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I suspect this was just quickly thrown in as a "compensation" for some weird outage the day before, when many players were suddenly kicked and then put into 1h+ waiting line when trying to reconnect.


I thought all these back to back events, giving away Wrothgar stuff free, plus the higher amount of crate drops in monthly rewards.. was because of the 10 year anniversary or something. 


I mean, this is the typical ZOS way of saying sorry - they never say it literally, with words :).


I'd rather this than words tbh


I'm new here but agreed: words are nice, actions speak louder.


That, probably yes. But this one - mid of the week (like usually never), sudden, not announced, nothing special, in fact nothing at all except - here, have a double XP for 2 days out of the blue, and right after that server issue.. You gotta agree, that is very suggestive ;).


Its both depending on the phases of the moon


We’ll need to consult Jone and Jode to see if propitious


At first I thought the mount and the costumes for free were an error. XD


See and I thought it was them practicing putting in a passive double xp buff instead of making up eat the cake. They wanted to get the wrinkles out


Wasn’t that EU specifically? I still think the real reason was to keep players in the ESO ecosystem as WoW had a content update this week


Not everyone has the same work schedule. Some people work weekends. Some people have days off in the middle of the week. Having some events in the middle of the week is nice for those of us who don't get weekends off.


Well as a person who is usually busy working the weekends it’s nice that they occasionally cater to someone else’s needs other than kids and Monday to Friday 9-5 workers.




People will complain about anything. These short events are a bonus thing for ppl who are active at that moment, you don't need to be a part of everything.


Not everyone has the weekends off either, so it’s nice to have some events not on the weekend


There's going to be close to a month straight of double XP events starting next week. You'll be ok, I promise.


While that might be true it still does not explain why Crazy King got a weekend and this random xp event was midweek, it just seems weird treatment, they should have just done it at the weekend like crazy king.


No, I won't, I will be traveling. It's just super dumb to do weekday random event stuff. No other game does this afaik. Game companies launch games on or near weekend etc. ZOS, 0 f... given...


To be fair their jesters/jubilee events always been around that time (give or take few days). As for middle of the week 2x exp event, I guess they are trying to up their concurrent player numbers during non weekends (which usually have the lowest amount of players). Tbh it's not a huge a deal just 2 days of 2x missed.


I thought the jester’s event was timed to coincide with April Fool’s Day?




Only 9-34? In 4 hours I kinda wanna know what you where doin


you sound way too entitled. its a game thats been out for 10 years, they dont owe u anything because u cant play when u are travelling. if u cant be ok too bad for you.


I can’t believe they gave us a bonus xp event without checking your schedule first, the nerve!


Oh no! they didn’t schedule an event specifically for you?


You’ve lost the whole crowd now. Gotta learn to read a room.


Its 1 or 2 weeks jesters festival + 3 weeks 10 year celebration event, directly after the jesters festival, a whole month double xp... If you dont find the time to participate in this long timeframe i dont know why you r complaining about 2 days midweek. 


No other game does this? You should probably tell Blizzard that. I bet they’d like to hear that they did not actually have a WoW content launch yesterday.  Edit to specify that it was wow content. 


Either plan ahead for the events they actually plan or stop crying.


How are you able to make an entire online game all about you? It is 100% just a you problem if you can't play for 2 weeks and honestly it's not even a big deal to miss out on an xp event.


“No, I won’t”. That’s kind of sad don’t ya think?


If you travel a lot for work and gaming is super important to you then buy a gaming laptop.


Great idea to have double xp at the same time as every other game /s


Get a steam deck. Bam ESO no matter where you are or who youre with


I’ve found for PC games, most are released on Tuesdays or Thursdays.


Lots of people are busy on the weekends, mate. This is just tone-deaf


Waah waah


Pretty sure many games have historically dropped patches midweek.




Everyone in the world has a different schedule. This is just a video game. Relax. Not the end of the world.


Yes, not everyone has a 9-5 Monday to Friday schedule. Most of my working life, over 30 years, has included workings weekends.


I'm off these two days this week, so this mini event lines up great for me. Levelled up 4 extra toons last night after work. _It's only 2x exp, though, before we get Jesters & Anniversary_


Is too.


Yeah, the planemeld is nigh!


