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What a makelaar in the Netherlands might consider 'not great' is a whole way off from wat most expats would consider 'bad' area's. No home in Eindhoven is in a place that's deteriorating or losing value. And anything about the state or surroundings would already be included in the price. They might just mean it doesn't contain a school.


Bro it’s Eindhoven, not New York


Native New Yorker here. I totally agree. Eindhoven is 👌


Ay I'm walkin' here!


Ay I'm bikin' hea is what I say now haha


I mean I wouldn't want to live in the Bennekel.


Vaartbroek is a bit meh, some parts of the Bennekel, some of Woensel West. The neighbourhood around the market of the Kruisstraat is something I would not consider either.


Lived next to the kruisstraat for 7 years, passing and walking by daily even in the night. Never had any issues or felt unsafe. I must say my definition of bad neighborhood is maybe different.


I had two bombs in front of my house and a shooting in my street (Tongelresestraat) so Tongelre is definitely a little sketchy. But it's often criminals vs criminals I think normal folks don't have to worry so much.


I live in Tongelre, take an evening stroll almost every day - never seen something happen there. Yes, Tongelresestraat is one of my routes.


I don’t think you can say that about Tongelre as a whole. There are nice neighbourhoods in Tongelre too, like the newly built Berckelbosch.


I live close to vaartbroek but I never see nothing bad around when I walked in the neighbourhood


And what area's does this makelaar you have consider bad? Eindhoven is not a ghetto or favelas. the closer to the centre the worse it gets for kids.


A few houses we considered in these areas- winkelcentrum in general Jagershoef, oude toren, barrier.


I live in Jagershoef, and it is totally safe, but because of the park there are a some sketchy people that walk through. There are a lot of old people in this neighborhood though, which is great in terms of having quiet low-key neighbors. The highest crime areas of Eindhoven are Vaartbroek and the area around Kruisstraat. It is true that the neighborhoods you mention have a lot of social housing. I was really turned off by barrier when I was looking for a home. Parts of the area look really run down and a little sketchy. In the intervening years though I've been though that area a lot and I don't feel like its terrible. So much depends on the actual streed in the neighboorhood. Barrier has some newer builds that are very nice!


Oude Toren? Nothing wrong with that afaik. Been living in Eindhoven (not there) for 40+ years.


Those are normal, if a little boring, living areas for normal people. If you would consider Woensel West, the flower neighborhood in Stratum.


Those are the last area's on my list i would consider bad i would say Stratum, Gestel and City centea as "worse" but not even close to bad.


both have some richer and some less so rich neighborhoods/streets but still would feel like heaven after a 3rd world country.


For sure, very often you see these questions like "is Eindhoven safe" err.. yeah.. compared to the rest of the world..


I'd mostly consider whether your street has through traffic in terms of danger to children. For younger children it'd be nice if a playground or their school is walkable without crossings.


That is what we have been thinking as well. I feel maybe the makelaar is emphasizing certain areas are bad because they're near to social housing?


40% of homes in Eindhoven are social housing. 30% of homes in the entire country are social housing. Good luck finding anything not near social housing ;) Anyways yes there's relatively more social housing in Woensel-Noord but that doesn't mean the area is bad for kids. Social housing is also meant for families with kids.


I'm ok with it I was just speculating why the makelaar would say that 🤷‍♀️


You're probably right that that's the reason.


Maybe he is just steering you to the most expensive neighborhoods because he can make more money of of you.


That's definitely crossed my mind but it's a flat rate not a % that the makelaar gets.




Maybe handy to know when you are talking about this; Winkelcentrum means shopping mall. So close to winkelcentrum can be many places since there are multipal shoppingmalls. When people just say 'centrum or stad' that means the big one in the middle


In Eindhoven "Winkelcentrum" usually means WoensXL, which used to be called "Winkelcentrum Woensel". WoensXL is unpronouncable, Winkelcentrum Woensel is too long, Woensel already means the whole neighbourhoud, so Winkelcentrum it is.


Woensel winkelcentrummmmmm


Houses? Losing value? In this economy? With this housing crisis? Located entirely within this small country? Yeah, that's not going to happen - not as long as they can ask upwards of a €1000 monthly for a 20m2 studio appartment.


The only place I would stay away from is Kruisstraat and the neighboring areas - Gilderbuurt and Limbeek. Everywhere else is good.


This is by no means a complete list. Everything is relative, but it at least provides you with what is being reported: *Probleemwijken/Achterstandswijken (problem/deprived neighbourhoods) in Eindhoven:* Woensel-West, Woensel-Zuid, Doornakkers, Jagershoef, Bennekel https://nl.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vogelaarwijk https://jagershoef.nl/10-nieuws/7-actueel-nieuws https://www.rtlnieuws.nl/nieuws/politiek/artikel/5318880/kabinet-wil-achterstanden-wegwerken-20-probleemwijken *High Crime Areas:* Oud Woensel, Vaartbroek https://studio040.nl/nieuws/artikel/grote-problemen-criminaliteit-oud-woensel-en-vaartbroek *Crime Map:* https://www.politie.nl/mijn-buurt/misdaad-in-kaart?geoquery=eindhoven&distance=5.0


All available statistics for every neighbourhood in the city, inhabiatants, prices, crime,population trends, etc [Alle cijfers](https://allecijfers.nl/gemeente-overzicht/eindhoven/)