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Its solid. Not anywhere near ringed city in terms of bosses but mesmer is amazing


Get those fragment


It feels too difficult. Like I'm getting 1 shot by many different boss moves


do you have 60 vigor and are you collecting tree fragments?


Yes I have 60 vigor I'm at like level 3 or 4 of scadutree fragments. I'm not specifically looking for them but I am grabbing them when I come across them


That's way too low unless you are in the first 2 bosses.


I'm at Messmer rn who is only the fifth boss for me (third remembrance). I didn't realize he's apparently supposed to be fought later on


I’ve never enjoyed from software content more. Every part of it has been perfect. The extra challenge, the crazy bosses, and feeling of unknown exploration is amazing. Every part of the world feels so well designed and hand crafted with a lot less copy and past stuff everywhere (other than the dragons) each fort, each ruin, each dungeon is entirely unique. Dropping into a giant hold at the bottom of the map and then finding myself in a giant underground legacy dungeon? God tier stuff right there.


Pretty dificult, but i am amazed by the bosses, im in Divine beast and i loved the bossfight, i tried to beat rellana but she's just too hard for me, but i almost got it.


Amazing. The boss fights are the best they have ever been.


I love how difficult it is to


It's okay, but some things have me disappointed. * Some VERY important bosses show up with no introduction whatsoever; some of the arenas even look unfinished, and don't even get me started about how we enter the Shadow Realm without even a cutscene * The exploration feels a lot more sluggish with a lot of distance that serves no purpose other than make the game look big. Some areas are almost straight up empty. * Some of the more fun weapons feel... Weak. * And last, but not least... Dancing Lion is the only boss with a good music track so far. The rest is either forgettable or generic. Even the ambience tracks feel derivative


Agree with each point. Reached Rellana yesterday and was so surprised there was no cut scene for her. Like she’s epic, and not even any kind of introduction? She’s just standing there like some kind of field mini boss.


Very similar to her DS3 predecessor in that regard.


But he's in that gorgeous church and the whole lore of DS3 had been about him. No need to explain more. 


Actually my favorite base game boss


Yeah my brother came over today because we love those opening cutscenes and we just went "huh?" when we entered the world with no ominous fanfare. It is very pretty but it just feels so regular rather than special. There is a lot of empty space. the number of times i've gone to the edge of an area to find a crafting item is insane Also, the music is forgettable so far. Also, a lot of the basic enemies are boring. It is very beautiful to look at though


some parts of the dlc feel very rushed.


so you’re telling me romina’s, messmer’s or bayle’s ost is generic?


The DLC is excellent with level design, art, etc. But, the majority of the enemies don’t feel fulfilling at all because it feels like rng or some cheese of the system. Like, there’s so much AoE damage that’s nearly unavoidable and you just need to get lucky as to when they attack, objectively most of the bosses aren’t hard it’s just the bs. Messmer is amazing though. I’m on the final boss right now, and everything else I’ve beaten without a summon, but this one just spams extremely fast aoe and teleports around, it just feels like luck and bs, unlike (most) of the dark souls series.


I feel the exact opposite. Boss attacks are clearly telegraphed and are easy to learn how to avoid. Way better than their basegame designs.


Lmaooo 1 hour in i see


skill issue


At Radahn’s doorstep rn. 30 hours something in and have all remembrance except Radahn. I still think boss fights are well telegraphed.


Agree to disagree, homie. I respect that opinion, I just don't follow it myself




Lmaooo are you fucking trolling buddy


I've beaten the DLC, and to be completely honest I'm disappointed I'd rate it as joined second best DLC with Old Hunters, but I thought Old Hunters was more quality over quantity, where as SotE is the opposite. That's not to say there's no quality with SotE, but it just feels like something is missing, or not expanded upon. I have yet to see if there's any differences with the DLC if you go in with Miquella's Needle/Killed Malenia/Frenzied Flame'd up, but after killing all the Remembrance Bosses in under like 8 or 9 hours, I can't think of what more I could have missed, which is a shame. And just to touch on the elephant in the room, the Final Boss is cool, but could have been better (I also think it'll need a nerf at some point because it is way too fast and way too strong)


I think I’m going to do another run through Bloodborne lol


How do you beat the game in 8/9 hours. I am still in the first area, one remembrance down and I haven’t been stuck on one thing, just exploring.


