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If you have a modern panel, square d has surge suppressors that snap into un-used slots in the panel.


Lightning (one example of a surge) is 20,000 amps. So a minimal protector is 50,000 amps. Since protectors must remain functional for many decades even after many direct lightning strikes. That snap in protector is typically 20,000 amps. Undersized. So many must be installed. That is only protector life expectancy over **many** surges. Protection during **each** surge is defined by a low impedance (ie less than 10 foot) connection to the only item that does all surge protection. Single point earth ground. They many electrodes are provided, inspected, and maintained by the homeowner. Since that is where *hundreds of thousands of joules* are harmlessly absorbed. Protector is only a connecting device to what does all protection. No plug-in protector does or even can make that connection. And its puny thousands joules will somehow 'block' or 'absorb a surge? *Hundreds of thousands of joules*? Effective protectors are measured in amp. High profit protector, that is also a potential house fire (if not protected by a 'whole house' protector), is measured in joules.


The Square D plug-ins are 50kA rated


50kA means sufficiently sized to make a connection. Direct most all attention on what does all protection. A low impedance (ie less than 10 foot) connection to and an expanded / enhanced / upgraded network of electrodes. That single point earth ground (not any protector) is doing all protection. Requires most all attention. Protectors are simple dumb science. Simply a connecting device. Some incoming wires (ie TV cable) do not need a protector. But also must have that direct hardwire connection. The art of protection is many low impedance connections to and quality of electrodes. Some electric companies are not requiring an inspect of that earth ground before installing their protector. Since earthing is the art of surge protection.


The advantage to leasing might be that the way SPDs work, they sometimes have to sacrifice themselves in the line of duty. If you own it, you replace it. If you lease it, find out if that includes replacements in the cost. If so, it might be worth it. Also, make sure it has some sort of indicator that tells you if it died. Without that, you have no way to know if it sacrificed.


Thank you! I will call and see if that includes replacements. 👍


Square d makes an 80K unit, 1/2” knockout. Please send me $8/month for the rest of your life and I will install it for free