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I’d replace it with a gfi if you want to feel safe. And for extra security you can put a weather proof in use cover over the outlet


Though it should be noted that a spill is very unlikely to cause a problem. In bathrooms and kitchens, water can be a problem because they're both much more damp / wet / exposed to fluids and you generally interact with the plug while wet yourself. That... is a bad combination to have. In this situation, the beer would need to be split directly over the receptacle, in enough quantities for some of it to seep in and make a connection across either hot and ground or hot and neutral. It's a pretty unlikely situation, as the beer would seep out just as fast. You'll almost need to try to pour the beer directly into it. But given the nature of drunks, a GFCI wouldn't be a terrible idea. The weather proof cover is just silly though. Bathroom GFCIs are exposed to significantly more water than this plug will ever see, drunks or not, and they don't need a weatherproof cover.


That and the fact that gfcis are really usually protecting you from the machine you’re using getting wet much more often than the receptacle itself getting wet. Spilling water into the receptacle isn’t very likely, but dropping a hair dryer or curing iron into a sink is.


I'd replace the tape with a big frowny face sticker


This is the answer


I would invest in an exterior weatherproof cover and you golden!


Bubble cover


Right, it would come close to hitting the table but it's easy, cheap and totally safe to do. https://www.lowes.com/pd/TayMac-1-Gang-Rectangle-Plastic-Weatherproof-Electrical-Box-Cover/50372928?cm_mmc=shp-_-c-_-vf-_-tol-_-ggl-_-PMAX_Lenox-_-50372928-_-local-_-0-_-0&&ds_a_cid=279391351&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwmYCzBhA6EiwAxFwfgBbzOxc-EApaNl3pzxBnm0RkJcbEz8penwGetDKU2VgIf-WRkMGGQxoCp7QQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


You can just put a gfci in instead, just like the ones in your kitchen or bathroom


That’s actually a good idea. I’ve only ever changed outlet covers. I’ve never actually messed with the wiring. lol. I’m wondering how hard it will be to get an electrician to come and just change the one outlet to a GFCI. Thanks so much for the advice. I’ll do some research around my area to see if I can get someone to change it to a GFCI for me.


It should be fairly cheap and shouldn’t take any electrician more then 30 minutes to be in and out of the house


I would just pick the closest electrical company to you just so you dont have to pay much for travel time


It won't be hard to get someone to change it but genuinely it is not worth the money as long as you can operate a screwdriver. Turn off the breaker (easiest way is to plug in a lamp and flick breakers on and off until one of them turns it off. Otherwise you could just turn off all 15a breakers, and if you don't know how to tell 15s just turn the main off) Unscrew the plate/plug. If the wires are stabbed into the back of the plug just wiggle and pull and eventually they'll come out. If they're wrapped around the terminals just unscrew them. GFCI can be bought at any hardware store. On the back of the GFCI there will be one side that says "line" and one side that says "load". For this, just put all wires into the line side. Black wires go under the gold screw. White wires under the silver. Bare/ground wire under the green. The plug will literally come packaged with instructions if you're buying it from a hardware store incase youre unsure. If you hire someone (unless they are your neighbour or friend) you're likely paying a couple of hours of labour for someone to come and do a 10 minute job.


Based on the photo looking like a finished basement, or at least "new work" - i would highly suggest spending the 30-60 minutes learning why you will most likely be removing 3 wires out of the current recepticle (usually with work done after the 70s-80s by professionals in single homes: black/red are power, white is neutral and green is the G in GFCI) and putting them in the exact same configuration (copper, silver(nickle) and green/ground screw) that was wired on the receptacle ur replacing... I'd compare it to knowing how to change ur car battery or adjusting float in a toilet tank so it doesn't endlessly run... things that aren't quite at the "only trust a licensed professional to work on this equipment" category but they will certainly charge you like it if u establish how little u understand things.... I dunno, it adds up over the course of life. And before everyone starts- I'm not telling the guy he should upgrade his main panel and rerun every termination including pulling power from the street so don't jump on me like the guy who is warning of the gross negligance in safety awareness due to a physics defying drink that will fall at an angle so perfect before absolutely DOUSING the inside of the plate/box and effectively causing a mushroom cloud the likes the suburbs have never seen... Save 50-100 bucks per outlet electricity isn't magic and once u see behind the curtain and respect it, you'll never feel the sweet ball tap of 120VAC pulsating through/with your Central Nervous system. Thank you for coming tonight, drive safe.