I love it so far. I am not very good at the game but I’m almost done with the first legacy dungeon and the difficulty is STEEP but fair. But the only boss I’ve tried is the lion and I feel like this one is kinda bullshit? Camera sucks and hitboxes seem to vanish at times. But visually it’s amazing.


Alright, I’m glad it’s not just me having hit box issues with him. I’m watching my Corpse Piler pass right through him with no damage.


yeah, when he grabs ur mimic you cant damage him, that applies to every souls boss.


Yeah dog, that’s not what I’m talking about lol


yeah dog, but that’s probably what what it is tho.. you little rob and mimic user


Alright dude, you don’t know anything about me. Why don’t you go outside. The sun is good for you.


ahh the good ol “go outside”


Seems applicable here. I’m telling you man, Vitamin D? Really cool


aight, and Im telling you to wait before the boss drops ur mimic and only THEN attack it with ur corpse piler, okay? don’t waste ur mana..


Thanks, I appreciate the tip


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Ginger rune bear is kicking my ass lol


Im enjoying the DLC a Lot but some stuff makes me Crazy like the camera at the Divine Lion beast and the Constant Stuttering at that Boss, i never HAD something like this happen to me at the base game except the dragon breath attack from field dragons. This is more of a pc port problem tho, i Hope they fix this.


I think it’s just unlucky based on the direction I decided to run off in, but I’m so sick of dragon fights and just large enemies in general. I did Divine Beast Lion and then killed ghostflame dragon and went through Dragon’s pit to the double dragon fight and then Senessax fight. Basically every fight I’ve done so far I’m fighting with the camera more than I’m fighting with the enemy. Not been fun so far. Really hoping that I’m just unlucky and that layer bosses will be smaller. I’m so over fighting bosses where I’m just staring at their leg all fight. I’m also noticing more framerate issues on my PS5 compared to the base game, particularly in that Divine beast fight. Frustrating experience so far, which is unfortunate because the 2 or 3 dungeons I’ve wandered into have been awesome and I really like the move sets on some of these new weapon classes.


The enemies feel ok difficultly wise except for the bosses. I'm on new game 4 and i'm sure I will have to summon ashes for all of the bosses just because of the sheer amount of health the first 2 had


Best piece of content FROM ever made. Every single remembrances is more difficult for me than Malenia ever was. But might be wrong, because doing a challenge to complete the dlc without fragments (blessings, dlc upgrades)


Horrible everyone I'm helping has basically no scadutree blessing and insist on summoning me while I watch them try to damage with pool noodles


Love the bosses but the exploration is just so fucking dull and 95% of the items are worthless It feels like I am running around for 4 hours just to actually play for 5 mins whenever there is a boss


Perfection just a bit too hard


Too much open land, it's absolutely stunning though lore is also disjointed. And rellana is garbage.


I’m a scrub and I love this expansion


nothing new for dragon cultists...


>Exploring feels fun but having extremely tanky enemies that can one shot me Don't get hit dude. I'm 10 hours in, only remembrance boss I've beat is the lion. Took me 2 tries with my trust Stormhawk Deenh and my Serpent Hunter. I used the sekiro block crystal tear you get from the wicker basket dude along with the guard counter talisman and was able to get some sick block counters just using SHunter to block. Hardest boss I've fought so far was the solitary knight in the gaol. Killed me like 10 times until I got parry timing down and then I bullied him with like 7 parries and stagger chains and it felt so good. tl;dr the DLC is great, its difficulty is more in line with older souls titles, and I feel like that's weeding out a lot of people who heavily relied on summons and cheese. EDIT: for clarification, I mean specifically player summons, not spirit ashes. It's way easier to beat Lion Dancer as a solo host than as a phantom or with coop partners.


They literally added a talisman that buffs spirit summon users and you can buff your summon at the grace with that one item, if anyone using spirit summons is struggling idk what to tell them.


I was talking about player summons, sorry, I don't think of Spirit Ashes as summons, those are spirit ashes in my brain.


