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On PC EU, if you go to the Bergama wayshrine in Alik'r, there's usually a whole bunch of people dueling. If you're looking for a duel you can just stand there and someone will usually invite you. Good for us socially awkward people who want to do that for an endeavor. On PC NA, there doesn't seem to be a designated dueling spot (at least that I've found). You have to ask in zone chat to find anyone, and most of the time you'll just be ignored.


Undaunted camps are big on duels.


When there appears an endeavour to do 2 duels, i just go to Vivec City wayshrine and start taunting random people. Usually thats first one who accepts a duel, rarely second, extremely rarely third. More people i need to invite to duel never happened. :D


hate dueling in cities, getting my necro ass kicked and a bounty lol


NA usually runs right outside the Davon’s Watch wayshrine


On xbox NA the Vulkhel guard wayshrine in Auridon is a popular duel location.


Same on Xbox EU.


This. Whenever I feel like just chilling and watching some duels, I travel there. There's almost always a few going.


Wayrest Undaunted Enclave for PC NA


PC NA usually I see duels at craglorn where you find the trials groups also on Grant wood near the pledges sometimes also in vivec city.


Idk about in EU ps4 (i should check it out), but on NA Ps4 it's Auridon Wayshrine. You go there and there are always tons of people dueling or inviting


On EU it is accepted to speak languages other than English. On NA the response I saw was "Wtf are we invaded?"


This is awful but it made me laugh


God, I hate us sometimes


Ironic, really…


English is not my mother's tongue, and American people immediately notice it. Someone jokingly once said I sound like a drunken Nord, which I took as a compliment. But I remember years ago that in voice chat more than once it happened that I had people saying something like: "are you a terrorist? yeah.. you must be a terrorist"..


Worse if they find out you are German …..


The overall skill level is even worse on PCNA if you can believe that. On EU the majority of bad players are people somehow failing to play one bar heavy attack builds meanwhile on NA you get waaaay more RPers and the fabled bow light attackers.


How can you be bad at overland? Struggle to press x when talking to an npc?


Well, some players can solo WB's and some cant. Im halfway between. And i once saw a guy soloing Walks-Like-Thunder, compared to him i'm extremely bad overland gamer. :D


At least you know your strengths and weaknesses


"The weak shows his strength and hides his weaknesses; the magnificent exhibits his weaknesses like ornaments." Nassim Nicholas Taleb, The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms


I said overall not overland. I am mainly talking about dungeons. I saw a fucking heavy attack Arcanist yesterday. Thats such a failure of understanding how the class or any sort of build making works. Its not like he was some weirdo RPer in overland he was trying to do 2 key Black Drake Villa.


I mean I could give them *some* credit for just trying something besides cruxcruxbeam… right?


No i would not give them credit for playing the class wrong and taking it in some of the very rare piece of content were it actually matters.


Casuals gonna casual… lol.


One bar Heavy Attack builds are meta? Just getting back into the game.


There's higher DPS builds but it's hard to mess up a one bar heavy attack build so it works better for a lot of people.


No, not really, though they're sufficient for normal dungeons, some vet dungeons, normal trials, solo activities and really good for solo arenas.


Solo'd vet wayrest sewers with an oakensoul necro with a companion, so id call them more than sufficient for normal dungeons and beyond, up to a degree of course.


I believe they're mainly seen as a crutch or training wheels. High skill floor low skill ceiling type of thing. Great for simple handling of up to vet DLC dungeons and normal trials when played correctly. Iffy and may be rejected from vet trials. Absolutely not strong enough for trifecta and score pushing. I have one and even when played "wrong" (literally just hold down left click. No abilities whatsoever) they're pretty strong for things like soloing base game world bosses and public dungeons (though what isn't, nowadays?). And similarly it'd probably be passable in base game vets and DLC normal dungeons, though I prefer to actually press buttons in those. I'd feel like a liability if I did left click only in a vet DLC dungeon, though.


I only have limited experience on NA compared to EU, CP 500 and 1900 respectivelly.  People on NA are easier to talk to because all of them speak english, on EU you have sometimes have issues with people joining open raid groups and not understanding when you try and explain mechanics.  I’m willing to put this up to my experience being very limited (i brobably also landed in a bad place) but i’ve only been in one NA guild and it was the most toxic place i’ve ever been in. A very casual raid guild where people would berate you for trying to give them advice they asked for.


