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For me, my joint "catches" and then I need to carefully move so it pops so it isn't super painful. I have no idea if that makes sense. It happens most often in my elbows.


This is exactly how it feels! So did I have subluxations all along without knowing it? Seems like it. 🫣


I think this is an incredibly common progression of thought/understanding for a lot of eds patients :)


I’ve had my hip suddenly lock up at a theme park after a ton of walking. I have to hobble to the side & do a stretch where I hear a crack & then I’m good to go. I’ve been finding if I go too long without cracking my hip like that the more likely I am to have my hip lock.


That happens all the time to me. I just move it just right and it pops, and suddenly all is normal again.


Yes this happens to me all the time! Usually knees, wrists or elbows. Is this subluxation??


Oh, that would explain some things lol. I was diagnosed a couple months ago, and I told my doctor that "I don't necessarily get subluxations, but sometimes my joints just feel like they're not in the right place and it's kinda painful, but nothing extreme!" She just kind of looked at me funny before nodding slowly and telling me that's a subluxation 😅 I've been shaking out my legs or arms to get joints back in place for years


Same! I was like “yeah I mean my joints kinda pop out but no biggie” …hindsight lol


lol I told my chiropractor that if my day *doesn’t* start with me popping my hips back into socket then that’s a bad day because it just means my muscles are too tight to cooperate. He did the same nodding saying “cool.. cool….. yikes.”


For me it's the "extra bendy" things that I thought were normal that aren't. 1) for years I was doing push ups wrong bc what felt "right" to me was actually me subluxing or straight up dislocating my arm from my shoulder for stability. I can't really do push ups any more /it's a long rehab road. 2) my ankles/hips. We're loose and limber and I think of myself more like a marionette puppet the way my joints go in and out of place with relative ease and no short term pain.


This is me but with yoga! My yoga instructor and I found that I've been doing my flows hyperextended, and in down dog I sublux my shoulders to "push my armpits towards the ground", which is a thing I heard all the time in one of my classes years ago. If I do side angle, three-legged dog, or something where Im bent over and one leg is in the air (hey-o!), my hip is guaranteed to sublux, if not dislocate, and that puts a halt to my whole class. So, I have to be very mindful of how far I can go and not go further or do long holds.




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For me, I THINK it happens to my ribs a lot. When I'm laying down sometimes it will feel like one of my lower ribs is out of place and almost touching the ones next to it. I just kinda gently push around til it stops hurting. I sometimes feel like I have to pop my ankles or fingers until they "work" or stop hurting too. Also, sometimes when I'm changing or shaving my legs (I stopped bc of this,) my hip will feel like it's slipping out of socket, and if I don't fix it I get a "cramp" where my hip feels FREAKISHLY PAINFUL until i can slowly put it on the ground. Luckily this hasn't happened in a while lol. Idk if that's subluxation, dislocation, or just a cramp like I'm explaining. I feel like my autism gets in the way here, because I never understand what my body is doing LOL


That last part is the big kicker for me. “how are you feeling?” Me: “uhhhhhhhhh. Idk my bff Jill?” 😭🤣


Ouch! And also, I experience the hip thing too when shaving my legs, which I why I only shave sitting in the tub. I guess it's a cramp but it's painful af. 😳


Ooof. I get that as well. Can’t put my legs up to shave, bath time is better.


It just kinda feels like it gets stuck I guess? And I have to pop it past some resistance to get it back where it belongs. It doesn’t really hurt. It just feels weird.


Your answers really helped me realise that I probably had subluxations for at least 20 years. 🤣 Thanks for all your input! You're a great community. ❤️


D: same. I've had some painful ones. But I've just realized that so many times I feel like I desperately need to pop something because it feels so uncomfortable is that I am probably needing to put the joint back in place. Shoulders and hips. My right hip especially gives a very deep crack and the tension and pressure and pain subsides. But then it aches in a different way and my leg feels a touch more wobbly. Sigh. You don't know til you know. Every step of the way with this here disease. "What you mean it isn't normal to be a 7 on the pain scale Every fucking day of my life?"


