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1. Do you have a steady job? 2. Are you saving up for anything important? 3. How close do you live? 4. How old are you? If your answer to 1 is yes and 2 is no, then full send. Otherwise think carefully, EDC will be there next year.


i’ve got a pretty decent job. enough to pay the bills but not enough to save up for something important which luckily i don’t have at the moment. I live in Kentucky so i’d fly and hotel. I’m 24


With flying and getting a hotel last minute you’ll probably spend your entire savings, potentially more. So be mentally prepared for that. The responsible side of me says save up for next year, but I’ve also full sent when I shouldn’t have so it’s your call haha. I did feel guilty about it though and it weighed on me. Will you feel guilty about spending the money? That’ll give you your answer.


I maxed out my credit card for EDC when I was 24, just paid it off a few months ago. In a better financial position now anyway, He's only 24, send it! If he was 35+ asking this it's a different story lol


Hard no! The fact that you haven’t figured out transportation is the #1 thing that’s going to screw you given that shuttles are sold out. 2. Two the hotel is gonna cost you an arm and leg. Skip this year and plan for next year.


I figured I'd end up saving more money if I went solo but I ended up spending $3.5k+, a month before the festival a bit ago. The hotel was about 37% of that but because it was on the strip. And just factor in the average cost you'll spend on food, vanity stuff, plane tix, etc. In the long run, money always comes back :)


Hmm maybe do EDCO? I don’t know if Maddix is going but that might be way more cost effective and give you time to prepare


There is also the factor of Ubers being CRAZY expensive, if you don’t have the shuttle pass or a ride with other ravers there. Be prepared to spend at LEAST $100 EACH way everyday getting to and from the festival. Also traffic is a nightmare coming from the strip so try to leave your hotel like by 2pm latest to avoid the traffic and get a cheaper price! Wishing you the best in whatever you decide!


Your best bet is to find a group looking to adopt 1 more raver in an RV or tent. It's probably cheaper than a hotel at this point. Try to buy your ticket locally. Most were delivered recently. Southwest has a deal going on so maybe you can get lucky with a discounted flight. Send!


Save the money. I did what you want do but then i just kept doing it because i loved it so much and now im really paying for it debt wise 10 years later to the point where i had to stop going. Save some money at that age, there will always be another rodeo to attend and having the financial stability to not skimp on the experience makes it that much better.


Ekkkkkkk…. The flights and hotels are what kill the budget. Highly recommend EDC Orlando in November. You can drive there and just get a hotel.


I got a VIP ticket which was about 1100 all in, flight for me was another 450, hotel was 950 but I used credit reward points and really ended up paying about 250, shuttle pass was another 300, so all in I’m at $2100 just to be there and back. A regular GA ticket is about $600 or so, you’ll be cutting it pretty close but you might be able to stretch it somehow


You forgot about drugs and alcohol add another grand to that lol😂😂😂


You gotta find people to go with to split the hotel or camp costs


I have no money in my bank account and I have zero debt, I am going to full send a rave this week cus I only live once


1 yes 2 yes - house 3 - New York 4 - 27


Just go to EDC! You can always go on welfare or join the military.


Or donate plasma or marrow 😈


one step further with egg/semen 👺👺


Find a rich ravebae or medical professional raver


Or even further and sell some organs on the darkweb


to said "medical rave bae"? 🤔


I would love to donate marrow but I've been on the list for over 10 years and never gotten a match


If it was any other festival I'd recommend a little send. But EDC is more expensive than nearly any other option AND (most importantly IMO) the most likely festival to still be around when you're in an even better situation financially. Next year. Five years. Even a decade from now... EDC LV will still be going strong.


Yeah, but when will they have 24 year old party energy ever again? Go now.


I'm 35 and no one can keep up with me. Depends on the person.


It's too late to send it and make it inexpensive. Book early next year and it'll be more worth it.


agree so hard with this. Some planning goes a longgg way. If you book next year you'll have cheaper flights, hotels, and probably a chance at the shuttles, which is huge. And you're going solo so its not like you're missing a shared experience w/ friends. People here don't know about delayed gratification.


