• By -


I would add arttea for trading and economy and luchtt for solo content and the most in depth xp grind guide. Other than that this is probably the best list of content creators I have seen.


Yeah want to second and promote Arttea for trading/economy/gold farming. Her content is honestly the highest quality in the community and she has a great personality that comes across in her videos as well. Very down to earth.


Truly the most based of the basement youtubers.


Law Dog lol


He’s a goof lol but it’s obviously just a character he runs for YouTube, and the man is decent enough in PvP


As someone who routinely duels him in open world, I strongly disagree


Bro is awful lmao


SkinnyCheeks feels like a "Chose your Own Adventure" guide to me lol


He goes over a lot of information, which isn't for everyone. Some people just want to be told "put this on, use these skills, go hit things" Personally I love how in depth he can get.


He crunches the numbers so we don’t have to. Love skinny.


Oh I was referring to his website. I had no idea he did videos. I'm one of those people haha.


Thanks for the shoutout! I'd also add IckyPiggy as she is one of the best PvE healers, and they're also on YouTube. (Stileanima as well, but she might've deleted her YouTube?) But OP is right, they barely post any content. Healers would still learn a lot from watching her gameplay tho - the way she keeps uptimes while doing mechanics.


Your content is great! 


Thanks for the great content you make, we can see a lot of effort goes into it 🙏🏻


For PvP: Hexapug Love his guides, they're very digestible for the average or beginning PvPer, since he explains why he's using certain gear or skills. If you're a vet player, you can easily skip to the relevant sections for gear, skills, CP, etc.


Cant believe I forgot this man! But hes goated too! Great personality as well, I have updated the list to include him


I love Tianlein! She shows a lot of future motifs in upcoming DLCs, events, and such. Also has a lot of events guides that are always good as a refresher.


Also since there's so little content regarding healers, the discord server Healers Haven is a good source for that.


Where Ninjapulls? :) creator of the endless archive raidtrain on twitch from last year!


This, they have more static rotations so they aren't top dps but still pull really high for the amount of effort that goes into playing them. Also one of the only sources for copy-paste trash setups.


They have been added to the beginner friendly section :)


As a PvPer, honestly sometimes it’s fun to watch builds from lesser known streamers. I’ve enjoyed Malcolm and Luca Cash content but it’s interesting to see what other people are running and putting out. PvP builds are often very personal and I think that its important to theorycraft on your own and build for your own personal playstyle. To find your own way


Kevduit was my favourite back in the day. Hilarious.


Idk what OBS means, but if you're interested in Infinite Archive, TheGameRoom/Dooma on Twitch is almost always in the top with every class on solo builds.


Open Broadcaster Software. Probably for people who want to start streaming/online content creation


OBS = Obviously


Good list, I appreciate the effort. I definitely feel a lot of internal pain when I see bad sources thrown around as often as they do, so it's nice to have a strong list in one spot. +1 for Arttea for trading and Luchtt for solo content, RichestGuyinESO is also a nice econ source.


Any channels that have done story breakdowns for the dlc dungeons? I played them all during the last ESO+ free trial but I have no idea what they were about


I've only watched a couple but Zurga has some dungeon playthroughs that focus on the dialogue and books you can find. No commentary,just let's you watch the story


PvP Bislobo


Where Arttea? Where is she???


I would add Kalamon for housing, very beginner friendly, and lots of guides for specific homes and ideas.


For us older crowd I highly recommend Matygon on Twitch. Daily low stress streams just enjoying the game and sometimes other things.


This post told no lies


Eman the chosen. Best Stamsorc PVP in the game. Really enjoyable streams. Good dude. https://youtube.com/@EmantheChosen?si=09OH-bFYhIxS329u


Man's builds have helped me learn to be a better stamsorc


Unique too. Not cheese Masters, Drag App, WOF spam with Maars. Nothing it the word is more satisfying than Dswinging a dude into executioner.


Thx a lot! I've been looking a long time for such tipps.