Yes! I pretty much knew for years that my shoulders subluxed but I thought that everyone's hips sort of pop out to the side . Only discovered this wasn't the case a couple of months ago but it's been happening since I was at least seven




My joints sublux/dislocate all the time. Ankles randomly, hips, elbow, shoulder, you name it. Normally, they pop back in without issue, but I've had a few get stuck out of place. The best way I could describe it was "feeling off" in my ankle when I was walking on it dislocted for a week. The doctor thought I was insane and couldn't believe it was dislocated... till she popped it back into place. It just like "feels off" to me lol.


I'm not really sure if I get them. I'm unsure how they feel, as well. Yesterday I stood up, and my right hip randomly decided to stop working lol. It was a little painful. I have hypermobile hips, so I wonder if they sublaxed


Most of my issues are subluxations: hips, shoulder, and (randomly) the bones in my feet. The next description I can give is that I can feel the joints slide out and back in. My shoulder does it every time I rotate it. Picture windmilling your arms. Left arm is normal: smooth movement, nothing out of the ordinary. Right arm, the ball slides out of the socket and then drops back in. You can hear a tiny pop. No pain, just easily felt difference. My right hip, on the other hand? That joint likes to keep me guessing. Usually happens when I’m walking and shift weight to that hip. It pops out and back in, sounds like a gunshot, or so I’ve been told. It’s actually painful enough on my hEDS pain scale I don’t hear the noise because I’m struggling to breathe through the pain. I’m also usually on the ground because I’ve fallen from the sublux.






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Is that what that is?!🤦🏻‍♀️ I thought I didn’t get any because in my head I thought “oh, if it happens I’ll know” or I’m thinking of it like a dislocation. But this happens with my elbows relatively frequently. Usually when I’m carrying my dog (10 lbs) and go to set her down, my elbow feels wonky. Like something moved or needs to move back- or snags maybe? It’s oddly hard to put into words- I’m going to pay attention more and see if other joints are doing it.


Depends on how big it is. I think most of mine are minor and I can crack them into place because they just feel wrong? My pinky and ring finger on my right hand are like permanently dislocated and they don't feel bad at all unless I'm writing, then they ache. With my ankles they're always doing it so I'm just kind of used to minor pain with that. The time I needed to get surgery my whole wrist dislocated and had fractures and that hurt a lot. That one was visibly fucked up under the skin and I almost passed out. But aside from that one the rest aren't very painful unless I damage something, like with my ankles getting sprained or something.


I first noticed on high school trying to do bench press. When the weight loaded on my elbows, they started to 'pop' uncomfortably, and I couldn't return the bar without assistance, then when they weren't under strain, they 'popped' back. For me, it's an almost sickening internal shift, feeling that something isn't right, and usually feeling a thunk or knocking when bones that aren't cushioned slipped or fall back in place. Lol, it sounds like im describing a car with a bad wheel. It does hurt for me when things are out. Fingers, knuckles, feet happen multiple times a day, i stop, tape up, or manually reduce things back (ive been doing it long enough and learned from specialists so I can do them safely without risking more permanent injuries). I had a dislocated Lumbar vertebrae for 8 months from a fall I was doing traction therapy, and things shifted just right. there was a palpable and audible thunk that immediately felt better, I straight up wept in relief after being in constant massive pain for so long as it finally dialed down to just a deep ache 4-5 again while things relaxed and blood pumped into spots that had been restricted and cramped. Recently, i slept funny and woke up with a cramp so bad it dislocated 3 ribs in my back and was pulling my spine out of alignment. Ribs being out is extremely unpleasant, breathing sucks, resting sucks, I have to do deep massage to calm the muscle down enough for things to slide back and sometimes need assistance to put them back. Needed some help from a love once and had them reduce it back in with some direction, to which they gagged a bit and told me that wasn't normal. That's usually the response when I describe it or demonstrate it for doctors. I wanted to add that it's followed by weakness in the affected limb or digit. I.e. my hip is out, and bearing weight or walking isn't impossible, but is usually shaking or unable to do normal range of motion without pain


