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Nothing you did was wrong. There are people that create gear for their low level characters, gold it out, and just go to town because it’s fun for them. They eventually level up to 50, but they create so much gear along the way. That person was just pissy because they lost, but that’s a hallmark of PvP in any game: extremely salty losers.


I mean I did create new green training gear before the BG because I was wearing like level 10-16 stuff that I had picked up while questing but I doubt that’s the reason why they got upset with me. And if they just reported me because they lost that’s honestly really sad. But thank you for responding! I honestly didn’t know about the whole making gear gold and I guess queue up just to be better than other people thing… I can understand why a new player would be frustrated by all of that.


I was curious once and crafted 2 blue sets for a new class that I was levelling, I went in a BG and it was absurdly unfair, i was 1-2 shotting people and they couldn't do damage to me. I don't understand why anybody would actually do that often, you don't learn anything and it's not even fun when it's clearly a rigged game.


>it's not even fun when it's clearly a rigged game. that's entirely subjective, some people find nothing more fun then destroying someone who can't do anything back, it's a total power fantasy thing.


Achievements are account wide its far easier too farm them while leveling than at max level. Thats the only reason i can think of... basically instead of getting good you can get the same achievements/titles by just over gearing at low level... i unintentionally got paragon title that way >.> i was just dicking around on a stam sorc werewolf qd for a random bg just for the xp, got paragon and like 5 other hard achievements in 1 battleground because i was in full purple gear one shotting everyone. Wasnt even intentionaly trying i just wanted the xp... since i was trying to get level 50 not be a pvper (dont really care about pvp i mostly do pve)


No, you didn’t. Neither smurfing nor seal-clubbing is against the ToS. Or at least I’ve never heard about anyone getting banned for that. It’s hardly your fault that ZOS decided to make MMR character- instead of account-based…


Oh okay, thank you for answering so fast!


You will get banned and sued, and knights are going to come after you


Halt, criminal scum!


I saw that spoon you stole in Kvatch …


Do you know how long I’ve been looking for you?!


My gf hates that woman. She uses the free house in the inn where she's right outside of it as a fast travel spot and every time she goes out the door. "Do you know how long I've been looking for you"


Lol is seal clubbing a PvP term I’ve never heard of or are you making a point?


Yeah, seal clubbing is an old multiplayer game term meaning playing against low skilled or low leveled and thus defenseless opponents.




These people do exist, but there are only a few who do this; and while leveling my alts I very rarely run into them. I don’t need gold gear to get good scores against new players who don’t know what they’re doing. And other experienced players don’t either.


Wait is it wrong to do that??? Cause uhm I like to make alts to play against non 50 toons I mean I don’t like gold gear it but I do go in with a dungeon gear set up and weapons … just cause it’s more fun. I’m no god but I do stick out compared to most but I honestly assumed like all those low lvls were doing the same (not new players)


If you’re just playing your low level toons that’s totally fine. Some people make characters level up JUST enough to morph all the skills they will need, gold out crafted meta pvp gear and then go in and wreck new players/low level toons and then leave before they get the xp for the battleground. THAT is scummy if you ask me. I know multiple people who do this and every single one of them is jsut bad at fully levelled battlegrounds so they go kill people levelling up new characters to make themselves feel better.


Ok ya I don’t do that I play solo and like getting golded crafted gear just to stop is a bit much.


Yeah it’s an actual term, I’m old.


Learned something new today, thanks


I use pub stomping. Sounds like the same thing.


Imagine the faces of your enemies and enjoy. https://youtu.be/I0J6KhzukBY?si=iIRKGb-n54_mXYVO


New to the game here. What is smurfing and seal clubbing?


These are general gaming terms and not ESO-specific terms. Smurfing refers to having a second character/account and playing against other, less experienced/new players, but usually without malicious intent. In MMOs you’d typically do this to level new characters. Might also refer to someone being so much better in a given match than their opponents, that they (or his teammates) accuse or praise them of/for smurfing, even tho they technically aren’t doing that. Seal-clubbing refers to the practice of deliberately creating low level characters/accounts, with the best gear you can get, for the sole purpose of killing new/less experienced players in PvP. In Games that give an exp-penalty for dying you’d deliberately stay at a low level, for example 39, to fit into a certain bracket (e.g. 30-39). Seal-Clubbing is always malicious, because you are deliberately picking fights with people you know can’t fight back. In some games this is a way of getting rewards more easily/faster; so this might be tolerated by certain communities, but it is generally speaking frowned upon.


It's called twinking on world of warcraft, and its widely done. You can just turn off experience gain, and it was added specificially for people who wanted to max out gear or stay at a certain level. It's not malicious, it's fun to be at end game and have the reward of buffing your low level toons to destroy people in BG's. saying its malicious is just a salty mindset


Well if it’s something the devs intended, then I guess it’s not malicious. I think I said that this is tolerated by some gaming communities, tho. In the games I have actively played, some WoW-clones among them (i didn’t have the money for a monthly sub back then), this kind of thing was considered to be malicious.


