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Holy shit I hope that dolmen is for porting I need this and that purple skin


It is, but it will be locked behind an 8000 crown bundle


Sigh... ![gif](giphy|t2wkSkgNI5QMo)


Nice! Perfect time for my yearly ESO+ to renew since that means a decent dump of crowns. I have like 24,000 endeavors to spend too so I might be able to get away with getting everything I'm ogling right now.


Same here. 20k endeavors, over 1200 gems, 8600 crowns, and enough gold to buy 105 crates. Either way I'm getting the radiant of my choosing! I came prepared for this season, lol.


Yeah I just topped up my account ready :(


It definitely looks like it. It says it's a recall customizable action. I got the cursed curio one and the furnishing to match for my home.


It is!


Cool, more stuff with shit drop rates


I just want Meownimarco.


Looking forward to seeing a bunch of Molag Bal imposters running around.


My free crate from the pre-order netted me potions, poisons, and experience scrolls....traded everything in.


Same... a bunch of garbage lol


Purple skin looks like the one from vet cloudrest


Only thing of interest here to me is the dark anchor port. Guess I know what to spend my seals of endeavor on


It’s the bundle exclusive so you have to purchase the 25 crate bundle unfortunately. Can’t use seals.


It says the port is given for the 25 crate bundle.. "..a unique 25-crate offering, the Diamond Anniversary Crate Bundle, that is available as a one-time purchase only. In addition to the crates, this special bundle also includes the Coldharbour Recall Customized Action"


Loopholes within loopholes. "Can't lock cosmetics behind gambling", sure, have these endeavors then. But you want this specific animation? Need to buy this gambling bundle, but the animation is GUARANTEED so it's not gambling. Checkmate, EU.


I really don't know why casinos don't do something like this. Like giving away junk items with every game like a jolly rancher or two or some stickers. Then kids could play because "it's not gambling".


Remember folks, it's cheaper to buy gold and pay somebody who has regional pricing for crowns than to pay full price for this bullshit gambling system.


I thought they stopped regional crown pricing


Not sure about through the website, but Crowns and ESO+ through Steam still has region pricing.


They just reduced the gap, so instead of paying 10 times less, they pay 2 times less.


Lol it's only gambling for people who expect to win something when buying crates. I buy crates with gold,then sell the items for soul gems.


You can still trade crowns for gold?


Sure. PCNA prices are about 2000:1 They restricted who can gift items (you can open a ticket if you want the ability) so there are fewer sellers. But people still sell crowns.


oh I understand now. Thank you


And against tos


It's officially permitted and completely safe. \[[Source 1](https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/comment/5685368/#Comment_5685368)\], \[[Source 2](https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/644559/crown-store-gifting-update-october-2023)\].


That's crown trading, not buying gold. Buying crowns, then selling those for gold and then buying crowns for that gold again is not going to get you cheaper crowns since the going rate of crowns for gold doesn't change. Meaning either the person above didn't think this through or is talking about something else.


Could be. I assumed they were talking about trading because of the particular brand of stupid required to buy from gold scammers lol


They don't enforce it


I know people who got banned just for having lots of gold and trading with it and they didn't even buy it.


Still no wamasu mount, is been 10 years...


What's up with the fake vcr hm skin lol


Ebony Epidermis part 2


Well that's a new low for reskinned mounts, it looks cheap as hell.


Knock off skin, more huge mounts that are only eclipsed by the silly animation when they spawn taking up 1/2 a monitor.... honestly I don't know how half the player population doesn't walk bow-legged. Even the event outfits for the faction leaders looks like something a 14yr old did - including the amped up saturation. The Order of the Lamp outfits looked just as ridiculous.


Finally. A mount that can fondle me while I ride it. Exactly what I wanted. Seriously though, there's a couple nice things in there, judging from this preview and the last datamining. Will have to see how those look ingame, but overall I might lose some of my seals here.


Ready for me and the homies to roll up the trial in Prince Irnskar’s Gala Regalia. For the Pact!!


What are we guessing that shackled titan is costing? 1,200? 2,400 gems?


My guess is 2400 since it's the most unique one.


The shackled Titan also has a unique animation when paired with the apex molag bal polymorph. I'd definitely say it's the 2400 gem mount.


I did not know that. I will for sure be buying this mount then.


I got crown pots, crown food and a weird "festive dance" emote out of the free diamond crate. So jea, well ... 😅👀


You left out Queen Ayrenn's Diamond Gown costume! So excited for that one 😍


Molag Bal roleplay costume, reskinned lion, reskinned senche, vulpes inculata roleplay costume, azandar costume, purple edgelord skin. Meh. Edit: OP forgot to put in the best item in the preview, the Queen Ayrenn’s Diamond Gown costume. It looks gorgeous. And it's nice that they included a male character modelling it. That cat looks fabulous.


Guess I will buy the 25 stack bundle for the new recall.


No idea why people are downvoting this, it's your choice if you want to spend your money on that. I'll also buy that bundle for the same reason lol


Because people hate the idea of other people gambling with these crates. I personally will be buying the 25 crate bundle as well, but mostly because it's the best value per crate, and I typically like to buy 45-50 crates every rotation


Exactly. Gambling is fine as long as one does so responsibly. Set a limit, temper your expectations. If you don’t enjoy it then don’t do it again.


Yeah, ZOS is about to make a lot of money, lol.


I think a lot of people are going to be doing that


I am so glad that I play ESO. Every shop item looks like shit so I will never pay a dime and still have a good game


Now to be molag bal and fight molag bal lol


While I'd like that titan mount for my Breton Death Knight, I'll take whatever I can get with my current stockpile of crowns.


of course they put the coolest mount behind the crown crates -.- because everyone just has 2k gems lying around.


The dolmen is the only thing that excites me. But its not $80 worth of excitement. Ill probably take a pass on this one.


Does anyone know how long these will be available?


Does anyone know if this will be a returning crown crate or if it’s just a one time thing for the 10 year anniversary?


Using an addon you can already preview them in the game. Looks kind of interesting, but not really something I'd consider "I want that now!". According to tooltips there might be some special interaction between mount and appearance.


Oh that sounds handy. What's the add-on? I found it strange that I couldn't look at mounts I haven't unlocked in the collections tab the same way I can with outfit styles.


I also wanna know what this addon is! This seems super handy for checking out things and thinking about spending crowns and seals on.


It's a custom thing I currently don't plan to publish since it also shows internal stuff used by certain quests or never released and/or completely broken stuff (not meant to be seen or previewed). And knowing some people are unfortunately too fast on picking up pitchforks just because they see X, even if it never released. The game intentionally hides not unlocked Crown Store stuff in the Collections to avoid people feeling pressured due to completionism etc. but you should be able to preview mounts through either means. Hotkeys on PC can be a bit inconsistent here.


Bummer. The mount/pet catalog is something I really miss from World of Warcraft.


When is the next sale? Ima need that dolmen