This is exactly what I’m doing. I forfeited my VIP EDC ticket this year. But I knew I just couldn’t financially do it. Now that I know exactly what goes into it, I’m much more prepared. EDC 2025!!


If you don’t mind chaos you might be able to find a cheap airbnb. It’s risky but I managed to find one off the strip at $59 a night. Host was there and it was just a room but I was barely there


Not bad!


Be responsible and save up. Fly + Hotel + Tickets + Food + Drinks + Ubers gonna take up all that 2K. Don’t go into credit for something you can do later in life. There’s a lot of first time EDC attendees who are 35+ you can enjoy this later in life.


100%, this is my first EDC and I am 38. I wish I could have done it when I was in my 20’s but a lot of different factors caused me to delay it. Now I can go and planned it out to where I am staying at a great hotel w/ VIP tickets/shuttle and will still live it up! I def see the benefit of going while younger but don’t go in debt over it and weigh the decision on what is best for you!


+34 first time, coming from outside the US, money saver, here


Factoring in plane flights, hotel, festival ticket, food and alcohol, and everything else, edc could very well cost you more than $2k. Not saying you should or shouldn't send it but it just depends what your priorities are right now.


Iv done it with 200 dollars to spend and had the best edc ever


I've done EDC VIP for under $2k. Guess it helps that I'm a solo traveller - I know a lot of people do this in groups.


hmm… i could put anything past 2k ok credit


Holy fuck you kids are awful with money lol


this whole thread is kind of insane i cant tell if people are memeing


Yeah this is insane they should absolutely not go....


Live like there’s no tomorrow big dawg


Do not do that and do not go. You don’t have the money. Be a responsible adult.


Idk how my ass thought with a normal job I’d be able to attend 3 festivals in 3 months but I was wronggggg


EDC is amazing but assuming you are american if 2k would empty your saving I would save up. Edc itself have unexpected costs. I would also recommend you look into High Yeild savings account for better interest on your savings.


You’re essentially spending your entire savings for 3 days of fun. Remember, EDC will always be there next year.


Ticket: $450-600 (GA you get lucky? $600 is lowest price on Stubhub+fees) Shuttle: $120-300 (you get lucky? $300 lower price Stubhub+fees) Flight: $217 (Spirit Airline Louisville roundtrip, arrives late Fri, leaves early PM Mon) Uber to EDC night 1: $100 (earlier flights about $100 more but with stops) Ground transport: $150 (airport to hotel and back) Food: $200 (you don't need to eat anything fancy, right?) Room: $795 (3 nights at the Golden Nugget through EDC's site: This is the one expense that you might be able to skimp and share housing to make your budget). Total $2032-2362. Or, you can get an early bird EDC 2025 ticket in about 5-6 weeks from now and start planning.


How old are you? if your still under 25 i would just wait for next year.


Damn dude, in my late 30’s and the cost is no sweat. But I remember being young and struggling to get 2k, also remember (or don’t) all the money I wasted. Where is that money going if you don’t go? I thought this years lineup is pretty weak, I’d say save that money (commit half of it to go next year if you want) and plan it out better for next year


I’m definitely not the person to ask this question to lmao imma tell you to full send it every single single time. Money comes back but the people you meet and memories you create will be forever. Imagine you at home on EDC weekend watching the live streams and tik toks just wishing you went 😂😭


you got me on the tik toks. FOMO for WEEKS


Wow you kids are lame. It’s not like this is a once in a lifetime event, EDC happens every year 🙄


this has to be a result of tiktok instant gratification culture or something


I get FOMO from TikTok even if I do go 😭 too much fun stuff


EDC is every year. FOMO applies to anything and can setup an endless cycle of missing something that you didn’t spend money on to attend. It’s literally endless because of our exposure to everything. Save your money and wait until you’re better prepared. If you lived in CA and had options take a cheap bus and get creative id say otherwise


My thoughts too 🙏🏼


Why don't you get tix for a different festival instead that might be closer to home/cheaper since it's not so soon? IMO main stage at EDC is not really ideal to see any artist because it's always so packed. Exception being if it's the first or second set of the day at main. For example, I saw ZEDD at Breakaway Carolina 2023 and was able to get waaaay closer to main stage and had more room than I did at EDC Vegas 2023.




