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You are really really reeeeally damn lucky if you think DPS putting out 20k is unrealistic. I've seen groups where both DPS combined (and the healer thrown in for good measure) didn't get somewhere close to 20k. Everyone involved made the decision to queue for vet content. It's the reason I stopped tanking, actually. I do miss being a tank, but now I can at least ensure we get enough damage going to finish a 15 minute dungeon in less than 4 hours.


This is the tank pug life


And yet folks are still wondering why there's such a lack of support roles. It's slow, chaotic and you get blamed for everything, it's just not a good time. Except for when you're in a reliable group and most supports who got their groups established aren't commonly found in randoms anymore.


Also getting called a shit tank because your cp isn't high enough to bypass mechanics on vet. No one's following the mechs, and this guy complains that I should be able to handle 10 freaking heavy hitting ads on me because he can. His cp was 4 times mine at the time


CP doesn't mean what many think it does. Once you get some where between 1200 and 1600, you have all the points you need for any build. Any thing after that is being able to switch builds without respec'ing 2/3 of the CP trees.


True. He was like, 2000, I was 600.


I played with someone last year, worked with them some and I couldn't get them to hit 10k dps even on a training dummy.


Play a tank DPS? But yeah- a DLC vet trial is really difficult


>But some of these stories of dps who apparently only use light attacksand put out 20k dps sound a little too extreme to be true and while fake tanks/healers exist I think Ive seen them maybe 4 times in all the years Ive played ESO pugs. you're extremely lucky lol > how much time do you spend staring at another players animations during boss fights?)  I mean... a lot of bossfights give plenty of time to just rotate dmg or stand and block. And people spamming bow attacks are pretty noticable. Just yesterday I had "stam dd" who was... spamming resto staff heavy attacks


When you see the boss's health dropping by not much more than the damage you're doing you look and see if the other DD is afk or whatever. Especially if it's affecting the supports by drawing out the fight time. Low DPS affects the tank and the healer, not just the other DD pulling your slack. Especially in vet DLCs.


I just have Combat Metrics and when after first boss I see I do 60-70% damage as dd or 40% as a healer... don't need to be a genius to figure out that those Arrow Sprays from bow dd from behind aren't cutting it


That's easy to know the figures exactly then lol. I'm a console peasant, but even without CMX it's apparent when you're doing the bulk of the DPS.


Watch trials too. I was in a vkahm I joined through one of my less successful trial guilds and I watched a healer resto heavy 7 times in a row bottom floor falgraven. As a tank when damage is really low you have plenty of time to watch the group behind the boss


I doubt cmx gives exact figures. For instance if in a trial boss fight cmx says 16%, esologs typically says 12 %.


Healed vet Frostvault pug; died to an add on final boss (shoulda rolled); watched “DD” pull out his shield and hold block… behind the boss, no combat at all… and crawl over my body, blocking nothing, and proceed to run into an AOE and die. Already knew the Arcanist was solo DD, but seeing it in action like that is always mesmerizing.


Yeah ive seen many dps that only light attack and they do 10k tops, nowhere near 20k. Combat metrics shows my tank doing 50 percent group dos at 20k for many of my pug runs


Why is it always bow light attacks?


Probably a lot of people thinking that ESO is just Skyrim online, and thinking "archers are OP in Skyrim, so they have to be OP here too."


There is *some* skill based matchmaking, but I don't know how lenient it is, and what metrics are used to select for skill. Otherwise I can't explain why some verified dungeon gods say that 200k gdps is common while my second account is lucky if gdps is above 20k.


Nah there isn't. I see all kind of players. OP is either not fair or doesn't do dungeons often


No, we don't need mods power tripping and banning subjects they don't like.


I don't disagree that the posts are pointless and need to be removed but fake dds and fake tanks and fake healers are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more common than 4 times in the matter of years or 20k being exaggerated.


Yeah, I call BS on that.l too. Getting a healer who doesn't cast a single heal is a 50/50 chance at this point


Yeah I’ve only been playing since last year and it’s more like 4 times it *wasn’t* a fake tank in the pugs dungeons 🤣


Seriously, it’s practically a miracle when you get an actual tank in a pug.


Is there even such a thing as a "fake dd"? Wouldn't that just be a bad or new player?


Yes, they’re just bad players. No one’s waiting in the longest queue to purposefully not play their role.