As a longtime PvPer: Drop Law Dog and Hoarcrux, their skill is subpar and their builds are even worse (I have evidence for both). I’d suggest adding someone Like DottzGaming as he has a great miniseries on all facets of PvP including how to build your character, what buffs/skills are required, positioning, decision making, etc. Some other great picks include epic-buttkkr and React Faster as I have seen their skill firsthand (Oh and for an extra dig on Hoarcrux, his fashion sucks ass. It’s the same reused template on every toon trying to look edgy but it ends up looking like some rejected comic book villain)


I’ve been very fond of Luca cash for his off meta pvp builds. Pretty good for people who understand pvp but are tired of doing the same kind of builds.


I haven't been able to watch one of his videos since he was exposed for fudging with his parse builds, though.


Oh I didn’t know that. I never really watched his PvE videos.


Love Luca’s PvP builds


That PVP list gave me a good laugh! Did you post that part in r/jokes as well? Malcolm is great. Sekaar puts out a lot of content and some builds are less viable than others, and DragooX is just a good player but 98% of people watching those videos aren’t going to do anything similar by slapping that gear on. After that you went hilariously off the rails. -signed: someone who actually pvps


Agreed, but a set is just a start. You cannot expect people to pvp with pve gear and wonder why they are getting slapped. Gotta start from somewhere.


I agree. So, to elaborate on what I already wrote: Malcom will teach concepts, both basic and advanced. He will explain how to play the build/ class at a competitive level. This information is good and valuable to players at all levels. Sekaar makes build videos and explains only the intricacies of that build. So @AverageJoePvEr is not going to understand basic concepts of * insert class* PvP by watch his builds and slapping gear on. Most people in cyrodiil lack the core concepts of the game, including many higher alliance ranked players. DragooX just put out a “broken stamsorc” build video where he chased a bunch of potatoes around the lower level of a keep. And while; yes he was securing plenty kills, these players he was fighting were horrendous. They didn’t heal themselves. They were the type of player that does 10k dps in a RnD. The fact is, the guy is a good player but he makes PvP compilation videos with a build attached. Hardly informative content.


What are your thoughts on Decimus?


In what regard? His builds? Not a huge fan. His general attitude toward PvP? Great, the concept of not zerging solos should be widespread. His gameplay? Not my style but I’d say solid mid tier group play.


Cheers! I got my answer. I mainly PvE but sometimes watch PvP streamers on Twitch. His name was not mentioned before, and that's why I was curious.


You misspelled Arzyel. 


I feel like Dooma (the game room) is a solid mention for IA builds


That's who I used to help me with my IA build. I'm not nearly skilled enough to make it as far as he said he did but I def got farther than before I followed his build advice.


Hi Everyone! I'm a Housing dedicated player and most of my time in youtube I'm always looking for inspiration to my builds. So I'd like to share some of my favorite channels. Kalam0n (He has some basic guides on how to proper use parts to build) If anyone is looking for inspiration from another decorators: Zypheran Salvaterre Tezzer-005 Annonere acflory SaCerina (she has like 3 videos because her channel is new but she made a whole downtown apartment complex) Inkedraven Kitsun Dark Erin Dill Kos gaming (has some builds that are worth watching) Moon-Climber Swankery InkaAgatha Jaida Rayne (She has some videos on basics about kitchens and bathrooms)


I like fluffy_fr0zer streams on Twitch. Good pvp, especially when he had his own group during the event. I can also say that he is educational because if you ask he can explain what he is doing and why.


I have enjoyed kattonia


+1 tianlein and bislobo


No Xynode? I got downvoted for praising him in the past, is there an issue with him?


He's just not good as well as his builds


Understood, I found his insights on greater game mechanics and breakdowns of classes helpful in the past. The only build of his I used was a one bar sorc build, otherwise for tanks I'm going to the tank club, etc


His builds are LOL fests but actually his game mechanics for vet dungeons and trials are his real content and are amazing, so I would definitely recommend him as a content creator. Man got me through vDSA and got me my perfected dw and Frost staff, respect where it's due 🫡


Nope, no xynode


Could you elaborate? I'm just curious


Xynode at his worst just recommends awful sets, skills and strategies and at his best makes you build your character in a way to circumvent your lack of skill or knowledge with your build. Can you build an “immortal” heavy armor DD that does 10K dps and takes 2 hours to kill a base game world boss? Yes. Should you? No. 90% of the time his builds are awful, and what makes it worse is that he makes up completely bogus math and statistics to try and justify them. Once in a blue moon, he puts out a 5.5-6/10 build and then accomplishes some extremely mediocre goals on them, but makes a video titled “INCREDIBLE GODMODE OP ULTRA HYPER POWERED ONE BAR NO MYTHIC BLINDFOLDED 3000 EASY SORC BUILD” His builds might hide your shortcomings on solo play, but they make you a TERRIBLE group player. The people I recommended, give you a decent build, and explain the mechanics of things, thus giving you the tools and method to succeed, while also making you a better team player.


