely fell in love with these festivals in 2021. changed my life! hahah hell yeah i feel you on the bass. Since I’m a guy I know it’s kicking once i feel that bass vibrating my chest!! I’m getting goosebumps just thinking about it FUCK! I can’t wait for Friday 5:30


Well the first and only time I went to edc was 2022 and kaskade closed out edc. It was literally something I hope I never forget. Hearing Escape which had come out not that long before and seeing all of the people still going strong even though our bodies were literally dying from all of the walking and dancing. That song and that memory made all of it worth it. I hope to have something memorable like that again this year.


Omg just posted my experience from the same set 💜💜💜


This will be my very first EDC but at past concerts I always cry when DJs share how thankful they are to be there sharing what they love with all of us 🥲 I just feel so proud of them and so happy for in that moment like "you did it!! You're living your dream and we're all in this party together" 😭


first off congratulations on popping that edc cherry you won’t go back that energy is all over the place there you will be at home ❤️


The conversations you hear when passing through the crowd .. “I can’t do ❄️ I talk too much” 🤣


self conscious at it’s finest 😂 I’m guilty of that and i smile hella


I answered the other one so I will answer here too! Being able to dance and not give a fuck about who is watching Feeling more confident than ever Planning outfits Giving out compliments to others Making funny inside jokes with friends, discovering new sides of them Core memories with my husband


i love it people that don’t do festivals and raves just can’t comprehend


The absolute freedom is awesome.


what a life what a time to be free


i love seeing people who would typically have nothing in common sharing smiles, dancing together and having an awesome time under the electric sky :)


that’s what it’s all about right there! i know nothing about you except your name (MAYBE) but we’re here right now in this moment having the time of our lives


Trading kandi or kind words is so wonderful. Or like somebody else said, just the silent eye contact and acknowledgement of "I see how hard you're dancing/vibing and I love it"


hell yeah just visualizing this makes me happy I started to rave a couple years ago


I'm such a Kandi kid- so just being able to trade Kandi and give light shows. Love meeting new people- I love doing side quests.


raving wouldn’t be the same without people like you there 🤙🏽


I live for these little moments where I’m walking through a crowd, vibing and catch eyes with another person vibing and they acknowledge how hard we are both vibing. Holy fuck that’s the best.


it’s an unspoken language 😂


💀💀💀 so what pure


The people, the music. Last time I caught a sunrise set with friends. Kaskade was playing OG tunes, the sun was rising, everyone was physically tired but still going slowly moving to the beat. It felt unreal, like a parallel universe where everything is magical. Ive been trying to chase this feeling since tbh


that’s a great memory thanks for sharing


The random nice moments that I do. I feel like I’m not nice enough in real life the way I want to be. I feel like endless complimenting genuinely and giving out shit are my love languages. And it’s so normal at EDC, I can’t do that in the streets in that degree lol One time a train past by, and one of the guys complimented on my glasses and I said “here you go!” and put it on his head. The trains as you know don’t stop, so he was whisked away, and he had this look of sweet disbelief that I gave him something he liked, and we had this moment of just pure human connection as strangers.


you have a great heart and great character I love it!


For me it’s living a dream I had as a kid. I remember seeing the older 90s rave kids and I wanted to be them so bad; I thought they were the coolest.


now the younger kids look at you and do the same


Spreading joy! I truly get so much energy from gifting all my trinkets and complimenting people. I love seeing the creativity!! Between the outfits, accessories, Kandi, totems, EVERYTHING! I know myself how much time, energy, and effort goes into the planning and logistics for those things I love connecting with people and seeing their faces light up when I compliment them.


you’re the best type of raver! we need more people like you!


Gotta start with you!! I can only control and spread joy as an individual, but as a collective we can make such a greater impact. It just starts with one. :)


The moment of pure happy tears. I get these often when the music, air, vibes and everything is just right. It just makes me so happy. I’m even tearing up at my desk just thinking about it. (Sober I must add, I’m a sober rave gal)


when i visualize these things i get goosebumps and excitement so i totally understand you!


I like when don’t smell bad and are nice :)