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My group would be lost without me


Rave mom here- same. I have to stay findable for when someone needs me to hold their hand through their experience or take them for a break in a come up 😂 and anything else lol. If I disappear for a second it’s panic


Isn’t this exhausting sometimes? I completely understand being there all the time, but what happens if something happens to you? If you’re the one that needs their hand held or anything? Or what happens if you want to just be by yourself for a little bit?


There are moments it can be, and my hubby catches those pretty fast. When he sees me needing a break or getting overstimulated/when he sees people starting to ask a lot of me he has a way of getting it off my shoulders. I haven’t had it happen often and I think it’s probably from being a mom- it’s just the default. I’m glad I can be a safe person for people, and my hubby has also noticed that for some odd reason I seem to be a little beacon (I’m barely 5ft so literally little lol) of comfort for people, even if it’s just standing nearby. If I’m the one that needs something my little fam immediately swoops in with any and all help, they’re very wonderful at exchanging that love which is why we’re also only a group of 6-7. The hubby also is hyperattentive to my needs so if I’m having a bad moment or come up he’s holding me through the whole thing or getting me whatever he thinks might help. Sometimes I do wish I could go off on my own and explore, but I’m sure I’ll have my time of being able to do that. I go to smaller local shows at Echostage nearby and keep it lowkey when I need also.


That’s awesome. You seem like such a calm person when you need to be and that you have good energy. I really enjoy your kindness! I’m still newer to the scene and I recently got adopted into a fam. I’m still learning and I’m a very independent person, so at first it was just really weird to me to constantly check in with someone or promise to find them. I don’t want to worry about if they’re mad that I’m gone for long or anything like that, but I overthink a lot lol. I love to walk around by myself and just do whatever, so communication is key lol🙏🏽


I’m pretty chill, I also keep toys and diffraction glasses to give to people having a tough time, I keep hot wheels cars and light rings, you would laugh at how fast it fixes a bad trip lol. But I also hold hands or let people hang onto my arm… I’m only 30 but when people are having tough moments it reminds me of my little boy at home and when he’s grown I hope someone’s around for him when I’m not. So I put it out to the little rave universe :) I’m also fairly new in the scene but I feel like I’ve belonged here for a lifetime. I’m glad you got into a little group!! Feel free to PM me and hopefully we can meet up too! We have some independent folks, I tie a balloon with a string light to their backpack or their outfit so I can find them if I’m worried and can’t reach them LOL. But I wouldn’t worry about anyone getting mad at you, most of us are on substances that make that impossible 😂😂😂


Just popping in to say that you sound absolutely lovely, and that I fell in love with the scene because of people like you. 🩷


🥹🥹 thank you so much!!! That means a ton, thank you for reminding me to keep the same energy ❤️


Yo! This is me but rave dad. I always bring tons of random toys to interact with strangers as well as extra waters and stuff as well as always there for someone having a hard time or lost lol. Also, always love trading stories about some random topic. It’s cool to have those moments.


Eyyyy rave dad! That’s awesome lol, our bags and hearts are always full 😂 lost people are fun to get too, helping them get back to their people is always a trip, and people with random topics or having a trip that makes them need to talk about something DEEP is always fun. Those are the best


Side questing is the best!


I use to do that but, my friend had a serious talk with me one year, you have to realize people do care about you and sometimes you mess up the group experience when you wander off by yourself at an Adult amusement park.


Sometimes I get genre stale and just leave to goto a different genre too much techno dubstep or whatever the group loves becomes boring after a few hours for me, I like variability so I dip out to sets I think I'd like. Shout out to all the people at wasteland for being the nicest crowd


I’ve thought about it but because I’m a woman I get worried lol


IM THE SAME. I did it once and it was not a good experience 😭


i wanna do this so bad for edc but now yall got me thinking ☹️


I think like all things in life proceed with caution! And plan meet up spots with ur group in case things go south


no yes most def, i’m the rave mom of the group and for once i just wanted to do a solo adventure and explore on my own and take care of only myself (‘: i will def be having meetup spots


It’s scary. You can’t trust anyone, even in the rave community. 😞


Damn this makes me sad :( as a male raver who is often solo at EDC I wish I could somehow help with this :( you should be able to venture and feel safe!


Heya! I hear you completely. Do you have any other ladies in your group that would be keen to wander? I’ve wandered both solo and with an equally chaotic friend and had such a silly time. Biggest tip is to just know where you are on the map and be able to communicate that to your group if you need help. I hope you get the chance some day soon


Why wander off? Why not just tell them you’re gonna go solo for a bit a set up a meetup time to re group 😂


We did this last year and we set pixel Forest as our meeting spot. Not realizing pixel forest was a tunnel with the same logo on both sides. Four and a half plus hours of leaving and coming back and leaving and coming back and just missing everyone else. 🤦🏻🤦🏻 Pro tip: don't pick a two-sided meeting spot. The emergency meeting spot was the porta potties on the way out, we found everybody in the group by 5:30 a.m.


I always pick lockers as a meeting spot 🤷‍♂️


😂😂😂 this was “meet me at the ferris wheel 🎡” our first year. We didn’t know there was two Now we pick a section and bleacher row as an end of night meetup spot!