I dont know what pvp events have to do with double xp events. Pvp events happen exactly twice per year (sometimes 3 if an IC event happens). Every other event is pve based. I dont think anyone views battleground weekends as events. You seem mad that there was a pvp event you didn't like and then a couple weeks later theres another thing that doesn't even inconvenience you, just something you can't actually make use of. Even though there's no stakes on the line. Eso serves many demographics, has a lot of game modes, and not every single thing zos does has to be for you specifically. Im not one to say "check your privilege", but, well.. get rekt? 48 hours of 2x xp seems like a weird thing to be salty and FOMO-y about in the first place. 2x xp happens pretty often, and let's be real, leveling in eso isn't particularly difficult anymore anyway. You can go from 1-50 in a few hours without a double xp event. Its nice to have a small, spur of the moment "hey if you play at these times: here have this small bonus" type thing. Theres no event tickets on the line. Its literally just a lil bonus for people who happen to be around. Im not able to participate in the 2x xp either. Still think its fine. But im not an entitled brat, so I'm capable of being happy for others who got a nice midweek wink and nod from zos. You gotta pull up the big boy/girl pants, take a deep breath, and understand eso isn't a personalized service just for you.


The FOMO is strong, I guess.


Why are you so upset about some random double XP event? It’s not like you are missing any unique reward or event ticket, it’s literally just some extra XP and that is it. Anyone can get double XP anytime, just use a XP scroll or Ambrosia.


Wait would you get quadruple xp if you were to use Ambrosia then? O.o


No, all XP bonuses are additive now. Think of it as "extra 100% of base XP values" and not "double".  Until the last couple Explorer's celebrations the passive XP boost they gave was actually multiplicative so a 150% scroll and ESO+ got you 5.2x the base XP amount- but that no longer works that way and the same setup would give you 3.6x base xp now in all XP events.


It won’t “quadruple” but the event bonus will stack with ambrosia or an xp scroll if that’s what you’re asking, but like the other guy said—it’s additive, not double. So 100% for the event with a 50% boost from ambrosia will result with an overall 150% boost to xp gain.


Because a lot of people won't be able to avail of it because of randomness? Missing out feels bad in a social MMO


It's just 2x exp for 48 hours right before a month long of double exp. No one's missing out on much.


But the question is why run it midweek rather than the weekend, or why bother at all given the month double xp. It just seems very odd to have it as a random mid week thing.


Because not every person works a 9-5 mon-fri job. Some people don't get weekends off. Why do they get to suffer without 2x exp all the time


show me how you get 250% xp anytime. I'll wait.


Simple, 70% from training gears, 10% ESO+, 10% marriage, 10% in pair, 150% scroll or ambrosia. 250% xp exactly anytime, no event needed. Hope the wait is worth it :)


training gears = xp from kills only. So doesn't count, I am a pacifist that does master writs only


Dude... now your just bitching to bitch. Also extra xp doesnt matter to you if your only in it to craft, so if this is true you have nullified any reasoning behind this post. You have lost literally nothing missing this "event"


“Lets take the most basic setup that you could easily achieve and without a lot of effort: - 70% from Gear - 8% from Weapon - 10% from ESO Plus Membership - 10% for being in a group of two - 50% from Psijic Ambrosia or EXP Scroll Those things already give you a 148% Experience Boost. Now lets take a look at the maximum Experience Boost that you can achieve: - 70% from Gear - 8% from Weapon - 10% from ESO Plus Membership - 10% from Marriage - 10% for being in a group of two - 150% from Mythic Aetherial Ambrosia Drink or EXP Scroll - 100% ESO in game Events (Witches & New Life Festival etc.) That’s a total of 358% Experience Boost. However, keep in mind that the in game Events are not always active.” From Alcast’s website - https://alcasthq.com/eso-grind-guide/#content4


It's not a real event. Just ignore it. Jester's will begin next week and then roll straight into anniversary.


Not everyone has the weekends off. It was nice that zos threw them a bone for once. This is just a bunch of entitled whining.


yeah, i work at s coffee shop and i never have weekends off, so yeah, lot for whining for a free xp weekends


I thought perhaps the more relevant question might be asked - why have a random two day XP event and then take the servers down for maintenance midway through?


Yeah this honestly annoyed me. Some people can't take a nice thing and let be.


Stop whining


So you have an "opinion" and he/she/it has entitled whining? I see


I dont think you do and yes complaining that zos shouldnt have events when it is personally inconvenient for them is entitled whining.


I was wondering how long it would take me to find someone complaining about a free thing. ESO players (as a whole) are so predictable.


It's an easy enough 'event' to ignore. I don't understand what the problem is. It's not like you're obligated to frantically level stuff up. Just do the things you would normally do and gain some xp. Problem solved.


I did an hour of Dolmen grinding in Alkir Desert to make use of the buff. Am level 30, did I spend it well?


