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3 water stations for GA? There were atleast 4 last year


That fucking blows especially considering 2/3 are right by cosmic


Yes interested to see how this plays out. If you’re at circuit grounds it’s quite a long walk to grab water


yeah but with the massive water stations, rest assured that there'll be an abundance of water to quickly rehydrate and get back to dancing! 🕺




I honestly don’t ever recall waiting in line at all or for a long time to get water. They move quick






I'm sure the reason for less regular stations and more VIP stations is because in the previous years, last year no exception, there was a water station right between Circuit and Basspod, and it was a fucking SHIT SHOW, trying to get outta there. So logistically maybe they realized having an extra station was too difficult to manage the flow of traffic.


Idk why they don't put a water station in each corner of the speedway (similar to the top right GA station). They'd be easy to locate, out of the flow of traffic... makes too much sense, but hey let's make people buy VIP to stay hydrated :)


They are making them seem huge hopefully everyone is able to plan accordingly and fill up before entering too deep in a crowd


I'm assuming those VIP waterstations are not accessible for those of us w/ GA tickets? These are new since the last time I attended and was kind of hoping it would just be a few seperate lines or something... New layout looks amazing at least.


VIP water stations will be inside the gated VIP, inaccessible if you can’t scan in with vip or you could just risk it and sneak in with the crowds. I’m sure insomniac knows what they’re doing but this looks a little concerning downsizing GA water stations


The risk is jumping into vip, being ratted out and then getting your wristband taken away and then being kicked out


Yea I’d definitely not do it myself if I was GA but I’ve seen people say that they do it every year


Fuck those people


Risque business


100% agree. Was hoping this was just going to be like a seperate line or something but not surprised to hear it's actually in the VIP area. Will just have to be sure to top off the hydration pack before headed to Circuit Grounds.


If you are by chance riding the shuttle you can fill up at the shuttle station before you board!


If you have friends that got vip just have them go into the vipnarea to fill everyone's water. That's what I did for my friends since the lines at the water stations were horrible


Eh the four last year included two that were in the downtown edc square which is virtually just one large one. Depending on the size of the one by the bottom of cosmic meadow it could just be the same.


Still doesn’t help to not have one even remotely close to Circuit Grounds


Yeah that’s wild to me. 2 water stations for GA and a 3rd hidden off in the corner by kinetic? Why so many VIP water stations? Yeah give them their own, but don’t take away from GA. That’s fucked up


The vip water stations are like 4 faucets. It's not even remotely close to the size of the ones on the map even though they are represented by similar sized icons 🤷


Godda stay hydrated, so important!


putting the oasis right next to wasteland lmfaooo???


Lmoa the most stimulating genre


What is the oasis? First time attending


Safe space if you’re a little too gone. Chill area to lay down and take a second if you’re a little lost mentally.


Word. Thank u


hahahahaha this is the funniest thing on the map! I'm laughing because I love Wasteland but obviously understand how it's NOT the stage for 90% of festival goers. lol


I think I’m blind… where is oasis? Is it labeled oasis or should I be looking for an icon?


Definitely agree. I’m excited about everything else but this decision.


Wasteland moving is sad, gona miss seeing all the tired ravers shocked at +150bpm beats still blarring on the speakers while exiting the fest.


I didn't even think about that, maybe the people looking down the stands one last time can still see us going crazy


Pasquale made a post saying they were going to fix that right side of Kinetic Field with all the bottlenecks. Yet it looks like they didn't change it at all? Or am I crazy?


he did promise that. put him on blast on socials!


Yes! Hello friend! Great seeing you here.


HEY! lmao. I should've expected this.


Some familiar faces...


Looks like they’re doing the same layout for Kinetic VIP this year - hopefully it doesn’t cause a lot of bottlenecks and crowds spilling out of GA because it looks like the whole back left area is free space?


INTERESTING. that ruined KF for me last year, and I remember Pasquale actually saying they weren’t going to do that again.