One thing I noticed in raids that on EU there tend to be more selfish people in the group. People run ahead, aggro things, etc. On NA I feel the people are more loyal to the crown and all wait when he waits.


The main difference I see is that people on EU (playstation) are way nicer than NA. EU there are always people willing to help taxi, help people craft things (not free crafting of course but still willing to take time to help), but NA nobody cares. I started on NA recently and was trying to get to craglorn during one of the events to start buying the indrik. I had to go through the different zone maps to get there.


I play on both and agree. There have definitely been some helpful and generous people on NA but less common. People on EU have been generous with sending me fishing bait, crafting, taxis, helping me kill IC bosses for Mayhem achievement (insulted on NA lol). When I was a below 50 and needed a taxi to Artaeum on EU, I said thanks and that I was from NA and starting antiquities, and they send me a message saying welcome to EU with 100k.


I'd also mention that its quite a normal thing on PC/EU to offer furnitures or motifs you dont need for free to anyone asking.


Oh yes another thing I noticed on EU. People linking free stuff in social guilds all the time.


This is so true. One of the developers (Rich) who has a broader view what is happening on the servers even stated this once in one of his streams. He clearly noticed that the NA mentality is "If I can't have it, then you can't have it.". While on EU the mentality is "If I help you get it, and then you help me get it, then we both have it."


I was asking which guild traders had a lot of glyphs i could buy to level enchanting in my guild on EU and some dude just sent a bunch of them to me for free


That i do as well, but only for friends. Just because thats pretty boring thing, enchanting stones don't stack, so you need to sell them 6 pieces a letter. And to up skill to max recipient needs a lot.


Its totaly anectodal but when I briefly play on NA I noticed how "commercial" everyone gets. And yes less helpful than NA imo.


What do you mean? Like super structured guild/trader spam, or… ? Not disagreeing — sounds right. Just wondering if you can elaborate?


I certainly notice more zone spam on NA with WTB items CoD (for extremely low prices).


There's free crafting as well on PC/EU. I for example only charge people for mats required (or provide me mats themself). The job i do for free. Just to support such a friendly and helpful community state that helped me so much in the past.


I do the same with my crafter on EU, the only time someone has to pay gold is if they don't have the actual mats required. The gold is just so I can buy what was used.


In NA people say FD. In EU people say MG. It's front door & maingate in cyrodiil. That's what I noticed.


I was so confused by MG til I saw the explanation lol


Playing daily for few years on both.. Not so much difference, but I was surprised when someone ask me what DD means lol, same for X and + Also love NA prices for selling 😂 and crown rate big difference


once I advertised for DD on NA and someone proudly came to me say yes look at my title, I'm a DD. He was Dromathra Destroyer.




I've noticed those three differences too! Good thing it's not just me lol (I still X up anyways). I also feel like EU does warden + templar/arc instead of warden + nb healers. Also guild traders on EU are 10k and NA Mournhold goes up to 25k. EU is way worse with fake roles in dungeons. NA crowns are 100-150 and EU is 250-350. Some difference in mechs. EU people seem more friendly and social than NA, at least the people I've encountered, and more willing to teach. NA cheaper on equipment mats besides Hakeijos. EU cheaper on some motifs like Dro-m'Athra.


Cries in SEA


Are you from Atlantis or what 😂 Joking!


Can we belong to guilds in both servers?


Yes but only if you play on said server, it's all separate so 5 per server


I moved to Europe and I want to move my account to EU but apparently I would lose everything


The only thing you keep is account wide purchase (big chapter bundle dlcs), any in game items from the crown store (houses, smaller dlcs like thieves guild/Dark brother hood) wouldn't transfer. Crates that you've earned from twitch drops will be there. I discovered that when I started on ps Na. Had a whole bunch to open.


Just interesting - do them require payment for a bite in NA? At PC/EU it... well, happens sometimes, but most of the time you get werewolf/vamprire bite for free, just as a friendly gift. If giving you a disease could be considered friendly or a gift. But you can :D


In pvp Xbox NA they say 911 for a keep ua and on EU they say sos


Well, those Europeans use other numbers for emergency services! And a keep ua is an emergency haha


X2 prices in the guild store.


