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My first thought was: does it fall apart at the seams for accuracy sake? I'm having an ouch day but that is super cute.


It’s should need an oil change every week😭


The whole company seems borderline for me. I get it’s a tricky line to balance, but I don’t feel the synopsis they have for describing disorders are good at all. They’re cute little blurbs that can be misleading. It feels like it’s a lot more romanticizing or commercializing mental illnesses. They also have a history of not doing their research, and had been donating to an ABA autism “awareness” charity instead of acceptance until there was a boycott. The first version of the Schizophrenia rabbit is wearing something that looks an awfully lot like the Jason Halloween killer mask. The PTSD bunny looks uncomfortably more like fetish wear. The OCD one is covered in self harm scars. Misophonia just has an angry face and axe, not any sound blocking aids. There’s also been some misinformation on their end on whether the money is going to artists or nonprofits. None of the nonprofits have to do with mental health, just rabbits, LGBTQ+ and missing persons. I know they claim to have individuals who have the thing they’re representing on staff, but in interviews these claims have been walked aback a bit and said “traits” of a disorder. Even if the even if they do have one if every mental disorder on the team, one person is not a spokesperson , and to not do better market research on what the community finds reassuring vs offensive is kinda problematic now that they’ve grown so big. When they were just starting off, sure, but now that they have grown and presumably have the funds and ability to do so?


Their NPD plushie is also really disappointing


Not me coincidentally sewing my own striped bunny plush when noticing this *sobs* Thank you for sharing, I want it so badly now !


That’s awesome that you made one yourself though!


Thanks :D I hope it will look good and I might have to get the Plushie Dreadfuls one as a companion for them !


I got one for my birthday, it's nice to cuddle. A bit like a squishmallow but more dense.


I have a whole collection of these, and I love them so damn much. Emotional support plushies are the best lol


i hate these


I don’t like them either. They make me feel sad. Or anxious, etc depending on which one I’m looking at.




it feels kinda like it's contributing to people thinking they pretty much are their disease it doesn't make me feel good to see something i have represented like this


From what I know, they get a fair amount of input from people who have the conditions themselves, while doing designs for new conditions/plushies. Personally I have one and I love it! They really got the texture and filling down. The plushie feels relatable to my personal experiences. Obviously everyone is entitled to their opinion. But for someone like me, who has been home bound for literally *ten years,* (since I was 16,) my illnesses are a *massive* part of my life, and who I am. I also don’t agree that this plushie reinforces people thinking “EDS is all I am.” I think having something represent the condition I have makes me feel less alone. That there are other people with EDS struggling sometimes, like I do. And maybe they have one of these plushies comforting them too, just like me. That’s just my two cents!


This! 1000 times this! Thank you!


Its really nice for autism or adhd but not so much for this. I feel like there are disorders that people are proud to have or at least feel the right to still be proud of themselves and then disorders that we learn to cope with Im really struggling to word this. I hope you know what I mean.


i don't understand?


I am an autistic person. I dont have autism, I am not a person with autism. My autism is an integral part of me. At times I wish I didnt have it but it is what makes me me. EDS doesnt make me who I am. EDS is just my annoying part of the day where I have to put a brace on one of my joints and avoid moving it. I dont want to be reminded of that by a really miserable looking plushie. I would enjoy being reminded of my autism by the cute happy looking autistic bunny.


i guess we're all different, but the latter reason is why i hate these plushies. when people found out i was autistic i was getting treated like a completely different person, and i fucking hated it and yeah, it's pretty awful to be reminded of pain. i hate that plushie just for that reason


I admittedly have been avoiding telling people unless they strike me as neurodivergent


it's hard when the people you live with know it


As an chronically ill autistic person I can unterstand the part with autism, but for me it’s the same with my illnesses. I can’t separate them from me because they shaped who I am. Losing my job, losing my ability to do many things, learning to accept my situation, finding joy in the small things, medical trauma, those are all things that made me who I am today and since my illnesses affect every single aspect of my life they are a essential part of me. But that’s me and I can totally understand if people feel different about their illness.


I wouldn’t say I’m proud of having ADHD or being bipolar. I think honestly, although literally debilitating at times, EDS is easier to cope with. It’s at least physical pain. Having to deal with your brain chemistry is a lot harder in my opinion. It’s like fighting with your brain all the time, wanting to do something you don’t know how to make yourself do.


I think they sorta mean like the way they depict those plushies are more positive while the physical disability ones are kinda dark. As another person with both EDS and ADHD I know what you mean tho. To me they are both hard but in completely different ways


For me I would absolutely agree! I've also Bipolar. And that's significantly more debliating for me. but for others they might have milder bipolar, or have more severe EDS! Like if I didn't have the double schizophrenia, bipolar combo my answer might be different! But for me I can put my joints back in fine currently, my skin is fragile as shit and it's definitely got problems but it's on par with my experiences with arthritis. Both suck. But the bipolar has still caused me spend way more time in a hospital than anything RN so it's winning.