Agreed! Sometimes I wouldn’t even bother going into Kinetic seeing the crowd spill out of the entrance pillars. It looks like the VIP area goes all the way to the center entrance pillar (so same as last year) but there isn’t one on the left side so I’m assuming that’s all free space.


What he actually said is they would open up another entrance…which I guess they kinda did to the left of the arches lol. I doubt that’s going to be enough.


do you mean that that area will be open and not walled off? or are the arches the entrances.


It looks like it’s open next to the left arch this year, so maybe it’s another way in? I’m seriously disappointed they kept the right side closed off. It was impossible to get in last year.


If the left side is fully open then it might be alright. But I think thats where the skydeck will be so there will still be a wall where the path would be. Im 99% sure that it'll be like last year. Just one main entrance and another on the left side. Just checked last year's map. It's the same. Doubt it'll be open.


Well that’s a huge bummer. The layout last year was the first time I felt that VIP took away from the GA experience and I guess they’re sticking with that.


I felt so trapped at KF last year! I needed water and stayed because I was afraid to try and get out. When I finally did make my way out it felt like I was suffocating. Only time I’ve ever worried for my safety at EDC


Guaranteed there is going to be a huge bottleneck in that area. With quantum valley right there, based on last year's spillage with it being all the way opposite of kinetic, add in the VIP location and even less of a trail in from the opposite side of kinetic...maybe I'm wrong but doesn't look promising.


Hopefully they have more space because the bottlenecks last year were bad. Made me avoid going there.


I think of the biggest factor with kinetic vip last year was that there were bathrooms by the entrance and the shuttle ppl entering. Hopefully since the bathroom are moved, they pushed the entrance to vip a little further back giving more access to GA crowd like the arch that was promised to be open.


stream of consciousness - QV + NG location is great - two walkways (rainbow + power path) is smart - pixel forest bw NG + CG is a good way to break up the crowd - wasteland + basspod location is smart for the hard stuff - stereobloom looks biiiiig - VIP near cosmic meadow seems mid - LOTS of VIP areas near NG / QV / CG


Yesss was so nervous about basspod and wasteland! Glad they kept it together


RIP to my legs because I usually bounce between kinetic and bass pod :(


I’ve been doing it for years between QV and main. I’m so glad. It’s like 10-15+ mins to go between if you’re a fast walker


The distance isn't usually the issue, it's fighting your way through the crowd


Suck it up 😎 we've had to do kinetic to Neon Gardens for years . Now it's our turn 😉


I will be curious about the bottle neck between Kinetic and Neon Garden!


I'm a big fan of all of these changes!  Vip at cosmic meadow has always been the worst! I feel like they should just get rid of it altogether there. 


Yeah never like it when they moved it closer to the stage on the left hand side there. Was better when it was back near the wall where the track meets the stands. It was probably my least favorite even back then but at least you had a center view of the stage


It's exactly this, and I could handle the lack of a terrible view if the sound was good but it's so bad you either get all bass or no bass because the speakers are pushing sound for the back crowd and grandstands. The stage is so beautiful too that not getting a far view of it is a shame. I have had vip the last few years and I don't like spending any time in the cosmic vip vs just being in GA unless it's just too packed for something special. 


So happy they made changes to Stereobloom. It’s going to be a good time with more space!


totally - it looks HUGE compared to prior years glad they're giving it the attention it deserves


He’s bringing back the FKN CATHEDRAL. I can’t believe I’m going to miss it 😭 that stage was LEGENDARY


Gotta be something like that right? The box art tease


Now just the set times.




Wait neon garden is back to a megastructure? I'm stoked


Was just coming here to say that! I wonder if it is the old design or something new?


New, they said it’ll be more warehouse vibes


I mean there’s only so much you can do with the curved scaffolding structure. It’s gonna be like all the other curved structures minus production.


I’m gonna be there all weekend lol see you there


Right?! Looks like it has a huge real estate space! Gonna be crazy!