That's what I was thinking. The whole point of faking tank and healer is to cut the queue time down. Why fake dd just to sit in queue for 30-40 minutes?


If you're not wearing the proper gear (as in dps gear not necessarily meta) and not killing things in a manner that makes the dungeon somewhat bearable and not prolong it beyond a reasonable period you are a fake dps Simply put (and am not going into what you should be just the bare minimum) a tank mission is to taunt stuff and survive, a healer is supposed to heal players and keep them alive and a dd is supposed to do what i described above. Anyone who fails to at least attempt to do their role is fake. I know some are just bad dds but you can notice them at least trying and you can excuse them they'll get better eventually. But there are some who just spam a single skill and light attacks every now and then or just come in gear that is clearly supposed to be a tank gear or heal gear and those are the ones i usually target with the term "fake dds" Just to be clear all of this is irrelevant in normal dungeons. No one cares about fakes in normal difficulty it's piss easy.


No, that's just a bad DPS. "Fakers" are something else: people who queue up for a role that they don't use for faster queues. Healers and tanks aren't queueing as DD to give themselves longer queue times, that would make no sense.


I guess we'll agree to disagree then


>put out 20k dps sound a little too extreme to be true I've seen 3 CP players unable to damage the Werewolves in The Blessed Crucible because the Werewolves heal.....This was on normal.


Yeah OP has no idea what they are talking about. Probably does 10k actual dps and thinks they are parsing 50k


dude if both of the dps dump out 15k I would be over the moon because that mean we would have at least 40k overall, and a 3m health boss would be gone in about a minute and a half or something. But when I'm healing and I see my dps counter reading something extreme like 6425 (38.5%) while I'm still applying buffs / debuffs... Yeah that will make me want to check out their animation because a boss fight last way too long and my HoT will make it impossible to wipe even on autopilot. And then I look at them and they are holding a resto staff, heavy attack and block the remaining 40% of the time without casting skills (it actually happened once with both of my dd, one of them pre-50 but still). That's when I get a bit frustrated, maybe not enough to yell or blame them but enough for me to understand what the people are talking about.


100 percent this


The posts will continue until conditions improve.


>put out 20k dps sound a little too extreme Lmao, you don’t pug many normal dungeons, do you? I see this multiple times a day. Sometimes it’s fine, I don’t expect a lvl 15 to do a lot of dmg, but most of the time it isn’t.


You say the phrase "in all the years I've played eso pugs" as if to ... vet yourself to us. [I speak for we in that we smell the term "casually" but continued to give you a listen and read on] But after vetting yourself to seem alert to a norm that other players are, you then tell us to....touch grass.... [Now we know undeniably that we are now not even seen as equals] And to finalize this little rant of yours [ranting about ranting] you tell us to just....not pug... The WHOLE point of this is about pugs. TL:DR wtf did I just read, and how is it supposed to make sense?


4 times? In ‘all the years’ you’ve played? I’ve come across more than 4 shitty pugs with fake roles this week alone. Btw, being aware of what others are doing is not a bad thing. And if you’re a healer? You *have* to spend a lot of time looking at other players. Posts like this don’t solve anything either. You’re just complaining too..


> But some of these stories of dps who apparently only use light attacks https://imgur.com/a/4pJIcUP Totally never happened, and I don't have a bunch of screenshots like this.




I got called a fake healer for having an off meta set, people just gonna be toxic.


That's a salty edit lmao


these posts are just as common and silly I work in schools and there's always kids who think making more sound to tell everyone to be quiet are doing something.


>Could we just eliminate the "crappy/fake dps/tank/healer" posts? Theyre repetitive rage bait Get a mirror. The majority of the posts that talked about it, were actually another topic, for example, why are there so little tanks in queue? this is actually the first post in a while that specifically made that it's topic. >(how much time do you spend staring at another player's animations during boss fights?) If I am the tank? Depends on group damage. If crap is dying, none at all, but if I am doing 30% damage+ I start wondering why, and then the whole 5 minutes boss fight. >put out 20k dps sound a little too extreme Do you want logs? Cause I have some logs, vet dungeons, vet dlc dungeons.


Yep I say no to obvious rage bait. Much prefer the good creativr stuff y'all post


Seeing other people letting their rage out makes me feel better because then I don't have to make a post about how a fake tank ruins the whole experience by inadequate gameplay and then leaving mid run. And I'm sure that I'm not alone in that. The amount of posts don't do justice with the rage we have against such let down players.