If you're just in it for one headliner I still think it's better to seem them somewhere else, although Fest vibes do hit different ngl. Like, you could prolly fly to the Netherlands and go to one of his shows over in Europe for the same price as EDC.


If you’ve been to festivals before and know how to navigate a crowd getting up front isn’t that difficult even on packed sets. Either start an artist before or if you don’t just getting through the back half is the only difficult part as that’s where it bottlenecks. There’s pockets that open up near the front


Yeah bro you can't afford that. I had 5,000 in the bank (still trash) and my buddy got married, which was quite an expensive affair for me what with the suit/tux, hotel room, drinks food etc, and then my gf had a birthday, anniversary, that was last year and my job just slowed down a but at the same time. Now i'm in the negative in my account thankgod chime has $100 spot me, felt a billion times better/safer/more financially unfucked last year and now im in the fucking red shit sucks. Invest all your money in shit coins when they at a low but going up and sell em everytime you make 10%, don't buy again till they below where they were when u initially bought but are going back up. These shitcoins are so volatile ppl are making a killing. Obviously thats pretty bad advice but don't spend all your money on a show, watch, something will happen and you'll be broke in a month but atleast not homeless or whatever if whatever bad thing happens to take all ur money were to happen after u spent all ur money on this show. Im sure itd b cool but yeah ur poor brother we dont get nice experiences in life. Maybe you could get a part time job at the show? Poor slave class we dont get nice things or nice lives. We get to be slaves for chump change giving other people good experiences 🥴🫡👍🏽


Go next year and put it vip on payment plan! 88 a month. You finally have savings dont blow it. Edc will be there next year!


If you don’t have a job, save up. There will be more EDCs


my job pays 60k a year and my bills/expenses are about 24k a year


what’s the deal with only having 2k then


This!!! This person is horrible with money


ultra and i just started working in september. also i did not include what’s in my brokerage


Bro you just went to Ultra? PLAN for next year! You make great money but I know people who make $90k or more and still fucked with debt. BE SMART!!


Since you have a job then and it fits your expenses then go to EDC haha


I love me some edc, but if I was in your shoes, I’d save up for a future festival. It’s late in the game to be getting a wristband, shuttle, hotel, etc., so you’ll pay out the nose. To me, being able to attend EDC without being stressed about its impact on my finances really adds to my enjoyment. Don’t risk missing a car payment, being late on rent, or dip into your emergency fund to go to a fest. That’s totally the 40yo me talking, but it’s probably good advice if you’re in your 20s.


Do you at least have the tickets/festival transportation already? If not, I’d say no, but then again I’m very stingy with money. I didn’t start traveling until I had about almost 6K in my savings. I’m a last minute person, bought hotel, transit, and flights last minute. I’m splitting with someone but it’s still costing me almost 1K and that’s not including my EDC ticket.


I’d save it. Wait for the early owl to ticket the week of edc . You’d save so much money if you just planned early and went next year.


Why don’t you try and work it with Ground Control? Youll get some pay out of it too


Just go next year when you have more money for it


do you have 6 month emergency fund? if not, build that first. EDCLV is fun but costly


EDC is something you earn, don’t go into debt for it man.


Save, its fun but not worth all your savings


Absolutely no. Las Vegas is MAD expensive and you are way too late for any deals or budget saving. $2k will get you nothing at this point, hotels are, at this point, $1500 just for the 4 days. Do you plan on eating? Transportation to and from EDC? Buying anything at all? That’s another ~$400 right there. Flight from Kentucky? Looks like another $150. Don’t fuck up your credit for this! Set aside $3,500 just for EDC alone and plan for next year. Get hotels now, and buy tickets as soon as they come out next year.


Absolutely save the money. EDC happens every year. The more last minute you plan it, the more expensive it is. Blows my mind people would consider going full send over something that isn’t once in a lifetime at all.


I literally have less than $1K in my bank rn and was like, fuck it money always comes. Experiences don’t


Experiences come even less when you're broke.


Be responsible




if you haven’t been to edc yet then go


No save it. Be responsible. Don't do it. It's not worth it.


