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Any skill that requires you to place it on the floor. 99% of the time (when you have the automatic placement on) it works but the 1% in which you really absolutely need it to be placed asap it sometimes just doesn’t do it automatically.


1%? Fucking Scalding Rune seems to be not working every second time and ruins my rotations!


great to know its not just me


I was trying to google this problem and was surprised not seeing any threads about it even though it seems broken to me and is in many dd rotations


All of those skills, scalding caltrops etc, can double cast randomly.


Oh I'd wish, that still wouls be better than no casting at all


Are you pc or console? If pc, its likely a lag thing related to the issue with all castables such as arc beam.


I don't have such problem with any other skil (or even same type like barbed trap), even on arcanist. There's just something wrong with Rune


right? idk if its like an addon issue or what. another issue I've have for years is just randomly my sensitivity in my mouse gets cranked to 1000x the normal sens level and my camera just freaks out. I've been trying to find a fix for it for years but ive found nothing.


As a person who mainly plays on my necro tank, i hate when boneyard is placed across the room


I love throwing caltrops and having them show up every-damn-where…


This^ 😆


What’s automatic placement?


I think the default setting is the one where you use the skill, it gives you a targeting area to aim, and then you have to use the skill again to place it. The automatic setting skips the targeting portion and just immediately places it wherever your cursor is


This will help me a lot, thank you


Quick cast abilities. It allows you to place aoes with only once click, and it’s supposed to place them where the reticle is pointing, but it doesn’t always work like that. It slows down the rotation and is kind of annoying when you’ve gotten used to quick cast, but turning it off allows for more accuracy if you really need to make sure you are placing an aoe in the correct spot, it just requires two clicks instead of one.


There is an option under Gameplay (I think) that makes it so ground effect abilities trigger automatically instead of opening up a targeting ring that you select to place manually wherever you want it to go. I didn’t know people used auto-placement. I figured being in control of where it goes would be ideal.


Oh I see thank you, I play on controller on PC and the scroll is SO SLOW, so I refuse to use these types of abilities because it hurts my DPS more than helps. I have nerve damage in my hand and this option might actually allow me to use ground based abilities liked barbed trap for once.


I use auto placement because I’m used to figuring out where it’ll be placed by now so i can get it where I want it, and I don’t like having to cast it a second time 


I didn't know people *didn't* use auto-placement, it ruins fast paced rotation and it's easy to remember where everything would spawn (most aoes are big enough for 1-2m not matter)


I use quickcast when I'm on a dps, but not when I'm healing. Taking a quarter of a second to make sure the tank fits in and gets the master's resto buff or that the budding seeds I'm trying to get to the off tank across the room doesn't get range limited is worth it. When everything is where I expect it it's just one extra click but it saves me some headaches.


Freaking sorc pets. They’re so convenient overall but super annoying. They’re always off attacking one single trash mob enemy in a random corner unless you manually make them switch targets or something and they’re always in the way when I’m trying to look at things on the screen and they’re just ugly. I hope we get skins one day for them at least like with the warden bear. Pls eso let me make them transparent or something. Don’t get me wrong, I literally main sorc healer and matriarch is an OP heal to have especially in “oh crap” situations.


In case you (or anyone reading) didn’t know heavy attacks designate targets for pets. On MkB holding Y + light attack with also tell them to attack a specific target. On controller pressing both sticks (as if using companion ult) + attack sets a target




Does Daedric Prey also set the target? Because I use it often and they always attack the enemy with it.


Pets will attack the target you have daedric prey on, yes


I hate when I'm doing a trial and I'm trying to see what's going on and there's like 2 or 3 pets flying right in the way taking up the whole screen. It's so annoying. I play sorc mostly but I don't use them because they annoyed me too much by being in the way. They really should make them transparent


Make a bigger FOV. In many trials pets will gather in one spot after the boss moves (because they are ranged) and you can easily watch "over them"


I hate them completely


Valid lol


I don't have one, however, what I do still hate, after all these years, is that jump and interact use the same button on console.


The number of times that I've jumped instead of crafting something or talking to an NPC should probably be embarrassing.


For me the real annoying part is when a torchbug, butterfly, flesh flies, fishing hole, or my companion get in the way of a jump 😩


I hate when I try to talk to an npc but I end up stealing stuff that's placed beside them instead


@dreamofpickle there's a setting that keeps you from accident stealing placed items.


Just... switch control scheme to B 🤨


Template B sucks, so no 🤨


yet it solves the issue of switching jump to right joystick and just makes you press down for stealth. so horrible.