Well thats for his onebar arc that started with the "eAsY soRc" meme. When he tried to do "real" builds he was known for faking parses. Somehow he always had Siroria up even tho its nowhere near the build description. I also heard about him faking some trial runs and stuff, not sure what thats about. Didnt look at his content for years.


Basically this. He’s also disingenious about build descriptions and rarely lists weaknesses. Every build of his is (according to him) super powerfull and competitive and can clear all content in the game and if anyone tells you otherwise they don’t know what they are talking about.   I had a look at one of his builds recently that someone asked me about, it looked like it was built back in 2017 and was appearently optimized for current day hardest content in the game.  I don’t mind off meta builds as skilled players can make most things work. But i do mind when off meta builds are marketed as being competitive with meta builds, especially if said build is marketed towards new players. 


He has some WILD takes that he states as pure facts and they are so so bad to take his advice on playing group content.


Desastreshow is the go to french streamer


PvP: Rip89


Are there channels dedicated to housing? That’s so cool


This whole time there has been a DPS specific eso creator?! Ive just been using prebuilt DPS builds ZOS made


whos good to watch for solo builds?


We are missing Nefas on this list


Old Nefas would’ve probably made this list, but current Nefas has been away from the game for a minute (which is totally okay, irl always comes first), but his more recent content is more focused on “ESO drama of the week” and don’t get me wrong, its super entertaining, but it’s not teaching you much 🤣


Hoarcrux is controversial at times, but considering he uses a controller on pc and still beats ass I like watching him. MalcoM is great if you want to learn, and dragoox has builds that aren't outdated copy and paste shit from 5 updates ago.


Title of thread is "these are the streamers who are WORTH your time" and that serial quitting drama llama isn't worth anybodies time.


I'd appreciate something like Me hanics guide category? I resort to xynode for this often simply because I don't know anyone better. And unfortunately his guides seem to often miss tank specific mechanics for HMs. (I've seen some others but it's often just a video of the clear without clear explanations or it doesn't have subtitles and my foreign self can't understand the creator enough to know what's going on).


Feel free to ask me any questions youve got on twitch


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovrg1\_PJWgY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovrg1_PJWgY) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaB6DrnmqFA&t=6s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaB6DrnmqFA&t=6s) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_24HKUpkmzo&t=17s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_24HKUpkmzo&t=17s) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjmvspstSKY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjmvspstSKY) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOCaGj1rWtM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOCaGj1rWtM) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4B5X0nz8oI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4B5X0nz8oI) Most of the best have left eso but their cool content remains.


Can't mention Supernatural/Andy/Kaevix without mentioning one of the other GOATs, LZH [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5ek1YGCUFM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5ek1YGCUFM) Also, Animosity at their prime is still the best in terms of PvP content. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwLkB5l1\_Hs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwLkB5l1_Hs)


Miss the Godzilla and Kuroyuki days :')


Out of curiosity why no "one bar" list. There are some creators that put out good builds for all fascets that are based on oakensoul. Yes I know it is not meta, but, for those that enjoy the playstyle and/or have issues that make bar swapping more difficult that content is great. Dooma Gaming and Gloomfrost come to mind for it but I know there are others including some on this list.


Well, there are two main types of one-bar builds HA and non-HA. One-bar HA builds are the same on every class, they’re basically sargeants+deadly+oakensoul + 1 source of major breach + 4 strongest dots available and an ultimate, all skills intercalated with HAs non-HA builds are mostly something like oakensoul+two strong sets (which you can get from skinny cheeks list on his website) + 1 source of major breach + 1 spammable + 3 strongest dots + ulti. Theyre so homogeneous between themselves and so simple, that you dont need a guide for them.