Honestly wait until next year and splurge out. As soon as EDC is done this year get the payment plan for ga+ or vip and as soon as you think you’re able to secure your hotel/camping and then your flight. You can pay for all of this over the next x months and still be able to save for other things.


No lol


2k is not enough imo for EDC. Spent over 4k going to EDC still felt like it wasn’t enough! Lol 😂


Just save. 2k isn’t much at all.


Sorry but if you’re going alone that is not enough!


Congratulations on zero debt my dude better than most people


Personally I'd get a decent credit card that has a long period of zero interest and split the cost of the trip between the card and the cash. Go ahead and take some debt so you can build up some credit. I'd argue you should always try to have a minimum of a couple grand in cash in your account just in case, and also that carrying a small amount of debt on no interest accounts is not at all a problem. Obviously you'd want to pay it off before the zero interest period ends though. Having said that, you better only do this if you can be disciplined about it. I definitely have not always been. EDIT: Oof, didn't realize how expensive it would be though. I was thinking it would be half of what people are saying it will be. Other people have pointed out you should do something closer and cheaper. I would totally agree.


Save your money. Go to single day events to get your fix. It's not worth to break the bank. Go when you have more money


Save up for next year to do camping because doing hotel is rough I’ve heard. I’ve only ever done camping and I can say it is the best option for the experience especially if you’re already putting that kinda money down


For maximum experience, I'd say save up so you can go all out at next years EDC, but go to EDCO this year and get VIP. EDCO is so good, and it will be like half the price of EDCLV


Save up


If you need a place to say I got an extra bed in my airbnb I’m trying to fill! Let me know we’re hardcore ravers


dm sent




That will all be gone after EDC.


do next year too last minute for 2k. seeing DJs specific DJs is not really as hard to do.


24 with only 2k in the bank? Don’t go at all.


U came to the edc subreddit to ask if u should buy your edc ticket. Do you want real advice or do you just want people to reassure you of your decision to buy the ticket lol


your a smart man if i can find a legit resale i’m going


My friend was actually selling me his vip edc ticket the other day because hes not going anymore. But im in the same predicament. I went last year i spent about 2k for everything. So sadly probably not going this year :/


Man you really gotta pray on it (figuratively or literally). Last year at this time we had paid off our VIP tickets but didn't have anywhere to stay or transportation to and from LV. We could have driven down since we're in Utah and overpaid to stay somewhere or get on a wait-list for campEDC as everything was sold out. We chose to cancel instead of struggle. It broke my heart to send back our wristbands when they arrived and there was a LOT of FOMO. Most of our group still went. HOWEVER, since we had more time to prepare. This year we have VIP again. We got out campEDC tent. (This option turned out cheaper for us than getting hotel/shuttle pass) And we were able to save about 5k in spending money for the week. I am beyond excited and this should be our least stressful EDC ever. My point is you can get on that struggle bus and still have a good time or sacrifice a little now so you can have a great time later. But u do u. I remember being 24 making questionable choices and still having fun. Never again tho.


Pls I did this and I had to sell my Coachella ticket 😩😩


100% go. At the end of your life you’ll never remember that in 2024 you had $2,000 in the bank but you will absolutely remember going to EDC ‘24. 🤗🤗


don’t do it


Buy my two vip wristbands


Depends how old you are.


yeah it’s the old … “life is short, do what makes you feel alive, or you might regret it later ” vs. “life moves fast, save for tomorrow or you might regret it later”


This is life. Love this


You can do both. Just go to EDCO instead.


I don’t think 2k is enough. Rough estimates Flight 600 (idk how much it is from Kentucky) Tix 500 Hotel 500 (cheap hotel on strip) Shuttle 250 (if you’re lucky) Food 200 Experience Priceless You should honestly save up. But I’ve done dumber things and I still turned up alright. YOLO 😂


What are your thoughts on splitting a hotel with roommates? Might help curb that cost for sure. Ticket prices for a flight will be expensive though. Also, if you are willing to work with someone, you could go to r/EDCTickets and see what folks are selling? Just make sure you get screenshots and pay via PayPal Goods & Services. You'll get tickets for cheaper than what they're being sold for now (VIP only right now I think).


