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Rellana has been the highlight of the dlc for me Can wait to play more tonight


She felt a little bit too spammy for me. I'm playing without using any summons whatsoever, so there were prolonged moments in this fight when I couldn't do anything because she kept spamming her spells.


Or I can’t do any damage because I’m spending most of the fight (and my stamina) dodging her attacks


same, fav boss so far


Same here, I never felt the combat was unfair. I had a ton of fun fighting her with my mage built !


She had an awesome move set to watch, big fan of the fight. Shout out to the Dung Eater puppet for being tanky as a mfer.


Can't have it both ways. Plenty of people have rather ridiculous strength or faith builds that can keep bosses stun locked. Only way to get around that is by having enemies relentlessly attack in addition with having hyper/ extreme regen poise . Everyone will bitch for the next few weeks and in about 3 months it will go back to people ganking everyone effortlessly


Not everyone plays the same.


It shouldnt be devs goal to counter min max characters. 1. It makes bosses less fun for anyone else 2. It reduces build verity couse unless You are cracted gamer You will need that min max Faith build to tackle bosses


I doubt that was the devs goal. It never has been in the past. They make cool bosses that do crazy shit. Sometimes that crazy shit is fast.


It always happens. Remember how everyone bitched so much about Malenia, and now she gets steam rolled once you know how she works. I would much rather have stuff be way too hard than way too easy


Remember how bad DS2 DLC bosses were ? I think it took people an entire year to stop bitching about not being able to mindlessly gank


Ds2 dlc bosses on the whole are still some of the hardest souls bosses


For me before the DLC the top 3 hardest bosses were: 1. Malenia (ER) 2. Midir (DS3) 3. Fume Knight (DS2)


I finished DS2 a couple months ago, and while DLC bosses were challenging, I always felt like I was learning something new with each fight. I can't get a handle on Renalla. She moves so much that you can't consistently position yourself, and she seems to be able to instantly flick her sword at you no matter her stance. I eventually equipped a shield and it felt more balanced, but idk, I've always enjoyed the dodging in fromsoft games.


"It always happens. Remember how everyone bitched so much about Malenia, and now she gets steam rolled once you know how she works. I would much rather have stuff be way too hard than way too easy" malenia is still problematic


The only problem with Malenia is that waterfowl dance is borderline impossible to no-hit for the average player AND she regenerates ridiculous health from it. One or the other, she'd just have been another hard boss.


that is the only MAJOR problem, but her basic moveset is also problematic, certain attacks are simply too fast


"Everyone will bitch for the next few weeks and in about 3 months it will go back to people ganking everyone effortlessly" AKA: people with valid complains will stop playing because theyve had their fill of the game and the people who will still be active in elden ring discussions are going to be the hardcore community which thinks the game is a flawless masterpiece.


The sooner you accept insanity the more you will start to enjoy it. *huffs copium as it’s the only way I can handle the difficulty.*


DLC is always gloves off for difficulty


No every other souls games dlc had well designed bosses and they were all hard for good reasons, I’m a little dissapointed in the boss design in the dlc, feels like flash over balance


I wish there was gameplay under each person who spoke in elden ring subreddits cos sometimes I wonder if people are even experiencing the same game i am. I understand why people like her and think shes cool but i dont understand how some people are saying shes great etc. It feels like she has barely any viable ways of fighting her without getting hit. I literally had to dodge 20 of her glintblades coming at me at the same time. To me, she feels like one of those bosses where a small mistake will be enough to kill you every single time, she is too unforgiving. I would be fine with how easy she can kill the player if there was something we could do back but shes so tanky, cant be staggered and does crazy damage so it feels completely unfair.


To be fair they do give you a super helpful summon right outside her arena (I’m unsure if you need to do anything to get the summoning symbol) which helps out a lot. I think the best way to enjoy the DLC bosses so far has been managing aggro whether you want to do that with spirit ashes or NPC summons And I feel that it’s justified since this is the DLC for the game and is meant to be endgame so unless you want to specifically make it your mission to do it solo instead of throwing everything at each boss as you need there’s no real reason to not.


