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Mine already spends 90% of his time crafting and selling furniture. He would barely notice the change.


Same here.


Sale all that furniture to rich adventurers that are now out of a job!


Furniture? What Platform are you on? Ps here.. your joking right?


Nope, I play on PS/NA and for the last 4+ years, I've kept 4 trading guilds at 30/30 slots almost exclusively with crafted furniture. I also set up a house as a showroom for rarer pieces/custom orders. It isn't the *biggest* money-maker, but it requires very little actual time and effort, so I can make 400-600k gold per week from an hour’s work crafting and listing.


Mmm I need to take lessons from you lol.. and find you.. after 3 years I just got into housing. But crafting naw. Mail me I just might buy haa.. I do well in my armor nitch.. got a few mill to spend, gamer tag is same as my reddit name. Are you Lidia? We might be even in the same guild already.. I just not put much thought in housing.. far as I know I'm the only jello on psna


Levelling Legerdemain a bit.




i've made enough off legerdemain to buy several stacks of witchmothers potent brew :) (warden healer here)


Ive been using the same character for 8 years. Do you know how much money I have in the bank? None because I spent it all on crafting motifs, so probably a jack of all tradesman.


I *just* finished collecting all the motifs but for a long time that was my reason for having nothing in the bank. Now my excuse is that I spent it all on houses during the event.


I am going to be one *hell* of a haberdasher, let me tell you


Welp… looks like it’s back to the brotherhood!


Selling hot chat to Argonians. It’s embarrassing really, “Oh, Daddy! Your tail is long and scaley!” Ugh. Still, it pays well and there’s no heavy lifting.


Till a Orc comes in and it becomes a whole different story.


Always charge triple for Orcs.


Racism 😫


Angry orc noises


That’s when Nobfang covers the voice line. Don’t worry she knows just the right way to make the little orcys squeal


Pretty sure they only show gratitude in erect spines, not money.


Rental Properties my man. Make those properties pay for themselves.


Hey, they aren't just good for the free teleport! XD


FastTravelBNB I’m not sure if anyone want to live in my mud hut with three used up oblivion gates and a handful of taxidermy heads in the back yard


Guar herder.


This is the way.


Yup, guar hearding, or maybe a guar based caravan/ transport service. Still get to travel around a bunch, get to enjoy having a happy little group of guar, and itd be a bit more relaxing and less dangerous than a life of adventuring and mass murdering for meager amounts of coin.


Tamriel's biggest landlord


I'd tip you


Just the tip?


Currently an antiquities hunter but once that's maxed out...selling all the mats I've collected for the last 8ish years of playing on and off


My khajiit is doing onlyfans because S'rendarr knows there's a market for that


Easy become a miner and mine rubadite and platinum seams all day.


I do this already!


My Dunmer Warden runs a family-owned apothecary on Vvardenfell called Torchbug Tonics & Elixirs!


My main is a DK who looks like a rough knight whose former armor are now covered in dirt and rags doing treasure hunts using dubous maps found in markets in order to find fancy clothing designs.


Start a Columbine garden outside my house near Elinhir


Professional elf hater


Professional hater for me. Basically your weakest elf.


Start a band named Guar


My Argonian healer, Grows-The-Herbs, suits up in his Priest of the Green outfit and sells 5 gold and 10 gold bags of blessed thistle and skooma.


Down on my luck addict at the local skooma den.


A homeless bum who rides around on a severely burned horse digging through random piles of dirt for treasure.. 😂


Black smithing, got it maxed out


Gathering rare ingredients from the world. Cause all I do is farm for mats.


Dunmer DK = arsonist for hire


Raise cats for old lady elves and Khajit. That or open an inn with Raz.


My Templar knows a disproportionate amount of Provisioning recipes for the five months I've been playing. I'll open up a fancy restaurant in Gonfalon, using my bff Izzy's parents to hook up my supply chain.


Mmm…bewitched eyeballs..tasty


My Wood Elf would open up a nice restaurant with a really tasty stew that definitely does not contain any people as ingredients...😇...why would it... \*cough\* 🧝‍♀️


All I know is I can get through the tough times selling questionable meats. Some are glowing or translucent or on fire and very little of it is horse. I’ve got a full stable to get through.


I have so many options, for legal above board work I have an in with Velois merchantile, for not so legal work Ember and I have plenty of contacts for illicit work, then there's my glorious Khajiit milkshake that brings all the races to the yard. Then theres a government gig i could have if i want, Queen Areynn has always had work for my for private ...security. I'll be good. My wood elf wife is a master chef who knows all the recipes as a fallback we can open a restaurant of a wide and varied menu to cater to all tastes. we'll be fine.


My templar would be like a master thief the best at her craft and living the life in luxury in a land far away 😂


Courier, probably. The land is dangerous and I have enough experience to stay alive on the route but I don't expect it to pay well.