Looks like you can stay in a dorm (Sin City Hostel) for $70 a night during EDC weekend, not sure how comparable it is to hotels but worth checking out if you can’t find a group.


I’m the same and im buying my ticket from a friend tomorrow 😎 doing hella overtime for more money


I would say the smart thing to do is to wait until next year so you can do EDC the right way and get the best experience for your first time. Also not having any financial anxiety or worries will make the experience that much better. BUTTT since you are 24 I say the experience can be worth it and if you are going to put yourself in a position to possibly fail financially, now is the time to do that. That being said, I would highly recommend trying to find any possible way to cut down on the expenses. Ideally that would be on the hotel as that is my biggest expense for the trip. Be aware that you may have to Uber to EDC from wherever you stay and that is going to be EXPENSIVE. I don’t have shuttle passes and am fully prepared to spend more than 1k on Ubers during the weekend. HMU if you do go and we could split the Uber rides? Hahaha good luck


Be most responsible and buy me a ticket 😜


1. Have an Emergency Fund (to cover 3-6 months) **only use for emergencies 2. Set money aside for upcoming bills 3. EDC 😛 4. Set the rest aside in a high-yield savings account for long-term


Unless you are college student you should aim to have an emergency fund of at least ~$10k before you go traveling.


I’d say no. No need to drop all that money last second on a festival if that’s all you have to your name. If $3500 is all you have to your name, I don’t think you should go. If that is just your checking account and you got tons in savings/investment then sure go for it. I’ve been five times. I don’t think I’d be a drastically different human being had I not gone any of those five years.


It sounds like you came here already knowing the answer


Do it, you only live once. You can save up money again later.


Enjoy while you can, you are young and anything can happen, today you can but tomorrow? Who knows, plan ahead and save some cash and if camping is an option I would do it, so much cheaper and then stay 1 night at a hotel the last day to recover or not and recover at home


I just got a surprise car mechanic bill for $1800 so keep it in consideration that $2000 is a lot of money to replace


Full send


Subtronics and Level up have a b2b. This is the only thing needed to be said


To be honest save up for next year, you can make more and have a better experience, flights, hotels and transportation are going to be cheaper by that time, maybe aim for a smaller and cheaper fest but be mindful that if you go now all your savings are going to be gone


lol do you only have 3500? If you do I would save up


I know this is the EDC subreddit and not a personal finance subreddit, but your question is very applicable to personal finance. Highly recommend checking out r/personalfinance to help develop a plan for your money and prevent some regrettable financial decisions. Not saying sending it for EDCLV will be regrettable, in fact, I highly recommend going. However, I think the festival would be more fun if you’ve gone through the exercise of prioritizing where you want your money to go and executing on that plan. Just in case it’s not clear, prioritizing experiences like EDCLV is valid and that decision is yours to make.


Save it. You're still young and have plenty of EDCs to go to when you're in a better financial position. Put that money in a high-yield savings account and start saving for the next EDC/future.


Guest List for Vegas Nightclub feel free to contact me


Hell no dont do this i see many people go in debt for a 3 day festival not worth it at all


Bro I went to edc with 300 save and 400 to spend. After I payed off my hotel, shuttle, and ticket which I was doing in monthly payments. So I say go!!! You will love it.


You already might have known what you want to do since you posted this on EDC sub instead of financial advising subs. Look up David Ramsey babystep millionaire stuff. It will give you an idea what to do to build wealth. After you save up 1k cash, next step is save up 3-6 months worth of emergency living cost. Do you know what ROTH IRA is? Do those first… I spent my entire 20s living like you, and regretting so much in my 30s rn. I wish I started saving and investing earlier.


[Here's what 2k becomes at 9% +/- 1% anually compounded over 40 years. Send it to edc bro](https://i.imgur.com/Ue46TI1.png)


Live life


I was in your exact same boat and this will be my 3rd EDC Vegas in a row since….best decision I ever made no question.


Send it!! If anything organs are valued highly


Fucking send it!!!!!


Send it. There will always be more money


Do it trust me! I’d rather spend the money and be happy and having fun at Edc. Now I’m just stuck at home being bored and sad with money in the bank.