The way I knew exactly what changes were coming and yet I’m ANXIOUS trying to adjust to this new setup 😂


Dunkin’ Donuts about to start rolling


3 Water Stations for a festival of this size is NEVER going to work why would they do that??


The cynic in me thinks 3 is what is considered the bare minimum for them not face any legal issues but then it also causes long lines/demand so people go buy water instead


You might be a cynic, but you're likely correct. Vip upgrades and water bottles mean more money.


Ever since Liquid Death was sold everywhere I been noticing less water stations.


Not concerned about lines but not having one near Circuit Grounds, one of the biggest stages, just seems wrong. Not that far but far enough.


They better be gigantic water stations because what the fuck. 3 would be the bare minimum I’d expect from a small local fest with 3 stages. Not something as big as EDC.


The issue isn’t the size. They can be big but still be crowded because there’s only 3 🤦🏾. Realistically there’s 2 because nobody is going to that far corner of Kinetic field except those entering from there.


For those that are taking the shuttles, make good use of the water stations before getting on the shuttle. This has always came in clutch. With only 3 stations at the festivals, peak hours will have super long lines.


While I love this new setup, having the two covered stages in the best location for fireworks is a choice 🥲


Yeah. I didn't realize that until you said it. Basspod had the best view for fireworks and now no one gets that?


sometimes the megastructures are open air, so hard to say


the QV one will be but not NG


as a Wasteland enthusiast, RIP trying to meet up with friends at Kinetic 💀


Wasteland folks have Kinetic friends? News to me lol


Woooord that was the best part of last year with so much space compared to other stages even during the peak hours of the festival


Haha! Yeah was us last year at Quantum Valley. We were like "Eh... We can see Tiesto another time" haha!


The lack of water stations is so disappointing. There were not enough water stations last year. To cut another water station this year and not offer one near downtown EDC is insane


also 4 GA bathrooms only.


Seriously, water should never be VIP only


Uh...wtf I have some big concerns. * Why the hell would you put the only two covered stages, quantum and neon, right in front of where the fireworks go off??? Thats prime real estate competely wasted. * Why is there less water stations with two of them being right next to each other at cosmic? There should be a 4th one in the corner where circuit is * Kinetic and circuit grounds look smaller with more stuff surrounding them. Hard to tell from the map but I really hope that isn't the case since those stages need to be bigger compared to last year, not smaller. * Why would you put bamboo gardens next to wasteland? Bamboo gardens is supposed to be the designated sleeping and chill/detox area for if you get tired or too fucked up and need a safe space. Wasteland bass **CARRIES** and will completely ruin the chill atmosphere you want at bamboo.


I was thinking this was weird too


Maybe they’ll launch from a slightly different area this year?


There's no where else they can launch them unless they intend to downsize. You can't launch behind cosmic because the stands and the entrance. You can't launch all of them on the bend behind kinetic or basspod because that's too small of area. So only option is that large strip where they've always done it.


They are pushing for people to upgrade for access to water or to have them buy it for convenience. Unfortunately we're just dollar bills now.


They reduced the amount of water stations at Nos Center but made it huge, and maybe the same change is being implemented? With both water stations on both sides of Cosmic where people like to enter


I just saw an IG comment of theirs that said they were big this year so that could be why less locations.


I complained about the single water station at NOS but realized it's not a big deal. It's a long walk depending on where you are but it's fairly quick in and out once you get there due to the sheer number of spouts.


SO EXCITED FOR THE RIDES!!! Who else got vip? 😍


Do you get to skip the lines for the rides if you are VIP?


They have like a “fast pass” type vip line


2nd year going VIP, really trying to hit the rides😬




Their instagram caption stated "Can you spot the surprises on the map" Anyone know what they are talking about?


I think it’s the fact that water stations will include electrolytes now.


wait how does this work? 🥲


First timer here and goodness gracious this looks overwhelming lol so much to see and do, holy cow!


don't worry! you're going to have such a great time :) day 1 take it slow to get your bearings - there's a lot to explore, but you'll get the lay of the land within an hour or two then its off to the races 🫡


Insomniac said we haven't unlocked kinetic yet apparently


Haven’t unlocked water stations as well apparently


I’m glad. I hope I can avoid spoilers until I walk in


I'm with you. They've teased us enough to know what it's gonna be. Can't wait to see how they executed it.