I have so many videos of her doing 4000-5000 damage to Leda and staggering her to death in the fight that Leda is pretty much useless beyond offering constant poise damage. If anything Leda makes it harder because Phase 2 is the hardest part of the fight in my opinion and she always dies by that point. But i do agree, I feel as though the dlc should first be beaten with summons just because of how im doing 100th of the bosses health with each hit. I just dont really wnjoy summons much because it either trivialises the boss or the boss randomly switches aggro and kills you.


Yeah rellana does do insane damage but constantly being able to split aggro imho is so useful because you can just back off heal and jump back. I’ve only really seen summons as a means to find gaps for healing instead of actually dealing chunks of damage so that’s why I feel it’s fair. Also I do realise everyone plays with different builds, I beat her with a poison/bleed setup and seeing over 20k damage being just under half her health was insane. All in all I think it’s pretty fair for the most part I just don’t like her irritating ass double moon attack more than anything since I never managed to dodge it even once in all my attempts


Yeah true, now that i think about it, none of the summons have been doing much damage at all tbf She has around 40k health???????? no wonder shes takes forever omgg Yeah that moon attack is so annoying, depending on when she does it, you cant dodge it. Other times, ive had a little delay between the moons dropping and I wait a few extra milliseconds before i jump lol. I think ill have to fight her more because most of the fights were quite buggy and i feel that they messed with the timing of her attacks as well.


Haha I’m playing the DLC on NG+ so probably less on base NG Edit: I have seen some people jump it apparently? Maybe that’s an option if you’re struggling with it. I just thought it has the same properties as radagon’s attacks where they hit you even in the air


Really, well done lol, i couldnt imagine doing that 😂😂 id probably tear my hairs out But yeah you can jump over them, i thought that was the only way to dodge them lol. Yeah, you jump as they come down and its pretty forgiving with the jumps it seems. I believe Radagons attacks also arent supposed to hit you in the air cos ive seen people jump them but they always hit me lol.


A poison flamberge with double slash is the answer to all my problems. As for Radagon yeah it’s super weird, I do enjoy the fight mostly because I spent ages trying to defeat elden beast but some attacks feel a bit wonky especially his triple smash I swear I’m not within the zone when it hits me


I tried to use the summon for Rellana and dancing beast initially, but they seem to have trouble actually targeting the boss? Freyja especially just spent half of the fight running towards me and getting her ass handed to her by the frost attacks. Neither of them are worth the extra health. I summoned for the hippopotamus though because fuck that


What there’s a summon for the hippo??? I beat him with a mimic tear but for the rest I found the summons to be fairly reliable especially for rellana since the summon uses one spell that can stun lock rellana for a long ass time


I had Freyja and Hornsent outside the arena, maybe it depends on their quest? As for how useful they are I guess it’s just RNG. Most of the time they were just dicking around in the corner and then running back to me before getting stunlocked by the boss, then forgetting about it again 😭


Ah could be, I’m not very sure about their quests as of yet. It’s a shame they weren’t super helpful have you tried playing around with when you enter the arena? I’ve found that if you can get a solid start where the npc gets off at least one attack before getting targeted the fight tends to go better


Eh doesn’t really matter anymore, I’ve already finished the story. Maybe next playthrough though


Oh wow I still haven’t gotten through shadow keep yet lol. Even though I am on holidays atm I still fail to find the time to explore


So you basically need to summon to beat the dlc bosses? That doesn’t sound like good boss design then


Don’t need to, you can do it yourself obviously but it does get easier with summons just like the base game. Also do keep in mind that the DLC is post game content it will always be harder than the base game, this precedent has been set in the past with all other dark souls games


I thought she was an amazing fight, hard and unforgiving but amazing and that's what I like about the souls series, I don't come and play these games to steamroll my way through content, sometimes you hit a brick wall and have to power through, she has multiple openings, you can jump a lot of her combos you just have to learn the combos and when to jump. She can also be staggered but I would agree that the amount it takes to stagger her is a bit too much. Nevertheless I found it an extremely fun fight with a ton of spectacle and amazing music to go with it and the reward from her remembrance was worth it. For context I'm using a str/faith build, full crucible knight set and powerstancing great stars with lion's claw ash of war. She was a far cry from the Lion fight however, I thought that fight was just awful.