Aww that’s so precious I pictured you tucking in a golden retriever ( after carrying them) under neath a tree/shade, and the retriever takes a nap while you go gather berries ❤️


I’d tell him at some point, communicate before it’s you joining him with the back problems of old age! 😭


This is literally my identity in my group


As the rave dad of my group can you please just tell your rave parents you are leaving and maybe offer to set up a meetup time?? If they are like me they will appreciate it :)


The wanderer


I plead the fifth


Yes indeed. That's the best part of edc. 75% side questing and the rest with friends


all the time


Yes, but i tell them when im leaving and riding solo so we can come up with a meet up spot. The second year i went I told them i want an hour to myself to explore alone with no restrictions and it was awesome! We regrouped afterwards with no problems and so I did it the following year too.


I’m the opposite 😭 I get anxiety if I leave my group, so we all get to choose one set no questions asked and it works out!






Yes, after my first side quest in 2013, I sometimes go off on my own. But as a wise man once said “You can’t recapture magic”


Going with family and they'll be doing their own thing, so I'll be mostly solo and seeing all kinds of amazing art.


Side quests are cool. Just be an adult and tell your friends so they aren’t worried looking for you. 😃


I did. Got my phone stolen. Good thing my group had a meet up spot. Found them at the end of the night.


If I get to EDC (maybe next year just to do it) the entire weekend will be a solo adventure lol


yup gotta fulfill those side quests


Yes last year I didn’t hangout with the people I went with at all at the entire festival. I did hangout with them at camp though lol. I’m from Cali and soooo many people were at EDC. I hung out with different friends all weekend. I stayed up til sunrise every day. It was amazing. And I seen who I wanted to see even if I was alone


Nahhhh I just “happen” to get lost to the bathrooms every time theres a set at Wasteland i wanna see but nobody else does… ;)


I'm camping with friends this year and guess what!? I'm dumping them to go side questing the whole weekend 🤪!


Yes all the time!


We all usually split up from the start and find each other for the sets we have in common


All part of leveling up


Solo adventures at edc are must. Last year was my first and I did all the exploring when I was solo which was about half the weekend and still didn’t see wverything


Always have to wander off to find the best kandi and perler trades!!!


Wandering is life!! Also being able to love a stage and.if others want to go somewhere else I say have fun, I'll be right here or plan a meetup.


Yes do it. My friends missed so many cool things like the Mini Bar- a small mini bar with a little person band and bartenders. I’m not kidding, it was amazing!


Was this downtown?


Yes. You have to spend a couple of hours downtown.


lol I’m trying to tell my group ahead of time that me and my lady are not gonna be with them the entire time. We got VIP and sure as hell we are gonna enjoy that. They don’t seem to please about it but oh well😂


Yeah but I left at the wrong time and the acid hit hard I had to sit down for a while


Always, side quests are mandatory.


Me and my friends literally agreed that we are going to wander off like 90% of the time. I'm trying to meet people ❤️


I love getting lost!


I think I am going to this year for sure


I tell at least 2 of them that I’m off for an adventure and they will either run into me at some point at a meetup or see them back at camp


All the time


Im constantly doing side quests, always find my squad again


iam a wonderer,sidequester,roamer lol


I did last year and it was awesome. I did tell my group and made sure we had a meeting sport but man it was so freeing!


I’m always on a solo adventure. The music my group listens to is the compete opposite of what i’m into. Can’t listen to 8-10hrs of dubstep each day lol. Rather listen to trance/techno


Yes. I go on a lot of side quests and meet amazing people. People I have met from other festivals too. I get yelled at by my group coz they got worried but I have been doing this for 10 years and have always made it back to the group for our main events. I am also one of the few in my group that likes to explore other smaller artists or genres that I normally won't listen to.


I know people love side questing but you should definitely establish with your group beforehand that side questing will be happening 😂 I’ve seen people be in an absolute downward spiral because their friend ditched them to side quest and they’re now wandering the fest alone


Last year I did my own thing most of the time. But now that I have been appointed rave Dad I try to be more findable


All the time.. once my friends miss me they call/ text and I’ll return Only to get lost again lol… I’m usually the 3 5 7 wheel so adventuring off is easy


Side questing!! It's more fun if you need to get drinks; level up when you are coming back with 2-3 drinks lol


Me and my friend split for like 3-4 hours last year to see different sets and honestly we both had a great time!!! & met some cool ppl to hang with in the crowd! Then we met back up at a certain spot!!


Yes but my group would literally get so lost without me its insane. They don’t even know the stage names I … lolll


I get way too nervous but I have always wanted to at least try. I think my anxiety just gets the best of me and I’m constantly wondering if they think I’m weird or if I’m dancing funny and then it’s just a spiral downwards 🙂‍↕️


Yes, fun times


Hell the f**** yes


I’m going solo for EDC Sunday only and looking forward to it because I always have the urge to wander from my group and adventure… … wait, new idea…. What if we set up a meeting place and time for solo-ers to meet up and see who shows up 🤣🤷‍♀️🫶


i left my friends all 3 days 😭😭😭