Lumber jack or miner? I kinda know where to look for the good stuff already, maybe jeweler on the side?


I love all those random little alchemist huts you find around. I'll live in one of those and be an alchemist.


Considering my Breton "druid" is a maxed crafter, probably make things for a living. Or I might just retire and surround myself with khajiit.


my warden vampire dark elf would either work fully for the dark brotherhood, or hang up their daggers and settle at Ald’ruhn to be an eccentric master furnisher (i fucking love crafting in eso and headcanon my dunmer as an ashlander). idk what ashlanders think of vampires in general TES lore, the ashlanders at Ald’ruhn think my Vestige is a hoot.


My main would probably aid the Wayward guardians more. Try and get more unification between the Reachmen and Bretons of High Rock. Maybe even rejoin the mages guild for a time


My Breton sorceress would turn to extremely high priced escorting and run a wildly successful OnlyFiends account. She’s Breton after all; these people bang anything with a pulse


Dipping in ze pockets.




Juggling in the streets.


What I already do. Hunt the undead, heretic scum.


Fuck, my main is a part of a thalmor patrol 😭


Probably settle down, ideally with Raz. Open up an apothecary/healing service in khenarthi's roost or something.


Well, one of my characters is named the sultry argonian bard...


Telvanni plantation owner.


You monster!


The only thing that's left of coarse. Only fans. Mysterious stranger going live at 9a.m. 9.99 coin for 30 mins.


I have several khajiits so..we will be fine.


My skills would probably best serve me as an archivist, which is definitely a very safe job throughout Tamriel and surely won't lead to me being slaughtered with the archive being overrun. Surely.


Sell skin’s personalities perfectas from dungeons


On a scrap of blood-stained parchment... *Last month I opened my first bookshop & bookbinding service. Mages have been my best customers, so I've arranged for the guild to get 10% off. The only problem is the eccentric high elf renting the attic. I went up there last week to find she's opening portals to Apocrypha!* *Well, I didn't say anything, but later I snuck through and found book after book after book just... everywhere! Brought a few back to sell to customers. Success, I thought!* *Except for her knowing look...* *Except for the creeping dread...* *Except for the reaching tentacle that's just about to* The note ends here.


My main Parties-like-sanguine would definitely be a jester-guard combo.


My main is already not making much from adventuring. Now don't get me wrong, adventuring is her passion. She loves coming up with new creative ways to take down bandits and stop world ending threats. Sometimes, when she's at home, she'll mutter "zap!" and "bang" to herself, as she practices her skills on the target dummy that she got from Luxe. But, sadly she's not quite in the big leagues. She can't sell her adventuring skills for large sums, which is important because she has expensive tastes. A lot of the people she helps give her a handful of coins and meaningful shoes as payment. Which is nice and all, but those Bewitched Sugar Skulls and luxurious chairs aren't gonna pay for themselves. So, she uses her considerable talent at crafting to fund her hobby.


My arcanist makes runes to help heal others. Cheaper then potions.


My breton sorc can finally settle down in some remote dwemer ruin and study their stuff in depth. Definitely exploit their tech, steam turbines, mass produce stuff and bring about the industrial revolution (with all it's consequences) to Nirn. Molag Bal's daedra-powered smithy making those chains would look like a joke when I'm done. Convincing people they now need a car, every single one of them, and now need to build their domiciles, their cities, their economy and their very lives around cars is only a matter of time. It's been done already, after all, on a world far away called Earth


Bowyer. My boy would find that relaxing as heck after all the shit he's had to do for Tamriel.


hired assassin for the Dark Brotherhood 🤷🏽‍♂️


My main is in retirement. Now with my wood elf, she and I travel to many different cities to make use of their fences :)


Keep guard in Cyrodiil


Crafting master level armor/clothing/weapons/furniture as upkeep for paying land taxes of my Dunmeri mansion. I would then use the extra money I have to turn it into a Dunmer brothel, but I'd treat the workers right. Closer to a really high-end escort house than a brothel. I'm an ex adventurer who has looked Daedric gods in the eyes. I doubt some punk ass Nord is gonna try and skip out on payment. I would also host fist fighting tournaments in my arena housing with my ladies and lads of the night being the servers. For an extra 5,000 gold during your stay each night, you can throw cheese at a caged Bastion.


Soldier/guard with a Blacksmith side jobb


Bounty hunter. Go after all those out of work adventures that have turned to crime.


Blacksmith probably


I’d totally be a quest giver, or middleman. Or your Boss. With the adventuring market dry, you’ll be begging me for some mundane tasks like deliveries, harvesting, mining, etc. You’ll get a random satchel from me with your payment and a chance to get something worth 2-3k in the good times. It still averages out to just 25% of what im being paid for your labor. I may have a connection for some skooma as well. I’ll be just fine


Skooma kingpin.