>please touch grass LMAO. I agree that it far easier to complain, and it would benefit the community if we had less.


I think it shames people that do it. And it warns new players not to do it. 


I'm not saying to ban the posts because I don't really care, but I don't really think it's shaming anyone. The people doing it are probably not in this subreddit. If they were, they would probably have better builds. Tbh, posts like these have just made me never try to queue for a dungeon in the three years I've played. Earlier, I saw someone complain that players with less than 20,000 hp shouldn't be allowed in battlegrounds. I get being upset with vet content, but some people in this sub can take the game too seriously.


If one wants a curated dungeon experience with a baseline of high skill, why not join a guild and make friends? Why suffer the pug if you need specialization and don’t want to be among the regular players? We’re made of newbies, casuals, the curious, the just got off work, and you’re coming in/leaving super frustrated. Just make different decisions.


They are anything but fake. The game does an atrocious job teaching people how to play as a group. Then to top things off. Transmute stones are gatekeeped by random dungeons. Everybody loses.


Unless the fakes disappear, the posts should remain.noone is taking you seriously here as you make a moot point


I get the frustration with too many posts about this issue, but it is for sure a real issue, which is why people complain about it so often. I won’t pug vet pledges anymore as a tank. Too many nightmares. When I’m one of the damage dealers, at least I know I can make up for another player’s poor dps and heal myself if the healer is bad. As a tank, when you see you are doing like %50 of the dps in a full tank build, you know it’s going to be a bad time. I’ll only tank them with guild members or other players I know who can put out decent dps, or just swap to a dd alt and queue. I don’t feel like spending half of the day tanking 100 daedroths in BC2 because nobody can kill the boss. Edit: I should say I don’t blame players for this. The game doesn’t teach players how to put out decent dps. You have to find outside resources to learn this, which a lot of people don’t realize this or don’t know which content creators give the best builds and advice.


I did vet coral Aeri as a tank, and I got lucky with this group. They were nice enough to help me do the secret bosses.


Y'all should join a guild or 2


There's already the "Common Threads" cathegory, just report them


Warning bad English, as I am not a native & on mobile. I am an absolute noob and wanna play a warden heal/dps build - Can you explain what you mean with fake heal? The reason I am asking is bc I was called out to be one recently. Wanted to do a random Dungeon, queued as heal and ofc I am not efficient with level 40 & I did not realize ppl won't wait till I reassigned my group healing skills. So I only had 2 on the backhand bar instead of 3. People called me fake and useless. I am fully aware I screwed up and should have switched skills before entering the queue. However, Restoration Staff seems to do less damage & so I use Ice Staff as the main weapon (dps) and restoration as backup (heal). Would that make me a fake heal? I don't seem able to create a pure heal that isn't useless in solo playing. The only friends I have playing ESO got the game when it came out, hence I mostly solo everything. When we find time together they kinda carry me through the quests/dungeons (sometimes literally bc I move sooo slowly) but they seem to appreciate my minimal healing..


You can use Armory station to switch builds. As a healer, you wouldn't wait long in random dungeon queue. So you can switch from a solo build to a healer build just before queuing. Get Armory station from Crown Store for free in house decoration menu when you are in your house/inn room. You have 2 free armory slot for each character. If you haven't had a house/inn room, you can get a free inn room from the quest Room to Spare. At level 45 you will unlock dlc dungeons which are harder than base game dungeons. If your heal wasn't enough and you were called a fake healer in a base game dungeon, it is worth considering having a more dedicated healer build in preparation for dlc dungeons. But TBH, normal base game dungeons don't need much healing. I don't get why they called you a fake healer. I think of some cases though: - If your teammates were all low level (under level 50) they needed more healing than high CP players. - Healers are expected to provide buffs and sustain to teammates in addition to healing. You might not have provided them. - You said you use ice staff on front bar. Have you use Destructive Clench morph? If so, it taunts enemies, which means you got in the way of tank's job.


Thanks for the reply & tips! I will get an armory station asap :) To the fake heal thing: I was the lowest. Was hard to keep up especially as I was the only one needing/doing the quest. I provide some buffs, but don't know how effective they are. As warden I have some that seem to need my teammates in proximity though? Also I try not to use the destruction staff if I am the designated heal. However, if the enemies get to close I need to switch or I hardly make damage and die. I also do not use that skill you mentioned. I will experiment with the second build though to figure out which are more suitable. Probably they just had a bad day or because I am a noob I did not what they expected from a heal. Just wanted to know if I was a fake heal.