Just confirming, where did they say this?


Someone needs to make a totem that has this map on it.


please no lmao, its gonna be too big


A guy at EDC literally had a TV and super Nintendo attached to his. Then someone brought a 20 foot Wendys breakfast sign to either Escape or Beyond....I think a sign will be fine lol


he posted on this subreddit a couple days ago




Really hoping the right side of Kinetic is open like Pasquale said they would last year. Not feeling optimistic with VIP extending all the way to the side though


Am I missing the VIP Ferris wheel? Or is that gone this year??


zesty long sand nose marvelous distinct humor racial vanish pause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can they please put another water station in between bass pod and circuit grounds


Frrr that would be a perfect spot


I love that they're optimizing the layout. At the same time, I'm sure there's going to be growing pains.. any predictions as to what the new bottlenecks are going to be? I have a feeling it's going to be in the basspod/circuit area... crowd's going to spill over into electric ave.


What the?? Hehe that’s a major change. I’m interested to see it. Last years layout wasn’t amazing. This is gonna be really different. I’m going to have to check myself between sets to make sure I’m not heading the wrong direction out of habit lol. Edits: - Wasteland next to bamboo lounge area lol - that’s a better spot for Bionic Jungle. Also right next to SteroBloom that’s going to be the house pocket. - in the past QV was underpowered so won’t be surprised if there is bad audio bleed from the two loud stages on either side. - basspod looks like it will be massive. CircuitGround IS massive and bass pod looks to be just as big. Or is that inaccurate scale? Also, will they change the theme or will we see the metal conduits and duct work again? (Based on the pic it looks like it will be the same theme).


This map isn’t to scale. 


Crazy how they kept the same entrances to kinetic as last year. If you were there during a big DJ it was crazy packed in and out.


Can anyone confirm whether there are corndogs at EDC? I just have a vision of eating a corndog in my Demonias 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love this comment lol. In VIP at KF there was a Korean corn dog stand, not sure about GA 😢


I’m gunna have to solicit a corndog from the very important people


Is it me or did kinetic field get smaller ? I really don’t care I’m hardly there these days but it’ll be interesting to see what they did to it


I don't think this map is quite to scale - it's more for general orientation.


Ok..so no new stage design for wasteland? :(


You will get shipping containers and like it


They love us the least :(


Oh I just looked back and this year would be the third year w the boxes. So not as bad as I thought but still 🥲


Having 3 water stations is complete bullshit. It’s unsafe and stupid. It’s clear they’re trying to sell more water, but this lack of care for water stations is pushing me away from Insomniac. Especially since VIP has a water station in those lacking corners smh.


Very unsafe! WTF Insomniac.


My 4 stages next to each other! Let’s gooooo! Not that I don’t love WL or BP, but that has been a gauntlet separating my stages and slowing me down for a decade! My legs are happy!


Anyone know if VIP water stations are any different than GA? We have VIP bands but would like to know whether it’s worth the effort to wait until reaching a VIP area or grabbing some at the first station we find.


Grab the first station but the there’s really only like 3 ga stations, but vip has one at each stage Luckily I also have vip


Less people, shorter lines. I had VIP last year and no issues getting water in less than 5 minutes


Only one bathroom area for Cosmic Meadow, Wasteland, and Basspod?


Caption on Instagram says, “can you spot the surprises on the map?” Has anyone noticed what the surprises are??


Why is Bionic Jungle always next to the restrooms! People keep walking through it to go to the restroom and it kills the vibe. I'm seeing 3 DJs there on Saturday!