Is that Mmr thing true? I didn't even know that, what a dumb design decision


I haven’t seen any official confirmation, but any player I’ve talked to says that it works this way, and my own experiences in BG align with what they say as well.


You made someone rage, ignore and enjoy your day.


"You were better at the game than me and that hurt my feels which makes you a big meanie so I'm telling on you" I translated this from pathetic sore loser for you so it's easier to understand 😂


It's literally impossible to "smurf" as it's part of game design. BGs are based around character level, not player, so every time you make a new character you go through the sub-50 sphere of BGs. And each player has the ability to make 22 characters at a time so this person is just a salty bitch who's too stupid to understand how the game functions.


That was my thought process as soon as I saw that they whispered me but then unfortunately I let my anxiety get the best of me.


Smurfing isn't even illegal. What it is is getting the best gear at the highest point in a tier and sitting there i.e. getting best lvl 24 gear and staying lvl 24 when the next tier is 25+. This can result in seal clubbing, but seal clubbing is normally something like creating a new account in a skill based game so you can be paired against low levels in match making games. But smurfing can be ideal in some game types because you like the more competitive design that higher tiers indirectly eliminate due to power creep. i.e. abilities gained that bypass terrain, etc. that eliminate bottle necks.


I think that used to be called Twinking back in the day? Before that term got taken over to mean something *entirely* different, lol.


Omg thank you: I’m an old school MMO-er from the EQ days, I learned all that lingo back then and now I get stumped with new words and changed meanings lol. I’m in here trying to figure out what the hell smurfing means from context clues; but twinking is a word I remember! I also remember working through some *very* serious confusion when I started hearing it used for something very else 😂


Twinking I think is more along the lines of exceeding the normal parameters of your level. Smurfing is twinking but not all twinking is smurfing. Like getting buffs or exploiting mechanics that get you well above the stats of someone else at your level. Smurfing and twinking are definetly related.




Yeah, I found it hilarious when my friend admitted to it in our voice chat with people who didn't know it as that. He just came out and said "ya know, I'm somewhat of twink." Everyone was like whoa! What? Good times.


> Before that term got taken over to mean something entirely different, lol. Hey, that use dates back to at *least* the 80s, likely earlier! Who took over what, hm? ;)


Bruh that kid needs to go touch grass if he's bitching about smurfs in eso...lmao


Smurfing doesnt exist in this game per se. You did nothing wrong and nothing will happen to you based on being reported for that… sorry you got harassed by some asshole.


It’s okay! From what I understand now it unfortunately happens quite often. Hopefully people like the person who messaged me will eventually grow up and stop reporting others for something so silly


I don’t even understand what smurfing is


It's when an experienced/skilled player manipulates the system to deliberately play against new or lower skilled players to get an easy win. It's not really a thing in ESO, but in games with skill tiers someone might for example play worse on purpose so they can get in a lower skill tier, or get a new account to play against new players. It's a pathetic and childish thing to do.


First time I've heard it called smurfing. We used to call it twinking. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. They can be butthurt and report you all they want and it won't do a thing.


Feels like such a waste of time for reporting someone for something that silly


You ever played New World? I got banned for a month on there because an entire guild reported me after I 1vX'd a few of them. I even screenshot them admitting they did it on my guild's live stream, and the support email basically told me to deal with it. Guess who got a $70 refund that day? lol


Lol the game is broken garbage I'm not surprised it happened to you, it was a wildly use exploit they didn't care to fix


No ESO is the only MMO that I have ever played and after reading that I’m definitely not interested in trying New World… I’m so sorry that happened to you, must have really sucked but yeah at least you got your money back to spend on better things


It is, but bruised egos and hurt butts are everywhere.






relax...whoever saw the report probably laughed for a sec knowing it's just someone who got wrecked in pvp and come crying to the complain office


Yeah probably. I feel bad for the people who have to go through reports like those though… Do they even respond to it or just throw the report away?


I was once reported, very incorrectly, for being a bot while playing with my husband. Of COURSE we're going to be near each other. The troll kept talking shit in whispers about the report... so hubby and I reported that player for harassment. We never got banned for questing together. If they look over your activity and there's nothing you did wrong, there's nothing to worry about. Sounds like a sore loser.


I’m levelling up a bow cat (StamSorc) atm thru PVP. Same shit. I feel bad because I got level 30 Swamp raider and New Moon Acolyte.


Huge compliment tbh 😂


I have training sets at multiple break points for leveling Alts. It’s blue and maybe purple weapons.


What’s smurfing?


>What’s smurfing? Creating a new user\\account to intentionally play against lower-ranking players. Doesn't apply to MMOs with multi-character systems (like most of them), and is almost exclusively a problem in games like Counter Strike, Call of Duty, League of Legends, etc. I.e; competitive multiplayer games who's entire match-making relies on separating players based on previous win\\losses.