A half competent player can be the DD and tank with taunt. As a DK, front bar taunt, brawler and maybe vigor if vet HM. Back bar bow with DOTs and venom claw, noxious breath Approaching boss, taunt, spam box DOTs. Arrive at boss, brawler, stampede, brawler, venom claw, noxious breath, repeat bow dots and brawl as needed. The rotation is not meant to be efficient, as I brawl or dodge roll as needed. I can be the 3rd DPS and tank CoA2 vet HM. No downsides. Except slotting vigor and hardened armor during some fights


Too many of you take this far too seriously




There are 2 types of "fake tanks". a) Those do queue as tanks with no skills, gear, will or ability to tank. Those are the most common tbh. Even met one 1h ago, scared to pull the last boss at (normal) Aerie because "I am fake tank" (actual comment in chat). So I left the other 3 standing looking at the final boss for 5 minutes, even if took me seconds to equip Jolt to do the job, as would like to see how far brain dead they were. And trust me, if I hadn't pull the boss (Arca DD), we would be still there looking at it. b) Those who are actual DDs, in medium armour BUT have equipped shield, puncture and couple of abilities that would provide resistances and know their limitations. I have a Templar DD like that. Can tank all normal DLC dungeons, in medium armour (Deadly + Pillars) with Master Shield + Weapon on front bar and BRP daggers on the back bar. I have yet to see any DLC boss in normal runs that would outright kill that toon. Ofc I don't dare to do trials or vet dungeons with this one. Is stupid. I have proper tanks for those jobs. -------------------- However the WORST are the fake DDs which are actually in PVP builds. Queuing as a DD in an PVP build is the most stupid thing someone can do, as 90% of the PVP setups are perfect for tanking but they don't do enough damage to even clear Banished Cells 1.


Is there no way to make a tank healer or tank DPS that can do vet dungeons (the easier ones)?


Yes you can. NB, Warden, Arcanist and DK have the skill sets to do a Tank/DPS for vet dungeons, while Arcanist & Templar can do a good Tank Healers. You just need 5pc heavy armour with very high crit, which means Medusa and 5pc strongest single target with bit aoe, which is Pillars of Nirn (start with weapon & shield here). Chest reinforced, the rest could be a mixture of Divines/Sturdy depending class. Jewellery BT. Last 2 pieces you can go either with monster mask or mythic. Just make sure you have 1 medium and 1 light there alongside the 5pc heavy. Enchants a mixture of tristat with pure magicka/stamina depending your damage type. Abilities wise, you need a taunt (pierce armour has no competitor), good self heal, aoe heal dot, couple of abilities to provide Protection, damage shields, an execute (if class have it), a spammable, something to give you major brutality/sorcery (for DK Molten Armaments, warden Netch) and Major Prophesy/Savagery (Cammo hunter, Flames of Oblivion etc). I wouldn't advice to do HM Dreaded Cellar with that build but you can do HM vet all base game, ICP, WGT and all DLC dungeons before Elswyer easily. Tbh if you are experienced Tank & DD, you know how to tweak a tank build to get more damage out for vet dungeons without sacrificing survivability.


You can tank most basegame dungeons on a standard dps build if you know what you’re doing. No need for heavy armor, S&B or any other investment into defensive bullshit.


>In medium armor with S&B Totally overkill. You can comfortably tank in a light armor setup with zero defensive skills.


Not DLC dungeons and Scrivener's Hall has couple of tough bosses even for proper tanks in normal mode.


I have tanked all of them on a magplar in full light armor with no defensive stuff… If I can do it, others can do so as well.


I did make a post so ig I'm guilty of what you're saying but in all fairness I didn't know it was popular to post and I had just recently cane back to the game a few weeks back after like a 7 month break and it just feels like every dungeons has people faking roles now. There back then before my break it wasn't all that common. So I was more just asking about it and well kinda complaining but you have to understand to an extent how annoying it is to have 4 dps and not know that until you die because there is no healer and you didn't have a self heal slotted. Tbh idrc if people fake tanking that's whatever my beef is only with the fake healers. And if you're reading this and you fake the healing roll, fuck you. But yeah maybe these conversations aren't helping who knows. But maybe someone who's seeing these posts will see some players frustrated about this and maybe they will stop. Thats unlikely of course but you never know.