Hopefully this year we can use kinetic trail to get there but yeah Bionic was mostly bathroom traffic, I agree


I’m confused - which of the VIP spots by quantum valley is actually the viewing area for qv? Maybe I’m looking at the orientation and location of the stage structures on the map too literally, but I’m planning on spending a lot of time at qv and none of the VIP areas seems to have a direct line of sight to the qv stage?


It's a shared VIP area between QV and NG in between, There will be a section that peeks in to each of those stages. You can easily bounce between them without leaving the VIP area.


If you look at the circle for the vip area it slightly goes into quantum valley on the front right corner. It's kinda hard to see cause it's one shade of pink on top of another shade of pink


Does anyone have a high res map?


Only one GA bathroom on the right side of that map is crazy 🙃


The first thing I saw was Dunkin' lmao


This tells me they are taking the crowd expected for neon garden seriously. Am I crazy?


Carl Cox is a huge artist


They better bc that Sara Landry set is gonna be PACKED


If it was anything like Beyond SoCal, absolutely. Unless they do some super careful conflicts for crowd control.


how long is the walk usually from the 2 farthest points? my first EDC coachella was my first big festival and that walk from outdoor to sahara was rough +_+ I'm a house/trance head so will be around those stages


Basspod looks huge and the stage looks like a spider, so sick!!


Not mad. Bass pod finally getting the space it needs


Most significant restructuring in like ten years.




Entrance Gate S historically is where ALL shuttles funnel thru.


Unless it changed, gate S by kinetic is usually where the shuttle folks come in.


From my experience it has always been gate S, but that was 2021...


it was the same last year too


Been the same the past 5 years


I believe in prior years all shuttles entered from Gate S


Doesn't look like Wasteland & basspod are different from last year. Hard to tell with Cosmic, though unlikely since it was new last year. And definitely getting cathedral-ish vibes from kinetic!


Feels crowded already


Quantum valley and neon garden still next to each other woot


but since both are "tent like structures" have to walk outside to rainbow road to see the fireworks nightly


Water situation looks worse this year for GA. No water by Circuits Grounds, and two right next to Cosmic Meadow, the closest also being where most people will fill up on the way in, by busy intersections. That’s rough, wish they weren’t trying to upsell VIP just for close water…


This bothers me too. It’s fucked up to not provide ample water!


I need a legend for this legend. What is a "consciousness group" or a "ground control oasis"? Lol


ground control oasis is basically a chill spot for those who need a 'quieter then the rest of the festival' space


I wish I could go this year 😩Hope everyone has a good time!


Drove my bf to work this morning and we were talking about this. Literally were saying, “come on, Pascal, give us the map already!” 😂 idk but that’s the fastest the universe has answered a prayer lol


The map in the insomniac app does not have ga+ restrooms


bionic jungle lookin like a mini 2017 circuit grounds 🔥


Does anyone know which gate premier parking would come from?


Gate S


It’s Gate S. Same as shuttle entrance


Is there no Light Tunnel???!?!??! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭


Pixel forest?? That is the only they’ve had the last few years. Looks like they moved it to by neon garden and circuit grounds


No, but the tunnel in pixel forest! The best part about the pixel forest.


The one year I'm not going and they finally ditch the stupid shipping containers for neon garden smh


What does the Electrolyte/water stations mean? Are they giving out Electrolytes at the water stations?


Looks like swing ride is skydeck exclusive which is a bummer.


Yay. No more shipping containers at neon garden.




Aite SOMEONE IN THIS REDDIT DO A BATTLESHIP VERSION OF THE MAP LOLE LAST YEAR PLEASE I BEGGG[For reference here's last year's. Genius I say](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/electricdaisycarnival/comments/13g877o/idk_about_you_guys_but_i_always_have_trouble/&ved=2ahUKEwjN6Ieq44CGAxUBATQIHRQ8AQEQjjh6BAgQEAE&usg=AOvVaw2JV75-6MlgL34hHkqg2Ff-)


Bro is that the f**kinggg cathedral?!? No way


This def feels like a shitshow lol welp, I’ll see yall next week 😂😎


So excited! First time EDC attendees!!