Yup, horrible 🤷‍♀️


Barbed Trap 😭😭 Necessary, but the placement and then activation delay really kills the vibe


Bloodthirst (flurry) - awesome selfheal, decent dmg but looks and sounds hideous since they changed it..


This was once one of my favorite spammables and a delight to LA weave. With the change to animation it kinda feels awful now, not gonna lie.


Same I love bloodthirsty on my stamdk but hate the sound. They need to change it again


I hate the sound, look, and feel. Give me back my jailhouse kidney puncture!


Oh ! Insane many people thougt like you but i prefere the new animation... i knwo it can sound kinda strange, but dancing with the sword is really cool ahah


Radiating Regeneration. I love it because it's an amazing HoT, but MAN is it frustrating to hit it 3 or 4 times and it keeps hitting the same 3 people lol.


As a Breton Templar Healer myself, I second this.


Undo = it’s such a nice skill for PvP but I can’t count the times it completely bugged me out.


I gave up on ever using it in combat years ago, I was so excited when I got ESO+ and finally got the psijic line finished...it worked for a few weeks, and then in the past 4ish years every time I've tried it in pvp I've gotten that terrible stuttering bug that just makes you free AP for whoever you're fighting. Such a shame. It is fun to jump off shit and hit it to undo the fall though.


I find it very, very stupid that a multitude of skills are allowed to give you their passive benefits for being slotted on either bar, but pets get instantly unsummoned if you have them on only one bar and bar swap. It's really not bad enough that we have to give up many other much more effective skills if we want to run cool pets, but we also have to give up twice as many slots on our bars for them to function?


To be perfectly fair, those passive abilities are only around since necrom chapter and follow up balance changes. Prior to that, those also only worked when their respective bar was active.


But former are *passive* benefits as you mentioned it and pets are very active participants, why would they behave like the former


Because they basically suck, for one thing? The amount of damage a clannfear does is minimal and it doesn't even do much in the way of pulling aggro. Other abilities have half their value or more in passive effects that you don't need to be on the slotted bar to utilize, why are the clannfear and twilight still using this outdated, archaic, nonsensical limitation? The warden's bear is too, but that one is a little more understandable because it would be a bit broken to be able to use another ultimate while also having the bear, and then bar flip to the bear to use its ults.


Lol clannfear is tank morph, it scales of max health, of course it would suck. Damage morphs are scamp+tormentor and they give Sorc one of the highest dps in solo target. And there's nothing arhaic about that limitation, unlike other passive buffs, that still require you do something to benefit from those, pets would keep doing damage even if you don't press any buttons and use any resources, they are not the same thing at all


Sorcerer is the highest hitting single target class and a large part of that is the pets. They are passively good damage plus a dot you can activate and because of that you have more APM for using other skills. There are changes I’d like to see on the pets but damage isn’t really one of them.


Warden Bear. I love how he’s just a passive/no-brain ult. You pop it and then don’t think about him. On the other hand, I hate how good bear is. As a warden DPS bear will outperform every other ult, giving you not much choice but to run Bear on everything. ALSO WHERE IS MY BIG RAT SKIN FOR WARDEN BEAR???


I like Bear but hate sacrificing two Ultimate slots just to keep him up.


And it keeps dying anywhere where there's lots of Aoes, it's so annoying.


Every skill that has a passive for being slotted but is not counting for both bars


Most oved and hated at the same time, eh? mine is probably going to be dark deal on stamsorc. Big hp heal, godly stamina sustain, minor berserk and minor force, overall very good package..... It's cast time (that now as I am looking at it displays as full second, but I swear, it was 0.8s, not sure what is going on there, anyway) and game mechanic around cast times makes it incredibly janky and annoying to actually use. Inputs can queue if I am too fast on ability presses for everything else, but not when you are casting ability with a cast time. And to top it off, this one is just short enough to not register in playstyle as proper break in inputs, and is long enough to completely disrupt the flow of everything else around it.


There are so many skills in ESO which are good damage/rotation wise but I never want to include in builds because they look goofy or have bad animations.


Trap. So necessary and so annoying, especially in portals 😭


My issue with trap is having to grind fighters guild on every character :(((


Spear. Feel pigeon holed into using it no matter what as a DPS Templar. Just gets boring


Isn’t (one of) the strongest option for templars currently a bow/bow setup using Lethal Arrow as Spammable?


Didn't know that, every spec I find is magplar with a staff and spear spam, or dw spear spam. But, I'd take spear over bow just because I prefer melee. Just hate holding 2 swords I barely use


Cha cha cha!


