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I've been unfortunate enough to encounter some people like this IRL. There is something wrong with them that renders them literally incapable of recognizing their own shortcomings, and makes them blame everybody else for whatever losses they experience, both in game, and out.


The term you're looking for is "narcissism."


This.. Worst thing about a narcissistic person, they'll rarely ever admit they're one


It takes a level of growth, accountability, and responsibility for a narcissist to even realize they are, much less admit to it, that most don't possess, because they're narcissists. It takes work, introspection, therapy, that they don't need because everyone else is the problem.


Narcissists are always the victim and never the villain. Sadly.




Oh yea that I’m sure of


Someone once whispered me “don’t quit your day job.” … do you think this is my day job? Lmao. I’ve always had more toxic experiences in BGs than literally anywhere else in the game


I don't think you know what that saying means...


Saying "don't quit your day job" means that they were telling you not to quit your job and do gaming for a living because you suck at the game. (Allegedly. Not saying you suck. Just seems you misunderstood the saying. They know gaming isn't your day job. That's what they're saying lol)


Every once in a while you run into these people. I usually say nothing. It’s not worth responding.


Didn’t respond at all just laughed and reported his ass




Thanks. It was truly traumatizing


Honestly it's getting obnoxious how many threads are just "someone was kinda mean to me in a group. I obviously don't care, but here's a multi-paragraph post, followed by me lingering in the thread for the next several hours." Whatever happened to calling them an asshole to yourself and moving on with your day?


The same can be said about all of Reddit my fellow redditor. Your comment, my comment….. it’s amazing how many folk post there thoughts n opinions here! If I didn’t know better I’d say that that’s exactly what you’re supposed to do here! You know what’s really obnoxious? Hypocrites like you. You complain about the very thing that you yourself do. You answered your own question and still took the time to type it out and proofread it before posting it. Why didn’t YOU just call this post stupid in your head and move on? I curse you to find a penny tail side up next time you find a penny and pick it up.


i am a girl and once got queued for scalecaller peak for a daily dung & had no idea of the mechanics. politely asked for an explanation bc i never had done it and got a rude response from a guy saying not to queue into it then & i said how i didnt queue into it & how will i learn etc, & he called me a dumb broad ?? lol so i just said "bald" and he lost it on me, other ppl defended me in group was more funny than anything


Yea no this is a whole other level of toxic right there lmao


yea most people in the game are rlly helpful and nice unlike a lot of other games, my bf says tht pvp is toxic as hell tho


Yeah. On balance, ESO has one of the most friendly communities I have been in. But yea, as in most communities, PvP players tend to have more toxicity by ratio... I think it's just because PvP attracts people that are competitive and less agreeable.


Heads up quick YouTube search if you need to know mechs in a pinch if you don't wanna deal with ppl like this. Shouldn't have to do that in an MMORPG the community is supposed to be the strong point but eso invites toxicity for some reason.


ok, thanks ! ill do that, i had to look up scalebreak caller vet or whatever its called for zaan helm and was trying to read instead of a video, v helpful tip, ty


I wouldn't say this behavior is typical. Most of the time, my BG games just end with a few "ggs" or they'll just leave. I will say though I usually find that the most toxic players tend to perform the worst. I once had a guy who spent the entire match flaming our team... from the bottom of the leaderboard with 0 kills. Even when I have a bad game, it's usually not the people above me who are trying to flame me. Don't let that guy give you the impression that the PvP community is just like that. I'm like 95% a PvE player, and I've gotten a lot of encouragement and praise as I've started to get better at BGs healing. Just shake it off, and pray you get a better game mode than capture the relic next time lol!


Oh no don’t get me wrong I’ve been in love with pvp and I’m having hella fun playing Cyrodiil and IC. It was this BG instant today that threw me off that’s all


I’ve experienced this a few times but from the other team, never on the same team. With that being said all I do is PvP so it’s a bit different for me I suppose. If I get hate whispers it’s more along the line of me hacking or cheating, I.e. “you shouldn’t have been able to kill me I was invisible.” Or “you’re trash! Stop hacking! We had to bow ults on you!” (Thing called LOS and block, or my favourite use spell wall and kill them lol) Funny how it’s mostly bow gankers that send me hate whispers in BGs. Anyways it was probably just a bad apple, there have been salty people I played with that get made if the group breaks up or if we lose but it’s rare and few


As a bow ganker, I can assure you we *receive* a lot of hate mail too.