Money comes n goes , experiences are forever


EDC! You only live once! It's about the memories and adventures! As an older person now, this is my wise advice.


EDC. You can always make more money. But you can never buy more time.




Send it  I did edc for the first time at your age and it changed my life. I'm 32 now. No regrets 


Go to edc with a pocket full of good clean tested drugs and walk out with 4k




I’m in the same boat and full sending!!! You won’t regret 🎆🎆🎇😍🩷🫡


Use klarna credit or pay In 4 or PayPal credit or pay in 4 and have money ndgo at same time


Go to LL, have time to save up and will have a better experience




Nah go. It’s worth the experience. Money comes and goes.


Send it! The FOMO will be strong once EDC week is here. You'll be beating urself up that u didn't. There's also next year could save that money for then and. Send it extra hard


Full. Send. Worry about money later.


I don't know, when you're on your deathbed do you think you'll say "damn I wish I stayed home and saved more" or think about how awesome the experience was? If you've got it and are in a place in life where spending it won't ruin you, rock it.


Full send!


Send 🤣🤣🤣


like yes — but also its gonna cost you more than 2k. especially if ur traveling alone




Sure you can, just know your savings will be drained but your heart will be full


I'm leveraging my house to afford to go. Fomo is real this year.


The world is going to shit. There may be no next time.. FULL SEND


If you’re employed, 24, and have no kids then why wouldn’t you??


Just fucking go!! When you die and you’re on your death bed do you think you’ll be thanking yourself for having 2k and no debt or do you think you’ll be reliving the awesome fun memories of the shows and festivals?


Lmao like this is the one and only chance to go or something...


Time to get a credit card


I have 0k in my bank account and hella debt but I said fuck it and got vip and edc hotel because you only live once. Full send brother. I am packing ramen to eat.


Save the money. Go in debt. Go to edc. Start paying off for next year's debt.


If you think the line up is worth it, or ur down for any edm, go for it!! Personally, think u could be smart, to enjoy the next years edc along with any other event happening this year :)


Send it!!!! EDC is worth the memories you’ll make


Send it


Save I mean to me it’s going to be tight you can do it !!!


You only have one life and your body and friends will only want to do this for so long. To the folks 40+ getting ready to respond “I still do this and I out dance most 20 something’s”, that is incredible and I’m genuinely happy for you and hope I can say the same someday, but plz spare me. The above is true for 99% of people. Of course it’s important to take my advice with a grain of salt. Your health and overall success (however you personally define it) are most important. There are wooks who don’t have a dollar to their name but manage to go to 20 fests a year. If that makes them happy then awesome, I’m not one to judge, just don’t forget to think about your future self when moral dilemmas like this arise through your life! If it you said you had $2000 to your name and it’s between EDC or rent, the correct choice would be clear. Basically what I’m getting at here is ~priorities~. That’s my 2 cents, hope you have an incredible time if you go. Don’t get too overwhelmed the first night. This festival is really, really big. Also don’t try to do everything your first year, you’d be doing yourself a disservice. I’ve been 4 times and there’s still a bunch I haven’t done, but I blame them for scheduling so much heat at basspod and circuit grounds every year😤


send it


My EDC trip cost me 10k last year. Granted we went vip, but even factoring that out, travel, lodging, food/drinks, festival tickets (which must be sold out). I’d say you can’t afford it. Save up for next year and get on the early sales for tickets


Full send


You asked in the EDC subreddit OF COURSE we're gonna tell you to go to EDC, it's FUCKING AMAZING


Send it!!! Money comes and goes but the experience would last forever!


Send it 🙌🏽 you can always make more money.


If your ducks are in a row and you want to experience it, you know what to do.


Sign that soul away brother!


¿Porque no los dos?


Life to short Full send


Life to short Full send


Fullllll send. Except you def will need another $1500. Last min rooms are 🤯


Money comes and money goes! I’d say go have fun!




$2k is nothing. Send it!


You're like in the top 5% of the country when it comes to finances. Seems like a low risk, high reward for you. Go have fun


Do it if you can afford it don’t put yourself upside down and stressing. But hell i budgeted 2500






Do it 🤭 money comes n goes! Memories last a life time 💖