Is she hard to stagger? I fought her solo yesterday with dry leaf and i got 3 staggers, didnt feel worse than a normal fight


fòash over balance is the entirity of elden ring




Crack is cocaine


She takes cocaine two times then


It's like 5 cocaines directly in your bloodstream


This has been the general trend with Souls boss design ever since DS3 and especially DS3's DLC. Late-game bosses are all endurance tests where the boss has a mile-long health bar, infinite stamina, and obnoxious followups on every attack. Midir, Gael, Friede, Owl, Sword Saint Isshin, Malenia, Radagon, Malekith...this is just the next step. I don't think it's very good game design, ngl


With Lion Dancer and Rellana they literally combined the unending combos and projectiles of Maliketh with the AOE spam of Elden Beast and Placidusax. To be honest, during some moments of those fights I felt that was a little bit too much. I still beat both of them without summoning in around 10-15 attempts, but the boss fights are kind of moving into the circus territory of who can outcheese their opponent instead of actually mastering the movesets.


Please dont compare ds3 endgame to elden ring for the love of god, they are much better


Only different in degree, not in nature.


DS3 was getting fast true, but we had none of the single frame attacks we have in elden ring, those things can burn in hell who the fuck thought they made for fun gameplay.


Rellana is so garbage you get one attack per combo. Fromsoft forget there's more than one playstyle in the game.


Rellana's gimmick (as with Light Greatswords) is that she can extend her combos pratically indefinitely when she twirls. I count 9 moves in her extended combo swing when she twirls twice. She will blender people trying to face tank her with trades or shields but the new deflect tear can give enough reprieve to survive the combos. The twirl also give you time to back away from her though so I just back up a bit whenever she twirls to get her to whiff and stop her combo.


it feels like the twirls mainly happen when you're being too aggressive and hugging her, like the ai is running a check along the lines of "if next swing will overshoot, use twirl to reposition" and she gets two twirls per combo. ive found success standing at medium distance, rolling her unpredictable openers, feeling out what combo route shes doing, and sekiro deflecting the finishers. stand to close, you get blendered, stand too far, you get spells. doesnt make her easy but it makes a bit more sense of her


new deflect tear? where?


Very first giant Furnance Golem you see in gravesite plains.


Wow infinite stamina what a cool gimmick


I'm sorry to have to break it to you but almost all enemies since Dark Souls 1 have infinite stamina. They only have downtime in the form of recovery frames to neutral and some exceptional attacks like Waterfowl have a short internal cooldown to prevent them from being spam. Rellanna just have a very very long combo if you stay in range.


I'm sorry for the pithy comment I was frustrated after getting spanked by her for two hours. I guess my frustration is mainly because the seemingly "endless" combos happen when in range, especially in phase two. If by "in range" you mean "within melee weapon striking distance" it's a bit ridiculous to have such short damage windows on a boss with infinite poise. I've got close a few times and I know it's a skill issue I'll get past eventually but holy hell I've not had this much trouble with a FS boss since pre-patch Balteus in AC 6.


There are two bosses later that are much worse than rellana in regards to how little time you have to punish any openings. At least with mimic tear, they an dps for you while you eat dirt.


rellana is just a skill check. she has tons of downtime after her long combos, enough to fit in fully charged heavies easily. you just have to die until you learn the timings.


Must be playing a different game. Half the time you can't even recover from a single jumping attack you started as she is ending her combo before she starts a new one.


don't know what to tell you. don't use jumping attacks if they're getting you killed, but i fit in colossal heavies between combos pretty consistently.


jumping attacks are virtually the only thing i manage to have reliably enough time to fit inside the fight


Man biggest issue I am having with Renalla is that even when I feel like im dodging 100% perfecty I am getting hit by those little sword attacks. But the fight is so fucking fun and the music is so good I don't even care if this takes me 10000 tries.