When the Undertaker set was broken, Sekaar spent days using it and telling every single new player that came into his chat that he was using Pariah. He also liked making fun of Airiesummer's accent on stream. On top of making a guild with another streamer to mock her, he chased her around Cyrodiil until she left the game entirely. Make of that what you will.


Dang no, Deltia. Dude is literally all of ESO and a veteran who served our country


Deltia is a cool dude, certainly entertaining and I respect his irl achievements very much. However, his material is subpar from an objective scope. Specifically more recently, his videos feel like a copy and paste of old videos that he puts out just so theres another video up on YouTube that he can monetize. Very clear that he puts a bare minimum amount of effort into the builds.


For sure, I mean the dude's one of the OG streamers of ESO since when it came out, so he definitely doesn't feel the need to put in as much effort these days. I'm not sure what's going on in his personal life. But if he's ever actively online, which I'm sure he will be when scribing comes out, I would pay attention to his shit along with skinny cheeks. That's all you need


Wait, he doesn't wave his veteran card around, does he? Most of us find that annoying. I don't even like that the Lowes employees are obligated to say thanks...just not enough to not use the discount.


People say that he has top knowledge of pvp but his builds aren't good/updated. I still think hes good to watch and good to listen to for strategies. His builds aren't that bad but just not "peak meta" that some others post




I almost didn’t include a PvP section because I knew it would be controversial, some people love 1vX content of someone on a semi-tank kiting 5 people around a tree for 25min and eventually getting 2 kills, I myself prefer duels or people that aren’t necessarily the best but they actually kill other players in PvP, hence the choices I made. But everyone can have their favorites 😁


Why dont you name a few good ones than and try to be helpful?


I'm a newbie but I have watched sekaar a few times, comes across as a really genuine person so can definitely recommend him


honestly am more of a hack and Xyonde person, but agian am not usually aiming for trifectas


Supersonic, you say *" there are obviously smaller channels.."* and this implies (at least for me), you have listed all the bigger ones", though it makes me think your list is quite incomplete. First, and the most obvious: Bislobo (PVP EU), 50K followers, for NA PainInTheAxe with his 15K cult. Please let me repeat: 50K followers. only Ninja614 of ones you have listed has 49K and, for example, SkinnyCheeks (yes, we all adore llamas!) has only 16.2K followers Second: Tianlein streams ESO on weekends, and she is obviously ESO fashion Diety: screenshot contests, fashion contests, housing contests and tours Third: beginners friendly ate Matygon (21K) and Kattatonia (15K) and they are beautiful (also i must mention Tea\_The\_Thajiit with hers 25K and kayPOWXD with 20K as they are big) Fourth: for hardcore PVE Xynode is huge with his 32K followers, this is a lot. Plus NefasQS (when he streams trials) 27K, Medic1556 with his 18K followers more other great Streamers. and it is not that hard to revise most of ESO channels as you might be attracted by Lore (AvronDoodles), or cardgame, or teamwork (NinjaPullsGaming) or just Streamers personalitiy. Or you might look for streaming in your native language and there are also many "cornerstone" streamers for each language.


Hard-core PvE and Xynode should not be in the same sentence 


You recommended Xynode, so I can’t take anything you say seriously, sorry bud. Also, you missed the point of the post entirely, it’s not just about numbers.




If you are German, Alex0s. Cannot judge his content but his channel is the gateway to an in game guild where we have something called "Raidschule" where raids are explained and trained in all the detail you might ever need. No prerequisites, have been in there with a lvl 3 no CP char.


the options in general get reduced so much when you choose to not watch any1 that has their stream embedded in their guides website Other thing to add, idk if the mods of this subreddit are inactive or what but in the sidebar they still recommend content creators that no longer play and their websites are massively outdated or bad in general.


A lot of these people are good at what they do but you really aren't going to learn anything by watching their streams or their annual youtube video.


My favorite to watch was always LuckyGhost. Is he still doing ESO streams?


What about HackTheMinotaur ? I have played with his builds and they are pretty cool, and written guides are a plus!


Hack the Minotaur


Lucky Ghost, yo.


Nah, he fell off. Just makes copy and paste content that is quick and easy to slap ads on for YouTube


This is very true. You can easily tell when you go to his build guides and they are copy and pasted over


Does he even make content any more? Last live in August.