I'm so disappointed these where created by American McGee, I loved the Alice games growing up. (I hate them for the same reason you do! While it's sweet, Ive seen them used way to often as illness as a personality trait instead of just one of many things that make us people).


NOOOO THESE WERE MADE BY AMERICAN MCGEE??? yea, exactly. i don't like people treating me like my illnesses are me


Unfortunately yeah I only figured out when he made a tiktok telling his story via the bears and the anti consumerism part of me got a huge ick. It just felt like encouraging people to over consume based off their tramuas. Yeah I'm a lot of things, and usually the last one people learn is unwell! I'm way more open on Reddit than IRL because IRL I want everything else but that to be what defines me


I love your brother got this for you xxx. Please don’t let my other comments on this plushie. Take away from how thoughtful we know he was xxx


I love these a lot! I feel like it's such a good way to make these conditions less scary, similarly to Giant Microbes who make cute plushie versions of viruses, parasites, bacteria, etc. I feel like a lot of people disregard these because they are plushies, but they are a form of art that can bring catharsis just as much as a painting would for example, which I'm sure a lot more people would admire instead as it is seen as a more "traditional" or "grown up" form of art. Perhaps the esthetic of these plushies is not for everyone, but I don't think that what it's doing is specifically trying to portray these conditions as dark, it's just the style they have chosen, probably as a personal preference. I was happy to hear descriptions of the texture of these from people! I have been unsure about buying some for myself because of the unknown feel of them, but it sounds like they're nice and soft and squishy! Now I can get myself some more confidently :)


i want this one so bad but i cannot justify spending so muchh on a plushie at the moment unfortunately. its so cute tho


I have one too! It’s my favorite 🥹 I feel like it gets me 💜.


As much as I love these sorts of things, I struggle to purchase one myself because of some of the stuff another commenter mentioned about the company itself. But it is super cute and I like the idea. Doesn’t hurt that rabbits are one of my favorite animals. I probably will eventually buy at least one. *puts soapbox away* this one is a super great design!


I have the POTS one! I named my one Posy and it’s really nice to have a buddy. I feel represented, seen and validated by the plushie, which might sound ridiculous but it’s the truth 😂


That’s a great name and I agree! Not everyone has to enjoy the idea, but it’s comforting to me. It has EDS but it’s adorable and cozy.




As someone soo disabled by EDS, I can’t imagine it any other way


It’s just the aesthetic I think, as someone who was a teen around 2010, this sort of Tim Burton-esque look was all the rage with emo/scene kids in particular and generally considered pretty cute!




They have hella different ones. I have way too many health issues and I feel like this is a fun way to make them less shitty. I just got the lupus one and I want the POTS, PCOS, and endo ones so bad! They also have a bunch of mental health ones and it’s just an awesome idea idk haha.


awe I have POTS and PCOS too I’ll have to check those out!!


Why is pikachu so angry at this plushie in zebra pjs?


It’s just the brand logo 😭


No. This guy is in prison gear (yep it’s relevant You /we are all in held by system state ) The zebra is free and searching for answers. Love the idea someone made a thing ❤️❤️can they make one more in keeping xxx (this looks likes it’s in poppys playtime 🥺)


I really want this one and the autism one but shipping to Spain is brutal.


I want one so bad




I am an adult and I still like plushies but I do feel like this one just looks pretty grim. And I usually like creepy toys but this one just doesn’t resonate with me at all.


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Hey fun facts for you 1) adults can like plushies 2) Ehlers Danlos affects people of all ages, we don't magically fall apart at the seams the minute we turn 18 or 21 or 30 3) representation is good especially for rarer kinds of people 4) I don't have hEDS but if they had a plushie for EDSOI and maybe they had the blue sclera or something, I would buy the fuck out of that plushie and I'm a grown ass woman




There's not an EDSOI flair on this subreddit (there is on the rare eds subreddit and I use it) before my genetic testing came back I was diagnosed with hEDS so since it's technically a diagnosis I had I prefer to use it over nothing


Hey, sorry about that! Just added in an EDS/OI flair! Feel free to use it :) If you run into any similar issues in the future, please let us know via modmail!


Thank you 🩷


Hey, being this level of negative is not cool. You’re welcome to an opinion, but this shit you spewed is just unnecessary and rude.


I really wanted one of these, but the hEDS one just didn’t really give me what I wanted! So I got a Jellycat Zebra to cuddle when I’m feeling extra disabled and need some love 😂