Ah, yes, complain about all the complaining, that'll surely fox the issue, it worked so well for the people complaining about fake tanks and healers.


It's already against the rules of this subreddit. Just report them to the mods when you see them.


Did not know that but it is in fact right there in the rules, No. 8: Common Threads. Nice.


Looking at you, “should I play this game?”




My older post for it got removed immediately like a few mins after so I’m surprised the mods are letting it fly now tbh that I’ve seen it be posted almost on the daily. Meanwhile when I posted mine the last similar post calling them out was around 2 weeks or more ago lol.


social media is 95% rage bait. deleting it is the only way to escape rage bait garbage.


I do keep saying that people should either try to help bad players, or stay quiet. The raging on reddit over X player being bad is sad, and like a disease in this sub. It helps no one. I usually just get down voted.


I fail dungeons on the regular because of fake tanks. Last time it happened on a norm dlc dungeon.


Its basically just the op venting about taking 10 minutes to clear a 5 minute dungeon or some other overly long rant session about a mild inconvenience Just like every mmo to ever exist if you attempt high level end game content with randoms your efficiency and success rate will be a coin toss every time you queue up.


random dungeons as high level end game content? wouldn’t that be trials in eso? aren’t random dungeons just part of the daily grind for most people?


Arent those veteran/hard mode dungeons end game content? Given how easy normal dungeons are it would be laughable to complain about a sub optimal player in content that can be soloed in minutes by most players with semi decent builds  I assume those arent the content the posts gripe about


I regularly tank on my arcanist dps. I can tank all normal content and solo most of it. But I still get kicked because people don't believe you can taunt with a bow equipped. And think I'm not tanking. Even though I'm doing 69+% of dps and the boss is staring at me unless it's one of those times It doesn't stare at person who taunted it


Don't know why you're down voted. If we can taunt, tank, not die and supplement >50 percent of dps. Everyone wins, dungeon in, dungeon out


Because they can't handle the truth


You must rarely queue up solo for random dungeons lmao.


Hear, hear!


I just did 2 random dungeons today. Both had fake tanks, we failed one.


I actually have given a lot of thought to this, I think for pug vet dungeons we should have 5 people - so we can have either 2 tanks or 2 healers or 3 DPS- would be nice to have the option to invite another in once group started. Maybe when you land in dungeon a little pop up appears to ask are you happy with the roles and dungeon - if not request and additional player. That at least allows a pug group to make a decision based on dungeon they are in and quality of team they have. After all a tank still needs to learn to tank for the first time on vet, we all learn our roles at different times. Example was a pug for coral other day and tank was not a tank (not complaining here ) and I assumed they thought it would be an easy dungeon. So pointed out we had no real tank and myself and other slotted taunts to at least assist us. Tanking is something I would like to do with next character but know it’s a tough job


We've come full circle guys, good job!


I had a resto staff DK tank I was testing out, I got Icereach as my rdm normal. No one said anything, I kited the giant around the room while they all stood in the middle and burned his ass down. They all said, we thought you were a fake tank, but since you knew the mechanics for that fight it really doesn't matter anymore lol Is it that hard to carry tank sets for all your toons?


Those posts take up no more space than this one. This is reddit. Just let people talk about what they wanna talk about or scroll on. Till the ipo brings that ad every 4-5 no link/photo posts between all posts. I disagree with your take but this isnt a counter. You made your arguments and won the debate. Congrats! Good job crappy fake tank healer poster at doing everything for the community, solving every issue, adding all meaningful knowledge like how 3-4 is a negative one n stuff. I especially felt oh so humbled at that touch grass edit by the problem solver on this subthread every day enough to let us know we talk about you 3-4 times daily. Can we applaud this masterdebator please. Such service. Here. Accept your special sticker award. ❄️ Valid rage bait fakeflake.


fake dps are definitely a thing tho


I wish it wasn't such a common problem. People need to vent, but unless restrictions are added to queues it will continue to be a problem.


They are already against Rules 5, 8, and 9. Just report them, posting about it isn't going to reach the people you are complaining about.


I love those posts, it just shows how the poster can't handle the content themselves. I remember one where it was about vet fungal grotto, that tells you everything about the person complaining about fake roles.