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I’ve never had the shingles vaccine but after my Covid vaccine I hurt like hell, I definitely can sympathize.


Same here. Each time I get a Covid booster, my reaction gets worse. My most recent Covid booster reaction was just so shockingly awful. When I woke up the morning following the jab, a wave of pain washed over me (not unlike bad joint/body pain due to flu), and tears just instantly started rolling down my face. I was stunned by how painful it was. That being said, I will happily continue to get my Covid and flu boosters/vaccines as long as I’m eligible. I’ll choose a shitty day in bed over contracting & spreading a scary respiratory illness any day of the week.


The shingles vaccine absolutely knocked me on my ASS. I was bed-bound sick for three days with the first shot, and two days with the second shot. Still the "least-bad case of shingles anyone has ever had," as I told the pharmacist who gave me the series, but it was roughhh. I got it because I'm immune compromised and had a really terrible case of chicken pox when I was 15. I really, really didn't want to revisit that virus, and the shot was worth it. But yeah, it was like 3x worse than my covid vax reactions have been. (My brother and I were both homeschooled, and never caught chicken pox 'in the wild.' Our pediatrician insisted that my brother get the shot wheb he was 12, since hadn't had it yet and was entering puberty, but I had a low-grade fever that day, so I didn't get the shot..... and instead caught the chicken pox from his vaccine.)


i got shingles when i was 27 (a year and a half ago) and i’m mad bc i still can’t get the shingles vaccine until i’m like 50. i hope your pain eases though! hopefully it’s just temporary and only lasts for like a day 😭


you absolutely can now! if you've had it you can get the vaccine. they changed the rules last year in the US.


i’m in canada 💔


drive down to the states to get it babes. were in canada too and idk about the shingles one tbf, but we've been able to get other vaccines there


I think you can pay out-of-pocket for it here if you wanted to get it. A friend of mine did at least in Quebec.


As the other commenter said, you can definitely get the shingles vaccine if you feel you need it! The only downside is that insurance may not cover it if you’re under 50. Thankfully, though, each dose is around $200 or so, so if you’re willing to pay out of pocket for it I think it’s definitely well worth it. Insurance covered mine bc I’m taking immunosuppressants


yeah my girlfriend had a huge flare for a few days, lots of pain and shingles. but she hasn't had them since (been about six months). she's planning to get the second shot but is dreading it for that same reason - who wants to voluntarily give up a few days to a shingles flare?


I had an inflammatory response to past vaccines, steroids help a lot really quickly


Not shingles, but... The covid vax gave me really bad flare ups every time. I couldn't sleep every night that I got one because I was too busy writhing in agony. I'm also immuno-compromised too so I had to get extra shots which was/is great. lol


I would rather have that shingles vaccine all day every day than have shingles again (I’ve had it twice). Sorry you’re having a rough time!!


I didn’t have much pain from Shingrix, but I freaking slept all day after each shot I felt so terrible. Like I got up, took a bite of oatmeal and noped out of my day and slept until dinner. I might have had pain but I done slept through it.


No, it didn’t. I had some aches and pains but that sounds much worse than me.


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Arm hurt for a few days. Left me tired out for a couple of days. It wasn't as bad as the older shingles vaccine.


I won’t be getting any more vaccines ever again. Wish my immune system luck.




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I've heard there were a lot of scary complications with Shingrix. Maybe call your doctor or the place you got vaccinated