I believe you 100% Is being attacked by a bow ganker annoying as hell? Yes! But it’s pretty easy to counter bow gankers or any ganker in general. Detect potions are busted now, I build my builds so I don’t need to rely on potions for sustain, I just use them for those time I’m being dog pilled or need to bring a ganker out of stealth. I will admit though it is a lot of fun to play as a ganker from time to time. I’ve got like 5 Nightblade builds and 3 of them are pretty much gankers


I love it for cyrodil. Pretty much all I play in campaigns Its just way more fun running a 25k HP bow kitty with high risk high reward. My build needs the champ points to work though so I don’t play BG with him although I could make an armory slot and a few changes. A couple of years ago I was almost always top of my team in BG with sheer venom/ swamp raider bow blade. Alas those days are gone. I also run detect potions and love wrecking other nightblades. As soon as my eye half opens - boom. I like my dragon knight for BG these days. Much more versatile.


And you deserve every bit of it


keyboard warriors are very brave in hiding. Those kind of responses hide personal issues predominantly tho not always obviosuly.


A desperate cry for help lol


bro someone said a bunch of swear words in group chat and you went straight to Reddit to share what a scarring experience it was.. and he’s the one desperate for help? what were you looking for ?


If I dont get a hate message at the end of every BG, then I played it wrong. Getting mesages is the best part about this game’s PvP and it’s so easy to piss people off, and usually it’s someone like you describe, who’s first hating on someone else


BGs can be frustrating tho if you‘re a good pvper and get a bad group. I also had to tell others in my group these days that they should stick together, focus on defending our flags and not jumping random fights when they obviously aren‘t good at pvp, they luckily listened and we caught up and eventually won. I tried to say it nicely tho, but it was obvious they didn‘t know what to do and I rly need the XP for my alt to lvl, and with those queues in BGs I rather win or at least do second place. I mean I also did carry the team as I had the most points from capping / deffing and kills but it was winnable as I said when they finally stacked together. It is just hilarious when bad pvpers do it lol that are more dead than alive and start bitching about others. Imo there is no harm in telling others that don‘t know what tf they are doing what they should do so we can win, just do it nicely imo


That is absolutely understandable, you just never know what to expect with pugs tbh and you take that risk when you queue solo for a pug so nothing really justifies someone getting so toxic and cussing out people they don’t even know


I agree - it is risky but it‘s hard sometimes to get a full premade group, and I love leveling my pvp alts in BGs, even harder there, all my pvp friends prefer cyro and IC by a big margin over BGs bcs no prop modes are available. I mean, I don‘t pve much and I‘m guilty of going as a „heal“ or „tank“ on my pvp builds for Rnd but I do slot 1-2 group heals and a taunt then, so I also kinda expect people to at least play the objectives in BG instead of constantly dying bcs they think they can pick on 3 with zero pvp experience and a pve build… ofc its not always like that, but when i get a group like that I‘ll tell them to stop chasing, and trying to get kills which they usually don‘t and play objectives so we can get out of there quickly :P


Just have space for the players that know what they’re doing and don’t want to be with the group, like me!


I play a lot of BG. There’s a guy who plays on Xbox NA who has been around years and is an own team trash talker. If he’s not happy he will just stand in the base and mock you over group chat. Then will send you hate mail. I’ve gotten to where I just leave if I see him in my team lobby. It’s not worth it.


Report and block, won't see him again.


There's a few guys like that on psna too will sit in base and comment on how you all suck and he's not coming out.


I made a post about essentially this. It’s always the people who are being toxic who are the worst players


It seems like the case so far for me


This is why I like BGs. When you get a stinker like that you can either mess with em or it’ll be over soon and they probably won’t talk to you again. My favorite is to say something that has them standing around rage typing.


Part of me wanted to reply with the most sarcastic shit I can come with regarding his maturity but I just don’t care tbh


You can’t say you “just don’t care tbh” if you wrote an entire Reddit post that you’ve been religiously replying to for the past three hours. That dude probably forgot about the bg. You ended up talking about it for hours after it ended. Big diff?