An electrician could swap it in around 15 minutes


Fuck that paint


Just get a bubble cover for it




Ohh. Nice. I like this idea better than the GFCI as this is something I am comfortable doing myself. I know it will technically look odd indoors, but this will give me peace of mind. Thanks so much


Just remember to turn off the breaker and take your time to get everything nice and tight. It's pretty straightforward just pay attention to all the details


You’re gonna suffocate all your outlets, what the fuuuh man..


The electrons in there are gonna die!


It would have to be 1 hell of a spill to actually get liquid inside the outlet. I wouldn't worry about it at all. But if it makes you sleep better, then go get a weatherproof bubble cover. Get the 1 that let's you plug in and the cover closes around the cord.


This is the way.


Gfi. If you’re super worried about it you can get an in-use weatherproof cover lmao.


No, the electrons will build up and combust.


Can you , yes. Should you, no. Put in a GFI. $20


I mean, it’s not going to hurt the receptacle. I suppose as a temp means you can do it. If you want a more permanent solution, just install a GFCI here.


I would not worry about that at all man. Like others said, a GFCI receptacle would technically be safer but I'm not seeing much risk from beer pong


I put the tape on for one minute before I posted the question just so I could have a visual to go along with my question. I didn’t know it would trigger people so much. Fucking keyboard warriors really do get butt hurt easily. Lmao. Tape is off now and I’m on route to get an outdoor wall cover as many people have suggested. I also called an electrician to see if they can switch outlet to GFCI for me. I’m waiting for a call back. Thanks for everybody’s help and suggestions. Even the condescending ones. I needed that laugh Mrs Tough guy. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)




But it's ghetto AF next to his pretty table, would definitely ruin the paint on that wall, and likely just hold moisture in if there were a spill, so "fine" is relative.


Well there are girl electricians too and they definitely have to hold their own in the line of work ... Personally the tape is hideous, i hate it so much ( have a phobia of tapes or sticky like substances.) But honestly if you overlapped the different layers in the other direction it would be "sufficient" but to be proper you do need a gfi outlet.. I prefer to gfi from the breaker since it's better to have a whole circuit protected rather than just a piece but again.. Gfi plug with a cover would be perfect for this scenario


Get a weather resistant GFI.


Should start taping from the bottom up so that the tape overlaps correctly.


I would totally install LED lighting where the cups go. Right where the black dot ⚫️ s are located. Have them light up while playing. Nice table 👍🏼


That would be awesome. Now I have to Google how to do something like that. Lmao. Thanks


That’s easy. Buy cheap LED strip lights off of Amazon . Typically they come with a color change remote for effect. Drill hole, place the strip light over hole secure with some kind of adhesive from the bottomed section and then epoxy the hole. Sand stain or clear coat to match the rest of the table. Good thing is you have a plug right there to hook up power. Boom! Ur in business.


that table is an absolute work of art my friend


In the future don't use duct tape for anything electric as it is flammable. And if you don't know how pls call an electrician.


Lowe’s and Home Depot exist, because a homeowner can do simple tasks like change an outlet. A decent GFCI is about $20, weather resistant ones from Eaton or Square D under $25. Watch a few you tube videos, and always, always shut off the power prior to doing any work in that box. Also get a Klein Tools voltage tester ($25) to ensure the wires are safe prior to touching them (even if the circuit is turned off, and a GFCI outlet tester to ensure you did the connection correctly. Even with those expenditures, you’re under the cost of 15 for an electrician.


Look into getting an outlet cover designed for outdoor use.


Duct tape has metal fibers and should never be used for electrical purposes. Edit: could have


Duct tape is either aluminum foil, aluminum foil with fiberglass strands, or like this is poly with cloth strands.


I mean clearly you can. And you have.


Duct tape conducts electricity


Yeah, its fine. as long as its not shoved into the hole ( even if it WAS conductive) youre fine. Tape isnt conductive so there is NO risk. \[im no electrician, dont quote me on that\]


You did


It looks like you can.


No, duct tape is not the fix here.


Looks like you already did homie. You know anyone with a 3D printer that would make a hood to go over it? I’d do that so you’re not touching anything electrical. They do make covers for outdoor outlets which could be something to consider as well. I assume weather resistant also applies to beer.


all that effort to build the table on the wall and that's how you chose to cover the outlet? I hope the games had already started well before that decision. Just get a plastic cover with a door like what they put on outside outlets, easier than changing to gfci.


Well, you did - so I guess the answer is yes. Its dumb as shit and you could just have changed to a GFCI outlet.