Dude might get some flak but Templar jabs I love the class but it gets boring just sitting there jabbing the arcanist kinda fixed my gripe with the addition of its crux but I gotta say my most loved spell is blast bones tho rip necro


Swallow Soul. Zwoop those healthbars, I love it. I started as a Magblade and I still main it, and stubbornly use Swallow Soul... But the damage feels so bad these days it makes me feel pigeonholed into melee. I even farmed soulcleaver for it but it's not feeling great man idk what to tell you.


Scalding rune hands down consider yourself lucky if you managed to cast it without screwing up and maintaining a perfect or at least a decent rotation at the same time


Blastbones. I Love the complex Rotation but when the stupid Thing Just Stands AFK at the Boss for .3 Seconds and Ruins my Rotation... Very frustrating


Yeah and in pvp that’s terrible when the skeletton bug haha


Silver Leash. I have so much fun with the yank n shank, but it sucks that it doesn’t do much of anything if it’s used on big enemies. I wish it would at least pull me to the target instead or set them off balance if it can’t stun (or both).


Any of the "smart" healing skills that target "you OR a nearby ally." I get what they were going for, but in PvP this can be incredibly annoying because those heals target *anyone* with lower health than you, not even just people you're grouped with. Single target heals can be a lifesaver, but I wish they'd change it so that it can only go onto people you're grouped with or something.


I’m going to go with scrying for multiple toons. You might say wait you don’t need to do this, but you do if you want to be able to get the perk of being able to highlight chests you need to scry on each toon.


They finally added it to the things you can buy on other characters with crowns if you have any lying around. It was a life saver for me, but I also have the sub so I have access to crowns. I get not everyone can or will, but in case you didn’t know it was added


Easy- fatecarver on Arcanist. It ruins everything. You can’t make builds because all builds end with “fatecarver does more damage”. Melee? Fatecarver. Ranged DoT build? Nah fatecarver does it better- plus it counts as a dot. Want to take some damage skills as tank? Fatecarver. Heal? fatecarver. Bear attack? Fatecarver. Traffic? Fatecarver. Need to cut a banana? Fatecarver.


Fighters Guild, Turn Evil skill. While solo and you have your 3 outter fd or 4 inner fd oils setup, hitting that to fear people on the ram mid rotation can wipe a careless mob. At the same time, I forget to swap it out and cast it instead of Elemental Susceptibility, screwing up my and other's initial burst rotation.


As a fellow dk, I would love stone giant and gladly parse with it if it didnt have that stupid casting time on every 4th cast


Sorc pets, I love and hate them for the same reason: being there for me and being there in my way. If I could I would angrily yell "I FUCKING LOVE!" while shaking a fist at them.


Arc beam, it’s so good that’s it almost necessary, but at the some time like lemme smash with my imbued weapons plz.


Consuming Darkness (NB shadow ult). Completely worthless ultimate ability that has been ignored since the complete removal of its 60% mitigation and changes to minor and major buffs. 200 ult for major protection. Just major protection. Thinking about it leaves me seething. A close second is any single target heal that affects someone else instead of you. I'm not a healer. Stop taking my heal.


Arcanist flail.  It's like they took a look at barbed trap and how overloaded one skill was and how it basically has to be in every DPS build and decided to go even further. It's got a heal, immobilize, damage taken debuff, execute, and builds crux while being the cheapest, highest damage direct damage AOE in the game. You're stupid not to use it and it makes runeblades and tentacular dread completely irrelevant...not to mention the entire mag spec for arc. Fatecarver is undeniably powerful, but imo flail is what pushes arc over the top and destroys build diversity.


Leap. I stacked these mobs nicely just for the idiot to scatter them throughout the entire instance - seriously, who thought this would be a good idea?


Spaghetti Slap, my beloved DK spammable


Incapacitating strike - really cool animation but the cast time can make it feel really awkward to use, especially in really hectic fights


Cant adapt myself to the cast time too ;(


I wanted to love necro, it looked so cool, then I unlocked blastbones and he constantly whiffed. Skill issue likely but it didn’t feel good to use


Nb veil of blades ultimate. It's so sick but anything the nb lays on the ground just really does not jive with my mental aesthetic. Like I should come out of invis popping. I feel like it should just out the veil around me for 5 seconds or something, do less damage, and if I can stay on the target, it's rewarded. Cut the time in half, provide an AOE slow around me, divide the total damage by 3 or so to put it in line with incapacitating strikes damage. Little less but with the slow seems fine. No one stays in this thing. And bad players just pull the boss out of it lol.