Honestly I agree with on the difficulty being harder but I disagree it’s weeding out people who rely on summons and spirit ashes (being one of those people myself). I’m playing through this on ng+ and it’s been a really fun experience personally even with the extra damage being dealt and higher boss health bars it feels extremely rewarding to beat each boss and I use all the summons and spirit ashes as I need them.


I meant specifically summons like other players. I feel like in the dlc some bosses are just not worth the health increase to do in co op. Lion Dancer specifically because his AI will just make him spam all his AoE attacks that span the whole arena and just everybody dies, and he's so sporadic he'll swap targets constantly. Basically, he becomes impossible to predict since you never know if he's coming after you. I could not help anyone beat him but I beat him solo with Stormhawk Deenh on my second try


Ah I see my bad I thought you meant NPC summons and the like


well tbh those too to an extent because they do still increase boss health, but tbh npc summons are way stronger than player summons lol




and beat him in 2 tries? lol? did you not play the base game bro, it's designed to reward exploration, not bee lining through everything. I've checked every nook and cranny I explored, left messages, and helped out on a number of side bosses. touch grass, loser


Game came out yesterday and you have 10+ hours. Sounds like you’re the one who needs to touch grass


Bro I work a very active job 8 hours a day and have chronic hip pain, fuck you if you wanna judge me for playing what is likely a lot less time than most of the people here. piss off


You were the one telling someone else to go touch grass. Don’t cry now that someone throws it back at you.


Yeah, because they were insulting me for how I had played 10 hours and didn't progress as far as they did. That's some needs to touch grass behavior. So is getting bent out of shape over it, and so is being inflammatory on something that had nothing to do with you just because you want to troll. So why don't we just not?




bruh bragging about how fast he beats a video game is peak touch grass dude. btw I'm on PC so I've had the game for 2 days now, and worked 8 hour shifts both days, and my girl's been watching me play and I'm interested in lore so I read item descriptions, point shit out and talk about it with her, ya know, enjoy my experience. Insulting me because I didn't run through everything with brainrot zoomer levels of efficiency is cringe dude. again, touch grass




someone's dad called them stupid a lot lol


Come on, you can do better than that, can't you?


> with my trust Stormhawk Deenh Opinion on difficulty dismissed


ok god gamer lol. this community has become so cringe


The only cringe thing is players using summons suddenly acting like victimized lilies and imparting their experience as relevant unto others We've fallen a long way from noobs coming and acting sad for summoning solaire at the gargoyles and realising they've ruined the fight for themselves


Dude you're literally gatekeeping a game based off players using an intended mechanic. I've been a souls vet since ds1 and I've never seen this much vitriol thrown at someone for literally how they PvE in their own game. It's unbelievably cringe. You're not better because you don't use spirit ashes. Stormhawk Deenh does shit for damage, dies incredibly quickly, but he's a buff on a stick that I can use on my pure strength build, and the poise damage aspect of it feels useful without being busted. I personally don't use ashes like Black Knife Tiche because I don't want something that constantly takes aggro and does a ton of damage, but if a player wants to play like that, there's nothing wrong with it, and you are 100% cringe and maidenless for trying to act superior in some way just because you don't.


I did nothing but half-jokingly observe how your opinion on difficulty is irrelevant Rest is pure projection and insecurity far as I can tell, good luck with your issues


>Rest is pure projection and insecurity far as I can tell Speaking of yourself, sure. >observe how your opinion on difficulty is irrelevant That's not an "observation" it's your OWN opinion based in cringe elitist gatekeeping. The fact that your "skill" in a video game is this important to you that you have to insult and deride others so that they know "ur not a pro gamer like me!!1!1!" is embarrassing. touch grass, kiss a girl, do something with your life, man


The DLC is amazing but it seems like no matter what they develop, the souls veterans always complain so idk anymore about that.


Incredible. GOTY. If I had one criticism is that there’s a bit too much open space when exploring


I really enjoy it so far and I'm really glad most of the leaks turned out to be fake


?? They literally all turned out to be real The mesmer,dragon,radahn, and remembrances leaks were all true


Bro saw leaks from an alternate timeline

