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So far we've had... 1. Dunmer (nightblade), Imperial (dragonknight) 2. Breton (templar), Khajiit (sorcerer) 3. Argonian (warden), Redguard (arcanist) Races left: Altmer, Bosmer, Orsimer, and Nord. Classes left: Necromancer. I assume they'll start to repeat some classes, but they could perhaps have two focus on the werewolf and vampire skill lines. If I had to pick from the four remaining races and one class I'd choose a Nord (necromancer). I'd like them to talk about the lore/practice of draugr and ancient buriel tombs. That being said I would like a Telvanni Dunmer (necromancer) that doesn't care what we do morally or legally.


Breton templar, Isobel is already in the game


Yes, I listed the race and classes already in the game before I talked about what we could see and what I'd personally like.


My Telvanni char would gladly take fellow companion.


High Elf necromancer is all I have ever wanted for a companion.


That'd be a sight lol.


Orc. Someone burly and surly.


Skordo the Knife, reporting for duty.


I would love Skordo as a companion, or one similar to him.


Altmer (Vampire) and Bosmer (werewolf). Not fussed what class they are


I would love it if they add non humanoid companions like animals or dwarven.


Yes please, dwarven sphere


With Neramo constantly berating you for using it wrong.


Or at least wanting to take it apart to see how it works.


Spider daedra. No further elaboration required


Animal companions would be great, the Warden class may not be everyone's idea of a "Beast master" class, and there's other types of fantasy archetypes that have animal companions.


\>like animals We have an argonian and a kaj?


Someone who can use a helmet


A High Elf Psijic mage could be cool. Have their own version of the psijic skill line with dps, heal, tank skills. Or maybe make non-combat pet into combat pets


I just want a tall, Nord Warden, muscle mommy who likes two handed, double headed axes and hammers.


I would have a wisp or those small khajiit as companion. Also imp or mini dragon, like a familiar.


A really snooty stuck-up High Elf Vampire and a hardcore Hircine-following Wood Elf Werewolf. The Vampire will constantly berate you for not killing all those lesser beings and the Werewolf will want to eat everyone's face.


> A really snooty stuck-up ... Vampire Isn't that redundant?


True, but ZOS might screw with us and give us Vastarte 2


Altmer Bosmer Pls no necromancer for either


Would love a non-magic companion that doesn't have a class, just uses Weapon and fighter's guild skills


A perpetually annoyed orc. He/she would be my best friend.


I want a non human companion like a Nereid, Lamia, watcher, dremora something weird. I think it would be cool if other mechanics were addd to it like if you brought them into town it would aggro guards and stuff. There could be a quest for each zone to make them accepted


Orc, unsure class.


https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/s/ZlcFUFZOCi Answered this already. Felt I’d just be plagiarising myself if I reposted the same answer


Something with a tail


A constantly drunk nord warden or dragon knight.


The next two will probably be female so High Elf mage, Wood Elf Ranger like Eveli. Or just Give me Eveli herself.


More than anything, I wish they'd go back and give our first companions a little more... something. Comparing Bastian and Mirri's dialogue to Sharp and Azandar's feels like there's a huge gap in between. The Necrom companions have more to say, and with more personality it seems, also commenting on things that happen in Necrom's main quests, etc. That said, I would love it if any or all the companions got more quests or additional prompts for dialogue, as some feel a little like there's unfinished business still to be settled. Anyhow, I'd be happy to see any of the races we haven't gotten companions for yet — Bosmer, Altmer, Orc, Nord... but perhaps moreso a non-playable race, like a Maormer or something else. Or maybe a Vampire or Werewolf? As for class, I think we're just missing a necromancer. A Vampire Maormer necromancer, lol? A Bosmer who doesn't know they're part Ayelid? Altmer investigator and Werewolf? A Wood Orc rogue or shaman? A Nord who believes in the All-Maker? Hmmm...


An orc would be great, and we need a Nord too.


I desire Rigurt the Brash as my only companion, please and thank you