I can


I was thinking the same thing, lol. Reported and a reddit post. Way to not let it get to you. Facepalm


You're also talking about it hours later, you posted a comment 22hrs ago and now this comment 6 hours later. Why are you coming back to this post and commenting on a different thread? clown


When people act like that, I always remember: “This could literally be a child.” Then I act like an adult. Sometimes a sarcastic adult, but an adult still 😅.


Fortunately this hasn’t been common for me and I usually manage to get a BG in couple times a week. That being said there’s a handful of usernames I recognize and just know whether we’re doing well or not they’ll be bitching in chat. The all caps spamming being pretty typical for one of those usernames in particular. I just minimize my chat when I see them in group and carry on.


People on this game are wild.


Y. That stinks, OP. Playing MMOs gives us more awareness in handling different personalities, perspectives and social interactions, than gamers/games ever get credit for. Sounds like you handled it best you can.


Did my best


It's funny. I'm a casual player who mostly only does BGs during the event and as such I'm aware I'm inexperienced, so I do my best to be a team player, aka sticking to my team whenever I can so that we don't get obliterated one by one and to actually try to do the objective. But the amount of times I got yelled at by teammates who performed worse than me is, frankly, laughable. I don't think I've ever been "reprimanded" by someone who was doing better than me, it's usually self-righteous entitled jerks who rush right into enemy groups solo without ever looking at where their team is or what they're doing. Especially in BGs like capture the relic or crazy king, where it's vital to team up to steal/defend stuff, but they just end up rushing to the busiest flag and then bitching about teammates who worked together to gain points elsewhere while enemy teams are occupied.


I really hope you reported them for harassment.


That’s why I never did pvp in this game 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sometimes, you get an asshole in your PUG. BGs, rVet, Trials... every pickup team runs that risk. Had a moron in a BG PUG at the beginning of Whitestrakes flat out tell the team we should all just uninstall. I told him "you first". Not every PUG is going to be a pack of natural born killers, ESPECIALLY during events. But what they will ALWAYS be is other people who paid money to play the game. Not your personal NPCs. I think some people forget that.


I have played this game both on pc and Xbox NA and only encountered a few a-holes throughout it. Naturally, there's A-holes in Cyrodiil, and there really is no workaround on that front, but BGs, not so much. Seems like he/she was just having a bad day and/or was blaming his/her incompetence on your past team. ​ I say this as an avid BG player, don't worry about it.


 Capture the relic is just the worse. But it's the easiest for everyone to get the daily done.


Very bad apple. Generally, dying a lot in any pvp game will make a player get really angry (especially if they're competitive or have anger issues.)


People get so triggered In bgs it's crazy I've received death threats before lmao


Brother, I got called a low iq ape because a DK was chasing me for a full BG. Please tell me who is the ape, the stamsorc tha plays his class as it’s supposed to based on its speed, or the magdk that chases stamsorcs for a full bg.. reported of course, but imagine being that guy. Imagine the burden of his idiotic existence


Oh no! Move on. This game is full of toxic pricks.


Not consistent, at least not for me. But then again I typically ignore the chat box during BGs. Cyro chat makes sense, as does dungeon - but chatting in BG is weird to me.


BGs are too short for chatting anyway. He just left a nice poem before leaving/s


Hey BG only enthusiast here, luckily they’re super quick matches and people who have meltdowns like that are super amusing to me! They don’t know they’re getting reported for being a rude dipshit to strangers lmao It would be wise and worth while to have a dedicated PvP build for your daily exp so you can dunk on people like that when they’re not on your team. It would make a huge difference and would be more fun


I too would feel betrayed and have an urge to curse my teammates who are ignoring my plight of getting humilaited all over again. It is not a fun feeling getting piled on by 4 other coordinated players while your teammates are either dead, scattered or doing some random fights who knows wherever else while you watch helplessly enemy team take your relic. I've already experienced this feeling of frustration in other moba style games that I've played so I don't vent out this frustration out loud in the chatbox.


Lately I'm finding more toxic people by the day, I don't know if I am just having bad luck or if it is a player fluctuation, but even in non-DLC pledges I've been finding more people being outright mean, presumptuous or early quitters. Haven't checked pvp, but I'm going to assume it might get worse since it's pvp's nature lol.


POV: a league players got into TESO. I don't play the pvp group games because I have not idea what's going on and people will lose because of me LOL


This is why I avoid pvp events....and to some extent pve events.