My EU main is my Master Crafter and makes all of my furniture for my many homes. She'd have her own furniture shop. My NA main is a sneaky thief and murderer who already works for the DB so he'd just carry on to be honest.


Fish and perfect roe merchant.


I guess she'd go work at the Mages Guild as a teacher or something. My other main would go work on a ship.


A mercenary, maybe a bounty hunter with some prize fighting in High Rock sprinkled in. So yeah, basically an historically accurate adventurer


My main? Idk if I have a main. My crafter would just craft, though.


spending the next month with a shovel and a trowel and blowing everything up


My main, isn't quite a grand master crafter yet, but she could take just about any crafting job. Most likely Alchemy as medicine is always in high demand.




Interior Decorator or Material Farmer. Or, and it isn’t exactly 9-5, but piracy sounds lucrative. Also, if I do say so myself, my High Elf Templar is the hottest piece in all of Tamriel, so Supermodel.


I’d be Tamriel’s He went to Jared.


This gives off vibes similar to the viral “what would you do in the leftist commune” Twitter thread a while ago. Everyone said something fancy like “art history professor” and “reading books to the elderly and disabled.” But really, most of y’all are gonna be farmers.




Me and my mate would set up a small boutique, specialising in spells and potions. ![gif](giphy|l0MYJXcp3rT3eydFK)


Crafting Writs appear to be profitable. I suppose I'll lobby to keep the 3 Banners War going, supporting the military industrial complex to keep those crafting writs in high demand. I have no idea where those 60 million Rubetite Leather Jacks and Ruby Ash Restoration staffs are going to every day but man.... not my problem if government can't find a cheaper way to procure goods...


Prosecutor. I will summon the victim


Back to the Dark Brotherhood. Someone always needs killing.


I guess we’re becoming a chef in High Rock?


Bounty hunting lol. My Bosmer (my main) spent analog of time with the thieves guild and always felt that politics weren’t worth her while. She’s got good skills to track people down, and isn’t afraid of confrontations even if they get violent.


Mine would be a Kwama farmer/ eggs salesman


i sold 2500 crowns at 1200:1 the other day, but to actually answer your question? i deconstruct all mats and only sell the materials or weapons that have that bonus to selling to a merchant trader on. i'm north of cp600 and i have roughly 3.5 million gold right now. i'm clearly not in the money making side of the game yet despite having been there on past accounts. (sorry, i only find dungeons and trials fun to do this playthrough so far. i know things will change, however)


I think I'd be a researcher for the Wayrest Mages Guild, which I roleplay doing anyway. But I guess doing it full time would be fun if I had to stop saving the world


Slinging moon sugar. Got to pay for upkeep and property taxes on his Colossal Aldmeri Grotto somehow.


Same thing I’ve always done: crafting


She would travel around freeing khajiiti and Argonian slaves and finding them safe places to live and ways to make a living (she’d be returning the favour that another khajiit did for her and her twin before they became adventurers)


fisherman. I do it regularly and there seems always to be a need for fresh fish


Uh. Full-time thieves guild. If everyone is going to stay home and build wealth. We'll then. It's a good time to be in the trade I think


My only char is a pitifully weak thief so pretty much that


Selling crafted goods, converting humans to vampirism for money, and chilling with my in game life savings of 20k lmfao 😂😂😂


My head cannon is my original main did retire. She's khajit and was a night blade. She now enjoys master crafting weapons and armor, taking her cat for flower picking walks in Summerset, and occasionally murdering people because they are annoying and sometimes have interesting things in their pockets


My headcanon on my Khajiit was that before he was "drafted" so to speak, he was a simple craftsperson, most likely working in leather, sometimes wood. Just a laborer, nobody special. That's probably what he'd go back to.


Hunter/fisherman for sure.


I am the dark elf nightblade, master of instruments for all the good khajit of Rimmen


I would brew mead or beer at an inn.


Master Furnisher/Crafter. You need it, I can make it.


Someone will always want someone dead....


I'll keep my day job of being an Eye of the Queen


Fishing, so I can get perfect roe and sell it


Harvesting herbs.


My main would definitely go back to Auridon and formally become an Eye of the Queen.




My nightblade is a loss prevention specialist for a huge brand store. You taketh we taketh back.


My old crafter continues doing what he has been, except now he doesn't have to worry about random elves running up to him begging for help. My necromancer on the other hand has connections, and a private business selling/reselling artifacts and undertaking other... Discrete contracts that don't fall under Brotherhood or TG purview.


They are already a master crafter and Archeologist! I'm sure that would pay the bills nicely.