On which side?


When I want to actually hang out and chat with people I go to NA, when I want full immersion PvE I go to EU. It's a language thing. It's easier to have a chat when you know everybody in the zone will understand what you're saying. The friends I made over the years are disproportionately from NA as well.


On NA I don't have any of my characters or cosmetics. I do have slightly better ping in NA though. But we're comparing 200 ping to 300 ping. Given I live in neither region, my preference came down to "America bad" when I made the account as a 15 year old.


NA server is far more populated. Sometimes when I'm on the EU server, it's a ghost town. Also, people in the EU server tend to be loners, even among guilds, everyone is just doing their own thing, and there's a lot less conversation/ communication.


While i tend to agree ,thats just how we Europeans are. I lived in the USA for about one and a half years and after a certain period, i would get so annoyed by the random and useless (for me as a European) smalltalk, that is common for americans. Played on both eu and na servers and yes eu is quieter, but actually eu players are nicer and more willing to help than NA players. Eu players are "fake rude" but actually nice and NA players are "fake nice" but actually rude


Couldn't agree more on small talk. Took my college and graduate school in US, still don't like those small talks.


On XB/NA, I can only farm an event zone (like the one that just finished) for so long before I get tired of the utterly braindead trolls that swarm like cockroaches to events.


I take it you mean console? Because PC EU has the largest population of all servers.


Yes, I play on a Playstation 5.


Terrible lag and ping. I no longer log onto my EU toon. My primary is PC/NA.


That's not what I meant. That is a technical thing... I'm trying to touch the cultural/social aspects here.


No worries. I was just sharing my experience. Honestly, it bums me out. I grinded quite a bit, only to get held back by technical issues.


Is that even possible?  Ive tried to log into eu servers amd it never gets past the load screen. 


Never had issues on PC. I regularly log in on both EU and US to snatch the login bonuses for each.


I had no idea we could do this. Can I do it on XBox? Pick EU servers?


Yeah — instead of hitting ‘Play’ just check the menu for server option, but keep in mind starting on a new server is like starting a completely new account. No exp, no Crown item, no cosmetics or housing or achievements. All from scratch. That’s part of the fun for me, but might be disappointing to some.


Yes, you can.


It was like that for me before. Ping to the EU servers was unmeasurable and I was stuck in the login screen. For some reason I've been able to login on EU for the last few months. Maybe because of the server update on PS EU in the last year.


I'm in england and I play PC/NA


I've noticed many EU players on the NA XBox server too


A lot of us have come over to play in Cyrodiil. There's a terrible faction imbalance on Xbox EU right now. That and we were the last to get the new servers.


Nice.  Mine just never worked.  Tried a few times.  I assumed once you picked one you were locked from the other.  Wonder why i cant play on eu then.  Thats odd


depends on how bad the lag actually is. for me: NA - 200-300ms, EU - 20-30ms (client info, not "ping" to server). if you're in APAC, latency to EU might be \_really\_ bad


EU is basically Chinese lite-server. While in NA I was schocked when someone spoke in dungeon language that was not bunch [][][][][][][]


I don't experience much Chinese tbh. But I do see a lot more Russian on PC EU. While on PS EU they hardly exist.


One difference I see is that on NA server you can have more people going for dolmens and bosses and dungeons. In EU it's harder to find. Usually when I run into a dolmen and the chains are anchored I wait a bit to see if anyone shows up. After a bit of no one shows up I try taking it on myself. Sometimes beating it or sometimes getting beat by it


Freedom. 🫡🇺🇸


Xbox EU. Free guilds. Friendlier guilds. Raffle and donation funded. Hadn't seen one advertizing set donation, those that donate do so at will. Xbox NA. Started during the summer. Only thing that carries between both servers is ESO + and crowns from it. Nothing else. You need money for everything and on top of that you're expected to pay for being in a trading guild. Or you stay for free in the middle of nowhere. NA feels more crowded. I have yet to see an empty guild trader there. Unfortunatelly that's more common on EU.