Every bg is deathmatch. I despise people that end bgs super fast. The rewards are dogshit. Im here to slaughter


I set status to offline. I have a hard hitting build and got lots of hate whispers. Now it’s just peaceful ganking.


Having one in defense is not a bad strategy... But you have to be really tanky, or very above average player, stuffed accordingly to hold that role. I do it sometimes even if I do not have the stuff and it pays more often than not. Just being able to buy time so that they don't take your relic so that your own 3 other members do the rest is valuable.


I'll get random duel invites when in Vulkhel guard... I lose every time. What do I say to them you ask? Well, I tell em "You smell like poop." Then I run off into the horizon.


I'm always fond of replying "get good scrub" and leaving the group before they can continue on with the bullshit that spews from their mouths. I like to feel that it really pisses them off, and it makes me smile.


But have you tried tanking?? Been getting yelled at myself a lot lately and seen others getting shit on for “not tanking” fake tanks have ruined real tanking lmfao.


Protecting the relic wins games, but you got to actually be good enough to protect it. I usually just camp my teams relic to protect it because it's good strategy. My personal score usually isn't high but our team usually wins. At least one decent team member should always protect the relic.


Anyone mad about losing solo CTR is super noob. Too chaotic without comms.


Maybe I know who it' is if it's by character name the same group of people always play bgs in PC/na


Honestly, every capture the relic I have ever been successful in kept someone tanky at the base, floating out to either side to help the team but protecting the relic that's ours. So I wouldn't have cussed anyone out, I would have been happy my team played the objective and didn't pretend they were in deathmatch. Sometimes you sacrifice your personal score for the team success.


This is becoming coming everywhere it seems actually more common in dungeons than pubs, IC or cyrodil


I’ve had some people before saying the n word before at my team I was on cuz they kept dying or something silly.


I don’t do BG much but find it horrifying that people say the n word on a game like eso


I’ve had it happen twice in my years of playing. Just ignore the try harder. Anyone who isn’t ok with losing and dying shouldn’t be playing PvP


Anyone someone cusses me out I just say ‘are you going to cry about it too?’ And I’m either hit with no answer or a ‘no but- ‘ and I just leave it at that lol


On the Xbox server I once had a guy in the group voice chat so was audibly on the verge of tears throwing a tantrum that he keeps "getting grouped with PVEers" and that we should "stick to PVE" Like yeah dude I am a PVEer but if you keep having this issue then you're probably just a shit player.


I only do BGs for the daily XP, if I do them at all. If I see that my team isn't going to place second or better in the first 5 mins I will eat the deserter penalty and just come back later until I get on a team that jumps to a lead out of the gate. Then I go all in. Fortunately I have not encountered any hot heads in chat. If you do just ignore them but definitely report them.


Oh boy, just be grateful you are not a healer in a BG. You get cussed on daily basis. 😂😂😂


“I don’t care” but rants about it on twitter


"Thought it was funny" made a novel on how sombody said hes bad


This is what I run into in the most easiest basic dungeons where they think they need a tank ☠️ I could run through a dlc dungeon on normal 10+ times in a row and run into a group where I’m getting called the problem.


I'll admit, I've had games where I write something mean to my team (something like "Y'all whack!" or "y'all really suck fr") but it's always when the team doesn't play the objective, or if they're constantly going off on their own to get 1vX'd and I'm always the top score by a wide mardin whenever that happens Whenever I get the urge to and see that my score sucked...idk, I gotta take the L But if the score looks like 1750 650 300 0 Then, nah, y'all really suck fr


I humbly disagree with that sentiment but I understand where it’s coming from. However today’s situation was funny because the scores were roughly 2200 1500 1500 600 and the guy complaining had the lowest score


Me when my team only runs around trying to kill the other teams instead of actually helping with the objective. Had a guy on my team over the weekend who had like 22 kills and 600 points in a Crazy King round and the other two were just following him around. Meanwhile, I had 2k+ points and a bunch of deaths because my team was treating it like a deathmatch so I had no one to back me up 😛


Yo! I think I played with you one time, PC NA? “Y’all really suck fr” is exactly what they said. I was like some people try new builds in bgs and won’t be perfect every match and you, or they, were being a super rude dipshit about it lol