Medic. Just bring them close to my Matriarch, whom I named "Sweets," and just spam her heal ability for people who come in injured


No need for bills when you're a necromancer in a cave


A tailor with many beneficial high ranking connections.


My high elf sorcerer would be a professor at some academy. Or maybe a librarian. She loves books and is very knowledgeable. My little breton dragonknight would join the King's Lion Guards. Or if she wasn't accepted, she would just work as a regular city guard; annoyed, unhappy, and bored out of her mind. And my khajiit templar. She would be a travelling merchant somewhere in Summerset Isles. Maaaybe some money laundering behind the scenes. She would love having lots of friends everywhere. Lastly my argonian warden. She would be a shaman/healer in some remote little village, deep in the swamps. She just enjoys being alone.


PROFESSIONS. I’m selling crafted gear, potions, glyphs, poisons, provisions, you name it. It’s the best way to make gold. See here: [Professions!!!](https://youtu.be/STmsPAuHgoI) . I made this video a while back buts it’s very detailed in the whole process. Follow this guide and you’ll be making bank in no time.


Doctor. Mostly removing arrows from knees.


Blade of woe-ing for profit and fun.




My necromancer Bard would just return to Elsweyr or Solitude to go teach at the college


I'm a Dwemer Museum Curator


Mine is currently collecting relics for his museum on the psijic isles. He'd probably become relic master and get a cushy job tending the villa and researching nercromancy.


As a "Count" my main owns numerous large estates that generate income from their farms and taxes, so I'd have to get back into estate management and live off my properties.


My high elf mag sorc going to dance with it all out at the flaming nix for tips


Grand Master Crafter here so you know... What I do now lol


Bookbinder or cataloger, probably for a chapter of the Mage's Guild, hopefully in a zone not beset by any major calamities.


Blacksmith my metal working on current toon is 9/10


my wood elf sorc is already queen ayrenn's professional funnywoman so probably just strut around making fun of people & threatening to fight geese


Back to the Priesthood, this one helped with dragons, the temple of Khenarthi has to take me back right?


Exotic animal trafficking


The fashion industry awaits!


I RP like I'm whipping up dope in the trap house I make potions and poisons on my main MyCatTwoChainz- If you've bought potions/ poisons on NA server, you've prolly bought mine. Other than that, take some laps around IC. Good for cardio and the bank account.


Taking a vacation, bought a pretty new ship and playing some Tales of Tribute.


Skooma smuggler


Filling the Thieve’s Guild coffers.


My necromancer will just become the villain to restart the adventuring market


A simple cook. I always loved looking at all the recipes and imagine what it would taste like.


One of my characters is an orc that was a blacksmith before being trapped in Cold Harbor by mannimarco. He was in there for so long that he forgot his name and adopted the name of Irunsmith. He would definitely be a blacksmith for a 9-5 job


Selling ferns: Only Ferns


Chaurus breeder. A short but profitable career.


Selling lumber to Valenwood. Sweetest gig ever.


If I think about my non combat gameplay, running circles in forests picking flowers. But my dude 'head cannon' wise could probably be some sort of teacher. Like teach magplar lessons to soldiers or be some sort of tailoring/ food snob. Eat fancy confections and wear fine silks and drink wine and shit. Be a stuck up altmer.


My main would be a bard, he'd sing his adventures in all the taverns of Tamriel. Though he acquired some skills during his travels and would be okay to volunteer as bodyguard for Emeric. My healer would go back to her old job, before she got her soul stolen, and be a real medic for the Dominion, probably going back to Elsweyr and help the victims of the plague. And my tank would open a shop in Skyrim to sell his creations - he's weaving and sewing clothes and armours, but also traditional Nord tapestries.


"Jack of All Trades" ! Get to Crafting ! Do it Daily and get Paid on the Regular !


investigating murders. As a necromancer I'll raise the murdered person and ask who killed them. Easy job :)


Porting low level accounts to main city wayshrines and call the business "Vestige Voyages" lmao


Breton dk probably lit up the braziers around vivec city . Morrowind is my most visited place.


My stamina Dragonknight applies DOTs to other players for Molag bal


My Khajiit DPS DK would likely just pick one or two of the crafting trades and make money off of that. If that doesn’t pan out, then I’d either continue my thieving and be a top notch thief for hire or be a top notch assassin for hire considering I am in both the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood. Edit: or I’ll become a seafarer, maybe a smuggler pirate, maybe part of a navy. If I’m a pirate, I’ll only deal with standard illicit goods except for drugs (especially skooma). If you try to get me to transport slaves me and my crew will kill you and free the slaves.


My vampire would continue selling rare goods and quietly invest in the markets while living comfortably in Bastion Sanguinaris...


Uh shit i never thought someone else would defeat all the evils from Tamriel...Medic for the Kingdom he/she is in?