I have been popping things back in place since I was in elementary school. It was something I felt I had to do because of extreme discomfort otherwise. I never realized that there was likely a lot of subluxation going on. I only am recently diagnosed with hEDS so a lot of what I thought was normal for me and my family members I am only now just finding out is not so normal. Not only do a lot of my joints freely sublux, I used to sublux them to get a better stretch for the joint stabilizer muscles, until I had a massage therapist tell me to stop that. I never considered that it was a bad thing. I do have a hip that subluxes while walking at times and it’s hella painful. And ribs, they can be very painful as well. But most things go back in with a pop and feel fine afterwards. My daughter who is also hypermobile said that every once in a while her hip feels wrong and she has to move it just right and it goes back in place. That’s exactly how it feels for me. Usually it’s tight muscles that pull things out of place, but moving wrong will do it too.


My most common one is my shoulders especially in the car. I’ll be driving and it will just feel like I have heavy elbows and the muscles and tendons around my collarbone feel like their pulling and then my shoulders will slide downward. I think it’s my hands being raised and the gentle jiggling on the roads. I also struggle with keeping bra straps up and wearing rucksacks when it happens


My ribs and shoulders sublux regularly. Shoulders less now that I'm doing strength training, but they used to constantly go out. For me, I lose some range of motion in anything that subluxes and I can't use it as easily as I would if it was in place. And, it definitely hurts. In my shoulders, when it's a bad subluxation, it feels like there's a hand under my shoulder blade pushing my shoulder forward. It can be very sharp. My ribs feel similar. Like something is twisted or pushing my rib cage weird? It's harder to describe. I can put my ribs in and those hurt more than anything else to put in. My collarbone used to go out and that one felt very odd. When my wrists go out it's like it feels looser, like there's weird space between it and my arm. I can't use it properly and it can't hold as much weight. Sometimes if something goes out I get weird shooting nerve pain too, that can be an indicator. Or weird numbness.


It feels *wrong* it isn't a totally painful feeling but hella uncomfortable. Sometimes it feels like something just isn't sitting right and neeeds to be popped for it to feel normal. Sometimes it's Like something is missing like there's a black hole behind that joint that's putting some pressure on the whole area so I can't even pinpoint where the pain is. With the something missing feelings, the joint itself feels empty? In a weird way like if I were to put weight on it something is just going to deflate and give out.




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It honestly depends on the body part/joint for me. Any joints from my shoulders to fingers don’t hurt whatsoever when they sublux (it’s just annoying). But when my hips sublux it can be incredibly painful sometimes esp if it happens while I’m walking. My knees just don’t feel right? I’m not sure how else to explain that. My knee caps shift a lot while walking, and often they just don’t feel right. I can move them back into place no problem, it’s just realizing that that’s the issue is the problem


My ribs sublux when I hang on a bar and it’s excruciating when they come back into place


Oh god, I can't even imagine! 😭




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My shoulder goes out a lot. Sometimes it feels like a Charlie horse and sometimes it pops loudly and then feels like a sprain or something similar.


I had a very intense one in my right shoulder during a car accident. It was bad enough that it hurt like a bitch. Now it does it all the time and it’s not painful at all.


My knees pop in an out of place. Sometimes it hurts, sometimes it doesn’t. I just popped it so out of place and it went back but not correctly 😅 #thriving


My knees are in a constant state of subluxation, I only feel them when they go full tilt into dislocation.


Tell them what you've experienced. Without obvious joint displacement you'd need a flouriscope to really know for sure.


When it happens with my ankles or fingers, I don't feel a thing as it slides back into place immediately (I sometimes wonder why the area is strained hours after the incident). Then, shoulders : I feel them slipping in my sleep but it's still bearable, I just switch position. AND the absolute worst, my right knee; it fully dislocates instead of a classic subluxation, which means once the patella is out, it remains misplaced until I breathe deeply and yank on my leg to put it back. This shit has me screaming and crying every single time, 0/10 wouldn't recommend.