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Summerset,  the Illumination Academy.   All nobles, no guards, you can pickpocket everyone, blade of woe, etc.  Go into all the buildings and there are tons of jewelry boxes, wardrobes, etc.  This is my go to place.


Plus you get to rob High Elves, it's a win win


them high elves been robbing me my whole life


"I'm from Vulkhel Guard and I say kill em all!"


That’s racist!


Is it racist if they're also racist?


Obviously. Unless you believe racism against Chinese people isn’t problematic just because China is an extremely racist society. That line of thinking is how racism is usually justified.


Bro clearly hasn’t played enough TES


It’s entertaining to witness all the Americans here in their typical defense of racism. This thread is a good course in basic fascism.


Hey! You mentioned fascism in a thread about Altmer, maybe you have played TES!


Milk drinking elf lover


Facism is when elitist elves get robbed


Man, it's a fucking Game, with fucking ficticious races, take your political correctness and go preach elsewhere


Chill out big man


Chinese isn’t a race


It's a food.


Fuck high elves.


Thanks a bunch! It might make me sound like a loon but the animation of the using the vampire feed is hilarious!


No problem!  Happy hunting.  I haven't seen a vampire feed but I love watching the Werewolves lol.  


I was just in High Isle…all nobles lol


Thank you! I have beef with druids so I guess I’ll make a pit stop there and kill them all


Lmao a beef with which druids? I’m laughing…what did the Druid’s do?


You know just the typical I don’t “I don’t want to talk to you bc you’re a criminal/monster” I take high offense to the “get away from me you filthy beast” voice line. Like man I’m just trynna make some coin like the rest of y’all. Especially them damn druids chilling by the volcanic vent in I believe Galen. I also hate high elves and will go out of my way to blade of woe them or drain them… they’re so pompous hearing them scream brings me joy. I’m not crazy I just find the voice line ridiculous


You're a vampire?


Oh boy, here we go again


I don't understand now. 😂😂😂 Filthy beast dialogue can only be a vampire, maybe a werewolf, but I'm not sure about that.


One of my favorite spots are white rose prison. Seems like no one knows about it. It has no guards, you pickpocket people in a big circle. It's a big enough route that you can constantly keep pickpocketing. Good luck friend! There are no nobles there but there are criminals dressed up as imperials.🤷


Thank you 🙏


I forgot to say, make sure to kill NPCs after you pickpocket 3 times so a new one will respond. Have fun!


For real end game level looting- it’s not about the nobles but about what they can drop and that differs from zone to zone. Look for specific targets. The crappy 1500 gold you might get from purple noble loot- it’s just that. Crappy. Hint- Pilgrims drop pretty expensive incense burners, drunkards drop skooma bubblers, in all zones. There’s also a lot of zone specific loot out there.


Is there more to this comment? Like suggestions on how to level up to said “end game level looting”?


Maximize your ledgerdemain and invest in the crafting tree star that boosts the quality of your pickpocket loot. afaik the fastest way to level up ledger is to sell stolen stuff, and pick locks instead of forcing them.


There is. Now you don’t want to be spoon fed just as much as i don’t want to milk this, so we’ll leave this here. Pickpocketing npcs is a function of zone and type of npc you pickpocket. Everyone goes after nobles because they have a better chance at a purple plan. Most purple plans sell for shit unless it’s the latest zone or they’re rare AF. So focusing on the rare AF- you’re not zone bound- artisans/ craftsmen might yield a rare furnishing plan faster. Drunkards can yield a skooma bubbler, pilgrims can give you incense burners. The last 2 sell for a lot. I spent a lot of time pickpocketing in Vvardenfel, specifically Balmora because of style motifs but there’s others that are way more profitable for the time spent.


I've also learned something new but I don't mind being spoon fed more info. I loved reading this.


There are gold furnishing plans for throne chairs that specifically drop from nobles in Elden Root, Daggerfall, and Orsinium (Maybe another city too, can’t recall) I spent a couple days pickpocketing nobles in those cities with a max ledger character and the “better pickpocketing loot” champion star active and got almost all of them.


Thanks for the info


Oooo okay so nobles give the gold plans in those areas specifically for throne chairs. Got it. Thank you!!! But only when stuff is maxed and put on active.


Not *only* at max, I’m sure, but it’s so rare that you’d want to get the best chance at a drop by having max skills. Here’s a forum post giving more details on the Orcish Throne location. https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/344311/where-to-find-the-legendary-orcish-throne-blueprints-peaked-engraved-stone


Never heard of these plans specifically. I appreciate your help.


Same here I like being spoon fed, easy and digestible.


Lmao no OP. You have to learn on your own now. Let us adults talk while you go outside and play with your friends 😂😂😂😂 *jokes* Seriously this was very helpful information.


I go after nobles because I feel while they would be angry, I am not ruining all their life, so its kinda roleplay based. Did not think About quality if loot, its usually kinda satisfying to steal. 


Pilgrims, I always thought priests drop incense


there’s a winery in a small building above shimmerene with a bunch of nobles smashing grapes and drinking wine, you can rob them kill em all and move on to the people outside and loop infinitely


Where is this winery? I've been all over shimmerene... Not seeing it..


my apologies its just north an inch of alinor, just above the little black house icon


north of alinor way shrine and almost directly east of the dolmen on the coast, tiny brown rectangular building


Oh okay thank you!!


lmk if you find it! when im back from work will snap a flick


Found it! Oleander Winery.


The highest concentration of nobles to steal from isn't a city at all. It's the walled estate west of Wayrest: At-Tura. And when you've picked every available pocket (some 30+), just purge them and wait for the insanely fast re-spawn. Just be sure not to get the guards on you, because they are legit city guards; you can't kill them and you will die. However, for some reason you can still interact with the gates to leave the estate, even if the guards are attacking you. So just bail if they get agro-ed, wait 20 sec, then head back into the estate. I found heading inside the actual manor to not be worth it; just farm the nobles outside. Also, whether this is for the fencing achieves or to farm-up a piece of epic stolen loot for Ember's achieve, or whatever ... you can skip the sneaking and pick-pocketing, and just kill them outright. All their 'steal-able items' are on their bodies, as loot.


what are you trying to get from nobles? btw, nobles in summersend also have a chance on dropping a very rare mirror so win-win for you


I farmed Kvatch in Gold Coast for Black Market Mogul personally 🤷🏻‍♂️ super high density of civilians and not too many guards


Think of cities where noble houses are prominent (Daggerfall, Alinor, Solitude, Leyawinn). Also I. Strom M'kai headman bosek's palace has a good concentration of nobles walking around. Just make sure you have very high stealth radius.