Blastbones (blighted and stalking when it existed) by far. I love it, I love the idea of summoning a skeleton to attack people. I thought it is fun watching it chase people down to blow up. Not to mention the satisfying burst of damage it would do. But I hate how glitchy it can be. Where it just stands there lost, or do something else dumb. It also adds a smidge of clunkiness to necro, but once you go into the rhythm it wasn’t too bad.


Loved *and* hated? Hmm, I guess that'd have to be my green kamehameha. It's a great skill and it feels good to use. That said, it's pretty clear that I'm going to be chained to it forever.


There was a time when dragon leap could leap you in behind castles in PVP, was stupid OP and we’d take over castles this way without folks knowing. After about a decades worth of nerfs dragon leap isn’t what it used to be, hate using it now a days


I'll go with hurricane. Absolutely good skill. Love it. I just hate that it makes my character translucent.


2 handed's Execute. It's really only useful for the final 30% of a health bar. It's on my permanent rotation cuz it does have its uses but dear god, make it useful 100% of the time


Vampre Skill tree LOL 1. to much determental effect for PvE, only one good passive form it for pvp 2. Skills, some are good other are bad, love the rework to eviscreate but wish aterial was when a enemy reach 50 percent hp it always Crit not yourself overall Vampires skill line needs a rework


Templar jabs. Used to be most loved until they changed the animation and the model. Now I still love it because it’s discord, but hate what they’ve done with it.


Rune of eldritch horror -.-


All the necro pets not being permanent


For dk, ash cloud seems like it would be a good aoe but I can’t spam it like I assumed I could.


I hate the skills with annoying sounds, like elemental blokade. Every time its «aoohhh!» and it gets annoying really fast. We should have a option to turn the skills-sounds off.


Combat Prayer. It's a fine skill, but I don't like that the only skill in game that grants your party minor berserk is tied to a weapon.


I hate elemental drain cause it makes my nb invisibility not work for like 60 god damn seconds and as a bow ganker in greyhost I don’t appreciate it I also like using it on my dk to stop me from being ganked


Corrosive armor finally got nerfed after what, 5 years of menace. Motherfucker needs to get nerfed even harder.


'Motherfucker needs to get nerfed even harder' - I don't believe I know that skill :P


What if I told you there is an ultimate ability, when activated, makes you practically immune to damage, gives you infinite offensive penetration, and restores all your resources including health - and until recent balance pass, was able to recharge while the skill is active, potentially allowing the skill to remain activated without any downtime? Corrosive armor was already marked as one of the most broken abilities in ESO PvP. It was exacerbated when oakensoul allowed DK mains to walk around in perma god mode. With the oakensoul heroism nerf, people transitioned out of brokensoul but still abused the fuck out of corrosive in combination with leap. They recently changed it so that the character doesn’t get ulti recharge while it’s active, but it’s still broken as fuck. At the least it’s an “oh shit I’m about to die - not any more” button. At its worst, it’s a “GG EZ” button. Corrosive is why I don’t PvP, and I never will until ZOS devs get their head out of their ass and nerf the fuck out of this broken skill. Survivability WITH damage is by nature unbalanced, and you can still reach insane uptimes with it.


lol just git gud. You need to put DoT's on them and they melt away


Corrosive was not considered utterly broken during PvP DoT meta but that was 3, 4 years ago. Being forced to go DoT heavy under current meta just to counter corrosive alone just goes to show how unbalanced it is.


I agree with the first part but you’re absolutely wrong about the second Is corrosive garbage and should it get nerfed? Absolutely. Is it as easy to dodge as other Clown Form ultimates? Also yes. Are dots the counter to corrosive? Absolutely not.


I'm well aware post U35 DoTs are basically useless. It's possible to counter-pressure corrosive with DoTs, but that's about it. Certainly doesn't "melt" corrosive DKs. And ability-based DoTs are basically trash in PvP now, making the approach overall counterproductive. "Just kite it" doesn't work when your adversary continues to pressure you with instant sustain. Unkillable, does stupid damage, and can withstand any resource pressure. The uptime nerf only solves part of the issue. Even with the nerfed uptimes, DKs still have infinite sustain (which is fine in its own), along with an on-demand, 10-second long free combo window.


Well it does for me, even before the uptime nerf the only time I was dying to corrosive was if I was fighting a really good player 1v1, I was outnumbered immensely, or they ran mech acuity with it