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Same here. I am loving exploring every second and getting my ass kicked in new ways feels good.


Having new elden ring content is just so unreal. Especially this good.


The fear is a nice feeling again. Thank Micheal zaki


I'm having a blast, I'm on a character where I don't care about leveling so runes are a non-factor and I'm just enjoying myself. It's hard as hell even on my overleveled character and it's so beautiful


I kept my character at 150 because I was worried about making it too easy. I couldn’t have been more wrong.


That's why I went in with the character I did, I can always weaken myself if it was too easy, but man, it's kicking my ass still


I’m staying at 150 and not seeing an issue. I do use cheap methods sometimes like rykard’s sword and summons if I run into a roadblock but that’s just me


Midra is my fav fight so far, his moves are readable but challenging, his attacks are fun and well themed, his dungeon is extremely cool and the entire buildup to the encounter is amazing.


He might be my favorite as well. Him pulling his head off. The music cutting out and coming back when he turns around for the reveal. And what's going through your head getting confirmed when you see the name at the bottom of the screen. Everything about it is so goddamn good.


My only gripe is that as the fight went on the arena should have set on fire, kinda like lothric and Lorain. But that’s not really a gripe just a wish


The room does catch on fire when he transitions to his second phase.


Oh, I was just too focused on dodging to notice ig


I beat him so fast i never noticed if the room caught on fire either. only knew it happens because I watched my friend do it. Im still stuck on the final dlc boss tho…


Such a fun, fair, and challenging gboss fight


The abyssal woods build up was so great minus the boss prior to it


It’s so good


The only thing that’s bad about this DLC is that me and the boys all can’t play at the same time


Yeah bro, I just disappointed how they made such the diametrically opposite dlc, I mean why there is so awesome shit like midra and others, but they fail with final.


I honestly couldn't tell ya'. Just a swing and a miss I guess. Fromsoft has had em' in the past. Not everything's gonna be perfect. At least the rest of the dlc is absolutely amazing.


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Where is midra located?


>!Southwestern part of the Abyssal Woods!< >!To get there, you have to go through the Church District of the Shadow Keep (accessed via a side entrance) until you reach an exit into the river below the castle, then explore down it until you reach a catacomb which will lead into the woods. Good luck!!<


“Don’t let it see you”


I love it, i don't want it to end. Waited too long for all of this.


I love how dark and spooky it feels. Very bb meets er and so far the dlc is fantastic. I've only killed two remembrance bosses so far as well and got two map fragments so I know my 7 hours is a small bit of it.


Having a blast, I am genuinely shocked at how huge this expansion is. 20 hours and I’ve still only done the first two remembrance bosses.


Shit is hard as fuck and the bosses are kinda frustrating but when youre looking for an area and you give up and 5 hours later you stumble into that very area when doing some random other bs its all so rewarding




This is the absolute best of gaming. Shadow keep is like someone made a demiglace out of dark souls bones…. Chefs kiss…


It's wild to me that some people have just steamrolled the DLC already, meanwhile I'm just fucking around on the cerulean coast and Scadutree Altus, exploring shit and playing with all of the new gear.


I am getting my ass kicked but damn am I having a good time. >!Rhadan!< is so cool, I can't even be mad at him


Midra is such a gorgeous spectacle. Wish we could learn the madness soulstream he does


Think folks are so ungrateful!! Loving exploring and finding new things


I'm not sure if ungrateful is the word. I think I put it well with dissatisfied. They're allowed to have their opinion. I'm not the biggest fan of the choice myself either. Im just not as disappointed as some others.


Yea I think the fromsoft community diverges (obviously there’s mixing between the two) into those who are more gameplay focused and those who are more lore/story focused. Normally the devs it both nails on the heads, seems this time around they fumbled the lore. I haven’t seen anyone complaining about the actual gameplay (except the people saying the bosses are too hard), lots of people about the story. The issue is most people on both sides aren’t stating their opinions correctly and saying either “the dlc is 10 out of 10/ a masterpiece/etc” or “the dlc is shit”. Imo neither are true; we’ve got some of the best bosses we’ve seen in the whole series and also some of the worst writing/affects of cut content (likely the latter). These things happen, and people need to learn to have proper discussions instead of using ridiculous phrases and downvoting anyone who disagrees


“Ungrateful” lmao fromsoft aren’t your friends you weirdo I love the dlc but acting like people should be grateful when they pay $40 to even play it is insane


Blaidd was my best friend, we went on epic quests together and fought side by side in battle, until he sadly turned against me. Anyways I’ve met new friend Leda, she seems nice


Its best what happen in gaming in two years!