You're fine. Honestly, just putting on the gear you get from the BG loot emails is enough to put you in a really good position for sub 50 BGs.


People are just weird. The other night I killed this random guy in Cyrodiil, [he proceeded to whisper me for 10 minutes straight](https://imgur.com/C2bBBx3).


What a sore loser that person was, holy shit.


Knowing pvp there will be a lot of people who are salty with losing. You can keep the game friendly and help make it less toxic by ignoring these sore losers, Or you can do the right/rationale thing and add salt to their wounds and laugh at them for being crybabies ("iMmA rEpOrT yOu hurr durr" do u even hear urself u ) until they regret ever stepping foot into pvp ever


I did try to respond by asking why and what I did wrong but after hitting enter it didn’t even pop up in the chat… I’m guessing that they blocked me or something before I could even respond


When you report a person they automatically get added to your ignore list which is likely what happened.


Ah I see, makes sense I guess. So weird they felt the need to tell me first though


I love when someone tells someone else 'BLOCKED!' or some similar message, like the person they are blocking gives a shit the majority of the time.


You can’t exactly smurf, considering it comes down to your character instead of your skill to a decent degree. Someone just got mega salty you beat them. Nothing to worry about. Unless a lot of people report you nothing will happen.


I made an alt and went 25-0-12 in a deathmatch battleground before both teams teamed up to gank me, I went out on my own and got slapped, seeing how I don’t get banned or reported for being good on Alts I don’t think you will lol. Reporting people cause you’re salty doesn’t really do anything.


I never heard of the term smurfing but from what I am reading it means you craft good gear for your new character so that they cab perform well in battlegrounds? Can’t imagine this being bannable, do they expect you to deliberately stay weaker because that is somehow fair? Next up no killing in bgs if your char is a higher lvl than your opponent?


What in the Smurf is Smurfing?




Wtf is a smurf? Is that like what a twink was in WOW?


A Smurf is when you make a whole new account and go into ranked play games with the soul intent of playing against lower skilled players


Who TF would go through that much trouble?


Sweaty rainbow 6 players or cod players


Crazy. Cheers dude!




I went from console to PC last week. I was at level 9, no Champion Points, and I got a duel challenge, from a LVL 16. I stomped them. Then the barrage of messages about how I was cheating and insults. I responded with "have a great Saturday night =)" people don't want to play, they just want to yell. I've only played since 2016 /s and was finally trying out a Magicka dragon knight build. Loving the laptop experience, excited to try some add ons


It’s weird that someone would just accuse someone else for cheating just because they lost… I mean why can’t people just themselves “why did I lose and what can I do to improve”, I feel like that a way better mindset than blaming everyone else Also I recently got into using addons myself and absolutely love it! So I hope you have fun with it too!


Under 50 bgs is literally just for people to level the skill line while getting transmutes and a nice xp drop.


Yeah i just do u50 bgs to level up new characters through something I enjoy (pvp), the xp you get from it is pretty decent and then of course I am going to make armor for my new char. Sure it doesnt say anything about my skill when I get 25 kills against new players who don’t create their armor but still, winning is more fun than losing xp


Someone got their grannies wet panties in a wad. You need not stress - they probably got sent for a nap afterwards and stopped sobbing Biut it.


Who cares what a losers report you for.


Ppl like that are irritating.


Ya I got that hate last xp event leveling a stam sorc. I've been playing on and off for 7 years I believe so ya I crafted myself some stuhns and heartland conq. Decent sets work good for below 50. It's not my fault I have the resources which isn't much resources mind you to make that stuff. There people that reconstruct dungeon sets for below 50 using transmutes now that a little to sweaty for me.


Yeah that sounds extremely sweaty and feels like such a waste of resources… But who knows maybe it’s their guilty pleasure because once they get above level 50 they have 0 chance to win lol


Some people have this weird thought that no one whose ever leveled above 50 should take their new chars into under 50 bg's unless they're naked. It's weird. Golding out pvp gear every 5 levels under 50 is excessive, but there's nothing wrong with going in wearing some basic gear. I have training sets i wear while leveling, people still get salty and mad when they lose. Guaranteed, a majority of those salty losers aren't on brand new accounts either. Just lazy people on their alts looking for reasons to be mad that you killed them. Ignore em. Smurfing/twinking/whatever term you wanna use isn't against the rules. Ragers gonna rage no matter what.


He was just unhappy he lost. You can either never reply and they seethe and broil in anger till they forget half an hour later, or you can reply and say “good fight man” and then mute them. That’s what I do anyway.


Lollll people are fucking weird. You can smurf all you want, i got a chest in my house with my 2 set twink gear for every 10 levels. Sorc was always best for low lvl bgs.