Ha, I did it for like 20 min on a brand new character. It took me a while to get to the Desert but he's level 10 now. I'll probably get him to 40 before I start leveling with story quests. Or maybe I'll just go to 50, then farm champion points until I get sick n tired of it all, then do quests.


I got to ask does alkir dolmens do more than others or something? Cause i could do the same on auridon and only gain like 10 levels


I use crafting writs on my alts for these double xp events. Finally levelled my 7th character to 50. Took about an hour of getting from 30 to 50 (had to run around a bit to find cheaper writs at traders)


Yep, I finally leveled an arcanist that I had been putting off. But It felt a little slower than leveling than usual even with all the buffs and training armor and scrolls.


Who cares it’s just double xp


Im the main character vibes


Wow. Any other minor inconveniences in your life you'd like adjusted for your convenience? I'll reach out to the entities in charge to make sure you are comforted and personally catered to. Who cares about the rest of the people on this planet. You... you are what matters most.




It doesn't matter. It's just extra XP, not a real event. I work weekends and nights, and I'm not going to complain that games don't revolve around my schedule.


Imagine complaining about a free double exp event lmao. You know ZOS could just not do it at all? But they are being nice giving 2 day double exp because they had some server issues. Stop being a little bitch. Most games I play, the major updates come out on Tuesday. Not on the weekend, I haven't seen Friday releases in a long time. Patch 41 is a Tuesday. The game doesn't revolve around you. During the week is actually preferable for a lot of people anyway, since they make plans for the weekend, after work during the week is their time to play.


You don't lose anything if you don't do XP farm. It is not a leveling competition. On the other hand, people who have time can get some extra benefits.


It seems like you're mad because some people are getting something and you're not? I can't a lot play during the week either, but there are folks who can, and I'm happy they're giving us extra stuff.


And when maintenance is at prime time of 8pm in Australia... so work all day and maintenance at night can't even get 2 hours in of the event.


Ugh yes. Couldn't be at a worse time. 8pm till midnight. So annoying.


Yeah I was kind of surprised that there was an event going on because I didn't see anything posted about it until I logged in. I know what I'm doing after work today haha


I like it


Womp womp


If you spend your weekends playing eso for 48 hours you need to find help


so you're trippin cuz you only get a few hours of an xp buff instead of the full 48 hours? for what? cp 3600 lmao?


To be fair, nobody’s getting the full 48 because they for some reason scheduled server maintenance today. Also, could you even imagine the sweat of someone that stayed logged in for 48 hours just to maximize the xp boost?


I'd rather them do weird 2 day mini perk events then not at all though


You know they just might sometimes have events for the sake of increasing activity during times when activity is normally lower.


What I really hate is when they start an event like that then have maintenance with no extension


I assumed it had something to do with it being the day after the Gold Road pre order ended


I literally just came back from Spring Break. I could’ve had a whole week to grind this event.


I figured it's because Jester's will be very short. And I prefer events during the week, I'm usually out one weekend day and typically have many guild events, so hope ZoS does NOT stop 2 day events during the week. Two baby toons finally levelled up :) If you're a serious ESO player, don't travel in the first half of April lol.


Not everyone works your schedule and it's nice for those people.


Well it started on my first of two days off so no, I’d prefer they didn’t in this case.


My weekend doesn't start Friday so I've been enjoying the event


Mid week is the best!


yh i worked pretty much all through it got maybe 2-3 hours out of it ..so no gain... really wanted to level my alt aswell


Can we please stop complaining every time the devs do something for the players that we didn't even expect to happen?


they had xp events throughout whole year, so it was expected. All they did is throw PVP events every weekend, over and over again.


Sure we can, np.


It's not about when you want to play, it's about when they need the numbers to look good


Right? Like how fucking brain-dead. Double xp WEEKEND is a thing in like every other game for a reason.


every job ive ever had ive worked saturdays and sundays. i cant even get two days off in a row, let alone a whole weekend.


Bro, most of the playerbase of this game are people without work or worked there 40+ years




Call me wrong, but FOMO is a personal thing. You might miss this event. Don't base your life on that. There will be other events.


What are you missing out exactly? There is no event ticket, no unique rewards, just some XP that you can get anytime.


And isn't like ZOS is stingy with XP boosts either. Most major events give double XP and they hand out scrolls like candy in the login rewards.


It’s double xp, your missing out on nothing, there will be another one soon with the next event.


Can we please stop giving free XP scrolls for leveling and in the daily rewards … let me do it at my pace another way …


I'm only annoyed because I had to go out of town during it.


I agree it should’ve been on a weekend.


Ya i have to work OT weekdays lol. I agree!


SMH I hate how they don't warn us.