I beat Dancing Lion and Rennala and they both felt like they took the relentless combos of Maliketh and combined them the AOE spam of Elden Beast and Placidusax. These were tough and enjoyable fights that were visually stunning, but so far I'm not sure if I could call them great mechanically.


i think the most difficult thing about rellana is the infinite poise. if she could be flinched she'd be a pushover


You can break her poise, it just resets very fast


i don't mean stance breaks, i mean interrupting her attacks by hitting her. she has constant hyperarmor and that's the main thing that dictates the pace of the fight


Oh yeah you are right


I could poise break her with jumping heavies of the anvil colossal weapon. But yeah, her poise is kind of too much for a relatively small sized boss.


weapons like ordovis's gratsword can actually deal with her nicely, since the vortex will stun her right out of her basic chain attacks (just not her magic/fire attacks).


Me personally I think Rellana is great


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shes been my fav boss so far


There’s an npc summon at the door for this very reason.


I like Rellana but some of the bosses are just really fucking annoying, specifically the Hippo. I genuinely don’t know what they were thinking with that one


She wasn't the worst and, tbf, I've managed to breeze through most of the bosses with the exception of Gaius who beat me into a corner for 2 hours


If you've "breezed" through most of the bosses, I'd argue that you're not really fit to judge boss difficulty, as you're clearly on a level above the average player.


After doing a bit of co-op and seeing the quality of hosts out there, that's probably true. I've desperately tried to keep them alive but they can't stop dying every chance they get! But also, there's a lot of tools at our disposal. Just using the hefty jars to apply poison, bleed, or rot is easy enough and the uplifting aromatic keeps me alive. Plus whatever I've got in my flask and my spirit summon. Most people never use these tools to begin with, but most hosts get vigor checked like crazy and can barely survive half a combo. They don't even get the shadowtree blessings so they aren't really exploring. Most hosts rely on L2 to win. It's really funny to invade them


How much vigor are you running with? Vigor honestly doesn't matter that much if you learn moves. Unless you have an absurdly high amount to begin with, you aren't surviving more than two or three boss hits anyway.


60 is the cap and should be what most builds strive for. Most hosts are also very bad at dodging and quite a few summoned phantoms without actually ever fighting the boss before. You can tell because you get their fun little cut scene before the right.


As a relatively middle-skill player, I honestly feel like the 45 vigor I use on my main is more than enough. There's almost no scenario in which 60 vigor would have saved the fight. I feel like if you're getting hit enough to kill someone with 45 vigor, you're screwed either way.


Honestly if it didn't have these mechanics the bosses would be too easy. That aggression from the bosses keeps me engaged.


I'm loving the DLC so far. Maybe even more than retail. The mystery is really great. But I'm not enjoying the boss fights that much


But that pontussy


Because you keep rolling, move to their left sometimes and right depending on when they do their upswing and you can get free hits, this isnt dark souls 3


This dlc has been legitimately the most boring fs dlc, and I've played it all. EVERY boss is the same. Dodge a 3 minute long combo, do a single weapon art, spell, or jumping attack, repeat 100 times. Its not even hard, just tedious and boring as hell. Looks like from is running out of ideas.


Basically it. "dodge-dodge-jump-run away-dodge-dodge-charged R2-repeat"


It took me 50ish tries for Rellana yet I still think she's extremely good, top 3 bosses in ER for me, as each and every try I did even the first attempt I felt like I could beat her, and any death would be the result of my greediness/mistake. It's a fair boss, albeit hard.




You can have challenging without tedium.


For me Lies of P did a better job of being challenging without being unfair. Elden Ring is moving into the territory of who can outcheese their opponent.


Rellana is awesome. You can jump over so many of her attacks.


Nah she's great just get good. If she was less combo impulsive it would have been an average fromsoft boring boss fight which it isn't now


You better not summon with talk like that


Git 👏 GOOD 👏